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Authors: Jana Leigh

Halfway Between (8 page)

BOOK: Halfway Between
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Major Dario Moghodan,” All of the men said and Vince and the others outside the team stopped and listened.

Yeah, that is right, she also has a son named Diego, not listed since it was from a previous marriage but is currently in the United States on business, staying with his mother.  Different last name and everything.  Now, we may have a problem with this one.  From what my contacts can tell me they know next to nothing about this man, it's quiet in the background.  No one even knows who his father was.  ‘No information available’ it says when searched,” Vince said and shook his head sadly.  “I had no idea what was going on, she was such a warm and loving woman.  But anyway, I need to know if I should call her?  I have the number.”

Not yet, we need to find out everything about this group first.  Dario will be the easiest as we actually know him,” Thane said and looked at Drake who nodded and moved to the computer.

How do you all know him?” Harper finally asked.  There was a long silence before finally Gage stepped up and said.

We have known him for a while, when we had to go overseas for a mission, he was our NATO contact.  Thane and he are closer.  Dario was the head of the extraction team that came in after the suicide bomber hit.  He grieved right along with us at the loss of the men, even came to Germany a few times to see us.  I had no clue his mother was an Ambassador.  He was the one who carried Sam to the Hellos,” Gage said and looked at the others.

Oh,” Harper said and went to the computer where Drake was sitting and put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed.  She withdrew and went to Joel, and sat with him at a smaller table with laptops, both silently began trying to get information through their contacts.  The room was silent as they all focused on what was going on.

Chapter Nine



The next few days had been a whirlwind of activity.  Harper had decided to accept the offer extended to her from Alex’s family after she received notification the shooting was declared clean but she was put on administrative leave due to a pending investigation of her job as a whole.  She sent in the resignation letter that same day, and moved on.  She wasn’t going to keep fighting with the assholes.  So she had been busy setting up contacts and letting the appropriate people know she was opening her own business, as well as getting information from the FBI’s database. 

The men had been calling everyone they knew to figure out if anything fit together.  Tomorrow they were meeting to discuss what all of these clues actually meant.  Joel had been in contact with his agency, although not letting them know where he was, trying to set up a time they could talk to Frank, so far he refused to say a word.

It had been a long day before they had taken a break from it all.  They had been given a snack and a light meal right in the room from a completely lovely woman who was apparently her cook.  The computers were still searching, making small discoveries, and they were beginning to get a small picture but it was nowhere close to where they needed to be.  Vince had left to call Tulu, the others were sitting in the dining room with her, speaking quietly about nothing of significance as they were brain fried.

Drake and Joel had been attentive to her moods, and knew exactly what she needed before she even said anything.  It was weird, and she found it comforting. 

However, she also felt herself becoming more and more attracted to each of them as they shared information about their pasts.  It was driving her nuts because the thoughts of a ménage were right there in her face.  Especially when she saw a few of the guys’ video conferencing their spouses.  She saw the cutest little babies, and saw the love they had.  It made her jealous, which was a completely new feeling for her.  Also it made her want to actually settle down.  Harper was in the whole reflective mood where she wondered if she could actually do that.  She was a bitch, and high maintenance because when she got pissed it involved guns.  Not that she was psychotic, but going to the shooting range gave her a release.  In fact, that was her only request in the whole business deal.  She wanted her own range in the back section of both properties. 

She wanted to go to Healing and see what the town was all about.  But from what she heard, she wondered if it was going to be the best place for her to regroup, and it would be a great place for her headquarters because it was remote and all of her employees said they would like to travel.  Consulting was a traveling type job.  The only thing she hesitated about was the fact that both Drake and Joel intended on living there as well.  Drake had explained his ranch, and Joel was going to be based out of there from now on.  He requested a transfer to the closest FBI headquarters.

She ate and snuck glances at the men.  They were going through so much, now wasn’t the time to be starting a relationship, but she couldn’t seem to help herself from thinking about them.

Smiling shyly as the men came into her room later in the night, how could she have ever thought that choosing one over the other would have ever made her happy?  She saw them as individuals, but also a
s a team.  She wanted to wake wrapped safe and warm in the cocoon of their bodies, she would finally sleep soundly for the first time in a very long time.  Harper opened her mouth to ask them to stay when Drake shook his head. 

Don’t ask, just say yes,” he whispered and she shivered, Harper looked down, how in the hell had she gotten the sexy nightie, she didn’t know, but she did know she liked the feel of it.  Maybe when she focused again she would ask Tank where the closest lingerie shop was.  He looked like he would know that.  Oh, back to her daydream.

’s arm tightened a little as he pulled her back against his body and nuzzled her neck.  “Come here, baby,” he sighed into her ear.  “Joel is going to help us out getting you relaxed.  Because after tonight, I don’t think I will ever let go.  You feel so good, like you were made for me.”

To prove his point, he pulled her hips back onto his raging erection, grinding his cock slowly against the soft flesh of her ass.  Harper
’s body immediately started humming with excitement, and she felt wetness gathering between her thighs, the muscles of her pussy beginning to pulse.

Ah, looks like you are enjoying that,” Joel said as he leaned forward to kiss her, pushing his tongue deep into her mouth and tangling it with her own.

Harper moaned a little, and Drake leaned over to bite her ear gently, reminding her in a soft whisper that they needed to be quiet.  “
I love your sweet sounds, but I need to hear you scream our names and you will, before the night is done you will be begging us to take you.”

Harper felt the hands running over her silky body.  She moaned a little when Joel leaned in and nipped at her lips.  He grinned a little and then took her mouth in a forceful kiss.  She wrapped one arm around his ne
ck, reached behind her and grasped Drake's shirt, making sure he was close.

They explored her, Joel with his mouth on her lips.  And Drake with his mouth on her neck, her shoulder, and finally pulling back enough to whip the gown over her head, cupping her
breasts from behind.  Joel let loose of her lips long enough to look down and see his best friend run his thumb over her nipple.

The cool air chilled her skin before Drake warmed her with his hands.  She was a fireball of need as she allowed herself to fe
el for the first time.  This was what she wanted and had never had, a connection with her lovers.

Joel ran his hands over her hips and her belly, before moving back down again.  She felt the heat in his hands as he touched her almost reverently.

“You are even more beautiful than I thought,” he said as he ran his hands up her body to cup her breasts, his thumbs grazing over the stiff peaks.  While Drake took the chance to turn her to the side, so they could drive her crazy together.

Let us show you how beautiful you are,” Drake whispered into her ear, gently nipping the sensitive skin on her neck.

Shyly, she nodded her consent.  They moved to the bed where they helped her lay down in the middle and then stood before her and began to pull off their clothes.
  Her breath left her as she watched them move.  Shirts, pants, and finally underwear.  Her eyes must have grown large because they both chuckled at her and then crawled in on either side of her.

Just think, these are both for you,” Joel whispered.

We belong to you,” Drake said and kissed her.  When he pulled back, Joel again captured her lips with his, holding her jaw firmly in his large hands, pressing his talented tongue more deeply into her mouth.

’s hands moved down her body, lifting one leg over his so her pussy lay open to his attentions.  His fingers tangled in her wet curls, circling her clit gently, before he plunged one into her dripping pussy.

Harper squeaked in surprised delight, and Joel pushed his tongue farther into her mouth, still
teasing the stiff peaks of her nipples with his hands.  As Drake continued to push a finger in and out of her aching pussy, Joel slid lower down her body to pull the stiff peak of her nipple into his mouth.  He rolled his tongue around the areola.  She moaned again but found a large palm gripped firmly over her mouth.  She smiled against the hand and then nipped at the fingers.

An evil little chuckle sounded just before Joel returned the favor and bit her nipple.  She yelped behind her makeshift gag, and h
e quickly soothed the pain with his tongue.

Drake began circling her clit with his other hand as more fingers pushed into her dripping channel.  “
You’re so beautiful, Harper.  Can you feel how much your body wants us both?”  Harper whimpered in ecstasy behind Joel’s big hand that still held her quiet.

She moved rhythmically against Drake
’s hands now, striving for the peak that seemed so tantalizingly close.  Joel began to suck strongly on her breast, taking up the same rhythm.  The combined sensations on her pussy and breasts and the erotic thrill of Joel’s hand forcefully reminding her of the need to be quiet had her thrashing in their arms, desperate for the orgasm she knew only they could give her.  The sensations were nearly overwhelming as she felt her body climb higher and higher.  Heat burst through her, exploding in a shower of sensation.  The orgasm ripped through her flailing body, brilliant rainbow colors bursting behind her eyes as wave after wave of pleasure stole her breath.  Slowly, her heart rate returned to normal.

Harper snapped out of her dream and Joel and Drake were looking at her flushed face in confusion.  She had actually had a silent orgasm at the dining table, at least she hoped it was silent, the others were talking and not even looking at her, so she grasped onto the hope she hadn't embarrassed herself.

Chapter Ten



Drake and Joel shared a look, they needed to talk, as the days had gone by, both of them realized that Joel stepping aside was not going to work.  They were reading her cues, and when she asked a question, it was to both of them.  She didn
’t appear to distinguish between the two of them, instead she had fallen into the habit of addressing them together.

They finished their meal and tried to ignore the flushed face Harper was sporting.  It made them both hard thinking about what had made her moan softly and shift in her chair so often.  It had to be one hell of a thought.

Drake pushed on Joel’s shoulder and motioned to the small room where they could still see Harper but be able to speak in private.  Joel nodded and they stood and excused themselves, telling Harper they needed to decide who they had left to contact.  Because she was obviously needing a minute to gather herself, she smiled and nodded.

When they were in the alcove, Drake spoke softly,
“Joel, we need to talk about this, I know this isn’t the prime time, but this is fucking with my head.”

Joel nodded and looked back to the table where Harper was staring into space again, he was torn between wanting to go and pull her into his arms and demand to know what was going on in her pretty little head, or just kissing her senseless. 
“Yeah, I tried, man, I just can’t seem to walk away.”

I know, me too.  Listen, I know we have never talked about this, and I know there will be a lot of conversations to come if we decide we can do this.  But I have seen the others in their relationships, I swear, I never really thought they would work.  The more I look at them though, the more I think that this would work, but only with you and Harper,” Drake admitted slowly.

Joel looked at him in surprise. 
“Dude, not gay.”

Asshat, neither am I.  Shit, I love you, but you are not my type.”  Drake laughed.

Good, just so were a clear on that.  But yeah, I have been thinking the same thing, I gotta tell you, not with anyone else would I ever consider this, but I don’t think I would mind sharing her with you.  When we are together, it seems like she can't pick, she is attracted to us both.  But if we go there, we are all in.  I don’t think she will be able to handle starting this and then pulling out,” Joel said.

I know, I understand and I am ready to do this if you are.  We are gonna have to move a little slowly, but after seeing her at the table, I could have sworn she had an orgasm,” Drake said.

Me too.  So how does this work?” Joel said.

We agree to work as a team, no secrets, and we show her that we are serious about this.  Like I said, we will have lots of discussions.  But I trust you, and surprisingly I am not jealous when I walk in on the two of you alone.  Even with the others, I feel a little jealous but with you, it is more like a relief that you are there to watch over her.  I don’t think you would ever keep me out of the loop when it comes to her.  She can be a righteous bitch, but I think with the two of us, we could tame her from at least not shooting one of us in the nuts,” Drake said.

Complete agreement, and I get what you are saying.  For now, we get her to her bedroom, she looks exhausted, and then we can talk more.  Sound good?” Joel said.

After you, brother,” Drake said.

Harper looked out of the side of her eyes at the two men standing in the alcove obviously in a deep discussion.  They were going to drive her crazy, but it was a good kind apparently, because she was hot for two men who were best friends and she couldn
’t seem to snap out of it.

Let’s get you off to bed.  Tomorrow is going to be a big day and we need to be fresh,” Joel said.

Harper nodded, she kinda liked it when they said things like that, it showed they actually cared about something other than sex.  They worried about her. 
“Yep, I was thinking the same thing.”  Well she had been thinking about ordering a few toys online in order to actually help her through this crazy situation.  One of them was a vibrator that assured satisfaction.  It was still a thought, she just had to decide how to get it without actually having to deliver it to the front door.

She rose and allowed the men to each grasp her elbow.  They said goodnight to the guys, who smiled and nodded.  She was feeling more comfortable with even Thane, who seemed to have accepted her as a member of the

When they exited the room, the guys let her elbows go and took her hands.  She didn
’t pull away—she was startled though.  This was the first time they had ever touched her in anything other than a friendly manner, this felt like something more.

Harper remained silent and let them take the lead.  She wanted to see where this was going to go, with everything that is going on right now, she needed to make sure they knew she wasn't into a quick fuck right now.  Well more like ever, she never really saw the point to them.  She had been in only two relationships that led to sex, none of them fulfilling.  She could get herself off faster than she could get the fumbling idiots who like to stick it in then come and fall asleep.

When they reached her door both of the men held her hand for a second before letting go and Drake turned her to face them.

Sleep well, sweetheart,” Joel said, leaned in, and kissed her.  She was caught off guard and it took her a moment to respond but when she did, Harper put everything she had into the kiss.  They had been driving her nuts for too long.

Joel was gentle but commanding.  His lips were firm and extremely talented, as she had thought they would be.  It only took a few brushes of their lips to feel the heat and Harper opened her mouth without thought.  Giving her access to Joel without question.  His tongue swept through her mouth in a demanding way, not letting her take back what she had given him.  He explored, teased, and dominated her mouth.  By the time he pulled back, she was breathless.

“Uh…okay,” Harper said and then was swept into Drake’s arms quickly.

He gave her no notice and wasn't the sweet kiss she had just received.  No, Drake was explosive, just like she knew he would be.  His kiss demanded a response from her the moment their lips met.  She didn
’t want to even take a breath for fear that it would end.  She felt his desperation, and it matched hers.  Damn, when he released her, she instinctively leaned forward trying to keep their connection.  Harper felt Drake's chuckle and opened her eyes.

Game on, little one,” Drake drawled, letting her go and then both men pushed her into the room gently before telling her to dream of them.


Are you fucking kidding me?” Diego roared.  “That idiot did what?”

His second shifted on his feet, when they had learned that Lipit had indeed survived the initial poisoning, Diego had ordered him to take care of it.  He hadn't been mad or irritated at all with him because the drug, if caught early enough, could be stopped.  But they had known where he was and had many contacts who would have been able to end it swiftly.  However, before they had been able to, their missing contact had decided he was going to take care of it himself without checking with him.  This is why he hated to deal with Americans.

“He has been taken into custody,” his second said.

Where?” Diego snarled.

He told him with the FBI, and Frank was under lock and key, he was fortunately not his only mole. 
“Kill him.”

On it.  What do you want me to do with the others we are seeking?” he asked his boss.

Assign someone else, I want this dealt with personally by you.  Kill him and then come back.  We are going to begin planning to get this over with and leave the country.  The rest of our plans can be fulfilled somewhere else.  I just need to get my brother and his bitch out of the way, plus this team is going to die by my hands and soon." 

His second left the room, and the outrage began to flow through him.  His mother entered the room and he turned to look at her.

“Fix this,” she said firmly and stared at him.

Dario will not live through this,” he commented.

She shrugged and walked out of the room again.

In the next office, Dario was watching, he had heard all of the conversation between his treacherous family.  At first angry, but Melanie had convinced him to think through his actions.  For that he would be forever grateful.  Killing his entire family wouldn't have made for good publicity.  So he waited.

However, it seemed the time had come to regroup and disappear until he could talk to Thane, the only man he trusted completely.  The embarrassment would be great, that he had found out his brother was responsible for Team TEN
’s deaths.  He knew that Thane and the others were going to be pissed, he only hoped before they killed him, they’d helped Mel, he had gotten her into this mess and he needed to make sure he got her out.

BOOK: Halfway Between
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