Read Hanchart Land Online

Authors: Becky Barker

Hanchart Land (16 page)

BOOK: Hanchart Land
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Brad, Lynette, and their girls were spending the night, so Tami and Paige had already been put to bed. Dan and Linda had allowed their children to stay up late, but both were battling heavy eyes.

Luke helped Dan carry Molly and Alex to their car while the other men folded chairs and tables, and then carried them to the barn for storage. Linda, Susan, Lynette, and Caroline helped Rosa with a final clean up of the kitchen. Since Caroline was a good friend of Linda’s, nobody thought it strange that she stayed to help.

Then Susan went onto the patio to do a final check for dirty dishes, and Caroline followed in the pretense of helping. The other woman wasn't too drunk to corner her with some spiteful comments.

"You needn't feel too smug about talking Luke into marriage, you know," she said conversationally. "Everyone knows he and his granddad would do just about anything to keep the Hanchart heritage intact."

If she expected to get a rise out of Susan, she was disappointed. She knew exactly why Luke had married her. What worried her more was if he’d ever considered marrying Caroline.

"Luke's a law unto himself," was her only comment.

"Oh, he's independent enough," Caroline agreed. "But your mother was one of Alma's dearest friends and you know John adored her. When your mother died so soon after Alma, John took it upon himself to gather you into the family fold one way or the other."

"John was very kind after my parents' deaths, but he's a kind man," said Susan. She wondered where the other woman was going with the conversation.

"Didn't you ever think it was a little strange that Luke suddenly came courting back then?"  While Susan collected trash and disposed of it, Caroline leaned against a table, lit a cigarette and took a deep drag before she continued.

"He started seeing you because John asked him to. I think he even would have married you to please his granddad, but then the next thing he knew you were married to his cousin. It must be especially grating to feel obliged to marry you now since he refused to date any of Shane's castoffs after Toni Pagent."

Toni Pagent? Susan vaguely remembered the name from high school, but Toni had been closer to Luke's age than hers. She had married and moved out of state a few years back. What did she have to do with anything?

Caroline explained. "Toni was Luke's first and only real love until she got the hots for Shane. She tried to keep seeing them both, but then Luke found out she was screwing around with his cousin. Toni realized too late that Shane wasn't the Hanchart with the money or control, so she dumped him and went running back to Luke. But it was too late. By then he'd vowed to never have anything to do with any woman who found Shane attractive."

The little speech was punctuated by puffs of smoke and ended with a malicious laugh. Susan was appalled by the story, yet she tried not to show any reaction. If it was true, it explained more of the rivalry between the cousins, and maybe why Shane had gone to such extremes to get even with Luke.

"Yes, indeed," Caroline drawled, "I bet it really sticks in Luke's craw that he had to marry you for the property, especially with all his friends suggesting he's settling for Shane's leavings. It's enough to make a proud man sick to death."

Her little lecture was cut short by Luke's return. He glanced from one to the other, the taut line of his jaw tightening even more.

He didn't need a psychic to tell him Caroline had been trying to cause trouble. At this point, he was fed up with people in general and troublemakers in particular. He'd just suffered a tantrum from Linda, a host of sly congratulations from fellow ranchers and more than enough snide comments to last a lifetime. He was fed up.

"Dan and Linda are ready to leave," he told Caroline, keeping a tight rein on his temper. She'd had too much to drink and shouldn't drive. "They'll take you home and one of the ranch staff will bring your car tomorrow morning."

"You're welcome to take me home," she suggested throatily. "You know the way well enough."

"So does Dan," he clipped. Too little sleep and too much tension had him as irritable as hell. He wasn't in any mood for games. All he wanted was some privacy with his wife. He wanted another long night of losing himself in her sensual sweetness.

Caroline gave him a smoldering look, but conceded defeat. "Well, I guess I'll be running along then," she said as she sauntered toward the door. She ran a hand up his arm as she went past. "Thanks for everything, Sugar."

Susan ground her teeth together to keep a civil tongue in her head. She wanted to tell her to keep her hands to herself. The parting shot made her feel like smashing things. She took out her frustration on the trash.

Luke started toward her, but then everyone seemed to converge on the patio again. Juan and a couple of the ranch hands returned from carrying troughs back to the barn.  Brad, Lynette, and John came back from seeing off guests, and Rosa came out of the kitchen.

"That's it for tonight," the housekeeper declared with satisfaction. "Time to go home."

"I'll second that," put in John. "Thanks for the party everyone. I'll see you tomorrow. I promised the youngsters we’d have a picnic if they behaved tonight, so we have a picnic to plan."

Brad turned to Luke and Susan. "Would you mind if Lynette and I walk Granddad home? The girls should stay asleep, and we won't be long."

"No problem," they chorused.

Everyone departed with final good nights, and Luke turned to Susan. Tension radiated from him, making her wonder if it was sexual in nature or if someone had made a parting remark that roused his temper.

"Go on upstairs. I'll do one last check down here and be up when Brad and Lynette get back," he said.

Her gaze scoured his features. She wanted to ask him what was wrong, but couldn't find the courage. "I'll take a quick peek at the girls."

She started past him to the door, their bodies brushing as each moved at the same time. Luke's arm shot out to steady her. One touch was all it took to ignite the passion that had simmered beneath the surface all night. She wasn't sure who made the next move, but she was suddenly clutched close to his unyielding hardness.

He dragged her closer, the angry stiffness of his body suggesting he couldn't resist, yet he resented the loss of control. Then her arms locked around his neck as their mouths met in a punishing rush.

Whatever anger and frustration he felt swiftly erupted into savage hunger. Hours of wanting and needing and waiting, of being close and touching, yet forced to control their needs finally exploded into a kiss that was deep and hard and hungry. His mouth ground onto hers, and she met it with equal fervor.

Her grip on his neck tightened and when his tongue plunged into her mouth, she rocked her body against his in answering need. A shudder rippled over him as she pressed herself closer to the rock-hard length of him.  The kiss went on and on and on, tongues stroking and entwining until they were both dizzy with wanting. Susan's body came alive, and all the sensitive places Luke had explored last night began to throb with renewed excitement. His kisses seduced, and she was ready and willing to succumb.

 When they finally dragged their mouths apart to draw in air, their breathing was so rough it hurt. His gaze seared her with silvery heat, their faces so close it was hard to tell whose breath they breathed.

His voice came in a ragged hum. "You'd better go."

"I guess," she whispered without conviction. Then she sunk all her fingers in the thick silk of his hair and tugged his mouth to hers again.

The second kiss was less desperate, but no less arousing. They took turns sucking each other's tongues until they were sharing moans and were breathless again. When their lips next parted, he lifted her against his body and carried her through the kitchen door, down the hall and to the bottom of the stairs. Then he set her down and gave her one more swift, hard kiss.

"I'll be up as soon as I shut off lights and lock doors," he said.

Her throat was tight, making her beyond words. She nodded and turned to climb the stairs without looking back even though she felt the heat of his eyes watch her every step of the way.

Once upstairs, she drew in a deep, calming breath and went to the guest room to check on Tami and Paige. The little girls were sharing one big bed with a host of stuffed animals. They looked so precious it made her breath catch again.

The need for a child of her own was intense and her heart ached with longing. It suddenly occurred to her that she and Luke hadn't used any form of protection last night. She could already be carrying his child. Her hand involuntarily moved to her stomach, and she remembered Caroline's suggestion that Luke only married her to supply heirs for the family. It was partly true, yet she didn't think his passion would be so fierce if he didn't care a little.

She didn't want to consider the fact that he could be as passionate with any woman. Nor did she want to think about Toni Pagent.  But the doubts came anyway.

Had Luke and Shane both been wildly in love with her? Was she the reason they'd been such rivals in everything? The reason Shane had blackmailed her into marriage and then lorded it over Luke every chance he got?

The ranch and the property were part of the reason, but she'd always thought there had to be more. If Caroline could be believed, the whole affair would explain a lot of things she hadn't understood before now.

Unfortunately, it also made her realize just how difficult it must have been for Luke to marry her. Would he ever be able to forgive her? She could better understand his resentment and anger, but she didn't have a clue as to how she could overcome such resentment.

Was he still carrying a torch for Toni? The idea brought almost suffocating pain. She couldn't bear to think about it. Had people taunted him in private tonight? Could that account for the almost angry passion they'd just shared?

Regardless of what had happened in the past, they had the future to worry about now. She sincerely hoped Caroline was wrong about people suggesting Luke had settled for Shane's leavings. What a crude thing to say. Would his friends and neighbors be so cruel?

She'd never loved Shane. Luke might not trust her enough to believe that, but it was the truth. Had Toni told him a similar story? He obviously hadn't believed her or he'd resented her affair with Shane too much to forgive her.

And then she'd done exactly the same thing, but without realizing it. She'd dated Luke, married Shane, and now was married to Luke. What a mess! What an incredible mess they'd made of their lives.

     It was up to her to correct past mistakes. The only way she knew to do was to tell Luke the whole truth and confess her love to him. She wasn't sure she had enough courage, but if the alternative was Luke's unhappiness, she'd find the strength.


Chapter Nine


When Susan entered the master bedroom, she was a little surprised to find the bed made. She'd tidied the room before going downstairs, but hadn't taken time to strip the dirty sheets. Now the bed was made up with fresh linens.

A blush stole up her cheeks. Rosa must have found time to come and check the bedroom. Although the housekeeper normally did the cleaning, it was embarrassing to have anyone handling their rumpled sheets. It seemed such a private thing, so she made a mental note to let her know she'd take care of their room in the future.

Remembering the way Luke had made love to her last night, Susan decided on a quick shower. She grabbed the nightgown she'd worn for only a few minutes of her wedding night and headed for the bathroom. Once there, she slipped out of her clothes and pinned her hair atop her head. After adjusting the faucets, she climbed into the shower stall.

When she was nearly finished, she heard the bathroom door open and saw him silhouetted against the curtain. The breath got trapped in her lungs as she watched him strip. A violent quivering began deep inside her when he pulled back the curtain just far enough to join her.

Their gazes collided, rekindling the fire that had been tamped but smoldering all day and evening. Heat flared, scorching them both. Then Luke's broad back deflected the spray of water while his darkened gaze made a slow, thorough sweep of her naked, glistening body.

Her breasts swelled, nipples tightening as his gaze touched them just before his big hands came up to cup them. His thumbs teased both peaks to hardness.

"So responsive," he said in a tone rough with masculine satisfaction. "So soft and yet so hard for me."

His touch sent a pulsing riot of sensation from her breasts to her womb. Her heart pounded in a cadence heavy with desire. "Closer," he commanded gruffly.

She swiftly took the step that brought their lower bodies into hard contact. She grasped his waist with her hands, both to steady herself and bring him closer. The feel of his hard, demanding flesh made her knees go weak.

She arched her hips closer, and they both moaned as soft, water-slick flesh met hot, hard flesh. His arms enveloped her as he drew her closer and buried his face in the curve of her shoulder. His mouth sucked the sensitive skin of her neck as he gruffly whispered more words of arousal.

"I can't wait any longer," he growled roughly, sliding his hands to her hips, parting her thighs and lifting her against him.

Susan clung to his neck while wrapping her legs around his hips. She cried out as he entered her, but from joy rather than pain.

"Hold on," he commanded as he gripped her tightly and sunk into her welcoming warmth.

She needed him this way, too, needed to be one with him, needed to feel the pounding force of his desire deep within her. She clung to his broad shoulders as the strength and speed of his thrusts threatened to destroy their precarious balance. Then he was erupting, his big body quivering violently with satisfaction.

"Luke!" she cried his name as he trembled and shook in the aftermath of passion.

He rested his forehead against hers as he dragged her closer, clinging to her wet, quivering body until they could both breathe again. Susan thought he was cursing, but the roar of her own pulse made it impossible to be sure.

BOOK: Hanchart Land
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