Heven & Hell Anthology (Heven and Hell) (8 page)

BOOK: Heven & Hell Anthology (Heven and Hell)
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She smiled. “You smell just like one.” She tilted her head to the side. “Couldn’t you smell me coming?”


“No,” I admitted, curious.


“You’re a new shifter, aren’t you?”


I nodded. “I’ve been looking for my brother.” I never considered that there were other hounds out there besides me and Sam.


China’s eyebrow lifted. “Really? I know some other hounds.”


“Sam,” I said, feeling the hope rising in me. “My brother’s name is Sam.”


“You’re Sam’s brother? Are you Logan?”


She knew my name! “Do you know him?”


She nodded. “He’s my roommate.”


I swallowed past the lump in my throat and willed the tears away. Only babies cried. Hellhounds that lived on the streets did NOT cry. “Can you take me to him?”


China shook her head slowly. “Sorry, I have somewhere to be.”


My hope fell away to be replaced with anger. If she wouldn’t take me to my brother, she was of no use to me. Maybe I would just show her what happened when someone crossed me.
No. Do not harm her,
the voice spoke, and the anger I felt seemed to melt away. Sam was right. I shouldn’t hurt his roommate.


“But I can give you the address and directions to our place.”


“Yeah?” I smiled. Sam always gave me good advice.


“Got any paper in that bag?” She glanced at my backpack.


I unzipped it and found a scrap of paper and a pen. China took it and scribbled down an address. “It’s about an hour from here,” she said as she wrote. “I’ll write the roads to take. When you get into this town,” she said, circling the name I couldn’t yet see, “just ask for directions to the street we live on.”


“Why can’t you just take me?”


She laughed. It was a wicked sound. “Because I have a date.” She handed me the paper and I took it, sticking it in my pocket. She flipped her hair over her shoulder. “Besides your brother and I… we don’t get along so well anymore.”




“We used to, but then he met this girl. He’s a lot different now.”


“He has a girlfriend?” Jealousy filled me, but so did excitement… a hard knot formed in my stomach at the thought of Sam’s girlfriend.


China smiled. “Yes. I have a feeling that you two will get along famously.” She made it sound like a bad thing.


“You mean she’s not very nice?”


Getting in the way.
I shook my head at the voice, ignoring the odd statement.


China considered my words, then took a step closer to me. “I’m going to be honest because you are Sam’s brother, and Sam and I used to be good friends.” I nodded so she would continue. “His girlfriend’s a bitch. A real troublemaker. If I were you, I would do everything I could to get between Sam and Heven.”




Her words didn’t shock me. It was my reaction to them that did. Part of me
to get between Sam and this girl. “Her name is Heven?”


China nodded. “But don’t let that fool ya, kid. She’s nothing but trouble. Now help me drag these bodies into the bushes.”


I did as she asked, my stomach revolted every time I had to touch one of the bodies, so I was thankful when we were done. After the nasty job was finished, she began walking away without another word. I stood there for a minute, absorbing everything she said, and when I turned to call out, she was gone. I sank down on the nearby bench and stared up at the fountain. It was shimmering; the air around it seemed to be moving around it differently than everywhere else. I blinked and then my vision cleared.


I reached into my pocket to pull out the paper she had given me and stared down at the words scrawled across the paper. I had been searching for him for months, but now that I knew where he was, I was nervous.


What if he didn’t want me, either?


Where would I go? What would I do? I didn’t think I could go home. China said he had a girlfriend now. Would that mean he had forgotten about me? He probably wouldn’t want his kid brother around now that he had a life of his own.


Be part of his life.


I sat there for a long time, debating, wondering what I should do. I must have sat there for hours and eventually, I began to yawn. I snagged up my backpack and stuffed it under my head and closed my eyes. Pictures and memories swam through my head of when Sam and I both lived at home. Times when we were close and I didn’t doubt the bond between us.


He had a bond with someone else now. Someone new. China said Heven wasn’t a nice girl, that she was trouble. Maybe Sam needed my help.


That’s what I would do. I would help him.


Yes, he needs help. Help him.


I fell asleep.


*    *    *


When I woke up, I wasn’t on the bench. It was clear I wasn’t in Portland anymore. I was beside a lake with the water lapping gently on the shore. The water repelled me and I moved back into the trees. My head was throbbing and my body ached. I snagged a bottle of water out of my backpack and rinsed out my mouth, spitting the water in the dirt. I was starving and I wanted more than the meager contents my bag held. I wandered into town and noted the date on a newspaper at a newsstand and my stomach bottomed out.


Two days. I had lost two days this time.


What happened to me? Why was I losing time like this—what did it mean? Near the newsstand I found a small café where I got a hot chocolate, some donuts and a bagel. I was running low on cash and I knew I had to find Sam. When I asked the cashier what town I was in, she looked at me like I had three heads, but after she told me, I stopped paying attention to her. I rushed out of the store and looked up and down the street.


I was in the same place as my brother!


I grabbed a man by the arm that was walking by. “Can you tell me where Concord Street is? Is it far from here?”


The man jerked his arm from my grasp, but then he pointed down the street. “It’s about three blocks that way.”


“Thanks,” I said and began walking.


When I got to the apartment, I took a deep breath and went up to the door. This was it. I was going to see my brother. Things would be better from here on out. I knocked and I waited.


No one answered.


“You looking to rent the apartment?” a voice called from behind.


I turned. A man with white hair and beard was standing on the sidewalk looking at me. “No, I was visiting someone. Is this place for rent?” Had I missed him again?


“It’s not empty yet, but it’s for rent. The occupants gave their notice.”


“Do you know where the renters are now?”


“Nope. Couple of them already moved out. The place is just about vacant, but it’s paid through next week. He’ll be coming back to clean it out between now and then.”




The man nodded and his eyes narrowed, starting to get suspicious.


“Is his name Sam? I’m his brother Logan. I–I haven’t seen him in a while.”


The man’s face softened. “Yeah, that’s him.”


Hope soared within me. I wasn’t too late! He was still here! I thanked the man who asked me once more if I wanted to rent the place. When I said no, he got into a blue car and drove away. I sat down on the steps and let out a sigh.


I was anxious to see Sam. I had no clue if he would even want me around, but I had to take the chance. Not only was he my brother, but deep down I had this driving need to be with him. Something inside me was urging me to get closer, to find out everything I could about my brother. The landlord said he would be back sometime between now and next week. All I had to do was wait. He would show up eventually, and when he did, I wouldn’t be alone anymore. Someone would finally understand what I had been through.


And if anyone got in the way of my being with Sam… well….


You will get
between them.







Heven and Hell #2.5


By Cambria Hebert








I made it my business to look good at all times.


Even when I was spying on people.


Like I was now.


But I wasn’t just spying on anyone. I was spying on my boyfriend.


I knew—
—there was something going on between Cole and Heven, my BFF. Heven and I had been friends forever it seemed, just as it seemed I had been forever in her shadow. I hadn’t minded it when we were young because I always knew that I would grow up to be the prettier one, the one with the better clothes, car and, in general, better life. And just like I had predicted (I’m always right), I did grow up to be the prettier one and I did have it all.


But Heven didn’t seem to get that memo.


She still somehow managed to claim the head cheerleader position. She was still the most popular girl in our class. Everyone fawned all over her knock-off, knee-high boots and generic ripped-up jeans. I’ll admit, Heven turned out a lot prettier than I thought she would and I was glad, because we were BFF’s and I couldn’t be seen with a hag.


But Hell-ooo everyone knows that redheads are better than blondes.


Unfortunately, no one seemed to get that memo, either.


Still, I never let on that her popularity got to me because with her popularity, came mine. If she was Queen Bee, then I was the Princess. I was the caramel to her latté (and everyone knows a latté isn’t good unless it has caramel) and I’ll admit, Heven is nice. She has something about her that people respond to, that draws them in. I guess she does make people feel good about themselves. Like me.


I wasn’t about to admit that I wanted to be number one. That it bothered me people only saw me when she wasn’t in the room. And besides, Cole had. The minute we all seemed to develop hormones, he only had eyes for me (I’m telling you, it’s the red hair). He was perfect: tall, dark hair, blue eyes, with wide shoulders and a wicked smile. He played football to my cheerleader, and we fit together so well that as soon as I saw that look of interest in his eyes, I made sure everyone knew that he was mine. Even better was the fact that he seemed to realize what no one else had: I deserved to be noticed more than Heven.


He was a smart guy.


But lately he’d been acting stupid.


I lifted the black binoculars to my eyes, focusing on Heven’s yard and the truck parked next to the house.


Uh-huh. I knew it. He’d come here. The jerk.


I should have known he was a two-timer when I caught him kissing that hag Jenna. I forgave that little indiscretion (after I taught him a lesson, of course), but this… This was going too far.


I heard a sound and turned the binoculars in that direction. Damn the darkness. Note to self: make Daddy buy you some night-vision goggles. I heard Cole’s voice and then saw the beam of a flashlight shine down onto the grass. I pressed the binoculars close and watched Cole shield his eyes from the light. I glanced up and saw Heven leaning out the window, looking down at him.


A minute later, Cole was going around to the porch and going inside. I hadn’t felt this angry since I was at the mall on Black Friday and someone snatched the last pair of black cashmere gloves out of my hands.


I smirked and glanced at my hands, covered in the said black cashmere gloves. That woman didn’t know who she was messing with and neither did Heven and Cole. I took a deep breath and watched the door close behind him, cutting off whatever they were doing. There was a rustle nearby and I turned toward the sound, but it was so dark, I couldn’t see a thing. I listened for a few moments and when no other sounds came, I turned back toward the house to see if anything happened.


Cole was drunk. He’d been at my house. We were down by the lake and we got into a fight. I never thought he would get in his truck and drive away. Drinking and driving is one of the stupidest things a person can do. I mean, really, it’s just asking to hurt someone or end up in jail. And of all the colors I do look good in… a bright orange jumpsuit isn’t one of them. Talk about a major clash with my hair. I suppressed a shudder and sighed.


I hadn’t seen Cole act this way before. He seemed different… He was pulling away. So was Heven. At first, I thought she was just spending less time with me because of Sam, because she seemed to be getting her confidence back (just when I thought I would take over the Miss Most Popular spot, Heven went and got rid of her scar). But then Cole started acting off and becoming distant, and now he’s drunk and inside her house. Something was going on. And no one was telling me what it was.


Another sound, closer this time, caught my attention and I whipped around. Still, I saw nothing. A feeling of being watched—of not being alone—came over me. I didn’t like it. I thought about calling out, but it seemed drawing attention to myself wouldn’t be a good idea. Maybe spying (no matter how good I looked doing it) wasn’t a very good idea. This was creepy. The dark was creepy. It would be stupid to keep sitting out here where I felt like I wasn’t alone. Finding out what was going on with Heven and Cole was a definite must, but getting hacked into little pieces by some stalker wouldn’t accomplish that. And it would mess up my hair. Gripping the binoculars, I turned away from the house to walk back to my car. I tried to ignore the way my heart began to pound with fear.


Get a grip Kimber,
I told myself.


I was a lot of things (like charming, stylish and beautiful), but stupid wasn’t one of them.


I paused when I heard the door to the house open and slam shut, but I didn’t turn back. I thought for a millisecond about calling out—warning them about the potential stalker lurking out here, but I didn’t want them to know what I was up to. This spy mission might be aborted, but there would be future missions.


They just wouldn’t be on my deep conditioning night. Maybe the fact that they were outside meant Heven would send him on his way. Maybe I should park at the end of the driveway and wait for him, follow his truck to make sure he gets home okay. Things might not be great between us, but I did love him. I loved him more than anyone and I wouldn’t want him to hurt himself or anyone else.


We would get back on track and then everything would be okay again.


I stumbled a bit as I walked, the heel of my black boot catching on something on the ground. I tugged the heel free and began walking again. Seconds later, the heel snapped and broke. I tripped and hit the ground.


Ew. I did not do dirt.


I looked down at my broken heel. “Really?” I whined. “I’m very disappointed in you,” I told my shoe as I held it up to inspect the damage. As much as I paid for these boots, they should hold up to spy missions.


I got up, brushing the dirt off my Juicy Couture pants, and began limping toward my car. This was not my night. I wanted a latté. I wanted my fuzzy bathrobe and a hot bath.




I stopped, glancing around from side to side. Had I just heard a voice? “Hello?” I called, no longer caring if someone knew I was out here. If they were talking to me, they already knew anyway.


No one answered and I started walking again, hurrying toward my car.


“You’re going to let him get away with cheating?”


Okay, I definitely heard that. It might have been a whisper, but I wasn’t imaging it. I wasn’t crazy. “Who’s there?”


I heard another rustling sound, but yet again, no one answered. I gave a huff. “Fine. Don’t show yourself. Whatever.” My car came into view and I breathed a sigh of relief. I was about to climb into the driver’s seat when I realized I never heard Cole start up his truck and drive away.


You know what? Screw that stalker. If there was someone out here and they tried to hack me up, they would wish they never laid eyes on this redhead. I wasn’t about to miss my chance to bust my BFF and my boyfriend. Besides, I couldn’t stop wondering about what they were doing this late at night inside her house. I took off my busted shoes (I was so writing a nasty email to the designer) and threw them into my car, slammed the door and pivoted back toward the house.


I would need a mega pedicure tomorrow.


I didn’t hear anymore voices or movement nearby, which was probably good. For whoever was out there. I was not in a good mood, and if someone tried to attack me, they were going to wish they hadn’t.


When I got to the house, no one was outside and Cole’s truck was still parked in the same spot as before. Silently I crept up to the porch and peeked in the kitchen window. They weren’t in there. So I crept around to where the window to the living room was. Light filtered through the open blinds and I crept closer.




Heven and Cole were standing in the middle of the room. The couch was covered in blankets and Cole wasn’t wearing a shirt. Jealousy cut through me. It burned and I wanted to scream and beat on the window. But a true spy never gave herself away. I watched as Cole pulled Heven in for a hug.


She was touching him. Touching his bare skin. I watched her face as she hugged him. She liked it. She liked him. As more than a friend.


Apparently, I was the one who missed the memo. The memo of betrayal.


Tears blurred my vision and I turned away, crouching low beneath the window. How could he do this to me? To us? He was inside with the girl who was supposed to be my best friend and he was touching her.


When I finally pulled myself together and stood, I noted the blinds were closed. I tried not to think about what was going on behind those blinds. But try as I may, images assaulted me: kissing, touching, laughing.


I stumbled away from the house and wiped the tears from my cheeks.


A hooded figure stepped into my path.


I jumped back, almost falling on my butt. Being brave when I only thought there was a stalker had been easy, but now that I was faced with one (one who looked suspiciously like the Grim Reaper) made me want to pee my pants. But I wouldn’t because these pants were too nice to ruin like that.


The person was wearing a black cloak with a hood and it was so dark, I couldn’t make out a face. I remembered that I was supposed to be brave and forced myself to speak. “Wh-who are you?”


I watched as the figure pushed back the hood to reveal flawless, creamy skin, high cheekbones and blood-red lips. She reminded me of Snow White minus the innocence of a young princess. She certainly looked better than the Grim Reaper. And she wasn’t very big. Maybe I could take her. If I had to.


“Who are you?” I asked again, ready to yell for help.


“Your opportunity,” she said, her voice smooth as dark chocolate.


“Speak English,” I told her. I didn’t know why she was here, but this wasn’t a good time for some weirdo creeping in the woods to be bothering me.


“Your boyfriend betrayed you; your best friend took him from you.”


“What do you know about it?” I said, lifting my chin as the anger and jealousy I had grown used to swirled inside me once more.


“I know a way for you to get him back and make her pay.”


“Who said I wanted him back?”

BOOK: Heven & Hell Anthology (Heven and Hell)
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