Read Guardians of the Sage Online

Authors: Harry Sinclair Drago

Guardians of the Sage (24 page)

BOOK: Guardians of the Sage
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“Is that right, Mr. Stall?” Montana demanded, his jaws clenched.

The old man took another turn about the room and then came back to his desk. “Sit down, Jim—and you, too, Letty,” he said. “I'll do a little talking now. Of course I knew the decision was in my favor. I even arranged for Vickers to let the information slip out to Rand and one or two others, figuring they'd get it to you. Now I'll tell you why.

“When I made that offer down at Crockett's place there was a reservation in the back of my mind. You two are in love with each other. You're going to be my son-in-law, Jim. I said to myself, ‘I'll test him. If he tries to jam this deal through, thinking he's taking advantage of me, he'll never marry my daughter. If he shoots square—I'm with him all the way.' ”

A long-drawn sigh of relief escaped Montana. A smile came back to his lips. “Then the deal stands?”

“That's what I said,” Mr. Stall grumbled. “It's costing me plenty. K Letty had kept out of this a few minutes longer I'd have got some sort of a dividend out of you.” The dinner bell broke in on him. “Better come in and sit down with us,” he invited.

Jim could only shake his head. He felt a little dizzy.

“He's a hard man to have riding herd on you,” he said to Letty.

“Yes—and his daughter takes after him,” she smiled back.

BOOK: Guardians of the Sage
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