Read Hapless Online

Authors: Therese Woodson

Hapless (2 page)

BOOK: Hapless
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“Want some water?”

She sniffled and nodded, her dark hair falling into her eyes.

Ty retrieved a bottle from the fridge and brought it to her. He discreetly checked the clock. Micah would be home in twenty. He still had time if he could solve the conundrum of the crying girl.

“So, want to talk about it?” he asked, sitting next to her on the couch.

She took a long sip of water.

“I’m tired,” she said. “I don’t sleep well in the dorms. The cafeteria food makes me sick. And I’m so far behind, I don’t think I’m going to catch up in my classes.” Her lips trembled. “Ty, I don’t think I’m cut out for this college thing. And now I’m going to waste all this money because I can’t keep it together.”

Crap. Definitely not something he was going to solve in twenty minutes, and probably not something he should try to solve. He should leave this to Micah. After all, he was her brother, and she had followed Micah’s recommendation to move out of state and apply to the same university he graduated from.

“You’re still adjusting. The first semester is difficult for everyone.”

“Really? Was it for you?”

Ty nodded. “Yeah. I was too busy having se….” He caught himself and cleared his throat awkwardly. “I mean I had a few personal things to figure out before I concentrated on classes.”

Thank God Bronwyn was too flustered to notice the burning blush Ty knew swept over his cheeks. His first semester was four months of self-discovery—and discovery of others and discovery of positions and discovery of what made him moan the loudest—with a little learning thrown in for good measure. There were some things Ty would rather not discuss with his boyfriend’s younger sister.

“But you always seem so put together.”

Ty barked a laugh. “Seriously? Bronwyn, if I’m put together, it’s with Band-Aids and glue.”

She shook her head, not buying it, and Ty sighed. He took her hand and gave it a squeeze.

“Listen, you’re fine. You’ll be fine. You just need a plan to make it through the next two weeks and pass your exams. And we can figure that out. Micah made it through, and from what I’ve been told, you’re at least twice as smart as he is.”

That made her grin. “Thanks, Ty,” she said, wiping her eyes. “I’m glad it was you who answered the door and not Micah. He probably would’ve closed it on me and told me to get lost and figure it out myself.”

Ty made a sound of disbelief. “Yeah, right. He would have at least walked you to the elevator.”

She laughed then, loud and unrestrained, and she looked so much like Micah in that moment Ty’s heart swelled.



He looked at the clock. Micah would be home soon, and there was no way Ty, in good conscience, could bundle Bronwyn up and send her on her way. Attempt number two was officially like swimmers in
—dead in the water.

“Hey, so,” Bronwyn said, knocking her knee into Ty’s. “Is that real food I smell?”

“Yeah, manicotti.” In for a penny…. “Want some?”

She lit up. “I’d love some. I’m not like interrupting anything, am I? Or do you always eat dinner by candlelight.” She squinted at the set table across the room. “And with expensive wine.”

Ty stood from the couch and crossed to the dining area. He plucked the candles from the holders and stashed them away in a kitchen drawer.

“Oh, it was nothing.” His throat went tight but he forced a smile. “Just doing something nice for your brother.”

She relaxed into the cushions. “I’m glad Micah is with you. You’re definitely cooler than the other boyfriends. And nicer. And way hotter!”

“Now you’re just buttering me up.”

“No, I’m serious. Micah may be a butthead, but I’m glad he has someone who loves him as much as you do.”

Ty’s face heated, and he hid by pulling a plate out of the cabinet. With a soft sigh, he took one last look at his perfect arrangement in the baking dish, then scooped a serving out for Bronwyn. He added salad and a slice of bread and brought it over to her on the couch.

“You’re the best boyfriend-in-law ever.”

Ty knew Bronwyn had no idea about his plans, but the phrase twisted the stab of disappointment over the evening a little deeper.

“Eat and relax. You can stay here tonight in the guest room, and I’ll drive you back to school in the morning.”

“You’re the best,” she said just as the door to the apartment opened.

“Who’s the best?” Micah said as he entered. He dropped his keys in the clamshell and proceeded to peel off his winter layers, draping them on the hat stand as he went. Lastly he pulled the stethoscope from around his neck, placing it on the shelf. He unclipped his badge and kicked off his shoes. “I hope you’re talking about me, Winnie.”

She chewed an obnoxiously large bite of food. “Nope. I’m talking about Ty.”

“I hope you’re not trying to steal my boyfriend. That never works out for you.”

Bronwyn signed dramatically.

Ty rolled his eyes at the sibling antics. He stood and welcomed Micah home with a kiss, which Micah made instantly lewd to tease his sister. Ty didn’t mind.

“Ugh, get a room.”

Micah pulled away and stuck out his tongue. “Get out of my apartment.” Bronwyn took another large bite. Micah narrowed his eyes. “What are you doing here, anyway? And is that manicotti?” He looked at Ty with his wide blue eyes that matched the blue of his scrubs. “What’s the occasion?”

Ty looked to the ceiling and sighed.



after watching Micah and Bronwyn set up and decorate the Christmas tree amid much sniping and tinsel throwing, Ty stretched out in bed, the ring hidden back away in the sock drawer. Micah curled into Ty’s side, a warm, comforting weight. He rested his head on Ty’s bare shoulder and twined their feet together.

“How’s the ankle?” Ty asked, affixing the blankets.

“Tender, but better.”

“Good. Do you need anything for it?”

“No,” Micah answered. He dropped a kiss to Ty’s chest. “Thank you, by the way, for taking care of Winnie. Not everyone would do that.”

“She needed a night off.”

“I don’t know if fucking up the twinkle lights on our Christmas tree counts as a night off, but you know, thank you.”

Ty pinched Micah’s side, and Micah squirmed and laughed, his breath a warm gust across Ty’s skin.

“Don’t you remember your first semester? How tough it was?”

Micah slid his hand over Ty’s abs, teasing his long fingers along Ty’s waistband.

“Not really. I spent it in a drunken haze, and I know you spent yours fucking your way through the frats.”

Ty narrowed his eyes. “If you’re trying to get a rise out of me….”

Micah smirked. “That’s one way of putting it.”

“Your sister is in the other room.”

Micah shrugged, slipping his hand into Ty’s pajamas. Ty arched into Micah’s touch, his breath skittering past his lips.

“Then you need to be quiet. Channel all those times our senior year when I jerked you off under the covers when your roommate was asleep in the bed above us.”

Ty laughed breathily, then held back a moan as Micah gripped him. Ty bit his lip, his pulse thrumming. Micah stroked him expertly, his movements efficient and just the way Ty liked. Three years of being together, and Micah knew exactly how to move, what to whisper hotly in Ty’s ear, where to kiss, suck, and mouth on Ty’s body to drive him wild. Snapping his hips, driving into the tight tunnel of Micah’s fist just on the side of too dry, Ty pressed his heels into the mattress, body taut, chest heaving. Micah leaned close, nipped Ty’s earlobe, swiped his thumb over the head of Ty’s dick, and Ty came, Micah’s name a whimper.

Boneless and sated, Ty didn’t move when Micah rolled on top of him. Micah huffed an affectionate laugh at Ty’s languid movements, and Ty didn’t miss the proud smirk Micah wore.

“Fuck,” Micah said, softly, moving his hips. “You’re hot when you’re sex stupid.”

Ty tried to muster offense at being called sex stupid, but couldn’t, not when Micah slid his dick through the mess on Ty’s stomach and rubbed himself off against Ty’s lax body. Ty grabbed Micah’s ass, urged him to thrust harder, and caught his mouth in a kiss. With Micah’s boxers pulled down, Ty was able to slide his hand down the curve of Micah’s ass and press two fingers against his entrance.

Micah bucked hard, surprised, and tore his mouth away from Ty’s. “Oh fuck!” Micah yelled. He shuddered as he came, adding to the mess on Ty’s stomach, then collapsed forward, his forehead on Ty’s shoulder.

Ty ran his fingers through Micah’s hair and tugged on the strands as Micah breathed harshly against Ty’s neck.

“There’s no way Bronwyn didn’t hear you,” Ty said smugly.

Micah’s shoulders shook as he laughed. “We’re going to have an awkward breakfast.”

Chuckling, Ty pushed Micah off of him, and Micah fell dramatically
into the sheets, sprawling and breathless, cheeks pink and hair standing on end.

Ty looked at him, fondness a consistent, living thing in his chest. The magnitude of it almost felt too big for his body, like bone and sinew had to rearrange to accommodate his affection for this stupid, perfect boy. His skin could barely contain it.

He could do it now. He could get up and retrieve the ring from the sock drawer and propose. The night wasn’t what he expected, but it was good all the same, even with the addition of Bronwyn. They ate dinner and drank wine and decorated the tree. It was significant, a melding of family, and Ty didn’t want to wait any longer.

“You have come drying on your stomach,” Micah said, poking Ty’s ribs. “It’s pretty gross.”

Ty blinked. Moment ruined, he flopped back onto the mattress.



and counting.

Christmas crept closer like the monster at the end of the book, and Ty was as anxious as Grover. But he had a plan, and it didn’t involve bricking off the next page. No, he had a much better idea.

“Remember we’re going to dinner tonight at Jack’s,” Ty said, taking a sip of his searing coffee from his travel mug. He shrugged into his coat and wrapped a scarf around his neck.

Micah looked up from playing his video game. “Fancy. Any reason?”

“He has a new menu item,” Ty said with a shrug. “Wants to try it out on a few guinea pigs, and he knows we won’t post a bad review on Yelp if it sucks.” He hated to lie, but they didn’t make a habit of eating at swanky restaurants. They were more beer-and-pizza kind of guys.

Micah’s attention flickered between Ty and the television, his nose adorably scrunched when his Lego avatar broke into its constituent parts. “This game is so frustrating.”

“That game is for nine-year-olds.”

“Then they really shouldn’t have made it this difficult.”

Ty laughed and grabbed his keys. “I’m heading out.”

“Have fun buying my Christmas presents,” Micah called as he vigorously pressed buttons on the controller. “Don’t forget I need new lucky socks.”

Ty rolled his eyes at Micah’s wide grin. “Seven sharp. Don’t be late,” Ty said, then closed the door. At least the first part of proposal plan number three went well. It was a start.



out a low whistle at the ring. “You’re really doing it? You, Ty, the guy who swore he was never going to settle down, is going to get engaged. Tonight. In my restaurant.”

Ty blushed and shrugged, snapping the box closed and setting it on the table. “What can I say? Micah’s it.”

Jack grinned and reached over the small table for two in the empty dining area and shook Ty’s hand. “I’m proud of you, Ty. Really I am. Even if you never took a ride on the Jack express.”

Ty grimaced while Jack waggled his eyebrows ridiculously. Jack was as straight as an arrow, had no interest in Ty other than to tease him, and had absolutely no room to talk about Ty’s previous no-settling-down policy.

“So you’ll help me tonight?” Ty asked, redirecting the conversation.

“Of course!” Jack said, flailing his hands. “I’ll save the best table. I’ll make sure the best server is assigned to you. The food will be perfect naturally, since I’ll make it myself. What else do you have in mind?”

Ty smiled, heart pounding. This was going to work. This was really going to work. He slid the box over to Jack.

“When it’s time for dessert, I want you to put the ring on a plate and serve it.”

Jack blinked then frowned. “That’s it?”

“Well, you know.” Ty gestured with his hands. “Create some presentation. You’re the chef. You can do that, right?”

Jack scoffed. “Can I do that? Seriously. I can do anything. But I can’t in good conscience just serve the ring on a plate. That’s… that’s… so low rent.”

“I hate to break this to you, but one of Micah’s favorite foods is day-old pizza.”

Jack made a face. “You’re made for each other. Really. But no, on a plate is not acceptable.”

Ty took a deep breath, shoving down the annoyance that wanted to surface. He asked for help. Jack was getting them into the restaurant on short notice and during the holiday season. He had to be flexible.

“What do you have in mind?”

“I’ll bake it in my famous lava cake. It’ll be perfect.” Jack framed the idea with his hands and acted like he wistfully looked into the future. “He’ll take a bite and the flavors will burst on his tongue, and he’ll find the ring. And then you’ll get down on one knee and propose. It will be delicious and beautiful.”

It was Ty’s turn to blink. “Are you sure you’re not gay?”

“Hey! Are you implying a heterosexual man can’t appreciate a romantic moment?”

Ty raised an eyebrow, skeptical, and sighed. “No, I just… I need this to be perfect, okay? I want to be engaged by the end of the night.”

“Don’t worry,” Jack said. He brushed Ty’s concerns away with a wave of his hand. “It’ll be great.”




Ty sat at the table for two and smoothed down his tie. He’d been out all day shopping, then used Jack’s apartment to stash Micah’s presents and refresh before dinner. He changed into a button-up shirt and a pair of slacks and he felt like he was being slowly strangled. It didn’t help that his hands wouldn’t stop shaking, and the waiter kept walking by to refill his glass he had yet to take a sip from.

BOOK: Hapless
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