Read Flukes Online

Authors: Nichole Chase

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Mythology & Folk Tales, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Fantasy, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fairy Tales

Flukes (21 page)

BOOK: Flukes
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“Dad, this is Meena. Meena, meet the real royal assness, my father.” Blake stared daggers at his dad.


Chapter Twenty

- Blake -


“Watch your language.” He didn’t raise his voice, but I could see Meena flinch out of the corner of my eye. My father was a master at finding just the right tone. He eyed Meena, making me grind my teeth. I could literally see the gears turning in his head.

“Why are you here?” I reached out and grabbed Meena’s hand.

“I received a phone call during a board meeting, telling me that my son had been attacked by a shark.” He checked something on his phone before sticking it in his pocket. “This was the appropriate thing to do.”

I saw Meena’s eyes narrow. We really hadn’t talked about my family that much and she was about to get an ugly crash course.

“As you can see, I’m fine.” I motioned to my shoulder. “I’ll be out in no time.”

“Hm.” There was only one chair in the tiny space, so he was stuck standing at the foot of my bed. “I expect you to be transferred to a private room. You can’t be out here with everyone else.”

“Why? It looks bad?”

He didn’t answer, just stared at me. I sighed, tired, not wanting to deal with him and the back-and-forth bullshit. His eyes went back to Meena and he frowned. It was obvious that he expected her to leave, but she hadn’t budged. I could feel her protective streak roiling under the surface and I knew that meant there was no way she would leave now.

“Is this why you turned Kimberly down?” His tone was casual, but I knew what he was doing.

“Kimberly?” Meena cut her eyes to me and I saw the doubt swirling in her eyes. Damn it.

“The heiress, Kimberly Jordan. She asked Blake to show her around the island.” He looked Meena up and down. The contempt was all for show, because Meena was a hundred times more gorgeous than Kimberly. “Are you one of the convicts serving with my son?”

“Dad.” I tried to sit up, but my shoulder was still unusable.

“No. My father owns the place where your son is serving his community service.” She shook the hair out of her face and I almost smiled when I saw the fire dancing in her eyes. “And yes. I’m the reason he turned down what’s her name.”

“I see. One last fling, then? I do hope you’ve been getting yourself tested, Blake.” His expression was bored, but I could see that he was working to keep things where he wanted.

“Really? This is how you behave?” Meena stood up and took a step toward Dad. “Your son is in a hospital bed and you haven’t asked him how he is once. You don’t belong here. You should just leave.”

“Only family is allowed to be in here.” He looked down his nose. “You are not welcome.”

“Meena is my family.” I narrowed my eyes at Dad. “And she’s right. It’s time for you to go.”

He shook his wrist and looked down at his watch. “I have another meeting tonight and there is a dinner tomorrow night. If you’re out of the hospital, I expect you to be there.”

“No.” I leaned back into my pillow.

“If you live under my roof, then you will abide by my rules.”

“I’m moving out.” I shifted on my pillow and couldn’t help my smile.

“Where do you think you’re going, Blake? You owe this family dedication.” He narrowed his eyes at me.

“No, I don’t. I didn’t ask you to pay off the judge. You did that on your own.” I glared at him. “One of the guys that got sent to Flukes attacked Meena.”

“She seems to be fine.” He looked at her and frowned. It was one of the few times I’d seen him actually rethinking his decision. “Besides, you wouldn’t have met her had I not done what I did.”

“The only way I can win with you is to forget you exist. Like everyone else in our family has to.” I shifted in the bed again. “I was going to leave as soon as I finished the community service anyway, but I’ll just go ahead and move my stuff out.”

“And what? Get a job?” He laughed. “I can imagine you digging ditches. You’d do it just to embarrass me.”

“Blake has a job at Flukes.” Meena glared at my father. “He will always be welcome there.”

“He’s going to need one.” Dad buttoned his suit jacket. “I will cancel all your credit cards.” He looked at me with disdain. “And you can kiss the trust fund goodbye.”

“I don’t care, Dad.” I shrugged and winced when the stitches pulled. Fucking mutant shark. “I’ll give it all up if it means that I don’t have to be like you. Every damn cent.”

“We’ll see about that.” His eyes narrowed on mine and I could see him thinking through things, trying to remember if he had signed any documents concerning my money.  

I shrugged. I wasn’t worried. In fact, for the first time in a long time, I felt relieved. He left without saying anything else. It was a nice break. I took a deep breath and looked at Meena. She glared at the shifting curtains and I could tell that she was feeling violent. I squeezed her fingers and she looked back at me.

“Sorry about that. It was going to happen eventually, and it might as well have happened now.” I hesitated for a minute. “Will you do me a favor? Would you go get Vince for me? I need to talk to him.”

“Of course.” She leaned down and brushed a kiss over my lips. God, I’d never get tired of how she tasted. She left my little cubicle and I closed my eyes. I’d come so close to losing her today, I was sure I’d have nightmares for life.

“What the hell did you say to Dad?” Vince walked through the curtain, frowning. “He made some nurse cry.” Meena wasn’t with him, but that might be for the best right now.

“Yeah.” I ran a hand through my hair and frowned. “I’m moving out.”

“We already knew you were planning on leaving.”

“No, I’m not leaving. I’m just getting my own place.” I took a deep breath. “But I think you should consider moving in with Mom.”

“I’ve already talked to her.”


“I called her when Dad told me that you were in the hospital.” He shrugged. “She’s already booked a flight here.” He shifted from foot to foot. “You know I would’ve been here sooner, right? Dad didn’t call me until after his meeting.”

“I’m fine, dude.” I frowned. “I’m sorry I won’t be around to keep Dad off your back. I think you were doing it for me more than the other way around, though.”

“We’ve watched out for each other.” Vince sat down on the edge of the bed and pulled at my bandage. He grimaced at the blood and let go. “So, you’re staying, huh?”

“Yeah.” I was still going to find a way to travel with Meena, but it would be cool to make the island our home base. I would make sure she got to see all the places she wanted to.

“And this is because of Meena? Kind of a big deal for someone you haven’t known for very long.” Vince cocked his head to the side.

“I love her.” I was saying that a lot lately, but it was true.

“Oookay.” Vincent blinked. “That’s a first. Does she know?”

“She knows.”

“Good. I like her.” Vince pulled one of his legs up on the bed and smiled. “She seems so natural. None of that fake crap and she’s still gorgeous.”

“I noticed.”

“I bet.” He sighed. “I’m going to miss you.”

“You love Paris. And Liv spends six months out of the year there anyway.”

“It’ll just be different. At least I’ll get snow for Christmas.”

“And maybe a boyfriend with a French accent.” I raised an eyebrow.

“That would be a plus.” His cheeks turned pink but he laughed.

“I’m going to miss you, too.” I shoved his knee off the bed.

“What the hell is that on your hand? Is that a tattoo?” He grabbed for my hand but I pulled it out of his reach.

“It’s new.”

“Right. You’ve gotten really weird, you know that?”

I laughed. “You have no idea.”

Meena peeked back in the curtain and smiled at us. Just seeing her again made my heart beat faster.

“Mind if I come in?”

“I left you the chair.” Vince pointed at the ugly thing next to the bed.

“Thanks.” She sat down and smiled at me. “So, I saw the doctor in the waiting room. He told Dad that once they did a couple more tests and got the x-rays back, you’d be good to go. Probably only overnight.”

“Great.” I tried to sit up and Vince pushed me gently back down.

“Um, that means you get to stay in bed a little longer.” He shook his head. “Enjoy it. You deserve a little rest.”

What he didn’t know was that Meena would have to go back to the ocean tonight and I didn’t want to be without her. She gave me a small smile and I knew she was thinking the same thing. It could have been much worse, though.

“So, when Mom gets here do you want to go look for a new place? You know she’s going to want to help pick it out.” Vince picked at the fuzzy crap on my blanket.

“New place?” Meena looked at me, her eyes surprised.

“Uh. That’s my cue to go, huh?” Vince winced. “Sorry, dude. Thought she knew.” He stood up and smiled at Meena. “It was nice to meet you. I’ll be back tomorrow to help you get to the house, Blake.”

“Thanks.” I frowned at him. Way to throw me in the fire. When he was gone, I turned to look at Meena. She was biting her lip and looking at the curtains around us. “So. I’m getting my own place.”

“Oh.” Her cheeks were pink.

“Oh?” I laughed. “Is that a good ‘oh’?”

She nodded her head. “I’m just still surprised.”

“By what?” I turned a little so that I could see her better.

“That you would stay for me.” Her blush deepened and I laughed quietly. “Why are you laughing?”

“Because you’re so cute when you blush,” I said. “I love you, Meena. I’m staying. Maybe you could help me pick out a place.”

Her blush deepened and I narrowed my eyes. “Okay. Spit it out. What are you thinking?”

“Nothing. I talked to Mireille while you were talking to Vince.” She bit her lip and then shook her head. “We can talk about it later. When you’re feeling better.”

“Uh-uh. I’m stuck here and can’t do anything. Tell me.” A thought popped in my head. “Is it about the bond?”

She nodded her head. “Yeah.”

“Okay. And me getting a place makes you blush?” Her blush came back again. “Am I really going to have to play twenty questions or are you going to tell me?”

She pursed her lips and fiddled with the sheet of my bed.

“Meena, I took on a shark for you!” I raised my eyebrows. If I had brownie points then I was going to use them.

“Oh, that’s low.” She glared at me. “Fine. You know how they said we sealed the bond? Well, now that we’ve done that, you’ll be able to stay underwater longer and heal faster. And I’ll be able to stay on land longer.”

“And how did we seal the bond?” I narrowed my eyes. I had an idea, but I wanted to hear her say it.

“We mated.” She looked up at me from under her eyelashes. “It’s a mating bond. Once you find the other half, you complete the bond by mating.”

“So, when we slept together the bond became complete?”

“Yes.” She licked her lips and I wished I wasn’t stuck in the damn hospital bed. I’d seal the bond again, right this minute.

“I see.” I reached out and wrapped some of her hair around my finger. “So far, I’m not seeing any downside.”

“Once you mate, you can’t spend much time apart. We need each other.” Her words were soft. “Our bodies crave each other. And… it’s irreversible.”

“Ah.” It was a little sooner than I had thought it would happen, but that didn’t make it a bad thing. “So, in other words, we need to look for a place that will fit a king-sized bed.” I tugged on her hair so that she looked up at me. “I’ll warn you now, I’m a blanket hog.”

“Blake, we don’t have to do this anytime soon. We can wait a while.” She looked up at me. Her sadness was palpable. She would let me go if it would make me happy, no matter how much it killed her to do so. “Maybe we could find a way to change it.”

“Stop.” My voice was a little sharper than I intended and her eyes widened. “I thought you understood. I want you, Meena. All of you. For as long as I can have you. And if that is forever, then I’m damn well going to take forever. If you don’t want me, then you better speak up. And expect a fight, because I’m going to try and change your mind.”

She smiled, her face taking on a brighter cast. “Then we need to look at somewhere near the beach.”

“I can live with that.”


BOOK: Flukes
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