Read Grapes of Wrath (Billionaires' Secrets Book 2) Online

Authors: Jennifer Lewis

Tags: #Contemporary romance Revenge Billionaire Chemist Bastard Heir New York

Grapes of Wrath (Billionaires' Secrets Book 2) (23 page)

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She certainly wasn’t that.

But she was a mystery.

One moment shy and awkward, the next polished and witty. Dressed in her fine clothes, she reeked of wealth and privilege. But the Louboutin shoes and John Galliano dress didn’t hide the ragged emotional edge of a hungry waif. You didn’t have to be psychic to see she was burdened with a sadness so huge that it threatened to suck oxygen from the air.

He shouldn’t have brought her here.

She was too fragile, too slender and delicate, too dangerously close to some verge he knew nothing about.

He had a strange feeling that, in unlocking her mysteries, he’d open a Pandora’s box that would unleash chaos on his world.

But he couldn’t stop.

To read more buy
A Taste of Heaven

The Billionaires’ Secrets Series:

Book 1: Volatile Chemistry (Dominic and Bella)

Book 2: Grapes of Wrath (Amado and Susannah)

Book 3: A Taste of Heaven (Louis and Samantha)


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Author Biography

Jennifer Lewis loves heat in all its forms including spicy food, steamy temperatures and smoking hot heroes. She is a USA TODAY bestselling author and her books have been translated into more than twenty languages. She lives in sunny South Florida and when she’s not sitting at her laptop she can often be found at the beach. Read more about her books or join her new release mailing list at


Copyright © 2016 by Jennifer Lewis


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Published 2016 by Mangrove

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.



BOOK: Grapes of Wrath (Billionaires' Secrets Book 2)
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