Read Heart of Ice Online

Authors: Jalissa Pastorius

Tags: #romance, #love, #action, #mercenaries, #kill, #smut, #contemopary

Heart of Ice (9 page)

BOOK: Heart of Ice
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Matt was back in New York. He sat in his
office looking at the view. Somehow it didn’t hold the same value
or appeal. His assistant a blonde, name Elena entered. She gave him
the itinerary for the day. He was bored. There were no delicate
blushes distracting him. How he wished she was here with him. He
would take that little body and bend it over… God, all the blood in
his body rushed towards his dick.




“You’re dismissed,” he told his secretary.
He sighed as she exited the office.

“Well, well, well, look who’s finally
decided to show his face again.”


“So how was it?”

“That none of your business.”

“Did you ask her to come back with you?” he
said taking a seat in the chairs and propping his feet up on Matt’s

“Of course I did.”


“She said no.”

“Denied, once again! This girl is on a
roll,” Collum laughed.

“But I got her to change her mind to a
maybe.” He said smugly to his friend. Collum tried to hold it in,
but the snickers soon shook his own frame, and the fell from his
mouth as his eyes watered. He couldn’t help it. He laughed

“Maybe, that’s all you got. You couldn’t do
better? Not even a definite yes.”

Matt slunk into his chair. He hadn’t been
made this fun of since…well ever.

“She’s got you whipped and you don’t even
know it.”

“Shut up. Don’t you have work to do?” Collum
got up to exit Matt’s office when his next sentence froze him in
his tracks.

“I’ve made a few calls. She can work here
for the company. She’s a genius after all. This company will grow
like never before. It’ll become a trillion dollar industry.”

“Matt, you can’t control her like that.
She’s a human being. She’s not going to be happy. It’s your funeral
not mine.” He said as he left the office. Matt watched his
retreating back. She wouldn’t be that mad. She would get over it
and welcome him with open arms. He would give her a phone call




Christina wouldn’t say it. She wouldn’t
think about it. She wouldn’t do it. Gah! She sat up quickly in her
bed and looked at her phone. Nothing. She got nothing from Matt, no
text, call, not even a hello. It made her lip trembled. Screw the
bastard. She angrily put her phone down and pulled the covers over
her head. She had work tomorrow.




She was just drifting off into a Matt filled
haze when her phone vibrated. The loud sound of the vibrations
against the wood jarred her completely awake.

“Hello?” she said breathlessly into the
phone. Matt groaned when heard her voice. She should be here with
him, chained to the bed with her legs wide opened.

“Christina.” He said huskily into the phone.
Christina realized she would need a shower after this. She was
already sticky.

“How was your day?”

“Sadly, very dull. You weren’t here with
me,” he told her. He hoped she hadn’t figured out that he was
wrapped around her finger. Christina’s heart clinched in her chest.
She was falling for the man and fast.

“Huh” She got distracted from the
conversation with her thoughts.

“How was your day?” he asked.

“Nothing special. It was filled with Chinese
takeout and old movies.”

“I find that hard to believe, especially
with a friend like Sarah who’s bound to keep you on your toes.”
Christina forgot. She hadn’t told Matt about the fight Sarah and
her had. It wasn’t his business. After all the fight was about him.
It was kind of funny; it was always a man getting in between the
relationship of female companions. Why was that?

“I haven’t had a chance to talk to Sarah. I
just wanted to relax for a bit before work tomorrow.” She said into
the phone. She hoped he couldn’t sense the lie. A chill went down
her spine when she recalled how he completely dominated her until
she told him all her dark secrets.




Matt listen to the phone. Her voice sounded
odd. He wished he was with her. He wanted to see her face, watch
her non-verbal cues, body language. He smiled into the phone. His
grey eye angel hand no idea that she would be with him sooner than
she thought.

“Get some rest. I check on you tomorrow. Oh,
have a good day at work tomorrow.” He told her smirking into the

“Bye Matt.”



“Don’t forget, you belong to me.” He said
into the phone. She looked at the phone as the call ended. Was that
all she was to him? An object? It couldn’t be. She thought about
the last few days they spent together in Aspen. He pampered her and
cared for her. She didn’t want for anything. She was blissfully
spoiled. It was almost like there were two personalities of Matt.
The dark one that filled his eyes with ice and the happier one who
doted on her. He was still one and the same. She was falling
hopelessly in love with the man. She hoped it wouldn’t be her


Chapter 11



Christina yawned; she just finished a
lecture and was looking forward to some lunch. It was almost
surreal to be back at work and teaching like nothing ever happened
between her and Matt. She was starting to wonder if it was just a
fairytale; it could have been all in her imagination. Yes…her
imagination was the go to place these days. Hot steamy sex scenes,
a chisel jaw, hard pecks, she was practically salivating.




“Ms. Moore?” a student called out to her
interrupting her thoughts. She looked around searching for who
called her, she plastered on a smile and groaned internally. She
had been doing her best to avoid him. Shouldn’t he be gone?

“Yes, Joshua.” She asked. She hoped her tone
spoke volumes. It was a snotty tone that she used to keep people at
bay. She wasn’t interested. She longed to be at home staring at her
phone and hoping for a phone call. Wait a minute that sounded a bit
desperate. How about at home curled up on the sofa with glass of
champagne and a good movie? Yes, that sounded much more

“Call me Josh.” He said, taking a step
towards her. Naturally she took a step back.

“No. I will call you Joshua. To use the name
you prefer is to invite conversation and friendship, when that is
something I am attempting not to do.”

“Wow, you don’t mince words do you? Well it
is something I should expect from the child prodigy.” Christina
looked at him and snatched his arm.

“Will you shut up? Are you out to ruin me,”
she asked pulling towards the classroom. Thank God the halls were

“All I’m asking for is one date.” He

“I can’t. You are a student.” She said
rebuffing him.

“Wrong. I am no longer a student here.” She
hated that self-satisfied smirk on his face. She wanted to slap it

“I told you, I have a boyfriend. I was
talking to him the last time you tried to corner me.”

“Again, lies. You see I’ve been watching you
for a while Ms. Moore.”

“Wait a minute, you’ve been watching me. You
are a sicko! A pervert.” She turned on her heel to leave the

“I guess the other students wouldn’t mind
knowing how lucky they are to have a prodigy teaching them.”

“That’s blackmail,” she gasped stopping in
her tracks.

“See you at seven gorgeous.” He said,
walking around her and out the classroom. Could this day get any




Christina took a deep breath before heading
into the staff lounge. She grumbled as she grabbed her lunch and
sat down.

“Congratulations, Christina. I had no idea
you were going corporate.” Mandy, a law professor said. Huh? What
the hell was she talking about? Mandy was in her early forties and
she had taken Christina under her wing when she first started at
the university.

“What are you talking about?” she asked

“Don’t be coy with me young lady. If you
wanted to go work for corporate America that’s fine. I just wished
you would’ve told me,” she said handing Christina the article in
the business journal. Lucky for her they were the only two in the
staff lounge. Christina’s eyes flickered across the column. She was
going to kill him. Her breathing became ragged as she clutched the
paper in her tight fist. There in the paper, was article announcing
her as an executive assistant of the chief financial officer also
known as the CFO. How convenient for Matt. The position required a
relocation to New York.

“Are you alright?” Mandy asked in a
concerned tone.

“I’m fine,” Christina plastered on a

“You know you, I’m here for you right.”

“Of course.” Christina said smiling. The
woman had been a blessing in disguise. A lot of the other
professors resented the fact that someone her age would be
teaching. They argued that she hadn’t lived long enough to
experience the world. She begged to differ. She lived long enough
to experience the horrors of the world and realized that people
were often cruel. As a child she craved sunshine and daisies and
unfortunately she was faced with greedy parents whose only
objective was to make money. She stood up and gave Mandy a hug.




He was so dead. She left out of the lounge
to return to her classroom.


She looked up as the Dean entered into her
classroom. She felt like she was in episode of Twilight light zone.
Why were all these people pestering her? She needed a stiff

“What can I do for you Mr. Williams?” she
asked gathering her items.

“I am here to wish you well on all your
endeavors. If you ever need help, give me a call. You have a great
future ahead of you.” He said handing her his card. She stared at
him flabbergasted. She had not been expecting that. The old man was
a man of few words, she watched him as he exited the lecture hall.
She tucked the card into her back pocket. She supposed she might as
well cancel her classes for the rest of the day. It wasn’t like she
was coming back. She had a bigger fish to fry.






Matt sat in the den drinking a scotch on the
rocks. Collum sat across from him. He looked at his friend when he

“What do you find so funny.”

“Dude, please tell me you didn’t do

“What are you talking about?”

“You’re a dead man. She’s going to kill
you.” He chortled.

“At least I would die surrounded by




Collum choked on his drink. It was clear
Matt was after this girl. He just hoped that he didn’t smother her.
She was like a delicate flower; if he hid her away she would wither
and die instead of blossoming. Matt’s phone rang interrupting their

“I am going to kill you!” the voice from the
phone screeched. Collum watched as Matt held it away from his ear.
He gave his friend a superior look before exiting out of the

“Baby, you agreed.”

“I said maybe,” she screamed into the

“Christina be reasonable,”

“No! You be reasonable. What if I don’t want
to work in finance? Ever think about that big guy?”

“Baby, you’re a genius.”

“That’s not the point Matt. You better not
touch me.”

“Who said anything about touching? Do you
miss me?”

“No. I don’t miss you. I have a lot going on

“Like what?” he asked curiosity piqued.

“Nothing,” she whined into the phone.
Christina’s blood went cold at the thought of Matt finding out
about her date with Joshua. The little bastard blackmailed her
anyway. She couldn’t help it.

“You’re tone sounds guilty. Christina,
didn’t we make a deal. You wouldn’t omit anything or lie.” She
remembered the last time he used the ice on her body. She was
terrified and thrilled all at the same time. It was numbing but the
pleasure was intense. Shit she paused too long.

“Tell me now!” he demanded. She could hear
him huffing and puffing.

“Okay, Matt calm down. It’s not my fault!
I’m being bullied.” She whined into the phone. Matt looked at the
phone. Did he hear her correctly? Bullied? At this point Collum had
returned to the room. He snatched the phone out of his hand. Matt
made a move to grab it.

“Calm down. You’re scaring her.” He told his
friend. He watched as Matt took deep breaths.

“Hello, baby doll.”


“The one and only. Now doll face tell me
what’s going on.” If she hadn’t witness the heated stares that he
gave Sarah, Christina would have thought he was gay, maybe he was

“A student of mine, found out about past.
He’s using it to blackmail me into a date,” she said.

“What?” It was good thing Matt hadn’t heard.
The guy would probably be dead.

“What’s his name?”

“Joshua Hamilton. He said he was a

“As in Hamilton Enterprises?”

“Yes, he was a student in my risk management
course at the university.”

“Okay, I’ll be there.”

“Collum how are you going to get here that

“When is it?”

“Tonight at seven.”

“Wear something nice. I’ll be there.”

“But what about Matt?” she asked.

“He’ll be fine.” He said hanging up on her
and handed the phone back to an anxious Matt.

“Well what did she say?” He asked him.

“I am going to retrieve her.”

“Good I’ll come with you.”

“You will not. You will stay here and get
this place prepared for her arrival.” Matt looked at his friend
wide eyed.


“No buts Dallas. I will not have you chase
this girl away.” He told him.

BOOK: Heart of Ice
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