Freddie Ramos Zooms to the Rescue (2 page)

BOOK: Freddie Ramos Zooms to the Rescue
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With super speed, I could search the whole building in two blinks. The problem was finding the squirrel. Squirrels are not just fast, they're small. They can hide.

I ran through the school three times, listening for screams. No luck! I was just about to give up when I saw a flash of gray run into the kindergarten hall. The kindergartners only go half day, so the rooms were quiet. I tiptoed through an open door. Bingo! Something gray and fluffy was sitting on the windowsill, with his paws raised, like he was begging to go outside. Poor squirrel!

I opened a window for him on the other side of the room. Now all I had to do was get him moving.

“BOO!” I stamped my foot. The squirrel ran, but towards the open door, not the window. OOPS! I should have thought of that.

I slammed the door. The squirrel spun around, saw the open window, and escaped.

Freddie, the superhero, saved Starwood Elementary from a squirrel! I was happy until the principal charged into the room.

“Freddie Ramos,” Mrs. Connor asked, “did you slam that door?”

Superheroes are supposed to work in secret. That's why so many of them have masks. I didn't have a mask, so I had to talk as fast as I could run.

“Yes, but I was helping get rid of the squirrel.”

Mrs. Connor pointed to herself. “That pest is my problem, not yours, Freddie.”

The principal marched me back to Mrs. Lane and told her to keep an eye on me. Secret superheroes don't get much credit.

2. A Mystery Present at My Door

With the squirrel gone, I was all out of superhero work. Mrs. Lane kept me busy with schoolwork until the bell rang. Then I ran up the stairs to Starwood Park, where my mom and I live. At my door, I saw something that made my heart beat quick—a package!

“The last time you got a present, it changed your life,” a deep voice said.

I turned around to see Mr. Vaslov. He had a plunger in his hand. Mr. Vaslov takes care of Starwood Park Apartments and all the people who live there.

“Did you leave this for me?” I showed him my name on the thick envelope.

He chuckled and shook his bushy gray head. “Not this time, Freddie.”

Mr. Vaslov is also an inventor. He made my super zapatos. Except he wasn't sure they worked at first. He left them at my door in a box, so I could test them out.

“You can tell me the truth,” I said. “I won't laugh if your new invention is a dud.”

Mr. Vaslov walked away with his plunger. “Sorry, Freddie. I have to go. There's a stopped up toilet next door.”

He left me alone with the padded brown envelope. I took it inside my apartment, 29G, and pulled the red strip on the bottom. Gray fluffy stuff blew into my face, and I sneezed. Not everything about getting a present is fun.

After I cleaned off my face, I put my hand in the envelope. Inside, I found a pair of super looking


They were silver, just like the wings on the side of my purple zapatos. I ran down the hall to a mirror.

” The silver goggles looked like a superhero mask. They were just what I wanted! And I knew just who gave them to me.

I zoomed back outside to find Mr. Vaslov. He was hurrying down the sidewalk with his plunger under his arm.

Super speed sure helps when you want to catch up with someone.

“Thanks for the silver goggles!” I said, giving Mr. Vaslov a hug. It got me a little closer to the plunger than I wanted, but that was okay. Mr. Vaslov is a good guy.

He laughed. “Freddie! I told you. It wasn't me.”

“It has to be you!” I said. “No one else knows I need them.”

Mr. Vaslov rubbed his chin. “We did talk about getting you a costume.”

“YES! And this is a great mask for a superhero. Thank you!”

“It wasn't me,” Mr. Vaslov repeated, shaking his head. “Sorry.”

I was confused. If Mr. Vaslov didn't give me the goggles, who did?

“There's the train!” Mr. Vaslov put his hand by his ear. The metro train was rumbling behind Starwood Park on its overhead track. “Are you going to race it?”

My feet tingled in my purple shoes. Racing the train always made me feel good. And it would be a chance to try out my silver goggles. I hoped they could keep the wind out of my eyes.

“See you later!” I waved at Mr. Vaslov.

BOOK: Freddie Ramos Zooms to the Rescue
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