Give and Receive - Bundle (Books 1-2): New Adult Romance (10 page)

BOOK: Give and Receive - Bundle (Books 1-2): New Adult Romance
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He slipped his hand inside his pants, touching his penis. Feeling the smooth, veined, hardness.

Dripping pre-come all over his fingers.

A low, deep, groan of agony and need escaped.

Forcing its way past his lips.

He fisted himself. Stroking rapidly. Breathing faster. Harsher. Fucking his cock relentlessly. Desperately, as she fucked him…in his mind.

In spite of himself, he visualized Ty. Sucking her gorgeous, pretty little clit into his mouth. Danny thrusting into her from behind.

And Lena, grinding herself against Ty’s mouth. Forcing his head between her legs with one hand. Gripping the bar with the other.

He imagined how slick and moist she must have been, sitting on Ty’s lap. Fantasy and reality finally converging.

He remembered her face as she was about to come. The moist sweat covering her body. The way her lips parted. Her breathing, becoming more labored and rushed.

He could still feel the air shift. Changing as she found her release with Ty. Her spicy, sweet scent. Mingling with his darker, earthier one.

He stroked himself faster and faster. Bruising his cock. Making it rough and painful. Essential and necessary to satisfy the darkness of his need.

Finally he obtained the relief he sought, coming with a torn, hoarse cry. The force of his climax ripped through him like a tidal wave. Holding it in for so long, he had no physical control left. He came all over his hands and fingers, a seemingly endless amount of warm, liquid semen.

He reached for a crumpled napkin on the floor. Cleaning himself and sitting back. Letting his heart rate slow. Vaguely aware of the tears rolling down his face.

Not wiping them away.

He sat like that for a while. Staring out the window at nothing.

Eventually he started the car. Driving towards the exit of the parking garage. As he drove, he noticed a familiar car parked adjacent to his, and slowed to let Remy know he was leaving.

His window came down, but before he could say anything, he abruptly stopped. Seeing Elizabeth.

Her tongue practically down his bodyguard’s throat, as he cupped her breasts from behind. Danny watched her. Moving up and down in a way that was all too recognizable.

He knew he could continue ignoring this. What he knew had been going on for months. Act like he never saw a fucking thing.

An hour ago, it might have been easy to do.

Until he saw a glimpse of what he could have.

What he could have had all along.

If he finally allowed himself to be happy.

Just once.

He looked down at his cell phone, turning the camera on. He raised it, and after hesitating, snapped a few shots.

She didn’t even see the flash.

He drove to the entrance of the parking garage. Paying the attendant, before pulling out into the street.

He waited at the first stoplight. Forwarding the pictures to his attorney, Sasha, with three words in the heading.

File the papers.

He paused one last time, looking over the pictures. Seeing her suck Remy’s fingers into her mouth.

When the light turned green, Danny continued driving.

Into the night.

Heading home.

Wherever the fuck that was.




A New Adult Romance

Receive Series, Book II



Alisa Anderson




 Take: A New Adult Romance

Receive Series, Book II

By Alisa Anderson

Copyright © 2014 Alisa Anderson



This is a work of fiction. While there may be reference to actual places and events, all the characters in this book are fictitious, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.


All rights reserved.


No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in encouraging piracy of copyrighted materials in violation with the author’s rights. Purchase only authorized editions.








For my intern (Bella, the cat) who stayed up with me…every step of the way. She is the best intern ever in the history of interns. I just don’t know who sprawls across a chair with a delicate white paw quite the same way she does. It’s an art.







“Here we are.”


“I was just saying…here we are. Club’s closed. Everyone’s gone.”

“Oh. Right.”




“We gonna talk about this?”

“Talk about what?”

“Well…for starters…my dick is about an inch from your pussy.”

“Oh. Um…” Lena trailed off.

Delving back into the quiet thing she was doing.

Not moving from his lap. Which she currently sat on.

Ty’s laugh was quiet. Rueful.

He kissed the back of her arm.

“You know…you keep talking so much I won’t get a word in edgewise.”

More silence.

“Hey…that was a joke.” He gently nudged her. “Ha ha?”

Lena gave a faint smile in his general direction. Lapsing back into silence. Typical Lena avoidance.

He should have known better.

That’s my girl…deny till the end.

“I’m not your girl.”


“You were thinking out loud. Like when the words appear in a cloud above your head. You’re not that hard.”


“To read. You’re not that hard…to read. Is what I meant.”

She cleared her throat, trying not to meet his eyes.

“Transparent. You were transparent. I knew what you were thinking. You were all, oh hey, that’s my girl Lena…deny everything. I’m not your girl.”

She stared off into space as she spoke.

Eventually becoming silent. Again.

He frowned.

She could maybe not do that reading his mind shit.

It was weird.

Ty knew now wasn’t the right time to discuss anything remotely resembling what happened between them.

Especially anything about Danny.

The absolutely stricken, haunted look on her face when he left. He would never forget it as long as he lived.

She was devastated. He knew he was mostly responsible.

He also knew they crossed a line they could never go back from. Having your penis wedged between your best friend’s thighs after almost fucking her could do that to a person.

Stupendous orgasms gave a clarity nothing else could.

All to the display of the man she had loved for years.

Even if she never did openly acknowledge that fact.

What in fuck was wrong with him, pulling this shit? 

You knew exactly what you were doing. Don’t even try to grow a conscience now.

He gave a less than regretful sigh. It was too late for all that anyway. Not that he had many hindsight being 20/20 moments. What’s done was done.



“Oh, so you remember my name now.”

Ty had nerve to be annoyed, he knew. Like that shit ever stopped his arrogant ass. Nerve was never something he lacked.

“And by the way, it’s an expression. I know you’re not mine. At least, not entirely.”

He said that part under his breath.

“What the fuck does 

Now Lena looked annoyed.

“Which part?”

“What?” She sounded altogether confused now.

“Never mind.” She wasn’t supposed to hear that part.

“The only part I take objection to. You, somehow being pissed at me. And for what, might I be so bold as to inquire?” Lena asked sarcastically. This annoyed him further.

“Gee, I don’t know, baby. You sounded like you didn’t know my name for a minute. I was just making sure.”

“You know what? I so don’t want to hear this right now. Especially not from you.”

She stood to move from him while he remained seated. Refusing to acknowledge her body’s almost immediate response to his expanding erection.

“And I’m not yours. I’m not his either. So we’re clear.”

Before she could shift from between his legs, he grabbed her. Turning her around to face him. Fitting himself and his burgeoning cock. Conveniently back where it started.

He would deal with that issue momentarily.

“No, I think you 
 need to hear it darlin’.
 from me. Whether you want to or not. Because the motherfucker you 
 thinking about? He’s gone. Ghost. Like the mist. Like he always does. And I stayed. 
Like I always do
. Picking up the pieces.”

Damn. So much for keeping his big, fat mouth closed.



Lena’s eyes watered for a minute, trying to betray her once again. She was all over the place. With good reason. By sheer force of will, she regained control. 

Second time, baby. Don’t do this. Don’t let him get to you.

Not again. Please not again.

Neither of these bastards are worth this shit.

Yes they were.

They were more than worth it. And she knew that. She just wasn’t ready to deal with this…or them. Not right now.

Another time. Not tonight. Please God…not tonight.

She didn’t even want to think about Danny.

She glared at Ty. Watching him watch her. He was silent as he studied her. Not one word. Only a curious expression that as usual, she could not decipher. 

“Like you always do? Excuse me? Is that what it is you do? Because I wasn’t sure.” Lena raised her brow at him in disbelief. “The way I see it, I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you. This shit was all your idea anyway, so excuse the fuck out of me if I don’t see things your way.”

, fucker.

Not that 
 of this…disastrous monstrosity…

Actually happened.

That is, it 
 be a disastrous monstrosity…

Of epic proportions.

If it had happened.

Which it hadn’t.

She would deny this shit for as long as humanly possible.

He was right about that, at least. He did know her well.

Almost as well as she knew him.

Of that, she was smugly certain.

And even though his penis…good lord, his gorgeous, eighth wonder of the fucking world dick. Wedged tight, against the outer lips of her pussy, which was getting wetter by the second-


Where was she?

Oh yeah.

Even though it felt awesomely, fantastically, soft and silky, crushed velvet rubbing up against her electrically charged flesh. She closed her eyes. Willing herself to move.

Even though 
what never really happened…

BOOK: Give and Receive - Bundle (Books 1-2): New Adult Romance
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