Going Hard (Football Romance) (2 page)

BOOK: Going Hard (Football Romance)
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"So what, you're just going to do what your father wants you to do?  I mean, my dad wants me to go to his alma mater in Ohio, but that doesn't mean I'm going there," Tyler said.

"I'm not just doing this because of my father.  I've spent my whole life wanting to be an Armadillo," Maureen revealed.

"Well I want to spend my life with you," Tyler replied.

"Then take the scholarship from my dad.  Stay here," Maureen urged.

"I can't," Tyler said.  "I'm meant to be a big star.  And I don't want to have to wait for my turn in the spotlight.  Not when I can win now."

"Even for me?" Maureen asked.

"I could ask the same of you.  If you love me, don't you want to see me succeed?" Tyler replied.

"Yes--here.  Not in LA.  I mean my whole life is here," Maureen insisted.

"Look, I know it's a lot to process, but I have stardom waiting for me in LA," Tyler explained.  "Now I'm going to do this, I just hoped that you would come with me."

"You're already made your mind up, haven't you?  I mean, can't we even talk about this?" Maureen asked.

"There's nothing more to talk about.  You either love me enough to come with me, or you don't," Tyler said.  "So, which is it?


Chapter Four


If the world had plans for Maureen, she no longer knew what they were.  Tyler wasn't the only one leaving town though.  Maureen's best friend Rachelle got into her first choice and was heading to school in San Antonio.  It seemed like the only one happy to stay in Juniper Flats was Maureen.  But whereas once she was so sure about her decision to go to Texan U, now doubts were starting to creep in.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with me to San Antonio U?" Rachelle asked.

"To San Antonio U?" Maureen replied.  "Thanks, but no thanks.  Besides, if I didn't take Tyler up on his offer, what makes you think I'd take you up on yours?"

"You just can't get enough of Juniper Flats, can you?" Rachelle joked.

Maureen sighed.  "Why couldn't you and Tyler just stay?"

"Look, this isn't a slight against you.  I'd love to stay.  But they have a better pre-med program in San Antonio," Rachelle explained.

Maureen reluctantly agreed.  "Have you ever thought you had everything figured out, then you realize you're more lost than ever?"

"Welcome to my life," Rachelle joked.  "I was banking on getting a scholarship.  But it looks like I'm be racking up student loan debt until the cows come home."

"I was talking about my love life," Maureen bemoaned.  "If you can even call it that."

"Look, the right man would have stayed for you.  Unfortunately it just looks like Tyler wasn't that guy," Rachelle explained.

"My head knows that," Maureen remarked.  "My heart, not so much."

"You'll find a new man.  A better man," Rachelle said.

"How can you be so sure?" Maureen asked.

"The same hope that lets me believe there's a man out there for me too.  I mean look, odds are there has to be someone out there for us," Rachelle insisted.

"So now we're letting math decide my love life?" Maureen groaned.  "I've always hated math."

"I'm going to miss you Maureen.  You always know how to make me laugh," Rachelle said.

"I'll miss you too," Maureen replied.


Rachelle wasn't the only friend scheduled to leave that day.  Only Tyler was more than a just a friend.  Maureen hoped that he would be her love of her life.  As Maureen walked back from Rachelle's house to see Tyler waiting on Maureen's porch though, maybe Maureen thought maybe she'd get her wish after all.

"Tyler, what a pleasant surprise," Maureen remarked.

"Yeah.  I can never see you enough," Tyler replied.

"So, what brings you here?" Maureen wondered.

"I wanted to see if I could change your mind," Tyler insisted.

"The only mind that needs changing is yours," Maureen said.

"Look, I don't want things to end like this," Tyler replied. 

"Then don't leave," Maureen said. 

"Maureen, you don't get it.  I've been listening to everyone else's dreams for my life for too long," Tyler said.  "Right now I need to follow my heart."

"Even though what you're doing breaks my heart?" Maureen argued.

"It doesn't have to be that way.  You know I want you to come.  I just don't want to miss out on this great opportunity," Tyler said.

"Have you ever thought that maybe staying here with me is the great opportunity you're be missing out on?" Maureen asked.

"I'm going to ask you one more time to come with me," Tyler said.

But it was clear neither one of them were going to get what they wanted.


Chapter Five


If there was ever a time for reinvention, it was freshman year of college.  So with the fall semester, Maureen looked to make a fresh start.  But with Tyler gone, life on the rebound was not easy.  It seemed like nothing could mend Maureen's broken heart.

But Maureen's life was lacking across the board.  She loved her classes, had made a bunch of new friends, and she loved being at Texan U.  The only thing Maureen was missing was a love life.  But that didn't seem like it was going to get better anytime soon. 

There were a lot of hot guys on campus.  Unfortunately, they all seemed to know exactly how hot they were and carried around that swagger.  An even bigger problem though was the fact that most of the guys Maureen met seemed to exist to binge drink and hook up.  Promiscuity was always on the menu.  But whereas one night stands were prevalent, long term relationships were not.  Maureen didn't want to just hook up with a guy.  She wanted to fall in love.  But in the not too distant future at least, that didn't seem likely. 

Maureen sure knew how to keep herself busy though.  She poured herself into her school work.  She soaked up campus life.  She joined some extracurricular groups.  Mostly, she did everything she could to get Tyler off of her mind.  But the one problem with Juniper Flats was that the town was mad about college football.  On Saturdays, the whole place shut down.  And watching football just reminded Maureen of Tyler all the more.

It didn't help Maureen's heart any that the Armadillos were having another down year while Tyler while leading the LAU Bearcats to all new heights.  On her lonelier nights, Maureen wondered if Tyler even thought about her at all anymore.


Meanwhile in LA, Tyler Webster was living the kind of life he'd only ever dreamed about.  Los Angeles was a town built on stars.  Movie stars, sports stars, music stars.  And in one game, Tyler's star had risen to all new heights.  The LAU Bearcats had a storied history.  In the seventies, eighties, and nineties, they had won over six national championships.  But recently the football program had fallen on hard times.  With Tyler behind center though, all that seemed like it was about to change. 

In Tyler's first game at quarterback, he played like a highlight reel unto himself.  The man was an absolute superstar.  He played like a seasoned veteran instead of a true freshman quarterback.  And he singlehandedly led his team to an upset victory over the number eight team in the country. 

That kind of star turning performance did not go unnoticed in a city like LA.  After the game, Tyler got his first taste of what it meant to be a star in LA.  When he and some of his teammates went to a club on the Sunset Strip, Tyler was the one that turned heads.  If Tyler could have any woman in Juniper Flats growing up, he now had the entire city of LA in the palm of his hands.  Tyler suddenly had underwear models and actresses as groupies.  And Tyler decided to soak up all the benefits his new fame allowed. 


Chapter Six


Meanwhile back in Texas, Maureen's parents meanwhile offered what comfort they could at the weekly family dinner at home. 

"I hate to see you like this," Isabel said.

"Trust me, it sucks for me too," Maureen said, moving food around her plate without any appetite.

"I know it's hard to believe, but there is a reason for this," Isabel assured with all her motherly ability.

"Yeah?  Well I can't imagine what it is.  What reason could there possibly be for this happening?" Maureen asked.

"Maybe Tyler only seemed like the right man for you," Isabel answered.

"If he was the wrong man, I don't know what's right.  I gave a year of my life to him.  He's the only guy I've ever loved," Maureen replied.

Brett then chimed in.  "I know.  But a man with a restless heart is in no shape to take care of yours.  You need a man that will love you, honor you, and cherish you--not just football."

Maureen looked at her father like he had two heads.  "Are you serious dad?"

"Hey, just because I'm a football coach doesn't mean I don't know how to take care of your mother's heart.  Your mother means more to me than anything, and you need to find a man that will do the same for you," Brett explained.

"You're right.  I just thought that man would be Tyler," Maureen replied.

"Honey, the first man you dream about isn't necessarily the one you're meant to spend of your life with," Isabel remarked.

"Mom, with all due respect, you and dad have been together for thirty-four years--" Maureen argued.

"True, but your dad wasn't my first love," Isabel admitted.

Maureen looked at her father, but he put up no argument.  It was a sobering truth, but maybe just what Maureen needed to hear.

"There was a boy long ago I thought I'd spend the rest of my life with," Isabel continued.  "So when he proposed to another girl at school, it crushed me.  I was inconsolable.  I thought I'd never be happy.

"Wow," Maureen said, clearly hearing that for the first time. 

"And then I met your father," Isabel continued. 

Brett grabbed Isabel's hand and smiled at her like it was the first time he'd laid eyes on her.  It was heartwarming.  A nice pick me up.  And a reminder that maybe everything would be ok after all.  Maybe.  But that was their love story.  Maureen's was a completely different matter.

"Mom, you know I value your advice.  But just because your story ended well doesn't mean mine will," Maureen said.

But Isabel wouldn't back down.  "If there's one thing I've learned, it's that the God doesn't make mistakes."


Chapter Seven


Four Months Later


It had ended up being an up and down year for the Armadillos.  And despite having their veteran senior quarterback Garrett Jones behind center, Texan U only managed to muster a seven and five record.  The Armadillos sure could have used the likes of Tyler Webster on their squad.  Maureen's father spend a good many nights tossing and turning in bed wishing Tyler Webster was his quarterback instead of Garrett Jones.  But what was done was done. 

Meanwhile in LA, Tyler Webster had the kind of season a true freshman could only dream about.  He led the Bearcats back to prominence with a nine and three record and the conference championship.  But even more impressive than what had happened on the field was what had happened off the field.  Over the course of four months, Tyler had sex with three lingerie models, a pop star, and countless groupies.  But the real catch was his current girlfriend, actress Natasha Simmons.  Tyler couldn't believe his luck.  It all seemed so surreal.  Tyler Webster, a small town kid from West Texas was dating a world famous movie actress.  It was a dream come true.  And one that made him feel like he was on top of the world. 


Chapter Eight


Maureen knew college would change her, but she never realized just how much until she saw Brian King.  Brian and Maureen met in chemistry class.  But it was only after they were put together as lab partners that they realized what great chemistry they had together.  It wasn't until about halfway through the semester that Maureen found out Brian was a football player.

Initially Maureen tried to keep things nothing more than platonic.  The last thing Maureen wanted was to date another football player after what had happened with Tyler.  But the universe apparently had other plans for her.  Every day in class together Maureen grew to like Brian more and more. 

Brian was more than just a football player though.  He also happened to be the backup quarterback--holding the clipboard on the sidelines--just like Tyler didn't want to do.  And it turned out that Brian was only recruited for the team because Tyler turned down the scholarship to jump ship for California.  It was the wildest twist of fate.

As the semester went on, Maureen let her walls come down.  If the universe went to all that trouble to get Brian and her together as lab partners, who was she to deny the sparks from flying?  Of course it didn't hurt that Brian was built like a Greek God.  Even by the standards of college athletes Brian had an unforgettable body.  One time during an experiment, she happened to bump into him, and for that brief moment she could feel how tight his abs were.  As taut and muscular as his body was though, he was as sweet as could be too.  It was his tender side mixed with the ultra-manly exterior that Maureen couldn't get enough of.  A man could never be versatile enough in Maureen's eyes, and Brian was no disappointment.  One moment he could make her laugh, then another a profound statement would come out of his mouth.  Brian managed to have brains and brawn--it was truly the perfect combination.

All that being said though, Maureen didn't know exactly how Brian felt about her.  Sure he was flirty in class and as kind as could be, but he hadn't asked her out yet.  So Maureen suddenly started to wonder if maybe she'd let her imagination get a little overactive.

After all, the semester was almost over.  If Brian was going to make a move, it would have to be soon.  Especially since Maureen and Brian didn't have any other classes together, and the odds were that they wouldn't have a class together in the following semester.  It was quickly becoming a now or never situation.  Knowing that, Maureen decided to throw on some extra flirt to entice Brian.

"Can you believe this is it?" Maureen asked.

"Well, there's still the final," Brian replied.

"I know, but we can't really talk during the final," Maureen said.

BOOK: Going Hard (Football Romance)
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