Hell on Wheels (Four Horsemen MC Book 6) (28 page)

BOOK: Hell on Wheels (Four Horsemen MC Book 6)
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And if this happened to be her last night on Earth, well, she was going out with a bang.

Since her dad had left, birthdays, Thanksgivings, and Christmases were empty. She’d tried to do something special, but she’d always been alone, on the run, and without much money. She’d gotten herself some Twinkies for her birthday and poked a candle in one of them. But it made her long for the boxed cakes her dad whipped up for her. They’d made them in coffee cups in the microwave. For Thanksgiving, she’d gotten a rotisserie chicken from the grocery store, but her dad hadn’t been around to break the wishbone with her.

 Nothing had been right since he’d disappeared…died.

And now she had to kill his murderer. She’d wanted revenge, but not like this. She’d agreed to Beauregard’s plan, if only to save her life. He’d armed her and given her what she needed to break into Cotton’s place.

Charlie shook herself out of her funk and continued her perusal. Right now, she couldn’t think about her father’s death, or Beauregard’s demand. She wanted one perfect night. One night with the man she was falling for…she’d at least have that much.

Charlie drank it all in.

Along the wall, a table held an enormous four-tiered white cake. It was decorated with the club symbol, a horse with a blazing mane, placed in the center tier, along with the words
Ride with me forever.
On top of the cake, a little red-haired bride and dark-haired groom sat astride another motorcycle. Surrounding the cake were several trays of Harley cookies, each of them painstakingly frosted in red, silver, and black.

Scattered throughout the room were capped Mason jars filled with different moonshine cocktails in large steel tubs chockfull of ice. And the food was buffet style–a long table filled with trays of scrumptious-looking homemade food. Charlie got in line and suddenly felt tears prick her eyes. She realized this place felt a bit like home to her. She was surrounded by people she liked, people she cared for, celebrating good news.

“Quit woolgathering. If you don’t get a plate soon, the boys will wolf it down,” Eddie said. She nodded to the group of hungry men behind them. Charlie hurried up and grabbed some food, even though she didn’t feel much like eating.

After she’d forced herself to take a few bites, Charlie couldn’t help but stare at Axel as he sat at the head table with his brother and the rest of the wedding party–Shep and Pretty Boy, Cowboy and Daisy, and Lexi. Charlie sat with Captain, Eddie, Dani, Rose, and Duke. She got the impression her seating arrangement had been decided by Eddie, who was currently observing her watch Axel.

Charlie turned her attention to Elizabeth and Ryker as they danced together to “Fat Bottomed Girls” by Queen as performed by The Crossroad Crows. The couple stared at one another like they were the only two people in the universe. It brought tears to Charlie’s eyes and made her heart hurt. They were so in love…

What would that be like? To dance in the arms of the man you loved, to have your whole life ahead of you?

Eddie switched seats with Rose and scooted up beside Charlie.

She blinked away the tears. “Elizabeth looks beautiful, doesn’t she?” Elizabeth reminded Charlie of that actress from
Mad Men
, Christina Hendricks. She wore a white dress with a sweetheart neckline, but the bodice and train were decorated with black lace. She accentuated the lace with black gloves, and she had a lush bouquet of red roses she wouldn’t put down.

“A woman in love always looks more beautiful,” Eddie said. Her lips curved into a knowing smile.

Charlie didn’t touch that one. “They look happy,” she stated with a nod.

 Axel’s mother was freakishly perceptive, and Charlie was barely keeping it together. She refused to pull the club or Axel into her predicament.

“You know, it’s funny,” Eddie mused. “Ryker wanted to get with as many girls as he could, but it didn’t mean a damn thing. And Axel pushed them all away. But he’s always been an all-or-nothing type. He never settles for anything. Or anyone.”

Oh, no. That wasn’t a meaningful comment at all.

“Men don’t always know what they need. Sure, they may
they need this or that, but that’s
talking, not

Charlie smiled weakly. “I hope he finds it.” Because it wouldn’t be her.

“I think he already has,” Eddie murmured.

While Charlie was thinking of a coherent response,
the Crossroad Crows began playing

One of these Nights” by The Eagles, and Axel appeared at her side.

“Dance with me?” he asked.

Charlie didn’t hesitate. “Yes, please!”

 Axel pulled her into his arms and onto the dance floor. The bow tie hung around his throat. The tawny skin of his chest was framed by the stark white of his starched shirt, and she had an urge to kiss a line to his throat, maybe bite his clavicle.

“So, what did the CIA want?” he asked, eyes dancing.

Charlie blinked, trying to focus on what he’d just said and not the incredible way he smelled, or the way he felt. “Excuse me?”

“The CIA,” he explained. “Ryker and I used to call Mom that.”

“Uh, she had an interesting theory about the two of us,” Charlie said.

He groaned. “Matchmakin’ again. She’s been givin’ you the hard sell, am I right?”

“Big time.”

Axel locked eyes with her. “I’m sorry.”

“About what?”

“My mother and the other night. I should have—”

“Shh,” Charlie murmured, pressing a finger to his lips. “None of that matters now.”

“But I need to tell you something. I’ve been an ass. I want to see if you and I could give it a shot. Charlie, I—”

 “Don’t worry about it. Right now, I just want you to hold me.” She wrapped her arms tightly around him and pressed her face against his tux jacket. He was warm and he smelled so good. Charlie wanted to make a memory.

 “Charlie, are you okay? You seem…off. What’s wrong?” He pulled back to look at her.

But she buried her head in his shoulder. “We’ll talk about it tomorrow,” she lied.

“We’ll talk about it now,” he said, grasping her by the shoulders. “What’s wrong? What’s happening?”

“Please?” she begged, tears filling her eyes. “Just let me have tonight. Don’t spoil it with questions.”


“Axel…” she pleaded.

He gathered her in his arms and held her. Charlie let herself relax and swayed to the music. She tried not to think about the deal with a devil she’d made with Beauregard.

And Charlie didn’t want to leave Hell without knowing what it would be like to touch Axel. She looked up at him and didn’t hold anything back. She let him see the need, the want.

“Don’t,” he said gruffly.


“Don’t look at me like that,” he replied hoarsely. They met each other’s eyes, neither of them blinking. “Like you want me inside you.”

“I do.” Charlie swayed closer. “I
you inside me. I need
. And it’s all I can think about right now.”
Oh, yes. Deep, deep inside.

 But Charlie wanted more than just sex.  She wanted a connection with this man, even if it was fleeting. Charlie had always treated sex like a game, harmless fun. It’d never been anything more than bodies pressed together, a release. But Axel… Axel was different. She…
about him. He mattered to her in a way she couldn’t verbalize. Let alone understand.  

And she wouldn’t leave this world without a night in his arms.

He shuddered. “Fuck me. Don’t say things like that.”

“Take me home with you, Axel. Make love to me.”

Another shiver. She was wearing him down.

“You don’t make love,” he reminded her. “You have fun, flings.”

“With you, I will. Make love to me, show me how.”

His grip on her waist tightened. “Don’t say it if you don’t mean it.”

“I mean every word.” Axel led her from the dance floor, muttering his goodbyes to Horsemen as they ran by. Axel shouted a congratulations at his brother and new sister-in-law.

And then, they were in the parking lot by his motorcycle. Axel hauled her into his arms and kissed her. She could feel his erection straining through his tuxedo, pressing against her stomach. He glanced around them. They could hear music and laughter coming from inside, but they were all alone, nestled between rows of bikes.

Axel clutched her, his hands cupping her ass, crushing her against the wall of his chest. “I can’t get close enough to you.”

She felt the same way. Their clothing, the air between them was too much distance.

He reached beneath her skirt, his bare hands on her skin, and she hissed in response. Contact. Then he cupped her though her panties.

They both froze, staring at each other. He slid the lace aside and pushed a finger inside her. “You’re so wet.”

“Of course I am. You know I want you. I’ve wanted you for weeks.”

“Always good to have confirmation, though. Like checkin’ the oil.”

Charlie laughed then moaned as he stroked her, grazing her clit but not hitting it, just enough to nearly make her knees buckle. “Stop teasing me.”

“You’ve been teasing me forever, trying to drive me out of my mind. I’ve been fucking my own hand twice a day.”

“You’re the one who was being stubborn,” she reminded him.

“Yeah, well, I’m an idiot sometimes. We have to go. Now.” He started the bike and helped her get on, then brought her hands around his waist. Charlie hugged to his body and she let her fingers trail lower, rubbing his erection through the fabric.

They took off, rubber squealing. “For the love of God, stop that,” he called over his shoulder. “Or I’ll come in my pants and crash the bike.”

Charlie stopped. Reluctantly.

It was the longest five-minute drive of her life. Finally, they reached his apartment and he hit the kickstand. They ripped off their helmets as he pulled her in the door behind him. Once it slammed shut, they were all over each other. While Axel tugged at her clothing, she pulled at his, both of them working at cross purposes.

Then they stopped, staring at one another with rumpled clothing, breathing heavily. His hair stood up and his pupils were blown. She wondered if she looked as dazed.

Axel cleared his throat. “Right. We should strip, then? Ourselves. Not each other.”

Charlie nodded. “More efficient that way.”

Quickly, Axel started pulling at his clothing and Charlie followed suit.

And somehow, it became a race.

He shucked off his shoes and pants, while she tugged at buttons along the line of her back. She finally got them free while he yanked at his cummerbund. He worked the buttons on his shirt, his fingers fumbling. “Why did I want to wear a suit so damn bad?  They’re a pain in the ass.”

Charlie laughed. She unclasped her bra and Axel groaned when he saw her breasts.

He lurched forehead, hands outstretched.

“No. Not until you’re naked.”

He dropped his hands, his face so sad it made her want to giggle. Charlie slipped off her panties, leaving just her thigh-highs in place.

 Axel stopped working on the buttons of his shirt. He moaned as he focused on her bare pussy. She’d just shaved and was completely smooth. Charlie couldn’t resist touching herself while he watched her like that, all hungry predator-like. She ran a finger along the wet lips, eyes drifting shut. God, she didn’t think she’d ever been this turned on before.

“Fuck it,” Axel growled. With an exasperated sigh, he seized either side of the shirt and tugged. The buttons popped off, pinging on the floor like tiny white missiles. That left him in a pair of boxer briefs. He reached for her, tugging her into his arms. Cupping her head, he slid his tongue in her mouth and kissed her slowly, deeply, despite his earlier impatience.

“You know,” he whispered against her lips. “I wasn’t kidding with that earlier oil check comment. A woman is a lot like a vintage car. She’s special. She needs to be cared for, treated well.”

“Oh yeah?” Charlie tried to focus on his words, but it was difficult. “How....do you mean?”

“Well, you have to warm her up first,” he murmured. Axel kissed a path to her ear. “Just like a car on a cold morning.” He nibbled her earlobe before leaning down and slowly tasting the line of her throat. He sucked the skin and every so often, nipped her flesh, giving her goosebumps.

He kneaded one breast in his large, rough hand and brought it to his mouth. Axel teased her at first, pressing kisses to the areole, but never grazing the nipple. “You have to coax her awake. Make sure she’s humming, ready to go before you take off.” Then he sucked the turgid flesh into his mouth.

God, his mouth felt so hot, like he might burn her. And oh, she wanted more. She threaded her fingers through his thick hair and cupped his head as he suckled her. Her hands shook and she thought her knees might give out, but Axel pushed a leg between hers, propping her against his body. Charlie rocked against him, seeking more contact. His thigh was large and muscled, dotted with dark black hair.

Axel focused on her other breast, giving it the same intense treatment. Then he cupped them both, bringing them together so he could work both nipples. Every once in a while, he’d scrape them with his teeth.

And then he pulled back to meet her eyes, a little smirk on his sexy mouth. “Are you ready for a rough ride, Charlie?”

Chapter Twenty


Right now, Axel wanted two very different things.

Axel wanted Charlie with a ferocious, possessive need. A hungry male part of him wanted to claim her, slide his cock in her. Take her. Fuck her. Own her.

Another part of him wanted to make gentle love to Charlie, show her how attractive he thought she was. How special, how important.

But he couldn’t decide which mode he wanted more. Maybe a bit of both.

His hands shook as he gently pushed her back on the bed. She spread her legs for him and he groaned at the sight. It’d been so long since he’d been with a woman.

God, she was so stunning it nearly hurt to look at her. She was swollen for him, the pink folds puffy and picture-perfect. Axel wanted to tattoo his name on her inner thigh, snug up against her sweet pussy. Charlie had shaved her pussy so the lips were completely bare, and they matched her scrumptious mouth. The tender folds were slick, ready for him. Eager.

BOOK: Hell on Wheels (Four Horsemen MC Book 6)
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