Read Her Man Flint Online

Authors: Jerri Drennen

Her Man Flint (14 page)

BOOK: Her Man Flint
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Chapter Twenty-Six

Flint stared down at the headstone he’d just placed a single white rose on. Lindsey Irene Warren’s name was there with two, in-flight doves on either side.

He took in a deep, emotional breath.

“I thought I should come by and tell you Ryan’s dead. He deserved to die after what he did to you. I also wanted to say how sorry I am for leaving you that day in my apartment. It was selfish and it cost you your life. Please forgive me. I hope now that Hartford is gone, you can rest peacefully.”

With emotion clogging his throat, he turned and headed back to his car. He needed to get this off his chest. Lindsey would be his angel in heaven, and he prayed she’d finally be at peace.

Jumping into his Cobra, he slipped on his sunglasses and drove to Adriana’s apartment, turning over in his mind the events that had brought about Ryan Hartford’s death.

Flashes of Hartford grabbing for the gun. Their struggle. The gunshot. Ryan had fallen on top of him, knocking him down. Blood had soaked Flint’s shirt before he’d known who was shot, blood he found later was from the bullet Hartford received to the left ventricle of his heart, a wound that killed him in a matter of minutes. But before Ryan died, he spat out words Flint would never forget, words from a man who was clearly filled with hatred, even to the very end.

“I’ll see you in hell, Morgan,” Hartford said right before he took his last breath.

The police and ambulance then arrived, statements were taken and the Denver police apologized profusely for the error—a mistake they would have to pay dearly for.

Flint smiled at the thought.

As he pulled in front of Adriana’s apartment building, he pushed the tragic memories from his mind. Maybe he and Dray could buy a house together, one with a white picket fence, a backyard where they could plant a small garden.

What the hell? Next thing he’d be wanting was a couple of kids and a nine-to-five job. That wasn’t Flint Morgan’s style. Was it? He no longer knew.

He walked up the concrete path, hoping Adriana was feeling better. That darn stomach bug of hers seemed to be hanging on forever, though she’d always warm up in bed to make love. In fact, they had earlier that morning. Maybe he could talk her into a repeat performance.

Flint smiled again, this time a full-blown grin, as he got on the elevator and punched number eleven.

* * *

Adriana eased herself to the edge of the bed to answer her phone. Her stomach pitched and rolled. She wished she’d just hurry up and die. That’s how bad she felt.

“Hello,” she answered in a weak voice, then swallowed, trying hard to control her rebellious stomach.

“Yes, Ms. Kent this is Dr. Evans’ assistant down at the clinic. I’m calling to let you know we got your test results back.”

“Right. It’s the flu isn’t it?” It had to be a stomach virus. Adriana just wanted confirmation.

“No, but we ran a pregnancy test, and it came back positive.”

“What?” Adriana was sure she’d heard the woman wrong.

“The blood test confirmed that you’re pregnant, Ms. Kent. Dr. Evans would like you to schedule an appointment for a pregnancy consultation. He’d like to go over your options.”

Adriana was totally speechless.

“Are you still there, Ms. Kent?” the assistant asked.

“Yes, I’m here. I’m just a little surprised and overwhelmed right now. Could I call you tomorrow and schedule that appointment?”

“Of course.”

“Thanks.” Adriana hung up the phone.

She sat in a daze, stunned by her obvious condition. Now that she thought about it, she should have realized it herself. Sick in the mornings. When had she had her last period? It had been a few weeks before their little escapade on the Bearskin rug.

She was going to have a baby—a little baby Flint.
Oh no
. What would he say when she told him that her stomach flu was none other than their child alerting them to his presence.

Oh, God
. He was going to bolt. Run so far away she’d never see him again.

Flint Morgan a father. The notion was preposterous. Adriana could picture it now, Flint sitting in a rocking chair, their baby in his arms with his 9mm strapped to his side.
. It wouldn’t work. He’d never be able to leave the DNS behind. And he certainly could never work a nine-to- five job, one in which would keep him tied to one place, one woman for any length of time. She couldn’t do that to him. He’d be miserable.

“Why the long face?” Flint asked from the doorway, making her almost jump off the bed. “Did Saks cut up your credit card?”

When had he gotten there? Had he overheard her phone conversation? She didn’t think so. He seemed too calm. She was sure he didn’t know she was carrying his child.

“No. I…ah. I need to talk to you, Flint.”

“Fire away.”

Oh how she’d love to do just that. Why the hell couldn’t he have been firing blanks? Now she was carrying his baby—a child she didn’t think he’d be happy about.

She knew what she had to do.

“I think it’s time we both considered seeing other people,” she began.

His jaw dropped. “What? I don’t want to see anyone else, Dray. I thought you and I were happy with this arrangement.”

“Well, I’m not.” Adriana was trying desperately not to cry.

“Oh, I see where this is going.” His eyes sparkled with amusement. “You want to tie the noose around my neck, right? Get hitched?”

“Tie the noose? What does that mean?” Her anger flared. “Don’t flatter yourself. Who’d want to be tied to the likes of you anyway?” She snorted with disgust. “You egotistical, ignorant, horse’s ass.”

Flint looked hurt by her cutting words. “Okay, what the hell is going? I leave you this morning, after making love for hours I might add, and come back to Satan’s bride. Have you been possessed, woman?” He looked generally stunned by her sudden turnabout.

Adriana wanted to cry but forced herself to continue the act. “I want you out. I want to pursue other options.”

“You want to pursue other options?” he repeated, his eyes narrowing on her.

The phone rang, and Adriana tried to get to it before Flint did.

Too late. He grabbed the receiver and placed it up to his ear.

“Yeah, who is this?” he shouted. “Dr. Who? Prenatal what?” Flint glanced at Adriana and scowled. “Is that right? And how far along is she? I see. Okay, thank you.”

He ended the call, and placed the phone back onto its cradle. “When were you going to tell me? Or were you planning to at all?”

“Flint, I…ah--”

“Save it. You didn’t think I’d want to know I was going to be a father?

“I… ah--”

Flint held up his hand in protest. “I don’t want to hear your excuses.” He stalked to the door, then turned back to her, his face a mask of composure.

“I’ll be back in two hours. You’d better be ready.”

Adriana had known Flint long enough to see that he was furious, even with his calm demeanor.

“Ready for what?” She was confused.

“Just put on your best dress and be ready.” He turned and stalked out the door.

“Be ready for what?” she yelled after him.

“You’ll see.”

* * *

Flint studied his reflection in the mirror, turning his head to the side, noting the afternoon shadow lightly covered his jaw line.

He quickly ran an electric razor over his face.

After learning he was going to be a father, he’d come back to his apartment to get his black suit, a tux he’d wear on the most important night of his life.

He’d told Adriana he would be back for her in two hours, and he wasn’t going to be late. Not for the biggest event of their lives. And, that’s what it would be. A celebration. An evening he’d always remember. One they’d tell their grandchildren about someday.

Flint loved Adriana so much. He knew that with certainty and he’d feel this way for an eternity.

So their next step would be to get married. He had the ring in his pocket. One that belonged to his grandmother—a diamond and emerald ring that was given to her by his grandfather to signify their love.

Flint wanted Adriana to have it, to wear the ring as a token of his own undying love. A love that would last for more than a lifetime.

Their child growing inside her was just a bonus, a life created by the love they shared.

Flint swallowed the lump forming in his throat. How had he gotten so lucky?

He’d been trying for days to think of a way to ask her to be his wife, but couldn’t seem to find the right time, or words for that matter. The pregnancy had given him that opportunity. She couldn’t refuse him, not with their child growing inside her.

Could she? Then again, why had she tried to break things off with him? Didn’t she want him to be a part of their child’s life? Didn’t she love him as much as he loved her?

Flint refused to accept that. Whatever it took, she was going to become his wife tonight.

He’d spent the first hour making arrangements for them to fly to Vegas and get married. Robert and Billy would meet them at the airport to be witnesses to the ceremony.

Dray would be Mrs. Flint Morgan by the end of this day if he had to force her to. In his mind she had no choice. She was carrying his child and they needed to be a family—one he’d secretly dreamed of having since he’d lost his own all those years ago.

Would his parents have been happy for him? Would they have enjoyed the idea of being grandparents? Flint somehow knew in his heart they would have.

Grabbing his keys, Flint left his apartment, anticipating his future with Adriana and all the children they’d have together.

* * *

Adriana slipped into a form-fitting ivory satin gown she’d worn to a friend's wedding a year ago. She wasn’t quite sure what Flint had planned, but she was at least going to look her best.

She clipped her hair up off her neck and placed a pair of pearl earring in her ears and a string of them around her neck. Then after adding extra blush to her pale face, Adriana surveyed her reflection in her full-length mirror.

She turned to the side and ran her hands over her flat stomach—one she knew wouldn’t be toned for long.

A smile crept up her face. Now she could permit herself some indulgences she wouldn’t have allowed herself before.

“I’m eating for two,” Adriana said, wanting to hear how it sounded out loud. “No, I can’t take that assignment. It’s much too dangerous now that I’m pregnant.” The sudden realization hit her. The DNS was a dangerous job on a normal day, but for a pregnant woman it was too much of a risk. She knew this baby had put an end to her days there—at least temporarily. And that meant her partnership with Flint would be over as well.

A single tear slid down her cheek, but she refused to give into her emotions. Her baby would have to take top priority over her career. Clearly the only thing she could do at this point was quit her job, unless she wanted to sit behind a desk. Right now she was going to concentrate on the life growing inside her, a life she and Flint had created.

Adriana glanced at her watch. Six-thirty. He would be here any minute.

What did he have planned? Was he going to take her out to celebrate their upcoming parenthood? Was he going to wine and dine her one last time before he disappeared from her life?

Adriana’s throat tightened at the thought of never seeing him again.

She was no longer Adriana Kent, exciting DNS agent. She was Adriana Kent mother-to-be and would be for the rest of her life. From this day forward she’d no longer just be responsible for herself, but for another life, a child that would rely on her, trust in her, love her for as long as she lived. That was a lot of responsibility for one person. Flint should have to shoulder some of the burden, too.

“Are you ready to go?” Flint said from behind her.

Adriana jumped again.

“Do you have some sort of stealth system on you today? This is the second time you’ve snuck up on me. It’s not good to do that to a pregnant woman, you know.”

“Sorry, but I knocked. You were off in your own little world. Care to tell me where?"

“No.” Adriana was in no mood to allow him into her head.

Flint grasped her hand and tugged her toward the door. “Come on. We’re going to be late if we don’t get going. “

Adriana dug in her heels. “Where
we going?”

“You’ll see when we get there,” was all Flint would tell her as he pulled her with him.

Twenty minutes later, Adriana stared in disbelief at Flint when they pulled up to the airport terminal.

“Why are we at the airport, Flint?”

He smiled. “Because we’re flying to Vegas.” Flint pulled his Cobra into the airport’s designated parking area.

“And why are we going to Las Vegas?”

“To gamble?” It was said more as a question than as an answer. Flint winked at her.

“I don’t want to go to Vegas to gamble.” Adriana couldn’t believe he’d want to fly to Vegas to take in the casinos after he’d just found out about her condition.

Her anger ignited.

“We’re going to Vegas to gamble, but not in the sense that you’re thinking. Life’s a gamble. When you fall in love you’re taking your chances on that other person not feeling the same way. I love you with all my heart. I want desperately for you to feel the same way about me. Do you love me, Adriana?” Flint asked in an emotionally clogged voice.

“You know I do. Why would you even ask that question?”

“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe because you just tried two hours ago to end things between us.”

Adriana hung her head. “I didn’t want you to be forced into staying because of the baby.” She placed her hands protectively over her stomach as tears welled in her eyes.

“This baby,” he said, placing his hand over hers, “would never make me stay if I didn’t want to. I’d stay because of the love I have for you. Our baby is a wonderful surprise, who will be loved by us both.” Flint tenderly caressing her belly.

“So why are we going to Vegas?” Tears ran freely down Adriana’s cheeks.

“What is Vegas known for besides gambling?” Flint raised a brow in anticipation.

A light went on in Adriana’s head. Las Vegas was the marriage capital of the world.

BOOK: Her Man Flint
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