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Authors: Nyrae Dawn

Freeing Carter (42 page)

BOOK: Freeing Carter
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She cries and pukes. Cries and pukes and I sit there with her. Kira
s behind me
alternating between rubbing my back and walking out to check on Sara.

Are you sure we shouldn
t call someone?
she asks later. We
re in the bathroom
on the floor. She hasn
t thrown up for about twenty minutes now. Mom
s sleeping
her head resting on the toilet seat.

I think she
s okay. If she does it again
we will.
Wrong or right? I don
t know. I
ve never known which side of the line I stand on. I want to be on the right one
but I just don
t know anymore.

For another fifteen minutes
we sit in silence.
I think she
s okay now. She
ll sleep it off.
I stand up to lift Mom again
but Kira stops me.

Hold on.
Plucking a washcloth from the wrack
she wets it and then wipes Mom
s face and hands.

My eyes won
t meet hers. My girl just had to wash puke from my mom
s face. It breaks another piece of
me inside

s easy to lift this time. I feel her breath against my cheek as I lower her to the bed. On the way out
I grab the monitor. Even though Sara
s too old for one
Mom still keeps a monitor so she can hear everything that happens in her room.

The second Kira closes Mom
s door
I fall against the wall. And cry. Kira
s seen my mom try
beat me up
cleaned up her vomit
and now I
m crying
in front of her.

s okay. It
s okay
hugging and kissing me. But it
s a lie. A liar like me should know a lie when I hear one right? Because I know it
s not okay. I know what I
m going to have to do and I hate it.

Fighting the tears
needing something else to ground me
I kiss Kira. She lets me
even kisses me back. Turning
I pin her to the wall
kissing her deeply.
All I can think is I need more. Need her. Need to forget.

I kiss down her neck. Her collarbone. All the while
she lets me. My hand slides under her shirt
up her belly and traces the edge of her bra
only stopping when her hand grabs my wrist. Immediately
I pull back.

m sorry. God
m so sorry. I don
t know what got into me. I just want to forget
but I don
t want to use you. Not for that.

I know. Carter
s bad. What I just saw is really bad

I shake my head.
Not now
I know
but I can
t. Not right now.

Her mouth is turned down
her eyes bright red as she looks at me
making me want to hide. Hide my weaknesses.

I need to check on Sara again.

She nods and steps away. Quietly
I sneak into my sister
s room. She
s out cold
Barney wrapped in her arms. The picture Kira drew pinned above her bed. For her
I know I have to do what
s right.
I won
t let anything happen to you
And then I sneak out of her room
closing the door behind me.

You wanna take my truck? I can
t leave
I don
t even know why I just said that.

With a shake of her head
Kira pulls her arms out from behind her back. She
s holding my
basketball that
she must have grabbed from my room.
Play me.

Her words are patches
trying to cover up some of the scrapes and bruises inside me. I need to forget and she
s found a way to give that to me.
She tosses me the ball and we head downstairs. It
s late
but I don
t care. We leave the front door open
and I plug Sara
s monitor into the outlet on the porch
making sure the volume is all the way up.

m wearing the right shoes this time
More patches. More band-aides.

This is what I need to forget. With each smack of the ball hitting the pavement
each time I spin around Kira
make a shot
or steal the ball from her
m free. Any other time I would go easy on her
but I can
t and I know she doesn
t expect it tonight. She
s here to free me. To let me float away from my life for a little while. Each time the ball soars through the air
s really me.

Did Dad use basketball the way I do? Was it his escape from life
if he needed it? Was it always there when nothing else went right? As I jump
shoot and fade backward
as the ball goes forward
I wonder about Travis. He
d be there for me too. Be what basketball is to me
if I ever would have trusted him. Just like I would have been to him if he
d done the same. The way Kira
s here
because I let her in
panting and chasing me around my basketball court because she knows it
s what I need.

I catch the ball and shoot again
but this time it bounces off the rim and goes into the bushes. When she tries to go after it
I stop her
taking her gently by the wrist and pulling her to me.
re the girl who took the time to see what I tried to hide from everyone else. The girl who broke into a Jacuzzi with me
to steal my secrets and give me yours. You
re the one who looks gorgeous with purple hair
orange hair
black hair. You
re just as comfortable in combat boots as heels or my Nikes.

I step closer to her.
re the one who helped me with my homework. You
re the straight A student who loves to dance on tables. You love Lana like a mother. You love my little sister like she
s yours and never mak
e her feel weird or different. You
re the one who doesn
t think twice to wipe vomit off my mom
s mouth
or try anything new. You
re the one who wore a jersey with my name on it and made me win the game. When no one else did
me and you drew me. That
s who you are. It doesn
t matter about your mom. Meet her or not
who she is has nothing to do with who
are. There
s no one else like you. I—

s finger on my mouth stops me
just like she did the first night we kissed.
Shh. Don
t say it in the heat of the moment. Not tonight when your emotions are wild. You might regret it. I
ll think you only said it because you
re so raw from everything else. Just

I smile.
I wouldn
t regret it. Never. But I can wait

Mommy! Help!
s voice breaks the night.

I say to Kira before I run
and up the stairs. I push into Sara
s bedroom and am by her bed.
Twig. I
m here.

Closet. Look

I walk over to the closet and look inside
pushing the clothes out of the way.
See? Nothing here.

She looks over the side of the bed.
Down there. Look

Bending down
I look under the bed too.
s just us. No one
s here. I promise.
Promise I
ll take care of her too.

s Mommy? I want Mommy.
Sara starts to cry. Anger threatens me again
but I fight it down.

s sick
Twig. Mommy doesn
t feel good. Can I hang out with you?

I hand her
her glasses and she puts them on
then shouts
Kira! Kira!
Sara starts bouncing up and down on the bed.

kid. Oh
look you hung my picture up. It looks pretty up there.
Kira shrugs at me
unsure of what to do.

BOOK: Freeing Carter
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