Read Govern Online

Authors: Viola Grace

Tags: #Erotic Romance, #Paranormal, #Science Ficton Opera, #Shapeshifting

Govern (7 page)

BOOK: Govern
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“We will need to talk about what happened.”

She snarled at him and wrapped herself in the linen wrap again. It seemed to have been peeled from her at some point.

She stalked to the command deck and slammed herself into position. There were four jumps to Tragathi, and she pulled the
Gold Fairy
through the first one with a snarl.

Before returning to her room, she stopped in the small medical bay. A few scans told her what she suspected. There was something new in her bloodstream.

She forwarded the scans to her researchers before stalking back to her bedroom. “What the hell did you put in me?”

He blinked and his wings lifted a little in defense at her aggressive tone.

“Um, the Scekorar have a venom that is an excellent pain killer, and I have a contribution that can make your system more receptive to the repairing agents your brain has been programmed to create. You will no longer need to get an upgrade in management chemistry every few months. Is that worth the bite?”

She put her hands on her hips. “You could have told me.”

He walked to her and placed his hands over hers. “You would have argued. You are very cantankerous when you want to be.”

Leo wrinkled her nose. “I am when I do not want to be.”

“And yet, your mercurial nature fascinates me. I have been around many beings in my life, and you are the first to want me for me.”

She laughed and admitted to herself that mercurial might have just hit the nail on the head. “Speaking of wanting you…”

She looked down and stared at the small, erect frond with the soft cup that jutted from the base of his penis. She stroked it with one fingertip, and it flexed and quivered, opening and closing hungrily. “What is that?”

“It is called a xeli. Don’t your males have one?” He tugged her wrap loose, and it puddled to the floor a moment before his long fingers slid against her clit.

“Um, no, they don’t.”

“Then why do you have this?” He stroked her clit, and it throbbed under his touch.

“Um, to distract me while having intense conversations?” She gasped and gripped his arms.

He laughed. “In my species, the xeli is there to provide extra security and stimulation during mid-flight couplings.”

“I see. Well, it feels wonderful when it is in action.” She bit her lip and blushed.

“I am very glad. Would you care to try again?” He waggled his dark brows in a suggestive manner.

“I think that a repetition might not be a bad idea.” She pressed her hands to his chest and stroked his strange musculature. Her palms tingled everywhere they made contact with his flesh, and he held still while she explored him.

Eventually, she stepped closer and stroked the length of his cock. The head was more pointed than she was used to seeing, but the heat of the shaft was what she was craving. It was thick, too; her fingers couldn’t close around it completely as she stroked him. The xeli waved in desperation, and she wanted to feel it on her again.

“Shall we adjourn to the bed?”

She snickered. “Are we engaged in a negotiation, Ambassador?”

“I believe that I am dictating your surrender, Pilot.”

Aura pulled something out of her Terran files and began to play Ravel’s

Leo laughed and held tight as she was danced back into her bed, tipping welcomingly onto her back.

He pressed his head between her breasts before he explored one and then the other.

Her body throbbed, and her thighs shifted against his hips as he used his mouth and tongue to wake every inch of skin on her torso.

He worked his way low on her belly, and finally, he was between her thighs, his tongue lapping at her clit while his lips alternately sucked and brushed against it.

Her hands dug into the bedding, and she shivered over and over under his treatment. When he slid a finger inside her, she arched her body and moaned low in her throat.

He must have been as close to the edge as she was, because a moment later, he moved up her body and fitted the head of his cock to her opening. It took several short thrusts to make it through her slick entrance, but the moment he was in far enough to attach the xeli, things went a lot easier. The sucking and squeezing on her clit caused a liquid welcome to rush around him.

Her mind went blank and colours spoke to her as he surged into and retreated out of her. Leo wrapped her legs around him and rocked with him as they surged together toward release.

She felt fire in her veins, and she screamed when her climax struck.

Eykanyo muttered something, and he arched into her, holding her tight as his hips pumped hard several times.

He shuddered and collapsed on her, and she held him tight, stroking his wings and otherwise remaining still.

“You are going to kill me, Leo.” He pressed a kiss to her temple.

“You are going to enjoy it, Eykanyo.”

He grinned and braced himself on his elbows above her. “Probably. I look forward to learning to pace myself. A Beholder mating is usually very quick.”

She could feel him swelling inside her again. “But very frequent, right?”

“How did you know?” He withdrew from her and rolled her to her side, facing him. He lifted her left thigh and placed it over his hip. His erection found its way inside her again with the xeli attaching without him touching it.

She gasped. “How did it do that?”

“My body knows the taste of your pleasure now. Every part of me is drawn to it.” He kissed her and slowly rocked his hips into hers.

“You aren’t a pleasure vampire or something, feeding off me, I mean?”

He laughed, and she could feel it from the inside out. “No, I am merely a man who is enjoying the touch of his mate.”

She stroked his chest, the base of his wings and cupped his ass, pulling him into her as hard as she could.

He grunted but picked up the pace. “Demanding, I told you.”

She smiled and shuddered in his arms when her climax struck her again. Sparks, jerks and bright light ran between her mind and body.

Aura was playing Dhemon seduction music, and it echoed in the chamber as Leo and Eykanyo rocked together.

When he grunted and held himself inside her, she smiled as his body trembled and the sweat gleamed on his skin. It was a lovely sight to Beholder.


In her suit, she ran them through the next three jump points. Putting on her uniform was the only way to keep her mate’s hands off her. He respected the trappings of her office, and if it gave her time to recuperate, so much the better.

“Are we there yet?” Eykanyo was wearing his Tragathi clothing and form. It was elegant, pale blue and his clothing was a navy tunic and trouser set with high black boots.

“Aura is requesting clearance. Why are we here?”

“Oh, the high magistrate has a fascination for me. She is always looking for an excuse to get me to swing by.” He grinned and sliced off a piece of apple-like fruit before walking over and slipping it between her lips. “Are you my bodyguard for this one?”

Leo checked her files. She was. “I am. Is this uniform acceptable?”

“It is to me and fine for Tragathi. The women are dominant and have a wide variety of dress.”

She smiled and asked Aura for the download of the Tragathi traditions and expectations. A moment later, she was livid. “You are not sleeping with her to seal a bargain.”

“That was quick. What do you suggest as an option?”

Leo rifled through the Tragathi customs. “I will have to fight for your honour. She is not going to like me throwing down a challenge.”

“No, she is not, but I will find it very stimulating.”

Leo backed Aura up on the atmospheric entrance. “I bet you would. You find my breathing stimulating.”

He grinned innocently with his strange face. “Can I help it if I am a creature of simple tastes and simpler habits?”

“That thing you did with your thumb went a little beyond simple.” Her butt was still smarting a little from the unexpected invasion.

“I am learning you, beloved. You did like it once you were used to it.”

“The jury is still out on that one.” She was blushing, but she stuck to her guns.

Gold Fairy
settled easily in the VIP berth on the surface, and Govern was standing next to her ambassador as the rear hatch opened to allow them to see their honour guard.


It was the shortest visit on record. The high magistrate was an elegant blue woman who treated Wikkio as her own personal pet. The moment that the woman laid hands on her mate, Govern went a little wild.

The service bots tipped her chair over while Leo strode forward to extricate her mate from the claws of the magistrate. “He is mine.”

The magistrate blinked and shook her head. “He has always been available before.”

“That was then, this is now. Come near him again and I will snap your neck, High Magistrate.” She held Wikkio behind her with one hand while glaring at the other woman.

The magistrate asked, “Ambassador Wikkio, what is the meaning of this?”

“I have pair bonded with this female, and she is very protective of me.”

Leo didn’t look, but she could hear the grin in
his voice.

“What affected the bots, Wikkio?”

“My mate did. She is the saviour of Gah-tosh. Repaired a damaged containment system and then dropped the remains into a volcano, all without lifting a finger. I am lucky to be bonded to such a powerful woman.”

When he said it, it sounded a lot less stupid than she felt.

The high magistrate shook her head. “As that is the case, you are dismissed. I really have nothing of import to deal with. Have a good flight.”


Back in the ship, they lifted off and Leo was still shaking her head. “I can’t believe I did that.”

Eykanyo chuckled. “I can. I was wondering if I was still going to be sent on those kinds of assignments. I believe we can safely dispense with them. I will request being put on Guardian recruitment duty. It seems a lot safer.”

“This was pretty safe.”

“Safer for me. If I had given in to the high magistrate, I would be in pieces by now.”

She looked at him and laughed. “You are probably right, though it would be her in pieces and you would be shackled in my bedroom.”

“Just where I long to be. Now, where to next?”

“You have to file your reports first, and I have to fly to the next jump site. We are getting out of this system.”

“Yes, love. Anything you say, love.”

He sauntered away, and it took all her self-control to stay in the command seat and help Aura deal with the gravitational pulls and the interstellar traffic. In an hour, they were free of the traffic jam and on their way to the site at the edge of their star system.

If he was swearing off seducing nobility and heads of state, the least she could do would be to work on her attitude. There was a place for snarky, but in her bed with Eykanyo wasn’t it.

She enjoyed the idea of new Guardians in the ship, but if any of them made a move on her man, they would be investigating the bright side of a stasis pod. She might be in a better mood, but she still had her instincts to defend the one man who was many men and who had picked her as his one woman.

It was just like a messed-up fairy tale, with fangs and a cock with a frond on it. How romantic.

“Ah, well, Aura. Time to propel our Guardian to the next assignment, wherever it may be. I just hope they are polite, for their sakes.”

Aura played the
William Tell Overture
, and with that stirring music, they went off to find the next defender of right, justice and alien races.


* * * *


“It worked,
, Emmy! It worked! My pilot has a mate, and he is already helping her so she isn’t in pain anymore.” Aura was so pleased.

“Is she still grouchy?”
had to ask.

Aura sniffed. “Of course she is. It is her defining characteristic, but it comes out less violently and doesn’t stay as long.”

Emmy laughed. “I am very happy for you. Is there anything we can do?”

“Actually, Emmy, there is. I need to find some flowers. Her mate wants to give her flowers, but we don’t have any on board. This is my flight plan. Where can I find flowers for him to give her?”

Emmy analyzed and fed her sister three planetoids that had flowers. “These are your best options for pretty blooms that a Terran would like. They are not even poisonous.”

Aura continued her talk for a moment, absorbing all the hints for dealing with the mates that her sisters had come up with.

Leo would get her flowers, and Eykanyo would give them to her. She wasn’t going to leave the first planetoid until he did.

A smug feeling ran through Aura, and she acknowledged it as satisfaction in manipulating her pilot’s love life. Ah well, everyone needed a hobby.




Author’s Note



Writing with the
has been fun, and I hope that we will see them again in a later series of books.

Next up are the H’s, and the ladies have all been blown up to one extent or the other. In
, an alien race rebuilds a Terran from scratch using only her DNA as a pathway. Hope to see you there.


Thanks for reading,


Viola Grace

[email protected]




About the Author



Viola Grace was born in Manitoba, Canada where she still resides today. She really likes it there. She has no pets and can barely keep sea monkeys alive for a reasonable amount of time. Her line of day job tends to be analytical which leaves her mind hopping to weave stories. No co-worker is safe from her character analysis. In keeping with busy hands are happy hands, her hobbies have included cross-stitch, needlepoint, quilting, costuming, cake decorating, baking, cooking, metal work, beading, sculpting, painting, doll making, henna tattoos, chain mail, and a few others that have been forgotten. It is quite often that these hobbies make their way into her tales.

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