Forgotten Promise (Forgotten Series Book 2) (17 page)

BOOK: Forgotten Promise (Forgotten Series Book 2)
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The vein in her
forehead protruding. “You’re such a creep.”

“But I’m still gonna
fuck you hard, and you’ll be screaming my name. And you’re going to love it.
That’s what good girlfriends do.”

Clayton shocks us


“Cake, who wants
cake?” Bryer loudly suggests.

Everyone looks at her
and follows her over.

I notice the
photographer who has been casually keeping himself behind the scenes, doing his
job unnoticed. He appears out of the shadows, getting a few shots as we slice
the cake.

And others when we
each hold the first bites and gently put them in each other’s mouth. The
evening is coming to an end, and I’m counting down the minutes until I have my
wife alone.

“As long as I’m breathing, I will
want you desperately, let’s call it a night, baby.”

“I like the way you


~ ~ ~


Strolling back to our
bungalow, there’s a welcoming silence, our fingers interlacing as our walk is
slow and methodical, no rushing, yet anticipation is floating in the air.

Bryer loops her arm
through mine and leans her cheek on my shoulder. “You know you’re my favorite

A small chuckle
resonating through my body. “And you are astoundingly gorgeous, but that’s not
the best part of you.” Setting my arm across her shoulder, bringing her in.

“Husbands have to say
things like that,” she teases.

“Not really.”

Sweeping her in my
arms, we approach our door, I swipe the card awkwardly with one hand and kick
it open. “Once upon a time lived a princess.” Kicking the door shut.

“Who courageously
invites the big bad wolf into her chamber.”

Letting her slowly
slide down my body ‘til her feet are touching the ground. “Ultimately receiving
everything she was begging for,” I whisper in her ear.

“Aren’t those two
separate fairy tales?” Her lip curling attempting to hide her amusement. “You
seem very confident in your ability to satisfy.” Her eyes dancing with mockery.

“It’s easy, baby, you
are the definition of sex.” If she wants it X-rated, I’ll be happy to oblige.


“Undress me husband.”
A little too roughly, I turn her, removing the veil, tossing it aside, moving
her sexy-as-fuck waves over one shoulder. I breathe on her bare neck and start
to unbutton her gown. She shimmies out of it, leaving a white strapless bra,
garters and no panties.

“Fucking vixen.”
Pulling the garter ‘til it snaps, she lets out a cry as I unhook the only thing
in the way of the brink of pleasure. “Turn.”

She doesn’t hesitate.

“Magnificent.” Taking
my time to see her lush full tits, her nipples harden beneath my touch. My
skilled fingers marking her as mine. I dig my fingers deep in her hair and hold
it tight as my mouth crashes against hers. She moans in my mouth, and I imagine
my cock experiencing the same moans. I struggle with my jacket and the rest of
my clothes, but they’re off in record time.

I pull her to the bed
where I sit as I guide her to kneel in front of me, sinful pleasures of the
flesh. “Put your mouth on me.” As I stoke myself, letting her know I’m more
than ready. If she wants to play with the untamed parts of me, I’ll give her
exactly what she’s asking for.

My eyes focusing on
her mouth, making me crazed. “I love it. So. Damn. Much.” Watching her frenzied
movement and the sensation causing my legs to tremble. Her lips fused and held
in place. My brutal strength increasing the rhythm stroke for stroke. “Too damn
good, baby.” A sudden awareness I’m closer than I can handle. “Is this how you
want it, Bryer? Our wedding night sexy as sin?

“The first time,
yes,” says my Femme fatale.


~ ~ ~


“Make me fucking
come, baby.” Holding her head in my hand, slightly pushing with wicked delight.
I lift her hair for a better view and that vision take me over the edge. I
shoot into her mouth over and over again, crying out her name, trembling as she
swallows all of me. I look down wildly in amazement, this is my wife.

I kiss her hard with
the tangy taste in her mouth. Guiding her to the large outdoor room where a
lava tub sits, turning the water on filling it slowly.

Where she takes the
last scraps of clothing off.

“Sit on the edge.” I
point near the back. “Spread the legs, wife, I want to see what’s mine.” Her
intake of breath telling me her bad boy is turning up the heat. The water
rises, and I climb in, now facing her sweet pussy.

“Wider,” I command,
as I begin a tender assault, teasing her folds, ignoring the tiny bud calling
for me. Watching her lean back on her arms watching me as I tamper with her

“Stop teasing me,
Nathan, I need you there.”

“Show me.” And I
watch as her stroking fingers match that of my tongue.

A surge of possession
comes over me, and I start sucking her clit, her head flies back as she flies
apart. “Start counting, baby, number one.”

“Number one,” she
repeats with a long drawn-out breathy voice.

“Join me.” Sliding
her into the large black tub that has a slightly rough texture. Holding her
body face-to-face, her legs wrap around me, and her slick heat is too close not
to react. I slide in with ease, throbbing inside her. But I’m unable to stop
the wildness deep within me. To claim her, as I suck on her right shoulder,
knowing the mark will stay.

She rides me hard,
moving her hips against mine.

Officially husband
and wife consummating our love. Her orgasm takes her again, and mine follows.
Igniting each other’s sex we know so well. “Number two,” I say, with a smirk of

We relax in the
water, allowing our bodies to enjoy the euphoric aftermath.

As her forth orgasm
came at her in drawn-out waves, she collapses on the bed. “I love you,” she


She looks up with
sleepy eyes. “Number four.”

I watch in silence as
she sleeps, I get up in the middle of the night, debating whether to wake her,
number five on my mind. When I see an envelope on the table by the door. My
name written on it, I quietly open it, in raised gold letters Augusta Law Firm
stands out.




The deal fell through, we offered
your top dollar, he won’t budge. He’s not giving that company up for any dollar
amount. I’m sorry if this arrives at a bad time, but we wanted you to know.


I fall in the chair
that looks out to the lagoon, I knew it was a long shot. Fuck him. I’ll think
of another way, this is far from over. My eyes roll over to my blonde beauty. I
pick her up in my arms and bring her to the chair I just left.

She slowly opens her
eyes, as I position myself between her thighs.

“Number five.”

Chapter Twenty-Four





As we say our goodbyes
to Clayton and Gen, I notice an unspoken communication between the two—it’s
present in every way, their body language between them, how close they stand to
each other, their eye contact. I’ve never seen this peace between them before.
We will be having a serious girl-to-girl when I return.

Nathan notices it
too, and whispers something to Clayton while doing the man-hug.

I hope it’s something
like, don’t be a doucebag.

But honestly, my
focus is on the days to come, today is beach day.

“I here it’s going to
be a perfect day, I’m looking forward to seeing you in that bikini again,” he

“Well, aren’t you
charming.” Secretly loving his provocative need.

Arriving at our
bungalow preparing for our relaxing day. I grab my mother’s journal, knowing it’s
been long enough since I felt her presence. I watch my new husband gathering
what he needs and what he thinks I’ll need. He’s in high spirits, and it’s
amusing to watch.

“Is sunblock 50
enough?” he asks.

“Are you concerned
I’ll get burned and that may interfere with your amorous plans for later?”

“That obvious, huh?”

“I’ll say.” Winking
playfully. “Let’s go.”


“You rented a

As he stops to sign.
“Yes, I saw benefits in doing so.” His stare never wavering.

“I like where this is
going. Frisky, are you?”

“Maybe so fucking
aroused is a better description.” Pulling me on top of him as he lounges on the
large outdoor bed.

His hands adventurous
in complete control of my desire. “Handsy, I like it, definitely don’t stop.” I
encourage. As his mouth finds mine in a blazing kiss causing my muscles to
clench with need.

“Devouring you seems
to be my endless objective,” he says in between his very persuasive mouth.

“Who’s complaining?”
Anticipation so intense his next move unpredictable. I feel his hard length
underneath me, and it would be so easy to fuck me in this bikini I’m barely
wearing. And before the thought processes, his fingers slide my bottoms aside,
exploring my folds, wet and ready.

“Fuck,” he says,
deliberately stretching me with two fingers.

My juices flowing,
I’m always ready. I easily expose his cock and rise to mount him, all fear of
being seen behind me. Grasping my waist to slide down the length of him and a
quick rise, effortless lifting me off and on his cock in a ravishing rhythm is
taking me to the edge. As I throw my head back in surrender, my body clenches
around him, and we both silently find our release. Soft “I love yous” are
spoken in between breathes.

We spend the next
hour lazily entwined in each other, all plans discarded.

“Do you want to go
for a swim?” I ask. “

“Yes, your naughty
behavior is causing me to perspire.” He winks and grabs my hand, pulling me
towards the waves.

“Well your
above-average lovemaking causes me to lose all control, I’m afraid, I’d give
you a…” Tapping my finger to my chin several times. “A seven.”

Skidding to a halt,
he turns, looking back at me. “And five o’s are considered only average?”

“No, above average, I

“I guess I’ll have to
work harder, baby. I’ll get it up to a ten”

He smiles, mischief
in his eye and lifts me upside down, caveman style, at a faster pace towards
the cold water.

I prepare for what’s
coming, and without warning I’m thrown just as a wave hits and I tumble,
causing a harmless fall through the waves. “Is this you flirting with me?” I
spurt out salty water, once I make it to my feet.

“I’m much more
direct, as you know.” Swimming towards me like a shark stalks his prey.

“You are swoon
worthy, I’ll give you that.” I play, whispering in his ear.

“I’ll take advantage
of that later, first I need fuel. You’ve depleted all bodily fluids, lunch? I
can order it at the bar down the beach.”

“Bring me a virgin
Pina Colada too.”

The day lingers, as I
get sleepy on the soft bedding, watching the waves roll in and disappear into
the sand. I reach into my bag and pull my mother’s journal out.


Happy Birthday to Bryer, she’s one
and we threw her a party, she’s so beautiful her light hair and green eyes melt
our hearts. Our parents came and my father once again embarrassed me, he
brought beer and proceeded to drink it all himself. I pulled my mother aside
and asked her why her arm was bruised, she never lies to me, but her shame was
obvious. “We had a fight, honey, I tripped on the steps and had a slight
spill.” This was the first lie, of many to come.

Guilt clutches me, because the
happiness I feel seems so unfair compared to my mother’s life, his behavior has
worsened since I moved out. Is it because I’m not there to witness it anymore?
I want to help but I don’t know how. She won’t leave him.

David said that once the pain
becomes too much she’ll reach out to us, and we’ll be there for her, but we
can’t force the issue. He fills my heart, knowing he would be her hero. He has
become such a loving and caring father and husband. He says our future is
bright, and I believe him.

I haven’t shared this with anyone
but we are letting nature take its course. We want another baby a brother or
sister for Bryer, but so far it hasn’t happened. I know it will when the time
is right. Waiting has always been a challenge for me. We will just have to keep




I wake to shards of
light glistening through the shutters and a light breeze blowing. I stretch, noticing
the same lizard is climbing the wall in our bedroom. I was corrected, it’s a
Brown Anole, looks like a lizard to me.

Last night. Nathan
scooped him up and put him safely outside. He named him “Puff” the magic

I didn’t ask. It’s
common practice, no windows, no screens, critters welcome.

“Good morning, wife.”
I hear a sleepy seductive voice say, as he rolls over and pulls me in close.

“Our last day,” I say
sadly. “Where did the time go?”

“We made the best of
our time here,” he says, whispering into my neck, as he nuzzles into my hair.

“And then some.”
Turning to face my husband, where I gently kiss him.

“Back to the real
world, and the real challenges, baby. Are you ready for that? We’ve locked
ourselves away in a bubble from the outside world, and by this time tomorrow,
real life returns.”

“No, I like the
bubble.” Shaking my head in frustration.

“Hey now.” Lifting my
chin until our eyes meet. “You have me, I’ll battle any demons that invade our
life together.”

And in that moment
wrapped in his arms, I feel safe, loved and protected. But once we are home
there’re circumstances beyond his limits.

It’s a long flight
and I don’t get much sleep. Work is weighing on me, I can’t keep the warning
from assaulting my mind. It has catastrophe written all over it, but anything
that revolves around Cash is hazardous.

The quiet drive from
the airport, the silence is noticeably thick. I feel lost once I arrive home,
and Nathan senses it.

“I’ll make your
favorite, grilled cheese,” he suggests with a smile.

favorite,” I tease.

“Mom always made it
for me, so it kinda’ stuck,” he says.

“That’s a good
memory.” Suddenly allowing his playful nature to rub off, why am I allowing
tomorrow ruin today and my happiness of what just took place? Turning my ring
over and over, feeling its strength, its beauty.

“Double cheese on
mine, please.” As I head up to change. Once I’m in the bedroom, I call Gen.


“We’re back,” I say.
Hearing music in the background.

“I bet it was delish,

“Um…no.” Laughing at
Gen’s razor-sharp wit.

“Do I dare ask?”
Going straight for the jugular. I continue.

“Golden Boy, Can’t
deny he’s easy on the eyes.” Hearing the smile in her voice.

“I know you got it
bad if you’re listening to pop.”

Hardly.” She laughs.

“You don’t fall in
love by choice, it’s by chance,” I bravely say.

“Who said anything
about love?” Seeming way too defensive.

“Damn girl, he’s
fine.” Not willing to let it go.

“So I gave into
temptation, not on purpose,” she says.

“So you accidently
fell on his cock?” Enjoying turning the tables on her.

“Funny, Bryer,
Clayton is a man-whore with heathen habits.”

“Nah, just a typical
guy who’s got it bad. Don’t penalize him for his actions before you were
together. Accept his past and leave it there.”

“Bryer, I don’t know,
it’s complicated.”

“How bad can it be?
Is the guy a crier?”

“Um…No! Jesus, Bryer,
that was just wrong.”

“Then what’s the

“Me, I’m the problem,
Bryer, me.”

“Let’s meet for
lunch, I need to evaluate,” I suggest.

“Fine, call me.”


Walking into the
kitchen, admiring his every asset, I’m a goner. It’s never easy, love is fire,
sometimes you get burned, and sometimes it’s just warmth.

“I was almost ready
to come and get you.” Looking over his shoulder with a smile.

“I was on the phone
with Gen, so it’s your turn to interrogate Clayton.”

“Hummm, as his best
friend, I only promised one thing. Upon his death, I would immediately clear
his computer history.” Setting my plate in front of me.

“Well, now you have
one more. This looks great, babe.” As I dig into the triple-layer gooey grilled





“Mr. Kahale, I trust
everything is in order,” I say, assuming he did what the fuck I paid him for.

“Yes sir, the marriage
license will never see the light of day, or the recorder’s office. It’s as if
they were never married.”

“You’re sure? I won’t
tolerate a fuck- up.” Leaning back in my chair, feeling pleased with myself.

“I’m the only one who
had possession . Trust me, it’s dead.”

Confident fuck, he
wouldn’t want to find out what would happen if he double crosses me. “That’ll
do, I don’t think we need any future contact. Keeping your mouth shut is part
of the deal, I assume I can trust you. Do I make myself clear?”

“Yes, no need to
worry.” Hanging up, hoping I’ll never hear from him again.



I smell her perfume
before I see her standing behind me. “It’s done, Sonja.” Turning in my leather
chair to face her. “To be precise, she’s on the market again, although she doesn’t
know it, yet.” I brag.

“You said you would
stop it, and you did.” Flipping her hair over her shoulder, a nervous habit for

“What?” I ask,
knowing there’s something on her mind.

“I’m just not as
confident as you in getting the job done,” she bravely says.

“If I recall you
doubted if I could get possession of the company she works for. Have someone
else pay for it, pennies on the dollar, mind you. And I did.” Now, standing
leaning over my desk, knuckles supporting my weight, eye-to-eye. “Push comes to
shove, darlin’, always bet on me.”

“It’s still a long
shot,” she says.

“Ah, you’re doubting
me again. Are you sure you want to shoot your fuckin’ mouth? Who has the balls

“You do, Cash, you’ve
proven that more than once.” Flipping her hair once again.

I circle my desk and
run my knuckles down her cheek. “Better…now put my next plan in place we’re
going to Texas Bryer and myself, that is.”

BOOK: Forgotten Promise (Forgotten Series Book 2)
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