Read Foundation for Three Online

Authors: Vella Day

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica, #Western, #Medical, #Contemporary Western Romance, #Medical Romance, #(MFM), #Erotica ménage romance

Foundation for Three (41 page)

BOOK: Foundation for Three
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had was at the point where he was ready to burst. Having Zoey’s mouth around his cock, taking him deep, then sucking on him hard had been the most amazing experience. Now he was ready to drive into her and make them one.

He moved behind her and clasped onto her delicate waist. The scent of her sex made his balls bullet hard. He itched to tease her without mercy for what she’d done to him, and nudged open her folds with his cock.

Don’t rush. Go slow. Make her lose her mind.

Pete moved into position in front of her and cupped her face. When he closed his eyes, Thad smiled. Pete had always been cavalier about sex, but Zoey had turned him into a serious lover. He seemed to be quite tender, caring, and yes, even sensitive to her needs.

Zoey’s soft, dewy skin altered something inside him. No matter how long it took, Thad would make sure Dr. Zoey Donovan knew without a doubt that he and Pete were the men for her.

When he brushed his palms against her distended nipples, his cock pulsed. He had to have her. Pete was on his own. When Thad drove into her, her honey-coated walls welcomed him. All was good until she gasped, and when she clamped down on his dick, he almost lost it. Where the hell was his control? He slid out of her creamy channel and palmed her heavy tits.

Her head bobbed on Pete’s cock. His roommate’s grunts quickened, implying he’d explode soon. Zoey was pushing her hips back, trying to take in more of Thad’s cock. Then Pete let out a feral scream, signaling his climax was both powerful and earth-shattering.

Damn it, Pete. Thad had wanted them to come together. He stopped all movement in the hopes he’d garner a bit more control, but it didn’t help. Her nipples brushing against his palms turned him into a mass of need.

As soon as she lifted her head, Pete dropped onto his haunches and Thad withdrew, ready to go back in a moment. Needing her heat, he lowered his chest to her back and wrapped his arms around her, inhaling her hair’s sweet peachy scent. Everything about this woman tantalized him, and drove him crazy with need.

Thad wanted to take these last few minutes slow, but she lowered her head to her hands, raising her ass. The change in angle caught him off guard and signaled the beginning of the end for him.

He reached between her thighs and rubbed her tiny pearl. That always set her off.

“Ah, ah, ah. Yes!”

Her plea was all it took to catapult him over the edge. His vision blurred and his heart pressed in on his lungs. With renewed vigor he lost himself in her sweet body. As his cum jettisoned out, he held her with all his might, promising to love her for the rest of his life.

Minutes later, Pete tapped his shoulder. Thad needed to let her go. He pulled out and let Pete clean her up. Once he finished, Thad stretched out next to her then pulled her on top of him, loving the feel of her body pressed against his.

Pete slipped onto the other side. “I have an idea,” Pete said.

Zoey’s eyes only half lifted. “I’m listening.”

“What do you say you move in with us?”

*     *     *

This time Zoey answered without hesitation. “I think that’s a fantastic idea.” She slipped off Thad and rolled onto her back, and then lifted up on her elbows so she could see both men.

“Really?” Pete’s voice held more surprise than she’d hoped.

“Yes, really. Make no mistake. I love both of you more than you can know. I said I didn’t think marrying you right away was a good idea only because I wanted you to be sure you wanted to be with me.” She tapped her chest. “I have a tendency to analyze things too much, and I don’t always express my emotions like I should.” Thad ran his hand over her breasts and down her belly. She immediately grabbed his wrist. “No fair playing with me. We need to have a discussion without our hormones interfering with our thought process.”

He tapped her nose. “Did you know that the first thing that attracted me to you was your amazing ability to be logical in the face of adversity?”

She laughed at his assessment. “I think better when I’m logical.”

Pete waved his hand. “Let’s stop
this anymore. Our woman has agreed to move in with us. Let’s leave it at that. I suggest we all take a long shower with lots of touching then go eat. We have a surprise for you.”

“Another one? I thought the gondola ride was the highlight.”

Pete shook his head. “What would you say to seeing a Cirque Du Soleil show tonight?”

Her breath caught. “Seriously? I’ve always wanted to see one.”

“If you can control yourself in the shower, we just might make it in time.”

She punched him. Life with these two was going to be amazing.

*     *     *

Six months later

“Let me make the sash tighter.” Zoey couldn’t believe how much weight Jamie had lost in this past half year. Even though Zoey understood the reason, she didn’t like it. After retying the bridesmaid bow, Jamie still swam in the dress. They’d bought the outfits three months ago and Jamie had been on a downward spiral ever since. Her boyfriend’s betrayal, coupled with the fact Jamie no longer had someone to take care of, had taken a once vibrant woman down a dangerous path. The only ones who’d benefitted had been her patients. Fortunately, Amber had intervened and convinced Jamie to leave the hospital for a job at the free clinic. So far, the new job seemed to be working out, but Jamie was still working too many hours.

Today was Amber Delacroix’s wedding to Cade Carter and Stone Benson, and Zoey didn’t want anything to ruin it. “Remember to act happy and be nice to Max Gruden. He’s quite a catch.” Amber had paired Jamie up with that groomsman because he’d experienced something terrible in his life, too, and had emerged from the depths of despair. He’d even seemed willing to help Jamie.

Jamie faced her. “I am happy. See?” She gave her an award-winning smile. “But if you’re trying to match me up, no thanks. Didn’t you see him at the bar when I met Thad and Pete? He didn’t say a word. I swear my hospice patients had more life inside them than he did.”

“Thad worked with him on an arson case, and he never said anything to that effect. Besides, that was before he found the arsonist who killed his family. Give him a chance.” Since then, he’d gotten his life together. Jamie would benefit from a man like him.

“I’d rather eat a live fish.”

The image made Zoey laugh, but she knew when to push and when to pull back. “You only have to dance with him once. That’s all. Let’s go back to the living room. I can hear everyone talking.” They left the spare bedroom and assembled with the rest the wedding party outside Nana’s kitchen.

Amber was beaming, Becky seemed to be in a mental fairyland, no doubt dreaming of the day she’d be walking down the aisle, and Melissa just smiled and giggled at something Amber had said. Amber’s boss, Tammy White, stood off to the side, looking sophisticated and regal.

The wedding planner finished fussing with Amber’s dress. “Looking good, ladies. Let’s get this show on the road.”

Nana was watching from the side. “Carrie Sue, pick up Amber’s train. Won’t do no good to get that white dress dirty.”

When everyone was assembled in order, they all traipsed outside toward the barn. Stone’s father was waiting next to the door to escort Amber down the aisle. She’d tried to contact her dad, but he made some excuse why he couldn’t make it to her wedding. That had to hurt.

Someone had laid down wide white paper, and secured it with rocks on both sides so their heels wouldn’t sink into the dirt or soil Amber’s dress. Maybe getting married in a barn wasn’t the best idea, but it sure would be fun.

Two of Erin’s sons pulled open the barn door, and the music piped up. The boom box sat next the makeshift altar and sounded rather tinny in the cavernous place, but it brought a smile to Amber’s face, which was all that mattered.

Two rows of folding chairs were on either side of the aisle. Big pink bows adorned the chairs for the bride’s side and navy blue ones for friends of the grooms. The ceiling rafters had been decked out in white Christmas lights, while gas heaters stood guard along the walls. Tables clustered near the back of the room were filled with food and interspersed with vases of fresh cut flowers. While Nana claimed no animals had been in here in years, the scent of hay still floated above the rich aroma of the floral arrangements. The large ornate crystal chandelier seemed out of place in the rustic setting, but it was probably Amber’s mom’s way of bringing a bit of elegance to the old place.

Reverend James, who often officiated weddings for multiple partners, stood on the podium next to Stone, Cade, Thad, Dan Hartwick, Ethan Harper, Max Gruden, and three other groomsmen.

Finally, the entourage had assembled on the raised platform, and Zoey looked over at Pete, who was in the third row on the left. He was such a handsome man. As soon as the ceremony began, her mind wandered. Zoey could be the one standing on this stage getting married to Pete and Thad, but Ms. Logical had yet to set a date. What was stopping her?

Pete often talked about kids. In fact, he volunteered his time playing with the children at the shelter, and Zoey knew Thad wanted a big family.

“You may now kiss the bride,” the minister said, pride lacing his voice, “but keep it short, you three.” The congregation laughed and Zoey smiled. Stone’s kiss was soft, sweet, and oh, so romantic. Cade gently tugged the beautiful bride away, dipped her into a deep backbend and planted a dramatic kiss on her lips. The crowd cheered and the music once more boomed.

The threesome marched back down the aisle. By the time they were halfway to the back door, the crowd abandoned their seats and surrounded the loving couple. Pete worked his way through the crowd toward her.

“Hey, beautiful,” Pete said.

They hugged. “Ready to eat?” she asked. “I’m starving.”

“Sure, but in a minute,” Pete said.

Thad took her hand. “We want to speak with you outside for a minute. This won’t take long.” They led her past the crowd.

The serious look on their faces scared her. “What is it?”

Thad glanced over at Pete. “We don’t want to wait any longer.”


Pete stepped forward. “You know what for. To set a date. I believe I’ve proven to both you and Thad that I’m in this for life.”

Giddiness flooded her. She’d wanted to bring up the wedding for a month now, but somehow wanted to see if they meant it when they’d asked her to marry them.

“So?” Thad asked.

Her mind raced. “I was hoping you’d asked again. How about in eight weeks? It takes time to set up a wedding.”

Both men beamed. “Eight weeks it is.” Thad grabbed her hand. “Let’s go tell the world.”

She laughed at his pure joy. They rushed back inside and wove their way through all those congratulating Amber and her men. Thad brought Zoey up to the stage and tapped the microphone.

Heat raced up her face. “We shouldn’t take the limelight away from Stone, Cade, and Amber.”

Thad waved a hand. “Nonsense. This will make them even happier.”

Thad tapped the microphone again and the crowd finally quieted. “I have an announcement. One that has been a long time coming. Dr. Zoey Donovan has agreed to marry me and Pete eight weeks from today. And you’re all invited.”

The crowd clapped and cheered as the men bestowed so many kisses on her that she lost track.

“Hey, don’t you boys hog her. I need to be the first to congratulate her.”

The men broke apart, and Nana, still dressed in her jeans and apron, welcomed her with open arms. Emotion choked her. Zoey was finally home.

The End

About the author

I love to read, write, dream, and connect with people. A book with a happily ever after is a must, as is having characters I can relate to. My men are always wonderful, dynamic, smart, strong, and the best lovers in the world.

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Other Books by the Author
Montana Promises

GENRE: Medical Romance, Contemporary Western Romance, Erotica ménage romance, (MFM)

BOOK: Foundation for Three
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