Read Her Cowboy Protector Online

Authors: Roxie Rivera

Tags: #Romantic Suspense

Her Cowboy Protector (17 page)

BOOK: Her Cowboy Protector
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He climbed onto the bed and slid down beside her. Their noses contacted briefly as he moved into a comfortable position. Niall stroked her side and gave her bottom a gentle pat. "You okay?"

She smiled. "Way better than okay."

This time she let her greedy fingers explore his body. He was all hard, lean muscle. Crisp hair curled on his chest. His farmers tan made her grin.

"What?" He pushed hair behind her ear.

"Your tan," she explained, drawing her finger over the clear demarcation between pale and bronzed skin. "You really need to get some sun."

"I get plenty of sun."

"Without your shirt on," she clarified.

"Woman, have you seen this red hair? I'll burn right up!"

She started to point out he could use sunblock but became distracted by the thick erection jutting against her thigh. Feeling brave, she reached down between their bodies and grasped his rock hard shaft. Niall groaned as her fingers stroked the length of him. She swallowed a bit nervously as he was really packing some heat. "We're going to have to take this slow."

Niall made a gruff sound and claimed her mouth. His tongue stabbed between her lips. She tortured him with her hand and worked him into a frenzied state. She whispered against his mouth, telling him how much she wanted him inside her, how badly she wanted to come again with his cock inside her.

Seemingly overcome with desire, Niall rolled suddenly and planted his hands on either side of her head. He bent down to capture her mouth. What should have been a sexy moment felt anything but to Cruz. Niall loomed over her, his body blocking most of her view. An unwanted flashback barreled through her mind. A quiver of panic lanced her chest. Her hands flew to his chest and she pushed hard. "Get off!"

"I'm sorry!" Niall instantly fell off to the side. "Hell! I'm sorry, sugar. I wasn't thinking. I just wanted you, wanted to be inside you and I acted. I'm sorry." He repeated his apology as he put more space between them. The pain on his face made her ache. She had to reassure him.

"It's okay," she whispered and reached for him. "Come here."

Niall was close to her in an instant. He cautiously embraced her. Eyes wide open, she focused on the man holding and loving her now. She reminded herself again and again that this was Niall. This wasn’t the evil bastard who had assaulted and hurt her. This was a good man who only wanted to make her feel joy and happiness. This was a wonderfully patient and kind man who would do anything to protect her and the baby.

No longer panicked and feeling safe in his arms, she turned her face toward his and smiled. “I think I’m ready to try again.”

He caressed her face and kissed her carefully. "Are you sure?"

She nodded. "I panicked a bit. It wasn't your fault."

"No, I should be more careful about the way I position myself." Niall stroked her jaw. "I don't want to scare you. I want this to be amazing for you." He brushed his lips over hers and cupped her jaw. "Is this okay?"

"Yes." She turned for better access to his mouth and welcomed his passionate kiss. He left her dizzy with his skillful tongue. Her body released some of its tension as Niall's caressing hands and soft mouth teased and tantalized. Soon, she pressed against him as desire overwhelmed her fears.

Very gently, Niall wound his arms around her waist and hauled her on top of him. She straddled his trim hips as he sat up and embraced her. Their tongues tangled as his fingers threaded through her long hair and held her in place for his fevered kisses. She vibrated with lust, her body on fire as Niall's cock slid between her slick folds.

Niall pulled away from her mouth with a low growl of frustration. "I don't have any protection."

Cruz snorted rather indelicately and pointed to her huge baby bump. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure I can't get pregnant again."

He tossed back his head and laughed. When his laughter died down, he pressed against the curve of her throat. Goose bumps rushed along her flesh from the ticklish sensation. "I was thinking more along the lines of safety."

"Oh. Well that really puts a damper on the sexiness." She pouted and then sighed heavily. "I was given a full course of antibiotics after my assault. I've tested negative for all STDs and HIV three times now. That's the protocol for my OB's office in a case like mine."

"I haven't been with a woman since Marlene," he admitted, his neck and ears suddenly red. She supposed it was hard for a man like Niall to admit he'd been on the shelf that long. "I was tested then because I figured if she'd lied about being pregnant, she'd probably lied about being monogamous too. I'm clean."

"Well that’s out of the way then!" Cruz smiled with relief. Another unwanted thought hit her hard and left her feeling self-conscious and decidedly unsexy. "I'm sorry I'm the first since her. I'm all lumpy and heavy and—"

Niall's fingertips brushed her lips. "You're beautiful. I love the way you look with your full breasts and round hips. I always thought that was just a saying about pregnant women but you really do glow, Cruz."

"Okay, now who's being sappy?"

"I'll show you sappy," he warned and playfully swatted her backside.

There was no holding back now. Cruz shoved him back toward the bed, reveling in her newfound confidence and sexiness. She took control. Niall held her hands as she lifted her bottom and lined up their bodies just so. He arched off the bed and slid home with one slow thrust. Her wet, tight passage welcomed him. Cruz closed her eyes as she acclimated to the once familiar but now so foreign sensation of being penetrated.

With a little hesitation, she moved atop him, swaying forward and then back. Her tentative movement earned a lusty groan from Niall. His hands flew to her hips and then ass. He guided her back and forth, then up and down on his rigid cock. She wasn't chasing an orgasm at first. She simply enjoyed the ride.

Fingernails scratching his chest, Cruz found the rhythm that felt oh-so-good. She rocked and bounced on Niall's thick shaft. He kneaded her breasts and tweaked her nipples, each tug and squeeze amplifying her pleasure. When he licked his thumb and moved it between their bodies, she gasped. Niall found her clit and strummed the pink pearl. She clawed at his well-defined abs and rode him hard.

Toes curling and muscles flexed, Cruz lifted her gaze to the ceiling and exploded. Her pussy spasmed around Niall's thrusting cock. She snapped her hips and ground her clit against Niall's body, milking every ounce of ecstasy from her climax. Just when she thought her orgasm had reached its peak, Niall shocked her by grasping her hips and pounding into her from below. She cried out a second time, Niall's name falling from her lips again and again, as an even more powerful climax slammed through her, leaving her breathless and shaking.

!" He sounded pained as he slammed deep and jerked, his hot seed filling and warming her.

She slumped forward against Niall. Their cheeks smashed together as they held tight. When she could finally breathe again, Cruz experienced a rush of overwhelming emotions. Tears spilled over her eyelashes, dripped down her cheeks and fell onto Niall's bare chest.

"Oh, sugar," he said, his voice filled with panic. He stroked her back and pushed hair from her face. "Did I—"

Shaking her head, Cruz choked back a sob. "It was so good. I just never believed I could feel this way again, that I could find pleasure with a man."

"But you did," Niall said lovingly.

She nodded and pressed her lips to his. "With you."

Her emotional episode fading, Cruz slid off Niall and turned onto her side. He molded to her back and draped an arm across her stomach. He kissed her neck and temple. There were no words necessary. They'd just bared all to one another, body, heart and soul. Cruz decided she didn't need pillow talk or sweet nothings whispered in her ear. This, right here, was perfect. Content and sated, she enjoyed the secure warmth of Niall's loving embrace.

Chapter Ten

Niall eyed the window across the bedroom as he tried to reconcile the time. The palest grey light penetrated the cheap plastic blinds. It was morning, probably a few minutes after six. Had he really slept that long and that well? No nightmares. No insomnia. Just much needed rest.

He'd fallen asleep within minutes of Cruz, his body drained of energy after their emotionally charged lovemaking. The feeling of an insistent kick against his stomach had woken him from a deep sleep. Sometime during the night, Cruz had turned in his arms. Her cheek now rested on his chest. One of her legs was draped across thighs. Her hand clamped his hip, the gesture both possessive and soothing.

Another strong kick whacked him. How the hell could Cruz sleep through that? Niall put his hand on her taut belly. It felt as if little Felix was doing somersaults in there yet Cruz remained dead to the world. As tired as he'd been, he could only imagine how wiped out she felt. Niall rubbed Cruz's tummy, hoping to send a message to Felix.
Go to sleep, kiddo. Your mama's tired.

The unmistakable outline of a foot pressed against his palm. The experience stunned Niall. Logically, he'd known there was a tiny baby in there but to feel his foot made it all so
. He kept his hand in the same place and enjoyed Felix's stretching and kicking. The connection he felt to Cruz's child was undeniable. He'd grown very attached to Felix and to his mother.

Last night had changed his life. There was no going back to the closed-off man he'd been for so long. Whatever happened with Cruz—and he was hoping long-term—he couldn't go back to the miserable, broken bastard he'd been. Last night, he'd remembered how rich and satisfying life could be. Cruz had shown him what it meant to live again, to really feel.

The soft pop of the power going out interrupted Niall's thoughts. He lifted his head and listened. No rain. No lightning. No thunder. Unease gripped his chest. Niall carefully slid free from Cruz and off the bed. He snatched up the pajama bottoms on the floor and hopped into them. Something wasn't right. Every nerve in his body screamed. Those once finely tuned instincts flared to life again.

He paused near the window in the living room and grabbed the binoculars dangling from the hat rack. Carefully, so as not to be seen, Niall peered out from the side of the blind and curtain. He swept the wide open space in front but saw nothing. His mind called up the schematics for the cabin. Cutting the power would have to be done a few hundred yards from the entrance gate onto the property. That was the only place the power lines appeared above ground.

Niall trained his binoculars on the road and waited. His belly knotted with anticipation. There! The faintest bit of dust and a slight glint caught his eye. A dark truck stopped just beyond the tree line. If he hadn't been looking for it, the truck would have been nicely hidden. He waited to see how many people emerged and breathed a small sigh of relief at the sight of just one person decked out in camouflage.

His recon complete, Niall returned to the bedroom. "Cruz? Baby, wake up." He hated to be rough with her but there was no time for gentle shaking. "Wake up! We've got company!"

Her eyes snapped open. She put a hand on her belly and looked like she might cry. The fear contorting her face tore at him. "He's here?"

"I don't know if it's him." Niall picked her up and set her on her feet. He grabbed his t-shirt off the floor and pulled it down over her head. He pushed her behind him and shoved the bed across the bedroom floor. His knuckles tapped the wooden planks until he found the release. With one good whack, the plank popped free and the door handle was revealed.

"What is that?"

Niall glanced behind him and found Cruz shimmying into the undies he'd hastily tossed over his shoulder last night. "Panic room." He held out his arms. "Come here."

Cruz didn't hesitate. He lowered her into the darkened space and slid to the left enough to allow some of the natural light of the bedroom through the hatch.

"All right. See that basket?" He pointed to a small table in the room. "There's a gun, cell phone, compass, flashlight, water and rations in there." His chest tightened as he considered how badly she would probably take his next instruction. "See that tunnel back there? It's concrete lined and safe. It's not long and it leads to a secure spot above ground. If I'm not back in an hour, you take that tunnel and call 911. You shoot anyone that doesn't look right, understand?"

"Come with me." She clutched at his hand and almost dragged him down with her. "Please, Niall, don't leave me!"

"I'm sorry, sugar." Niall peeled away his fingers and quickly shut the door. Forcing the terrified look on Cruz's face from his mind, he moved the bed back into place, grabbed his knife and pistol from the bedside table and slipped inside the bathroom. After switching on the shower, he climbed out the window over the toilet and landed on dry grass. He hugged the side of the house, held his breath and listened.

The telltale squeal of the front door informed Niall of their visitor's whereabouts. The man in camouflage had probably broken the door handle while Niall had been diving out the window. He considered his options, formed a plan and a backup and then made his move. Crouched low to the ground, Niall skirted the front of the house, staying away from the windows, and neared the front door. There was no noise from the kitchen or living room. The attacker had already moved into the bedroom.

Niall moved quickly, certain any hesitation would mean a bullet or worse. He entered the house and crossed the living room, his bare feet adeptly avoiding the creaky spots. Gun at the ready and knife held tightly in the other hand, Niall slipped inside the bedroom. The sound of the shower curtain being ripped back told him he had just a few precious seconds to act.

With the stealth that had served him so well as a spec-ops man, Niall infiltrated the bathroom and placed the muzzle of his gun against the intruder's neck. "One twitch, and I'll be redecorating this bathroom in grey matter."

The camouflaged and hooded assailant stiffened but made no move. Niall clamped the handle of his knife between his teeth and seized the gun from the would-be assassin's hand. The silencer screwed onto the barrel showed Niall this guy meant business. With a gun in each hand, Niall nudged the man with the silencer tip and forced him out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. He let the knife fall onto the counter with a clatter and put the assailant's silenced weapon next to it.

BOOK: Her Cowboy Protector
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