Harmony (The Club Girl Diaries Book 1) (18 page)

BOOK: Harmony (The Club Girl Diaries Book 1)
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“Need some help?” he asked, dropping his jeans and leaving him completely naked for my eyes to enjoy.

I shook my head and smirked. “No, I’m fine,” I answered breathlessly. “Stay right there.” I attacked my pussy feverishly, managing to slip my fingers further down into my pants so I could thrust them up into my wet hole. My other hand now free grasped my breast, kneading it and pulling at my nipple which was hardened through my lace bra.

My eyes fought to shut, but I forced them open, needing to see my man for inspiration and to enjoy the look on his face as I came to pieces on my knees at his feet. He smiled and folded his thick arms across his chest, his biceps protruding deliciously as he clenched his fists, no doubt fighting the urge to come to me.

“Oh God,” I moaned as my legs began to shake with my impending release just moments away. “Kit, oh shit, Kit.”

“Yeah, that’s it, baby girl. Imagine it’s me. Think about what’s to come when I finally get you on that bed and my cock in that pussy.” His words sent me over the edge. My eyelids won their fight and closed just as a wave of what I can only describe as pure pleasure crashed over my body. I shook all over, my hand now stilled and pressed tightly into my pants while my legs ached.

“My turn,” was all he said as he flew toward me, lifting me under the arms and dropping me onto the bed. My hands now free he rid me of my clothing, first my shirt, following immediately by my jeans which I’m almost sure I heard tear as they were ripped away from my body. I didn’t care though, just laughing as I laid on the bed in a beautiful afterglow.

My legs were thrown apart and I felt his bristles against my thighs. “Kit…” I warned, knowing that if he touched me there right now I might explode into oblivion. When his tongue swiped through me I was done for, screaming out his name as the feeling shot one thousand bolts of electricity through my body. I spasmed and jerked around, but his hands held firm onto my hips, keeping me grounded as he cleaned the cum from my lips.

“Fuck, you taste so good,” he murmured. He kissed up the inside of my thigh before situating himself over me, his cock at my willing entrance. I pried my eyes open, staring up into his beautiful stormy gaze. “Whose is this?” he asked as he pushed the head of his cock against me, not quite slipping it inside.

“Yours. Oh my God, it’s yours.”

One thrust and I was a goner. He drilled into me like nothing I’d felt before. Gone was the intimate loving, this was all raw and rough and I loved every fucking second of it. His fingers threaded through my hair and tugged at it, forcing my head back and giving me just enough pain to heighten the throws of pleasure. His mouth found my neck and he sucked and nipped at it, not relenting for one second as he powered into my wet waiting pussy. His body ground against mine, forcing me into the bed.

“You feel that?” he growled in my ear. My hands held his waist, my nails digging into his sides. I wouldn’t be surprised if I’ve drawn blood. “That’s
man, giving you everything you will ever. Fucking. Need.
man making your body hover at the edge of that fucking cliff of ecstasy, hoping that you’ll fall off into the abyss.”

His words hit home, the need that ran through my veins soaring. Before, it had all been about him needing to know I was his. And now, he was showing me that this wasn’t only about him owning me, but me also owning him.

“Fall baby. I’ll catch you.”

And I did. I fell, screaming my way to the fucking bottom, but not missing the moans that came from his mouth as he followed me off.

Our bodies both shook, sweat slick between us as he rested over me.

“I’m yours,” I managed to whisper in his ear as his head was bowed against my shoulder.

“And I’m yours, baby. If you’ll have me,” he replied with a soft kiss to my collar bone.

I smiled. “Can I think about it?”

“Fuck! No, you can’t.”



I finished packing my bag, ready to head back to Athens. Kit wasn’t coming with me, even though I had tried to tempt him into it a few times.

Damn his immunity to my sexual persuasions.

“You ready?” he asked, standing in the doorway with a solemn look on his face. I knew he hated this just as much as I did.

“I guess.”

He walked over to my guitar and picked it up, but instead of walking out with it, he sat down on the bed. “I want you to play.”

Tears burned in my eyes. Music now wasn’t something I kept just for myself. It was a part of me that I shared with Kit and more often these days with his club as well.

“Sure.” I went to take the guitar from him, but he held onto it using it to pull me closer. He shifted back on the bed, leaving a space for me between his legs.

“You do that part,” he gestured to the neck of the guitar where I played the chords. “I’ll do the other.” My heart fluttered, thinking about the last time we’d done this and how connected I had felt with him at that time. He wanted to show me that again and it reminded me that no matter what parts we played, together as one, we could still create something so beautiful, so harmonious.

I shuffled myself between his hard thighs and proceeded to show him how I needed him to play. Kit picked it up fast. “Sing…please.”

‘Am I Wrong’
by Nico and Vinz was quite a fast paced song, but I changed the style up so it was soft and slow as opposed to its usual upbeat tempo. The new tone allowed the lyrics to become more pronounced, more meaningful. Kit let me sing, his head rested on my shoulder.

I wasn’t sure what it was about the situation that made this feel so hard. A few short weeks I’d been there, and I felt like as I walked out the clubhouse doors that I was leaving my heart behind. The club had taken me in, treated me as one of their own even though they knew what I’d been before. They didn’t judge me, they didn’t make crude comments and I knew that wasn’t just because Kit had claimed me. It was because I just fitted here, like the piece of a rough biker puzzle.

I tried to remind myself it was only for a few months and that I could still come and visit on the weekends if I wanted, and that Kit would be coming to see me as often as his presidential duties allowed. But as soon as I walked out the clubhouse doors, my body itched to just walk back inside and say screw it all.

“Lift is going to drive you up there and stay a couple days. The guys riding beside you will just ride up and head straight back.” I nodded as I stood next to Kit’s truck. He hooked his finger under my chin, forcing me to look up at him. I was rewarded with a gorgeous smile which I couldn’t help but mirror. “You’ll be okay, the boys have you covered.”

“I know.”

While the threat of Daniel still hung in the air, Kit wasn’t taking any chances. Along with me and Lift in the truck, there were four bikes riding with us. I hoped like hell this was just him going into overkill and things weren’t about to escalate to a place where having five men on me was a necessity. But I guess anything is possible, and covering all our bases was a necessary evil.

“Go on.” He helped to hoist me into the truck where Lift sat grinning in the driver’s seat. Kit stepped up and leaned in, eyeing the young guy with a glare so intense I was actually quite shocked that Lift didn’t instantly burst into flames. “You guard her with your God damn life. You hear me?”

“Yeah, Prez,” Lift said quickly with a sharp nod.

Kit kissed my forehead. “I’ll call you tonight, baby.”

With the door slammed shut, Lift wasted no time in pulling from the clubhouse carpark and heading toward the highway. The first half an hour or so was quiet, the only sounds were the soft music of the stereo and the rumble of the Harleys that surrounded us.

“I thought about studying once,” Lift said as he stared straight ahead, watching the road carefully.

“Oh yeah? What did you want to study?” I asked. Lift intrigued me. He was young, maybe nineteen or twenty. But his mind seemed much older than his age. He was smart, so smart.

“You have to promise not to laugh,” he said, eyeing me cautiously.

I smiled. “Not sure I can make that promise, Lift.”

He grinned. “I wanted to be a pilot.”

“Why would I laugh at that?”

He shrugged. “I dunno, it’s just really different than being a part of an MC.”

“It is, but it’s still an excellent job. What happened to stop you from going after that?”

He sighed. “My parents were killed a few years back. Drunk driver. I was in the backseat. To be a pilot you have to have perfect vision. When the drunk guy hit us, I got glass in my eye. It doesn’t affect my sight much, but just enough that I couldn’t pass the tests I needed to in order to get into flight school.”

My eyes softened. “Wow, I’m really sorry about your parents.”

“Yeah, they were pretty cool, you know? I didn’t have any other family apart from them and I wasn’t eighteen yet, so they threw me into foster care. It was hell.” He gripped the steering wheel tightly for a minute before his body relaxed again and I caught a smile. “Doesn’t matter now though, if I hadn’t gone through all that crap I wouldn’t have joined the Brothers by Blood. Now I feel like I have a place again.”

“You do,” I reassured him. “You have more family than you’ll ever know. I’m sorry about what happened to you, but I’m glad you found the club.”

His face beamed, his broad smile lighting his face up like a Christmas tree. “Me too.”



“Hey Optimus, I need to shoot into the College and pick up a couple lessons and tests that I missed.”

He turned from the bar and nodded. “Someone will have to go with you.”

“I’ll take her.”

My stomach instantly turned hearing the voice behind me. I’d managed to avoid Target since I’d been back. I wanted to keep it that way, but I knew I would have to be in his presence at some point.

Optimus frowned, knowing that I was uncomfortable being around him.

“The rest of the guys have gone out and Leo should be back from that run soon. You’ll want to catch up with him when he gets here,” Target explained, walking around the bar and lifting a pair of car keys from the hanger.

Fuck! Did I wish I’d taken Lift up on his offer to have him stay a few extra days. But I knew he was itching to get back to Kit and the club. Now that he was a full-patch member, he would have more responsibilities and he couldn’t wait to take them on and show them all what he was capable of.

I was proud of him.

“Harmony?” I shook myself out of my daze as Optimus looked at me questioningly.

“Is Chelsea around?”

He shook his head. “She picked up an extra class this morning.”

I sighed, I knew that. I’d just been hopeful she might have been able to tag along.
Help it not be so awkward.
“It’s fine. I just have to run in then come straight back.”

He looked apprehensive but nodded in agreement. I followed Target out to his car. Most of the boys opted for vehicles like trucks or SUV’s, but Target was different. He had a beautiful new 2014 model BMW with sparkling chrome and leather seats. A very unexpected ride for a biker.

I slid into Target’s car and buckled my belt, opting to stare out the window and make as little contact as humanly possible. At first when I’d joined the club, it was Target’s manner with women that had bothered me. Yes, the members could be crass to the club girls, but Target straight up treated any woman that he came into contact with like they were a piece of shit on the bottom of his boots. He reminded us all constantly that we were there for one thing and one thing only, to please a man. As club whores, we took it. It was expected in some ways because we knew exactly what we were there for. But then I’d watched him treat the strippers and the occasional Old Lady with the same demeaning attitude.

BOOK: Harmony (The Club Girl Diaries Book 1)
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