Read Forsaking All Others Online

Authors: Linda Hudson-Smith

Forsaking All Others (8 page)

BOOK: Forsaking All Others
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Weston sat down at the base of Jessica's chair. The large family-style recreation room had wall-to-wall carpeting, allowing him to sit comfortably. “You made a fast friend, huh? He's a cute little guy. You held him so tenderly. What's his name?”

“Matt. He came over quickly and left the same way. He seems to be a great kid, but also a deeply wounded one. I pray someone takes him out of here soon.”

“He's probably hoping for the exact same thing.”

“He is. He wants a nice mommy and daddy. I wish I could help him get one.”

Weston clearly heard the raw emotion in Jessica's shaky voice. The hurtful look on her face revealed her pain. He wanted to hold and comfort her, but he let her have her space. She'd reach out if she needed him.

“This is a wonderful orphanage. How'd you find it?”

“The Internet.” Weston was relieved to see Jessica recovering from her emotional agony. If one more thing out of the ordinary occurred, he feared she'd bolt out of the room in tears. Her heart was out there on her sleeve.

“O Holy Night” streamed into the room like a bolt of lightning, ushering in the true spirit of Christmas. Powerful vocals from the voices of Il Divo had Jessica listening up. She knew those fabulous voices, had already purchased their Christmas CD.

As Jessica looked around at Weston and the others, she could see they were also moved. The song was a perfect example of what Christmas was all about. Many folks had lost sight of the true meaning and some didn't know the truth.

Weston took hold of Jessica's hand and squeezed it tightly. “This is an emotional moment. I know what you're feeling. I feel it, too. Everyone does.”

Jessica smiled weakly. “I don't think we always realize how blessed we are. These little children should be blessed, yet they're in an orphanage hoping and praying for a set of loving parents.”

“I hear you. But they
blessed. It could be much worse. They could be homeless. What we can't ever do is become indifferent to the sufferings of others. That's why I do this. Wish I could do more. As I prosper, so will my charitable causes.”

Jessica's respect for Weston shot through the roof behind his comments, truly a man after her heart. She was already a better person for knowing him, felt fortunate to spend so much time with him. She looked forward to the future. She and Weston seemed to be good for each other. Two giving spirits could only double the pleasure of helping others less fortunate.

All the children began to crowd together, lining up by height in front of the marble fireplace. The movement quickly captured Jessica's and Weston's attention. When Sister Natalie seated herself at the piano, Jessica knew the kids were going to sing. She was eager to hear the songs, feeling giddy with excitement.

“Santa Claus Is Coming to Town” was the first carol the children belted out in an impressive manner. Such little people with such big voices sounded amazing to Jessica. The residents of St. Anthony's Orphanage treated the guests to a miniconcert, a highly memorable performance.

Most presents would be saved until Christmas morning, but each child was allowed to open a large and a small package. Weston donned a Santa hat, surprising Jessica when he handed her one. Sure they were being perceived as Mr. and Mrs. Claus, the happy couple were about to go to work. Weston said all his helper elves had to wear hats, too. He then pulled from his pillowcase sack red hats for the group. After the hats were in place, eager hands began passing out the gifts according to the gender tags.

Loads of laughter and animated chatter were heard, along with sounds of ripping paper. Loud whoops and childish giggles followed. Eyes were all aglow as the promise of a merry Christmas was fulfilled. It was easy to see that the children were grateful for the nice gifts they had received. Everyone seemed pleased.

Matt quickly found his way over to where Jessica sat on the floor. Giggling, he plopped down on her lap to show off the metallic blue truck and a handheld electronic game. “See what I got.”

“I see! Nice. Are you happy?”

Matt nodded, clapping with enthusiasm. “Show me how to work it?”

“Sure.” Jessica took the game from Matt's hand and figured out how to turn it on. Once the game pad lit up, she saw several games for him to enjoy. After lining up the arrows for one game, she pressed it into service. It took a couple of minutes for her to get the hang of it, but once she had it down she taught Matt.

Matt had nearly mastered one of the sports games within a few minutes. He was all smiles and silly giggles over his accomplishments, yelping with childish glee every time he scored a point. As bells and whistles sounded, he laughed louder. When he messed up, a loud honking noise sounded. The honks frustrated him, but he kept at it.

The children brought the room to life with lots of noisy animation. They were having a grand time. The adults had a wonderful time helping out the kids while watching them enjoy the great gifts provided for their playtime pleasure.

Jessica couldn't imagine the evening getting any better, yet she felt it would. She felt blessed to be a part of the holiday festivities. God had to be smiling. She closed her eyes and sent up a silent prayer of thanks.

Jessica felt apprehensive that Christmas Eve would never arrive. The time was moving right along. She found that disturbing since it meant that she and Weston would soon separate. The group had many things left on the agenda—things that would probably make the time move even faster.

The entire group would meet for dinner at a family-style restaurant in town. Upon returning to the Harrington town house, each person would open a few presents. The rest would be opened Christmas morning during the holiday breakfast.

Jessica tried to get comfortable in bed but continued to toss and turn before finding a desirable position. She should go on and get up, but she also wanted to lie still a bit longer. Since she didn't have to go out with her family for a couple of hours, she felt like being lazy.

Last-minute shopping would take the Harrington women back into downtown. Jessica had no desire to visit another retail store. She had done all her shopping, but Jennifer still hadn't found the perfect gift for Samuel. This happened every year so she wasn't surprised. Jennifer's problem was thinking there wasn't anything good enough for Samuel, who'd be happy with anything from his wife. He'd be happy with nothing at all, as long as he had his beautiful wife by his side. No man loved his woman more.

Jessica's cell phone jangled, making her moan. Probably Jennifer calling to make sure she got up on time. The caller ID revealed an unfamiliar number, but she was very familiar with the voice on the line. “Morning, Wes. What you up to so early?”

“Thinking about you. Can't get you off my mind. Are you still in bed?”

Jessica giggled. “Sorta, kind of.”

“Either you are or you aren't. Which is it?”

“Still in,” she sang out. “Don't know why I'm embarrassed by it.”

“Me, neither. I love the thought of you in bed. What're you wearing?”

“Let's not go there, pal.”

“Oh, please, let's. Why don't I guess what you're wearing?”

Jessica closed her eyes. Weston was bent on playing a game that'd make her want him more than she already did, driving her physically crazy in the process. “You'll never guess. Not in a million years.”

“Let's start with nothing at all. Am I close?”

“You're colder than it is outside.”

“Hmm. Bikinis and a T-shirt?”

“Brr. That's even colder.”


“Let me look and see.” As though Weston could actually see her, Jessica lifted the covers and looked at her attire. “Sorry. Wrong again.”

“Flannel pajamas or nightgown?”

“Not even getting warm.”

“I give! This is no fun. Tell me what you have on in your sexiest voice.”

Jessica gave a low, guttural growl. “Silk pajamas, leopard-print with black silk piping,” she purred softly. “I'm on the prowl, baby. Looking for a sleek, hot-blooded panther to get into hot water with. Are you up for the hunt?”

“I'm there, girl. Just name the time and place.”

“Time and place? If I tell you that, you won't have to hunt. Panthers are experts at tracking and trapping their prey. You want to come again?”

Again and again!
Imagining you wearing nothing already has me in hot water.”

Jessica felt her face flush with color. She had stepped right into that one, had set herself up good. “You are sooo bad! What am I to do with you?”

“How much time you got? It might take a while to tell you all the things I'd love you to do.”

“Your time is already up. This girl has to go shopping with her family.”

“Ugh. How you gonna leave me hanging? And I do mean hanging.”

Jessica cracked up. “I get the picture. Can't do a thing about it right now. See you at dinner tonight. I can hardly wait.” She disconnected, howling as she imagined the look on Weston's face.

Jessica really couldn't wait to see Weston later on. She had no problem imagining the hot water they could get into together. A physical connection was inevitable? They loved each other? If all else failed, a girl could certainly dream about her sexual fantasies—she quickly closed her eyes to do just that.

Weston had a hard time believing Jessica had hung up. His manhood was stiff as a board, feeling as if it might break off. Just thinking about her lying in bed, looking sexy and ravishing, had him insane with desire. He knew exactly what she could do with him. And he couldn't wait for the day to come when he could show her. His feelings for her had been assessed and reassessed, over and over again. The outcome was always the same. Jessica was the right girl for him, the only girl.

If they managed to get a long-distance relationship under way, he believed they'd have a wonderful future together. Was it possible for them to live on both coasts? He wondered if Jessica would consider living in New York during the mild-weather months and in California when it was harsher on the East Coast. The real-estate market was better than good in both regions. They'd have to hold licenses in both states, but that wasn't insurmountable.

Weston's hopes soared at what could be a feasible resolution. Now all he had to do was convince Jessica. They could have the best of both worlds. He couldn't act on his idea too soon. Jessica wasn't ready to go at a faster pace.

After visiting Jessica in California a few times, Weston hoped she'd become more open to his idea. He had a lot to prove to her. Hurtful things in childhood had a way of carrying over into adulthood. He had hurt her back then, badly—no doubt about that. He couldn't change the past, but he could navigate a bright future.

Weston's ideas couldn't happen without Jessica on board a hundred percent. Though disheartened over all the obstacles to overcome, he couldn't let it throw him. Knowing he'd see her this evening helped lift his mood. Leaping off the bed, Weston made a beeline for the shower. The sooner he got his day started, the sooner he could be in the company of the woman he loved.

Chapter 7

ne glance at Weston caused Jessica's heart to palpitate and flutter wildly. His camel cashmere sports coat was the bomb. The light-yellow, open-collar shirt gave her a sneak preview of thick chest hair. She itched to get next to him, yet he wasn't even looking at her. She decided to play it cool by not meeting him halfway. The closer he moved toward her, the sweatier her palms got. The skyrocketing effect this man had on her was downright crazy.

Weston finally made direct eye contact with Jessica, gazing at her intently. Putting his hand over his heart, he shook his head from side to side, blowing her a flurry of kisses.

Falling into Weston's arms was what Jessica could hardly wait to do. Too many prying eyes kept her from fulfilling her heart's desire. Even though they had explained their romantic interest, no one knew how deeply they'd actually fallen in love. Weston didn't even know that Jennifer knew since Jessica hadn't made him privy to it.

Jessica thought she smelled the scent of Weston's manly cologne from where she stood, an alluring blend of citrus and sandalwood. She closed her eyes to capture his essence and inhaled deeply. Hoping to see him standing before her, she reopened her eyes. A sharp twinge of disappointment hit her when he was nowhere in sight.

A handsome young man stepped up to Jessica, asking her name in a deep, sultry voice. She was both flattered and annoyed by his presence, yet she supplied the requested information. Since he blocked her view of the man she anxiously awaited, the man she loved to the depths of her soul, she tried to see around him.

“Joshua Gibson.” He extended his hand to her. “Nice meeting you, Jessica. I've watched you since you first came in. Are you dining alone?”

Joshua couldn't have watched her that closely, Jessica knew. She had only arrived with her family. “My family and my boyfriend and his family are dining together.”

“Boyfriend and families! I get the picture. Should've guessed someone as beautiful as you wasn't solo. Forgive the intrusion. It
a pleasure. Good evening, Jessica Harrington.”

Joshua disappeared as quickly as he had come upon Jessica.

There was still no visible sign of Weston as Jessica looked all around. Where had he gotten to? He had been there only seconds ago. Her eyes had only been shut for a second. That was when Mr. Gibson had suddenly appeared, interrupting the flirtatious flow between her and Weston.

It was a large restaurant so Weston could be anywhere. But why had he disappeared like that? Was he upset by her talking with Joshua? Nothing about Weston indicated insecurity. She hoped he wasn't playing games. Jessica wanted to be with him badly, especially on Christmas Eve. Maybe he had suddenly taken ill. With that in mind, the worrying began. Jessica's mind was in a tizzy.

Ten minutes later and still no Weston. Since Jessica's family was already seated near the bandstand, she had no choice but to join them. Standing in the middle of the room alone made her stick out like a sore thumb. Jessica was really worried now. She tried not to show concern in front of the others, but Weston's sudden disappearance had gotten to her.

Unable to stand the mystery of Weston's disappearing act, Jessica got up and looked around for him again. The ladies' room had been her excuse. She thought of asking Samuel to check out the men's room for Weston, but she changed her mind. Why get the others worried, too? Her heart thundered with anxiety as she made her way up front. This was an unpleasant situation to find herself in.

Just as Jessica stepped out into the corridor, someone walked up behind her and covered her eyes with some sort of soft material. Panic quickly arose within her, yet she didn't feel in any imminent danger. That in itself was odd. The person who had blindfolded her propelled her forward. Joshua Gibson popped into her mind, making her wonder if it was him. Panic flared slightly again.

Was she really being kidnapped? Or was this a Weston-generated hoax? She prayed for the latter. Screaming her head off would bring attention to her, but if Weston was behind all this, how foolish would that make her feel?

As a pair of hands spanned Jessica's waist, she felt they were Weston's, but she wasn't positive. The touch was so familiar. She was then pulled along rather quickly. If she was anywhere other than a busy restaurant, the panic would be intense.

The blindfold was quickly stripped from Jessica's eyes, but it took a minute for them to adjust to the soft lighting. She then saw Weston standing in a candlelit dining room, where there was only one elegantly dressed table, romantically set for two.

Jessica gasped, feeling as though she had stepped into a fairy tale. Her Prince Charming was right there, looking as if he was on cloud nine. She felt the way he looked. This gorgeous hunk of a man had pulled out all the stops. When January third popped into her head, she felt a painful twinge of sadness.

Jessica reminded herself that the relationship wasn't going to end then. That was when it would really begin, when the moment of truth was upon them. Not seeing him every single day would be a real bummer, but seeing him again in L.A. was the silver lining.

Smiling smugly, looking fine as wine and sweetly arrogant, Weston held up a black silk scarf and then a leopard-printed one. “These silk beauties represent the panther and the leopard. You, my beautiful leopard, have been captured by the sleek panther. Without any effort, I might add.”

All Jessica could do was smile at Weston. He
captured her—heart and soul, mind and body. The sexy hunter had easily captured the game.

Weston took the leopard scarf and placed it around Jessica's neck, sliding it back and forth. His dark eyes thirstily drank in her heart-stopping sensuality. As he kissed her gently on the mouth, he inhaled her captivating scent. “You turn me on, woman. You have no idea what you do to me.” Taking her by the hand, he led her over to the table and pulled out the two chairs.

In the background Freddie Jackson was softly crooning “You Are My Lady.”

Weston waited until Jessica was seated before he knelt down on bended knee. “I wanted to be alone with you. I hope you don't mind.”

Jessica was touched by his desire to be alone with her, yet she felt apprehensive. “What about our families? It's Christmas Eve.”

“I know, baby. I know. They understand. We're joining them for dessert, but we're dining alone. Are you okay with that? If not—”

Jessica silenced him with a sensual kiss. “Thank you. This is special. You are special to me.”

“As you are to me. Words can't begin to express how happy I am to be here. This is our private dining room for a couple of hours. Let's enjoy it.”

Jessica blushed, smiling. “I feel the same way. Ready to order?”

“Absolutely.” Weston brought Jessica to him and kissed her like there was no tomorrow in sight. “I love you.”

“Love you, too, my darling.”

Weston got up and took the chair opposite hers.

Prepared to take care of Jessica's and Weston's dining needs, a tall, slender waiter handed them both menus. Smiling brightly, he politely introduced himself to Jessica as Wayne. He had already met with Weston when he had arrived earlier to oversee his plans. After white merlot was poured into crystal glasses, Wayne walked away to give the couple ample time to be alone before examining the menus.

It was only when Weston asked Jessica to dance that she once again became aware of the soft music. She had been too busy looking at Weston and losing herself inside her thoughts. He gently pulled her up from the chair.

After moving a few steps away from the table, Weston took Jessica into his arms, holding her as close as possible. His arms went up under hers and his hand rested firmly on her shoulders. Still, she wasn't close enough to him. Closing his eyes he rested his chin atop her head, swaying gently to the music.

Jessica thought that Jill Scott's “Cross My Mind” seemed so fitting for the moment. It reminded her of all the times Weston had crossed her mind over the years.

Once Jill Scott's song ended, Brian McKnight picked right up with “Find Myself in You” from the
Madea's Family Reunion
soundtrack. The song wasn't really slow, but they continued to dance at a relatively snail-like pace, wrapped up tightly in each other's arms.

Jessica felt as though she were floating in space. The way Weston held her made her feel very secure. She reached up and entwined her hands in his hair and buried her face against his neck. She couldn't remember ever feeling this wonderful, this content. Lifting her head slightly, she planted sweet kisses on the side of his neck. “I love you,” she whispered softly. “I don't know what I'll do without you.”

“I do,” he whispered back, kissing her forehead tenderly. “We'll talk every single day and night by phone, as often as you permit. We'll e-mail each other all the time. We can exchange pictures daily. We can even do the Web-cam bit if you're comfortable with that. Jess, we
stay connected. I promise.”

Jessica believed in Weston's promise, believed in him, believed in their love.

Leaving her worries and concerns behind, hoping never to pick them up again, Jessica gave up herself fully to the intimate moments. By that time, “Me Time” by Heather Headley was playing. Jessica loved the song, but didn't think she'd ever need or want any “me time” from Weston.

Weston escorted Jessica back to the table, waiting until she was seated before seating himself. As if Weston had a magic button somewhere on his person, Wayne reappeared. He saw that they'd need a few more minutes to look at the menu, since the menus were still right where he had left them.

Food was the last thing Jessica had on her love-saturated mind. She was more interested in Weston continuing the heavy romancing. Because it appeared that he had gone through special pains for them to dine alone, she had to order something. He might be disappointed in her otherwise.

Jessica's entrée would be light fare. All she was hungry for was Weston's passionate kisses and those warm, heartthrobbing embraces he heated up her anatomy with. Knowing she couldn't do justice to a big meal, she only ordered grilled tilapia, steamed vegetables and a garden salad with Italian dressing. Water with lemon was her beverage choice since she hadn't finished her wine.

Although Weston didn't call Jessica on ordering such a light meal he eyed her with slight concern. She was upset by their imminent separation and he hoped it hadn't ruined her appetite. On the other hand, his desire for food was big enough for both of them. He ordered his porterhouse steak medium-well, along with his favorite trimmings. He also ordered a glass of water with a twist of lime instead of the lemon. When he suddenly summoned the waiter back and addressed him in a secretive manner, Jessica strained to hear what was said, all to no avail.

The happy couple made small talk while awaiting the first course. It was hard for Jessica to fully concentrate. Her brain was busy figuring out what Weston had told the waiter. She wanted to ask him, but he would've said it aloud had he wanted her to know.

The mystery conversation was resolved when Wayne returned carrying a silver champagne bucket with a bottle of champagne nestled inside. He then produced two beautifully cut crystal flutes in the same pattern as the wineglasses. Once Wayne popped the cork without incident, he slowly poured the champagne. Then he was off again.

Jessica wanted to know how Weston had managed to reserve this lovely room for only two people. He had more than likely paid an arm and a leg for it. It really shouldn't matter to her one way or the other. His honorable intentions were probably obvious to most. His deep feelings for her were behind every move he'd made so far. If what he'd done for her was an indication of how he felt about her, she was one lucky sister.

Jessica was very grateful for Weston.

Weston picked up a flute and handed it to Jessica. He took hold of the other one and held it up in a toast. “To us, Jessica, to our love. May it keep us happy, content and optimistic about the future. For all seasons, for all reasons.”

Fighting her emotions, Jessica touched the rim of her flute with Weston's. “Hear, hear! For all seasons, all reasons. To us and to our love,” she said, just above a whisper.

The first course of the meal was then served, salads and hot sourdough bread. Soft, romantic music continued to play. It seemed like many songs from the same movie soundtrack were on the playlist, making her wonder if he'd made the selections.

Weston picked up a linen napkin and placed it on Jessica's lap. The kind gesture made her smile. She then returned the favor by thanking him with a passionate kiss. His eyes closed to savor the scrumptiously sweet taste of her mouth.

All through the meal Jessica and Weston fed each other food and sipped from each other's glasses. When they shared wine from each other's mouth, she got terribly hot and bothered by the sensuality of the intimate act. Each time their tongues mingled for a bit of wine-tasting, she nearly came unglued. At times she giggled like an infatuated schoolgirl.

Once the meal was over, Weston stood up and reached down for Jessica's hand. “One more dance before we join our folks for dessert?”

BOOK: Forsaking All Others
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