Read Forever Too Far Online

Authors: Abbi Glines

Tags: #Romance, #Young Adult, #Contemporary, #Adult

Forever Too Far (4 page)

BOOK: Forever Too Far
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“It’s about time,” Blaire called back.

Bethy walked into the kitchen with Jace following her. His hands were full of grocery bags. How we

could possibly need more food I wasn’t sure.

“Where do I put this?” he asked, out of breath.

“Just right there on the counter.” Blaire pointed to the only available space in the kitchen.

Jace put the bag down and let out a sigh of relief then looked at me. “I need a beer and I wanna watch

some football.”

I opened the fridge, took out two beers, and handed one to him. “Come on. Let’s get out of the way.”

Jace glanced back at Bethy who was standing frozen in her spot staring at my dad. He shook his head

and looked back at me. “Yeah, let’s get out of here before Bethy goes completely fangirl on your old


“Good to see you again too, Jace,” Dean called out as we left the kitchen.

“You too, Dean. Please overlook my girl. She’s a bit star struck,” he replied.

I walked past the living room and the one hundred and three inch flat screen as Jace looked back at it

longingly. I knew he wanted to watch a game but I needed to talk to someone about Grant.

We stepped out onto the porch and I sat down on one of the lounge chairs. “Sit. We’ll watch a game

but I wanted to ask you about something first.”

Jace sat down beside me and took a drink of his beer. “You look serious.”

“Did you know about Grant and Nan?” I asked, watching him closely. Jace couldn’t lie for shit. The

widening of his eyes told me he had known. I didn’t even wait for his confirmation. “You didn’t think

telling me was important?” I asked.

Jace put his beer down and let out a frustrated groan. “Shit. I knew you’d be pissed when you found

out. I didn’t want to be the one to tell you. Besides, you were dealing with losing Blaire and then

getting her back. Then her pregnancy. Grant didn’t even know I knew. He thought he was keeping it a

secret from everyone. We were just more observant than you were at the time. All you could see was

Blaire. The rest of us noticed things...”

He was right. I had been fighting for my future. I had been focused on getting Blaire back and then

protecting her and our baby. I hadn’t had time to notice anything or anyone else. Maybe it was best I

hadn’t known. I hadn’t needed any distractions.

“You’re right. It’s best I didn’t know. I’d needed to be focused on Blaire. Not anything else then.”

Jace shook his head. “Didn’t go down well, though. Nan just leaves destruction in her wake. Grant

got real tore up about it but he’s dealing with things better now. I think he’s gonna move back to

Rosemary permanently for awhile. He wants distance from her.”

My little sister sure knew how to cause problems. I was getting tired of always bailing her out. I

couldn’t make it better for Grant though. He should’ve known not to go into a relationship with her.

She didn’t do commitments.

The phone in my pocket vibrated and I pulled it out to see a text from Abe. He was here. I prayed that

bringing him here was the right thing to do. I wanted today special for Blaire. She’d had enough



Rush came walking back into the house with a nervous look in his eyes. He didn’t look my way as he

headed through the kitchen. I stopped kneading the dough for the biscuits and wiped my hands on the

apron before following him. Something was wrong.

I hurried down the hallway and then into the foyer. Rush was opening the front door. Was he leaving?

No one had knocked. As the door swung completely open I saw past Rush to see my father standing

there with a small suitcase in one hand and a paper bag in the other. He was thinner and he had a

beard. The polished looking man that he had been was gone. He looked like a sea captain now. I

couldn’t take a deep breath as his eyes met mine over Rush’s shoulder. He was here. My daddy was


Tears filled my eyes and I started walking toward him. We hadn’t spent a holiday together since I was

fifteen years old. But this year, he was here. Rush glanced back at me and I understood the look in his

eyes earlier now. He didn’t want to upset me. He had been trying to surprise me but he hadn’t been

sure this was the right thing to do.

All the lies and betrayal no longer seemed important as I stared up at my dad’s face. He’d suffered

too. He still was suffering. Maybe he deserved it. But maybe he had paid his penance. Because right

now all I could think about was the man who sang Christmas carols with me as we stuffed the turkey

on Thanksgiving, the man who made sure to make a caramel pie because I preferred it over pumpkin

pie, the man who spent hours every Thanksgiving weekend covering our house in Christmas lights. I

didn’t think about the other. I just remembered all the good.

“Daddy,” I said with a tear-clogged voice.

Rush stepped back and allowed him inside. I threw myself in his arms and inhaled the scent that had

always reminded me of family, security, and love.

“Hey, Blaire bear,” he replied. His voice was thick with emotion. “Happy Thanksgiving.”

“Happy Thanksgiving.” My voice was muffled in his leather jacket. I wasn’t ready to let him go just


“I was worried you wouldn’t have your caramel pie. So when Rush called I figured I better take him

up on his offer and make sure my girl got her pie.”

A choked sob escaped me and I followed it with a laugh. “I haven’t had one of those in a really long


“Well, we need to fix that now, don’t we?” he said with a pat on my back.

I nodded and stepped back from his embrace. “Yeah, we do.”

He held up the bag he was holding. “Brought my ingredients.”

“Okay.” I reached over and took it from him. “You can go put your suitcase in the yellow room if you

want to. I’ll take this to the kitchen.”

Dad nodded his head and then looked over at Rush. “Thank you,” he said before turning and heading

for the stairs.

I didn’t wait until he was completely out of view before I wrapped my arms around Rush’s waist and

kissed his chest. “I love you,” I told him. Because it was more than a thank you. He had done

something for me I knew wasn’t easy for him. Rush wasn’t a fan of my dad but he’d put that aside and

brought him here.

“I love you too. More than life,” he replied, holding me against him as he kissed the top of my head.

“I’m glad this makes you happy. I wasn’t sure...”

I tilted my head back so I could see his face. “I’ll never forget this Thanksgiving. What should have

been the hardest holiday I ever faced isn’t. You make everything better.”

Rush flashed me a crooked grin. “Good. I’m trying my hardest to get you so wrapped up in me you

never leave.”

Laughing, I stood on my tiptoes and pressed my lips against his. “Never. I can’t even imagine life

without you.”

“Mmmmm, you keep that up and we’re going back upstairs,” he whispered against my mouth. I leaned

back and ran my hands up his chest to gently push him back.

“Time for that later. I have a meal to prepare and you have football to watch.”

Rush’s eyebrows shot up. “Sweet Blaire, I’m not one to sit back and enjoy the action. I prefer to

experience the action. Watching football does not compete with getting you naked and under me.”

I felt my cheeks flush as the vivid image of Rush on top of me as he moved inside me flashed in my

head. Yes, I liked that too. Very much. Rush chuckled and reached over to cup my face and brush his

thumb against my cheek.

“You look a little turned on now... I can fix that for you. I promise to make it fast so you can get back to cooking.” He’d dropped his voice to a husky whisper.

My breathing hitched and I managed to shake my head no. I had to go cook. My dad had just arrived

and Bethy was very likely driving Dean crazy in the kitchen. “I need to get back in there,” I replied.

Rush slipped a hand on my waist and tugged me back up against him. His head lowered until his

mouth was hovering over my ear. “We can step into that office right there and I’ll slip my hand up this

cute little dress you’re wearing and play with your wet pussy until you have to bite my shoulder to

keep from crying out. Won’t take long. I don’t want my girl needing me. I want her satisfied.”

Oh God. I was sure my panties were soaked. It was bad enough that I stayed horny with this

pregnancy. Then add Rush and his dirty mouth to it and I was a mess.

“Five minutes,” he said before taking a nip at my ear.

I grabbed his arms and held on tight before I melted in a puddle on the floor. “Not now. We can’t

now. I have to finish in the kitchen and my dad just got here,” I said breathlessly.

Rush let out a defeated sigh. “Okay. But damn, I wanted to touch you and feel you come apart on my


“Rush. Please,” I said, taking deep calming breaths. “I need some ice water poured down my dress as

it is already. Don’t make it worse.”

With a soft laugh, he dropped his hands from me and stepped back. “Fine. Run from me, sweet Blaire.

You have five seconds before I decide I don’t care what you say.”

Moving my legs was difficult but I managed to turn and flee to the kitchen. Rush’s laughter grew

louder and I couldn’t help but laugh too.


The turkey had been great and I had to admit I was impressed that Dean could cook like that. Blaire

had seemed genuinely happy as she talked with her dad and mine during dinner. She’d even laughed

when Bethy had asked my dad to sign her napkin.

Dean came and sat down beside me on the sofa and let out a contented sigh. He had enjoyed himself

too. This was the first Thanksgiving I’d actually eaten in my house with family and friends. The first

time I’d had turkey, pumpkin pie and corn casserole. Normally my Thanksgivings were spent in Vail.

I would eat with friends and get drunk in bars. Nothing memorable. Today had been different. It was a

taste of my future with Blaire.

“You got yourself a sweet one,” Dean said.

“Yeah, I know.”

“She’s in there washing dishes with her dad. Figured I’d leave them alone. Give them time together.

Shit thing he did to her but I’m glad they’re finding a way to make amends. Abe was a good man once.

When I’d heard he was back with your momma I wondered what the hell had happened to him.”

I’d betrayed Blaire too. I’d hurt her. But she’d forgiven me. She seemed to be able to do that. I wasn’t sure I’d be able to do the same. “I don’t deserve her. I’m probably the luckiest sonuvabitch on the


Dean let out a hard laugh. “Glad she makes you feel that way ‘cause boy, your life hasn’t been an easy

one,” he paused then shook his head. “I wish I’d done better by you. Kiro’s girl, Harlow, has been

around lately. Part of the problem with Nan is Harlow. She ain’t real happy about Kiro having a

daughter he took care of. Kiro might not have been around for Harlow but he made sure she was well

taken care of. Her grandmother raised her right. She’s a good girl. It’s hard to believe she’s Kiro’s.

Poor girl’s grandmother died a few months ago. She’s not happy living in LA but she’s a little lost

right now.”

I’d only met Kiro’s daughter twice. We were kids and Kiro had brought Harlow home for a visit. I

was there too and all I could remember was big innocent eyes and the way she only whispered when

she talked. Then a couple years ago I’d met up with her again while I was visiting Dean. She’d been

all grown up but very proper and still very innocent. We had gotten along easily enough that weekend.

She stayed at the house most of the time. So had Kiro. It had been the only time I’d ever gone out

partying with the band while Kiro had stayed behind. Dean had said he was real protective of


I couldn’t imagine Nan was handling the existence of Harlow well. Just another thing I had to deal

with. “As soon as Blaire is ready we’ll leave and I’ll handle Nan. She just needs someone who cares

about her to talk to her. She’s hurt and insecure. She has been her entire life.”

“I have pie and coffee. Anyone want some?” Blaire asked walking into the room wearing her apron

again. Seeing the small baby bump outlined behind it made the caveman instinct to carry her off and

protect her pound in my veins.

I stood up and walked over to her. “They can get their own coffee and pie. I want to talk to you about

something. You’ve fed and entertained everyone long enough,” I told her, slipping an arm around her


“Okay, but I don’t mind,” she replied. I knew she didn’t mind. I did. Seeing her all smiling and happy

made me want to please her more.

“Just a few minutes,” I assured her and led her back to the hallway and up the stairs.

“Rush, what’s wrong?” she asked.

I kept my hand on the small of her back and walked us back to the office I’d promised to take her in

earlier. No one used this room anymore. I was about to put it to use.

“You were offering dessert in there. I want mine,” I told her, locking the door behind me before

backing her against the large leather chair. “Sit down,” I growled and Blaire quickly sank down onto

the leather.

I knelt down in front of her and slipped that short little dress up her thighs like I’d been fantasizing about all day. She willingly opened her legs for me. The pink silk panties she was wearing had a

noticeable wet spot on the crotch. I inhaled and breathed her in. She always smelled so good.

“Rush,” she whispered, leaning back in the chair. “We shouldn’t be gone long. We have company.”

BOOK: Forever Too Far
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