Forgiving Gia (Rocker Series Book 2) (6 page)

BOOK: Forgiving Gia (Rocker Series Book 2)
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He sat back on his heels, running his fingers through his hair. A signature move when he was trying to gain some control over his feelings.

“I need to feel your skin against mine. To hear your heart beating in your chest. To wrap myself in your scent. Sometimes, Beauty, we take for granted the mundane things in life. Let’s not wait another second taking each other for granted.” He rose from the ground, offering me his hand, and wiped his eyes with his bandaged hand.

I took his hurt hand and placed the gentlest of kisses upon it. I noticed his lashes were still thick with tears…pupils dilated past his irises. His shoulders squared…his stance predatory—foreboding.

I accepted his forgiveness…offering mine in return…



I took a mental snapshot of Abel kissing every inch of my body that he came in contact with while lovingly stripping me bare. He was awkward with his injured hand. Every time I uttered to ask if he needed help, he shook me off the question with a NO. He removed one article of clothing at a time until I was only in my bra and panties. I stood before him eyes down—silent. He circled me. His presence was commanding and instinctual. A shudder rolled through me, clear down to my toes.

He fell to his knees in front of me. Frozen, I held my position while he blew steadily into my pussy. Warm breath caressed every bundle of nerves. My eyes closed on their own accord. Next, came his index finger, rimming my panties. He continued his assault as his warm breath found its way to my clit. I needed his fingers in me. Something in me. I felt empty. Finally, he moved my panties to the side, dipped his finger in…sighing. It dawned on me that I hadn’t waxed or shaved. I knew he liked my pussy bare. I hadn’t expected this type of reunion. Nor did I have a moment truly to myself to take care of it.

“I…” I uttered instinctively. I wanted to explain. I only shaved my pussy bare for him. Normally, I would’ve left a strip of hair. However, being in the hospital…it was the last thing on my mind. Fuck. I never thought I’d see him again.

“Let me, Gia. I want to shave your pussy.” His voice was unquestionable.

“Would that make you happy?” He nodded once at my question. “Okay,” I sighed, agreeing. I’d never been shaved before by someone. It would be a lesson in faith and humility.

He quickly retrieved his phone, feverishly texting someone. “Come, let’s prep you, Beauty.” He pulled me into the bathroom.

Leaning over the bathtub, he turned on the faucet, drawing a bath. He held his hand across his stomach as if an invisible sling held it in place. It was hard not to focus on that hand. He turned and opened the vanity drawer, removing a small satchel. With his mouth, he unknotted the tie that kept it closed and poured a generous amount of bath salts in.

A knock came at the door. Naturally, I covered myself. “No one’s coming in here, baby. Get in the tub. I will be right back.”

I removed my bra and panties, toeing myself into the hot water. God, it felt heavenly. He returned with a small plastic bag, setting it on the counter. He started to roll up his oxford shirtsleeves, then proceeded to remove the gauze bandage. My brows rose in question. He winked, throwing the bandage in the trash can.

“How’s the water? Hot enough?” he asked and I nodded. He’d always been attentive, but that was unprecedented. He grabbed the shampoo and hand wand, saturating my hair before applying the shampoo. I leaned into his hand as he cupped the water, making sure not to get it in my eyes…so reverently.

Some children can reflect on a nostalgic time when their mama did the same for them…braiding their hair or giving them pigtails. I often wondered about the woman I’d be if I’d had that caring touch to shape me while I was growing up. I muffled an inward sob at that thought. All I’ve ever wanted was to be loved. Was I that unlovable? All I wanted to do was please mama.

“You okay, Beauty? Did I do something?” He applied the tea-tree shampoo to my hair, but not before he made me answer. “Let’s talk about it, babe. Let it out, darlin’.” His chocolate eyes swirled with sincerity.

I could trust him. I could give this to him. “Okay. But first, at least tell me your hand’s okay? I won’t ask how, but should you have removed the bandage?” My voice broke over the spraying water.

“I’m perfectly fine. I promise. Now, tell me what’s up?” He gently massaged the shampoo into my hair with expert care. “My mama…Medusa. She’s done some terrible things to me growing up. Umm, acted without caution or care. It makes me feel unworthy of love.” I sniffed. God, I sounded lame.

“Tell me. Share this with me, Beauty. Let’s share a piece of ourselves with each other when we are together. Let’s do this for us. You and me, Beauty. Could you do that?” He asked, lovingly cupping my chin with his good hand.

I nodded. “Yes. I can…we can.” I smiled up at his beautiful face; it was etched with concern. I grabbed his hand to kiss it. God, I was lucky to have him. “My mother had me at eighteen years old. I never grew up with a father. She said she didn’t know who my father was. Yet, when I was four years old, I remember a man coming into my room one night while I was sleeping. I pretended to be asleep. However, I could never really rest at night. My mother came into my room to rouse me…to beat me when she drank. I was always scared it would be that
of night. If you haven’t noticed, that’s why I have all those cuddly blankets. I always thought they’d protect me…comfort me.” I took a moment to collect my thoughts. I hadn’t ever admitted my shame before. One breath in…one long breath out.

“Anyway, one night a man came in my room and sat on the edge of my bed….and gently stroked my cheeks. He brushed my hair out of my eyes and kissed my forehead. Not a word was spoken other than my mother’s grim voice saying, ‘Time’s up. You’ve seen her.’ My door was then closed. Other than muffled voices, I never heard his voice or saw his face. I just had a gut feeling he was someone important to me. I can’t explain it.” I sighed heavily.

“You are explaining it, babe. Go on.”

I rested my head against the tub as he rinsed the shampoo out of my hair. He leaned in to kiss my face. My eyes closed. His scent wrapped around my skin, removing the chill that had come over me. Medusa’s wrath was hardly over. At that realization, my stomach twisted.

“When I was a few years older, I decided to ask. She seemed to have been happier. She had met a man. He seemed to make her happy. Which made me happy, because she was nicer to me. It was the night before her nuptials to said man when I told her of my recollection. Her eyes narrowed. She looked livid. I knew I’d pay for that question. She then proceeded to tell me that she would be extending her honeymoon for an undetermined amount of time. That being said, I had to go into foster care while they were gone. We had no other family. This was before my brother was born.”

He grabbed two towels. One for my hair. The other for me. He carefully removed me from the tub. He winced but made no mention of pain. We sat in a corner chair where he rocked me, humming a lullaby. It wasn’t one I knew. Then again, when did I hear lullaby’s in my childhood. I didn’t.

“Go on, Gia.”

And I did. I dug deep. It had been with me for years. In some sick way, it was hard to let go of it. But, I promised to try. To trust. To love. “My mother had her big, beautiful wedding. I was made to sit off to the side of the reception. She always told me…children should be seen. Not heard. I did as I was told. The next morning a social worker came to the house. My mother packed my bags. As she did so…she told me that if I behaved, she’d take me back upon her return. If I didn’t, I’d have to stay. The social worker took me by the hand as my mother waved at the door, pretending to cry. You see…she had Polio since the age of two. She did suffer. I give her that. He parents put her in rehabilitation for years. She was away from all family and siblings. I was treated much the same way.” I started to pick at my nails. One of my biggest secrets loomed on the precipice. I was scared, sick, ashamed, and disgusted to speak it aloud.

“Beauty, you can tell me your deepest, darkest secrets. I will not run again. This is my promise to you, love. Do you believe me?” His voice gently comforted me into submission.

“I do.” I nodded and kissed the chiseled contour of his jawline.

“Not now, Beauty. I am but a man. A man who’s been deprived of his woman no less. I’m sitting here a Titan with you naked underneath this towel. Continue, it will be worth the wait, baby.” He nuzzled into my neck.

A warm smile split my face as I palmed his cheek. Yes, he was a Titan. The analogy was not lost on me. There was Medusa, Morgana, and now my Titan…my warrior.

“Okay, when I got to my new home, I was treated much the same. They had a daughter and a son who they loved. Me, I was a paycheck. When they took their kids to Toys-R-Us, I had to stay in the car. I fed the dog. I cleaned the house. I was the one the husband visited at night. I had no protection against anyone or anything. The mother worked nights. So, he would come take me to his bed. Make me do things to him. Things a child that age should never have to do or even know about. I was truly captive in the dark. When I told their daughter about it, she tried to protect me. It wasn’t until a visit from my mother when she told me that if I didn’t take back my accusations, she would never take me back. So I did. I was put in therapy for children who were pathological liars. Not much longer after that, my mother came for me as promised.” I looked up, ashamed. I waited for him to run. To leave, disgusted with me for being so damaged.

He didn’t. His tears fell unashamed. He let me watch as the Dom mask disappeared and Abel the man took its place. I reached up, capturing every last one. I wanted everything from that man. But mainly his heart.

“Thank you.” His voice croaked. “I will protect you. You will never have those worries again. Not in this lifetime.” He stood and carried me into the bedroom. He gently laid me on the bed, freeing the towel from my body. “Don’t move.” He turned, going into the bathroom. I heard the water running with some rustling of a bag. He returned with a basin of water, shaving cream, and a straight-edge razor. The gleam in his eye was unmistakable…

He kneeled on the floor between my legs, positioning the basin, shaving cream, and razor neatly beside my thighs. Steamy wisps rose from the water. Thank fuck for that. The thought of cold water between my legs wasn’t inviting. Then again, it was Abel we were talking about.

“Wrap your arms underneath your thighs and spread wide for me, Beauty.” I did so. He nodded once and opened the razor wide, laying it to the side. Abel grabbed the can of shaving cream, shaking it vigorously. The sounds of cream squirting into his palm sent a tingle right to my clit. A palm-sized amount was lathered onto my pussy, clear down between my cheeks. I swallowed hard. It was beyond intimate. A show of trust.

“I’m going to shave you, my darling…going to shave your pussy clean. Then I’m going to spend the better part of the day showing it how very missed it was. Stay still and let me do this for you.”

All I could do was nod weakly. What little I had learned about his lifestyle, I knew what he was doing was a symbolic gesture. There was beauty in his exercise of power. I was consensually giving him power over me. He needed my submission. In turn, he accepted it willingly. Returning it ten-fold with love—adoration. For me, it was a win-win situation. I got something, too. Something I never had in my life. Power…love…purity…joy.

After lathering my pussy, he pulled both lips down as he took the first downward stroke in one clean movement. The razor was rinsed. In two more strokes, I was bare. But, he wasn’t done. He then separated one lip at a time to get the inner hair from each one. His face was free from worry. He worked methodically—intently. I steadied my breathing, counting to ten in my head. When his fingers reached my forbidden hole, I winced.

BOOK: Forgiving Gia (Rocker Series Book 2)
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