Read Hanging on (Jessica Brodie Diaries #2) Online

Authors: K. F. Breene

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

Hanging on (Jessica Brodie Diaries #2) (26 page)

BOOK: Hanging on (Jessica Brodie Diaries #2)
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I rejoined William, slipping my hand onto his leg. He squeezed my hand, but didn't turn away from the conversation he was having about bull riding with Ty. I thought now might be a great time to talk to Lump as I did Adam. It was only fair. Maybe that could prevent them from killing each other before Lump left.

 "Lump," I waited for her to look at me. I kept the same patient tone. I had to hurry, though, I was running low on caring. "Look, I wanted to talk to you about Adam."

She immediately ceased up, her defenses slamming into place. It was amazing how much he got to her. He must know how to push her buttons as well as she his. I hadn't seen her this riled up in a long time. What a mess.

"You don't like him, we get it, but chill-ax about it, would ya? You have to get along." Short and sweet.

"Jess, I know that, but every time he opens his big fat mouth he says something that makes me want to punch him. It is a marvel that I haven't already. He is a dense, egotistical, misogynist."

"I know he comes off that way to you. He comes off that way to me sometimes, too. But it isn't how he means it. It really isn't. I don't know him that well, not as well as I know you, but I do know that when he steps in your way, his idea is that he is getting you out of harm’s way. He puts himself in a place to shield you—he takes it all onto himself. He is still torn up that he wasn't there to help me with the whole Dusty situation the first time.

 "He just can't fathom a man wanting to hurt a woman. He is a strong, tough guy, and he has always believed that women are weaker and mostly defenseless, which, you have to admit, is more often true then not." Lump bristled. "It was how he was raised. And to his credit, a lot of men take advantage of that, and a lot of women can’t do anything about it. He feels he needs to always stick up for them—you, me, some random girl. That is all he is trying to do. Not many men have met a girl with your...skill set.”

I started talking faster to get this over with. Some girl just walked in with the cutest shoes and I wanted to focus on that for a minute.

"If both of you just opened your minds a little bit, you might at least be able to understand each other. Just, let him help you once in a while, or politely ask him not to. Just while you are here. Can you at least do that?"

She sighed. "Why should I have to be the bigger person? Why don't you tell him to stop trying to be my nursemaid?"

“I did.” Her eyes went wide. “I talked to him first. He was upset that, as he said, every time he tried to make it right you and him just ended up arguing. I told him about you the same as I told you about him. I am hoping you guys can at least get along while you are here." 

 “I had been meaning to talk to you about that.” Lump scratched her arm, one of her tells. I stopped caring about the shoes. “Claire is going off to some place in New York to stay with friends. She had to sneak in the country, so she doesn't have a visa or anything. She is probably just going to get bar work there or something.”

“What do you mean, she had to sneak in? How do you sneak in?”

 “We came across the Mexican border."

“I'm sorry, you what?'

“We drove across the Mexican border. She has a fake Californian ID, and I had my real ID. They should check passports but a lot of Americans were heading back from holidays in Mexico, and we were pretty girls, so I just did the talking and they let us through with no hassle. That's how we got out, too, so her passport wasn't stamped. You can get a ten year ban from the United States if you overstay your visa, apparently.”

 “And they just let you through?"

“Everyone has their prejudices. Irish people aren't usually on the prejudice radar since most Americans claim they are Irish.” She shrugged. “They just let us through.”

 “What would have happened if they didn't?"

“We wouldn't have gotten through." She looked at me like I was slow in the head.

“Anyway,” she continued. “Jane doesn't have a lot of room, and Flem has roommates, so I was wondering if I might stay with you until I got my own place? I was thinking about starting up a self-defense class then get an office job or something. I should be ready to move out in a couple weeks. That is, if you don't mind me staying in Texas with you...”

“No! That sounds great! I will have a friend!” In that moment I was so happy I could have spit. “I just have to clear it with Gladis, but I am sure she won't mind. Yay!”

She was smiling and excited, too.

“But,” I said suddenly serious, “you have to work this out with Adam. You have to. He is with William and me all the time. Seriously all the time. And you probably will be, too, now, so stop pushing his buttons and try to get along.”

She rolled her eyes, but nodded.

“And,” I continued, “don't try to solve the problem by getting him naked. It won’t work, and I don’t want to be disgusted with you trying. He is a good friend of mine, and I expect you to treat him that way.”

She gave me a piercing look. Sexual frustration was often settled with, well, sex. But I didn't think that was the issue here, and Lump using that as a solution would probably make matters worse.


After that the night progressed smoothly. I hit a plateau in my drunken state that I would hold for a while if I eased up on beer intake and stayed away from shots. My body was trying to work out the effects from last night and the torture I was continually applying tonight. If I got drunker tonight, tomorrow would be brutal. And embarrassing.

Adam stayed away from Lump, and Lump hardly noticed Adam. They were each digesting what they were told, and weren't sure how to communicate to the other without frustration and violence getting the better of them.

When last call came around, everyone gathered their things and we headed out to the hopefully awaiting cabs. I had already assured William I would let him come over, so he was happy and relaxed with his arm around my shoulder. As we were walking out of the door, Lump stopped to thank the bartender, who did in fact receive a generous tip. She adjusted her shoe while there, but did so in a way that from behind it looked like she was just holding up traffic.

Adam politely said, "Excuse me."

"Can you wait a second?" Lump answered harshly.

Adam turned to me with a look of "

Lump finished fixing her shoe and turned around to him. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were animated. Her shirt had slipped lower on her breast line than she realized, showing a hefty amount of cleavage.

Adam was behind her, trying to get past, so when she turned around she was inches from him, looking up into his slowly smoldering eyes. It was impossible to tell if the smolder was from sexual passion or physical aggression. Maybe both.

She stared at him with hostility, daring him to make a move. He stared back, just as determined not to back down. They were both handsome people, each chiseled with a classic beauty; strong jaws, straight noses, shapely lips. Adam was all brawn with wide shoulders and taught muscle, where Lump was lithe, slim and sinewy. Each a master of their body. Each able to inflict pain if they wanted to.

They would have been a handsome couple if they didn’t want to kill each other.

I was about to say something to calm the situation when William squeezed my shoulders and brought me in closer. Apparently this was a pissing contest, a battle of wills, and someone needed to back down.

Unfortunately, it wouldn't be happening tonight. Someone in the back shouted to get a move on. Someone else shoved us. We weren’t set with balance since William was hugging onto me, so we tipped forward and pushed into Adam. Adam reached out toward Lump, so as not to fall into her, and Lump reacted instinctively. Violently.

She thrust his hands away to the sides, and before he could do anything, punched him soundly in solar plexus and ducked under him as his momentum carried him toward the door. William surged to get to him, but I was in the way. Adam hit the door with one shoulder and staggered out, trying to catch his balance.

We surged out after him, the crowd behind pushing us on like a cork in a champagne bottle. Lump was caught in the doorway between the door and the drunk people trying to get out. There weren't that many people all told, but she didn't look all that comfortable.

William deposited me to the side then struggled his way back into the throng. He stopped traffic with his big frame and sheer strength before corralling her out of the door and off to the side.

Adam was leaning against the wall, holding his chest and his shoulder at the same time. It dawned on Lump what really happened. Her face was one of perfect guilt. I bet she put all her strength behind that punch.

“Adam, man, you alright?" William asked with a smirk.

Adam straightened up and leaned his back against the wall. He looked like he might throw up.

“That woman is sure quick. Didn't see it comin'. She’s got a kick like an angry mule, too. Christ, but she got me good.” His head was leaning back against the wall with his eyes closed. He shook his head with a smile on his face. Apparently he was taking this in good humor.

Lump was struggling with her guilt and her desire to make amends. Being a person that said when she was wrong, she didn't quite know how to admit it within the constraints of their hatred for one another.

“C'mon man.” William chuckled as he tried to help Adam up.

Adam shook him off. “I'm good. Just gotta walk it off.”

Lump stepped up to help. Adam threw both hands in the air, still leaning against the wall.

“Easy there, Miss. Just stand away right quick. You win. You win, I lose. Just let me get my bearings. I can’t handle no more of those punches just yet. I'll be ready for ya in a minute." He laughed again, trying to straighten up further and get his breath.

Her face fell. She looked like she was ready to cry. The boys walked toward the cabs, Adam leaving his hand on his chest where Lump punched him. I fell in with Lump, putting my hand on her shoulder. She shrugged me off and shook her head without looking at me.

"I didn't mean to do that, Jess. I really didn't. I just reacted. I was so riled up that when I saw movement my muscle memory kicked in. I hit him in a painful place near the sternum. I shouldn't have done that. I could have really hurt him."

“But you didn't. He's fine. Or, he will be."

She continued to shake her head. "Most men would’ve hit the deck with that punch. He is tough thank God. But I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't have let myself lose control! Thank Willie for me please. He’s also way stronger than he looks—and he looks like he can hold his own. How are these guys bread so damn strong?"

"Ever ride a bull?" I asked with a laugh. I knew she would, given the opportunity. I would make sure she had just such an opportunity, too.




Chapter Fourteen


The next morning I woke up with a slightly smaller headache than the day before. My stomach wasn't as queasy, though, so I was doing well on that route. I convinced William to put on the clothes he was wearing last night instead of wearing the reserves he had at my house. He wouldn't wear the tighter shirt in Gladis's house for reasons unknown, but he wore the fabulous fitting jeans and chose a tank top/upper scale Wife Beater from his drawer.

I couldn't see how that was better in terms of looking nice, but it was sexier, so I didn't say anything. I would get to admire his arms and shoulders all morning now, instead of just when we were in bed.

Gladis had breakfast limited to the kitchen, and we weren't allowed to linger anywhere but. She was directing caterers and event staff for the party and didn’t want us in the way. We met the girls in the kitchen, had a quick bite then all decided it would be best to head to my house.

I stopped in to Gladis to ask if she needed anything. "No dear. I have this all under control. I am an old pro."

I smiled and nodded and turned to leave.

"Jessica," she said. I turned back to her. "I see Willie is here today."

"Yes. He made me an apology I couldn't refuse."

"You should have given it one more day."

I told her how the night unfolded, what I had said, and what he did. She nodded when I told her how I very nearly ended it, and surprise lit up her face when I described what William did and said.

"He really did that?" she asked, shocked.

I nodded.

She thought a moment. "He really loves you, honey. It was necessary what you did, but you were right to accept his apology. That is not something a Davies man will do lightly; lay down pride like that. You have something he needs. Guard it well and he'll guard you well."

I was not sure what I had that he needed, or any clue as to what she was talking about, but I nodded anyway.

"Oh, Gladis?"


"Would you mind if Lump stayed with me for a while? It would only be a couple weeks until she got her own place, and she would stay out of your hair. She just needs a place to sleep. She is just back from--"

Gladis cut me off with a hand in the air. "Jessica, don't be silly! Of course she can stay. She will stay in her own bedroom right here. There is plenty of room! You and Willie need your privacy just as surely as your friend Lu...Lump does. I need to learn that girl’s real name. Calling a young lady
is ridiculous!"

I tried to press her that Lump didn't need to trouble Gladis by staying in her house, but a plastic cup was thrown at me and I was told to get away.

Crazy old bird.

The day passed in a flash. Lump wasn't thrilled about Gladis saying she should stay in the big house because she felt like she was putting her out. She couldn't pay rent and Gladis was a stranger, so Lump felt like she was free loading. I didn't care to argue. Let her get hit with something—I was afraid that next time it would be a hard object.


We picked up my old roommate Ami from the airport. She was dressed appropriately for an afternoon gathering among people with
Of course she was. She was raised with money--she knew how these things worked. She was thrilled to see me and jumped around squealing. She greeted William, and he greeted her back. It didn't take him long to recognize that she was in the same club as him—People with Trust Funds club.

BOOK: Hanging on (Jessica Brodie Diaries #2)
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