Flower Girl World: Rosie and the Wedding Day Rescue (3 page)

BOOK: Flower Girl World: Rosie and the Wedding Day Rescue
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“Amber.” Greta turned to her cousin, who was back on the phone. “I need your help.”

Amber put a hand over the speaker. “It's Nick. The only time he can confirm our weekend plans is now. He's such a busy boyfriend.”

Greta sighed. “The girls each picked out a dress. Which one do you think would work best?”

Amber hadn't been paying attention. “Um…I like her choice.” She pointed to Starr, who was closest to her. Then she went back to her call.

Starr beamed from ear to ear. Greta didn't seem as pleased. She faced the girls and said, “I think all three dresses are beautiful, but the one Iris chose will match the flowers at the ceremony. Let's go with that one.”

Rosie's heart sank to the bottom of her rain boots. Her dress choice was a big failure. She had no idea why Greta had asked her to be in the wedding.

Bettina led the girls into the dressing room. She had each one try on an oversized sample gown. Iris and Starr didn't complain, but when it was Rosie's turn, she couldn't wait to get it off again. It was way too big and very uncomfortable. As Bettina pinned and poked her, Rosie looked at herself in the mirror. Besides the dress, she was wearing her rain boots and a big frown. She did not look like a perfect flower girl.

When Bettina finished fitting Rosie, she announced, “Girls, I want to welcome you to Flower Girl World.”

“What's that?” asked Starr. Rosie and Iris were curious too.

“Flower Girl World is like a special club. Any young lady can join, but when you're in an actual wedding, you officially become a member.”

This news made Rosie smile. Finally, there was something good about being a flower girl.

“How does it work?” asked Iris.

“As members, it's your duty to have fun at the wedding. Also, because you're sharing this special experience with each other, you must try to stay in touch in the future. And finally, the most important rule of all: You have to love everything about being a flower girl.”

“Awesome!” exclaimed Starr and Iris together.

But Rosie said nothing. How could she be part of Flower Girl World if she didn't love everything about being a flower girl?

Rosie crossed her arms as she looked back in the mirror. “I don't think I can do this,” she thought.

Chapter Five

“Honey, it's time to wake up. Today's the big day!” Mrs. Anderson said.

It was the morning of Greta's wedding, and Rosie was still in bed, buried under a huge pile of pillows. At first, Rosie didn't move. But then she let out an enormous cough that easily could have woken up the neighbors.

“I'm sick. I better stay in bed,” Rosie said through her nose.

Her mom dug through the pillows to kiss her on the forehead.

“You don't feel hot to me. Maybe you should eat some breakfast.” She pulled down Rosie's sheets and grabbed her hands to help her sit up. “You don't want to be late for the wedding, do you?”

It had been three months since the dress shopping trip, and Rosie wasn't feeling any better about being a flower girl.

“Do I really have to go?” Rosie said as she lay back down. Her nose no longer sounded stuffed. “Greta has two other flower girls. I'm sure they can handle everything.”

“Rosie, you made a commitment. Greta needs you. You have to go,” her mother said firmly.

“What if I couldn't go? I mean, what if aliens landed in our backyard and took me to their planet? Then it would be impossible for me to be at the wedding.”

“I'm sure that once the aliens found out you were a flower girl, they'd make an exception and bring you back.” Rosie's mom pulled her up again. “Come on. I'm making chocolate-chip pancakes.”

No one in Rosie's family could resist her mom's fluffy pancakes. Rosie knew her mother was trying to get her out of bed. And the plan worked.

After eating four pancakes, Rosie returned to her room and faced her closet. Her flower girl dress was still hanging in the plastic bag from the store. Rosie remembered how miserable she'd felt at the fitting. She dove back under her bed sheets.

“Rosie,” Mrs. Anderson said. The young girl hadn't realized her mother was watching her through the doorway. “I'll help you put on the dress.”

After zipping the back of the gown and tying the sash, Rosie's mom looked at her daughter. Her eyes filled up with tears. At first, Rosie thought her mom was angry with her for going back to bed, but then she noticed her mother was smiling too.

“Rosie, you look so pretty,” her mom said. “You have to see yourself.”

When Rosie turned toward the mirror, she was amazed at what she saw. Staring back at her was one of the most beautiful girls she had ever seen. The gown fit her perfectly, not like the uncomfortable sample dress.

“Iris made a good choice,” she said to her mom. “I mean, as far as dresses go.”

“Nice gown, Cinderella, but your hair could use a fairy godmother.”

Rosie turned around to see Max in the doorway. He had chocolate on his upper lip from the pancakes.

“And you need a shave,” Rosie replied, pointing to his sweet moustache.

Their mother cut in. “Rosie, you need to put on your shoes. We have to leave in fifteen minutes. Greta wants everyone in the wedding to be at the hotel early.”

Rosie looked back in the mirror as her mom and Max left the room. She turned from side to side to view herself from every angle. Nervous butterflies still fluttered inside her stomach, but finally, there were some excited butterflies in there, too.

Chapter Six

“Wow!” Rosie blurted out as she and her mom entered the breathtaking hotel lobby. A crystal chandelier sparkled above their heads. All around the room stood tall vases with sweet-smelling white flowers. Rosie wanted to sit on a puffy sofa, but her mom said no. Greta was waiting for them.

When they arrived at the suite, Rosie and her mom opened the door…and got a huge surprise. The place was a mess! Scattered everywhere were hair clips, brushes, bobby pins, hair spray, hangers, shoes, and lots of clothes. Greta and Amber were putting on makeup in one area; Iris and Starr were fixing their hair in another; and Ricky and Randy, dressed in tuxedos, were trying to do karate moves all over the place. Rosie thought everything looked wacky, except for one thing: in the far corner, gently hanging from a curtain rod, was Greta's wedding gown. It was covered in glistening pearls and delicate lace. Rosie couldn't wait to see Greta in it.

Everyone was too busy to notice that Rosie and her mom had arrived. “Hi, everyone!” Mrs. Anderson called out.

Greta turned from her mirror. “Hi!” The bride's voice cracked. “Thanks for dropping Rosie off early. I wanted all my wedding attendants here with me while I got ready for the ceremony. Now I think that was a crazy idea!” Greta laughed nervously before taking in a big gulp of air. “I have to keep reminding myself to breathe.”

At that moment, Amber's cell phone rang. She stood up to answer it, but Greta cut her off sharply. “Amber, no phone for now!”

“Fine,” Amber replied, rolling her eyes. She went back to her makeup.

“Don't worry, Greta. Your wedding will be perfect,” Mrs. Anderson said to the nervous bride. Then she turned to Rosie. “I have to go home to get ready. You're going to be perfect too.” She gave her daughter a kiss before leaving the room.

Rosie didn't know what she was supposed to do next. She walked over to Starr and Iris and dropped her detective kit on the floor.

“Hi, Rosie,” Iris said. “Greta asked us to wear these flower barrettes in our hair. Do you want me to help you with yours?”

“That would be great,” Rosie replied. She sat down on a chair so Iris could reach the top of her head. “I'm not very good with fixing my hair. Brushing is about all I can do.”

“I wish I didn't have to do anything to my rat's nest,” Starr said, patting down her hair. “It takes a lot of work to get me ready for a big performance.”

Rosie laughed out loud. Starr was so funny, and Iris was so nice. She could see why Greta liked them so much.

“Ahem.” Starr cleared her throat. Then she began to sing into a hairbrush as if it were a microphone:

BOOK: Flower Girl World: Rosie and the Wedding Day Rescue
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