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Authors: Veronica Short

Fragile (10 page)

BOOK: Fragile
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“You’re grumpy,” Rick crossed his arms across his chest and studied me.

“I’m tired and hungry.” I sulked, sticking my bottom lip out for good measure. Rick’s eyes stared at me long and hard. Rethinking my move, I sucked it back in. “I’m going to have a shower.”

“I’ll make you something to eat,” Rick said quietly.

In the shower, I only had the strength to lean against the wall. My entire body hurt. I had rushed all over the hospital and on minimal sleep. I finally forced myself from the hot spray when my stomach started to growl. As I came down the stairs, I heard talking.

“I know,” Rick stated firmly.

“Do you? Because man, I don’t think you do.” A strange but familiar voice came from the direction of the kitchen mixed with the sound of the sizzling of food.

“Yes Kye, I know what I’m doing here.” Rick sounded annoyed.

“Well then, good man. I’m happy for you.”

“You should be. I am happy, I got Lu back.”

“Will you listen to yourself? This girl has already walked away from you once and left you a miserable mess.” It went silent in the kitchen for a minute and I was about to finish my descent when the other man started talking again.

“I know you love this girl but think about what she has already done to you. We all know you put your heart on the line, even if the girl doesn’t know it. Be careful, man. I do not want to be picking your ugly ass up off the floor if this goes south,” he exclaimed. I didn’t know what to do, keep listening to the conversation or to go into the kitchen. I opted for the latter. I didn’t want to hear what else might be said. Descending the steps, I caught Aiden’s attention before the men’s.


“Hey,” I said to no one in particular.

“Hey,” the stranger said slowly but sounded angry. He turned to give Rick a look, but Rick was looking at me and missed it. The man cleared his throat, getting Rick’s attention.

“Lu, Kye.” Rick waved a hand between us as he introduced us.

“It’s nice to meet you, Lu.”

“It’s Lucy,” I corrected him.

“Lucy, sorry.”

“Food’s almost ready.” Rick looked down to the ground as Aiden pushed his way between our legs, separating us.

“I think you’ve got some competition, Rick.” Kye pointed out. I didn’t see Rick’s reaction as I ventured further into the kitchen to see what he was cooking.

“It won’t be much longer.” Rick turned and leaned against the bench.

“That’s cool.” I put my hands over my head and stretch out my back. It was killing me.

“I’ll rub your shoulders later for you.” Rick offered as he passed over a bottle of water.

I smiled over to him and nodded my head as I took the bottle from his hands. As I turned to leave the kitchen I noticed the look that Kye was giving me. He wasn’t happy that I was there.

“You’re bad for him. You don’t belong here and you’re not welcome here. Why are you here Lucy?”

“Kye!” Rick came to stand beside me, protectively putting his arms around me.

“Seriously Rick, you’re going to wrap your arms around her now? You know that she’s no good for you.”

“Our relationship is none of your business.”

“Your relationship? You may think that it’s a relationship but Lucy doesn’t. She’s only using you...”

“Get out!”

Kye stopped, shocked at Rick’s words.

“She’s going to destroy you.” Kye said as he passed us and walked down the hallway, “Call me when you need your ass picked up off the floor.” The front door slammed and Rick walked down the hallway, locking the door behind Kye.

Rick walked back into the kitchen, his eyes not meeting mine. He served up dinner and came into the lounge room, carrying two plates of delicious smelling food. He put them on the table and sat down beside me, still not saying a word. “Are you alright?” I asked.

“Yeah, eat up.” He pointed to the plate in front of me.

“Are you sure that you’re alright?”

He ran his hands over his face before turning back to look at me. “I’m fine, Lu. Please eat.”

I must have dozed off after dinner, because I woke up in my bed and I didn’t remember getting there. Rolling over, I faced the window and it was still dark. I felt Aiden by my feet and moved my legs around to get more comfortable.

“Aiden,” I groaned, rolling away from him and getting up from the bed to open the window. “What did you eat?” I waved my hand under my nose, willing the smell away. It was repulsive, and Aiden didn’t even move a muscle. Concluding that I wasn’t going to get any sleep in there, I stepped out into the hallway and towards Rick’s room.

As I lay down on the bed, I thought that I hadn’t woke him up until his arm came around my waist, pulling me closer to him. Rick sighed contentedly, and I closed my eyes.

I had the following day off, a rare occurrence and I planned on taking full advance of it by shopping for my new bathroom and furniture for my apartment.

“So, you don’t think it’s too much?” I leaned against the tile wall, examining the picture displayed on my tablet.

“Its fine, Lu.”

“I’m worried that they’re going to think that I’m crazy for wanting a spa as my bathtub.”

Rick stuck his head out from behind the shower door. “If it’s what you want, Lu, don’t worry about what they might think. You don’t have to see them again, and they’re not going to be using it.”

“You’re so smart, Rick. Seriously, what would I do without you?”

“We’ve been through that, Lu. You’d suffer endlessly.” He stepped out of the shower, grabbing the towel from the rack and wrapped it around his waist. I handed him the tablet to look over the details as I got un-dressed and stepped under the still running water.

“Your phones ringing.”

I stuck my head out from the shower. “Do you mind getting it for me?”

“Nope.” I heard him leave then come back.

“Just hold on. I’m getting her for you.”

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around myself as the phone was handed over. I didn’t look to see who it was as I watched Rick walk away. “Hello?”

“Hey, baby.” Luke’s voice comes through the speaker. I hung up the phone, leaving it on the vanity unit, and went in search of Rick.

I found him in his room looking out the window. Who knows what Luke said to Rick before he handed the phone to me? Whatever Luke had said had upset him. I ignored the ringing of my phone as I approached Rick and stood next to him, looking over the road beneath us. I didn’t speak as we stared at the cars driving by.

I finally couldn’t take the silence anymore so I asked, “What did he say?”

It took a moment for him to answer me. “He wanted to know who I was, and if I knew who he was. Then, he said that he’s your fiancé and would appreciate it if I stopped fucking his woman.” Rick’s tone was cold. He sounded hurt. “Is that why you won’t be with me, because you’re already promised to another man?”

“I’m not promised to him, Rick.” I turned to face him, but he was still facing the window. “He’s the reason I left home and came here. I’m not promised to him or anyone.” I stood my ground. It hurt to think that he believed Luke over me.

Feeling like I wasn’t getting anywhere with him, I turned to leave the room. “What happened?” Rick’s voice came from behind me. I turned to face him but his back was still to me.

“He cheated on me.” I admitted.

Rick’s head dropped down before he turned to finally face me. It was then that I saw the sadness in his eyes, “Are you over him?”

“So over him.”

“Prove it,” Rick crashed his mouth onto mine. He moved his lips hungrily. My body responded to his and my towel dropped to the ground. My hands found the edge of Rick’s towel and tugged gently until it dropped to the ground as well.

Rick leaned in more, pushing me down onto the bed and climbed over me until we were eye to eye. The look in his eyes was one that I hadn’t seen before. It was almost as if he was asking for permission to continue. It seemed that he wanted to ask if I was really sure because once he started there will be no stopping him. In answer I ran my tongue along the vein that pulsed along the side of his neck then nipped his ear lobe. He groaned and pushed his pelvis against me, a move that made my head fall back against the pillow on a moan.

Rick took hold of my hand and rested our connected hands above my head. He kissed me again and his erection pressed against my lower stomach. Needing to feel closer I raised my hips, spreading my legs wider. I ran my free hand up his chest and into his hair, bringing his face closer to mine as we kissed. Rick’s free hand tightened around my hip, squeezing it as he pressed into me.

“Lu,” Rick’s voice was low and sexy. “Lu,” he whispered against my neck. He pressed against me once more, his breathing heavy in my ear, his grip tight on my hip. He lifted his head and rested his forehead on mine. I untangled my hand from his hair and rested it on his cheek.

“Rick.” I whispered. Our lips were so close I could feel his breath whisper along my skin. His eyes were closed and it was almost as if he was struggling with something. “Rick,” I whispered again. He opened his eyes and pushed himself up onto his knees resting one of his hands on my knees; he slowly started to trail his other hand up my thigh and gently ran a finger across my core. My skin was so sensitive, so ready that my body shivered when his finger touched me. Rick’s eyes met mine and he watched me as he ran his finger over me again and again, then pushed a finger into me, making me arch my back to get him to go deeper. Rick moaned as he pulled his finger out then pushed it back in again. Watching it disappear in me then reappearing.

“Rick.” I moaned. His eyes shot to mine and he lowered himself over me. He lifted my legs resting my feet on his firm calves. He took a hold of both my hands and rested them above my head, his grip tight but secure. I felt his hardness at my core and his lips on mine as he thrust into me, making us both groan when he hit the hilt, filling me to capacity. Rick pulled out slowly, pausing momentarily, looking at my face before he thrust back in. His eyes never left mine as he continued to thrust in and out me. Slow at first, then faster. The sound of our skin meeting at each thrust mixed with the sound of our heavy breathing. A thin layer of sweat started coating our skin as we found our rhythm. My hips lifted up to meet Rick as he thrust into me. His lips found mine, he kissed me lightly, then his lips found my neck and he sucked on a spot under my ear. He was going to leave a mark but I was too far gone to protest against it. When his lips found mine again, I kissed his hard, feeling his ragged breathing against my mouth. I felt every breath be took in and let out, every slither of sweat that slid down his face to my neck, every squeeze of my hand when he thrust into me.

My body started to tense, my hands gripped Rick’s and I started to shake as my orgasm came. Rick came shortly after, doing one final thrust when he tensed, shut his eyes and called out my name. His body shook over mine, and then collapsed on top of me. Our bodies shook together as we waited for our heart beats to slow and our breathing to even out. Rick rolled off me but pulled me to him, wrapping his arms around me and I tangled my legs with his. He kissed the top of my head, is lips lingering on my forehead, running his fingers up and down my side, causing my sensitive skin to break out in goose bumps and I nestled into his chest and closed my eyes.


Chapter Fourteen




I turned around and slapped Rick’s hands away once more. “Stop.”

I tried to hide my smile behind a frown but Rick’s hands went back to my ass and squeezed it. “That’s it.” I pointed a finger at him and took a step away and out of his reach. “No more.” Rick tilted his head as if he was considering the seriousness of my threat. I raised my eyebrow and turned away from him, but he pinched my ass again, causing me to squeal out in surprise. A few heads turn our way as I spun around to face Rick. He was standing in one spot pretending to ignore me and looking over to where the bookcases were located. I went straight up to his ear, put my hand on the front of his pants, feeling him harden and ran my tongue up his ear before I spoke.

“You don’t get to touch me anymore today.” His eyes narrowed as I walked away to find the sales person.

“When will it get delivered?” I asked the sales lady whose attention was focused on Rick and not me.

“I can have it delivered as soon as today.” Her voice was low and I didn’t like it. I swung an arm around Rick’s waist and he put an arm around my shoulders, pulling me to him and kissing my head.

“We can have it delivered to my place,” he suggested.

“I have the keys to my place, so why not get it delivered there?” I honestly didn’t understand the point in having the furniture for my new home sent to Rick’s when it would be easier to have it sent to my place.

“Because you’re not going to be there to use it and I don’t like the idea of the contractors being alone with your furniture.”

“Where would we put it?”

“You worry too much, Lu.” He looked over to the sales lady who was watching intently. “We’ll have it sent home.”

“As you wish, I just need some details.” Rick filled her in and before I knew it we were on our way.

BOOK: Fragile
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