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Authors: Alyssa Brooks

Hide and Seek (5 page)

BOOK: Hide and Seek
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“Better, Elisa, better.” His tongue followed her instructions, laving her pussy in measured, long movements. Elisa told herself to enjoy it. Every second. Every stroke. She was leading and he'd stop when she was ready for him to stop; she was nowhere near prepared for that.

Throwing her head back, she moaned aloud, savoring his oral pleasuring. He licked her like she'd lick a soft chocolate ice cream, swirling his tongue, smearing his lips against her, delighting in every tasteful inch of her pussy.

Her legs were turning to Jell-O. His tongue strokes weren't enough. She needed something to brace herself with. She needed more.

“Oh God. Wait,” she commanded, halting his tongue movements. “I want to lie down.”

She walked to the bearskin rug and lay down on it, propping up both of her legs and spreading herself wide. “Suck my clit.”

“Your wish,” he obliged her, his tone punctuated by his accent. “Is my every desire.”

Elisa could hardly believe it was true.

Maxim crawled between her legs and claimed the dripping bead with his teeth, suctioning hard. Working it in and out of his mouth, he drove her into a frenzy from the pressure.

“Damn,” she ground out. “You're good.”

He sucked harder, so hard, it almost hurt, but in such a glorious way. Her body lifted off the floor as she moaned aloud, her fingers grasping desperately at the fur beneath her.

Christ, she couldn't take this sexual agony. Maxim had her ready to burst. She needed him to fuck her. Now.

That was what the dildo was for!

“Get me ready. Put…put your fingers in me,” she told him, lifting her hips slightly. “Hurry.”

Releasing her clit, he promptly drove two fingers into her slick sheath. Pumping them in and out of her, he licked all around her hole, pressing his tongue alongside the digits. She arched and pushed her lower half against him, needing more. So much more.

He slid another finger into her depths, then another. Her pussy opened for him, stretching and accepting the width of his hand eagerly, but needing more length. Needing him.

Elisa grasped for the dildo, her hands searching the bearskin rug until she found it lying next to her head. Picking up the sex toy, she handed it to him. “Here.”

His eyes lit, connecting with hers. “You're serious?”

Unease curled through her, but she pushed the self-guessing away. “Yes. Now.” She was being strong, not embarrassed, and she wanted this. “And hurry.”



“I've never had the privilege before.” He grasped the fake cock at the base, and without preamble, drove it into her with one forceful thrust. Her pussy contracted with delight at the invasion, her arousal instantly driven to a pinnacle.

Maxim chuckled with delight. “This is going to be fun.”

Maxim fucked her with the dildo in driving thrusts, pushing the rubber deep inside her, then ripping it out all too quickly. The toy reached her womb, it plunged so far within her, and she arched, screaming out with ecstasy.

Holding her hips at an angle, she met his pumping with vigorous bucking, positioning her lower half so that the dildo angled upward and stroked her G-spot time and again.

She thrashed and moaned so much, she began to get worn-out, despite the wave of rapture she rode on. Slowing her movements, she let him take sole control of the pleasuring.

Maxim drove the shaft in as far it would go, then stilled, slowly, torturously grinding it into her in wide circles that stretched her tunnel.

The movements were too much…too damn wonderful…and she found herself teetering at the brink. Her loins turned to fire, every inch of her mons and her cunt fiery hot with built up need. She was ready to detonate, all she needed was…

“Stop, Maxim. Fuck me!” What was she saying?
Quickly she corrected herself, “Fuck me harder with the dildo. Faster. More, I need more!”

He slid his arm under her bottom, lifting her lower half and supporting her. Softly, he kissed her mons. “Are you sure you don't want

“Please just do as I say!”

“Fine. As you wish, my queen.” His voice was hollow with disappointment. “Harder, faster, it is.”

He rammed into her and her body and her teetering release lurched. Again, he thrust into her, and this time, she lost it, spiraling into a violent orgasm that had her whole body convulsing.

She moaned in finality, and then went still, panting as her body recovered from the intense moment. Worn-out, she felt like a wet noodle, lying there limp, about to pass out from the physical and mental exhaustion, though she needed to maintain control.

Leaving the dildo buried deep inside her pulsing hot vagina, Maxim crawled over her. His legs straddled her and he leaned forward, nuzzling her face. To her surprise, tears slid down her cheeks…tears of pleasure, emotion, but not sadness.

Maxim kissed and licked the droplets away. “Are you all right? Was it too much?”

“No,” she whispered. “It wasn't enough.”

“Do you want…?” He pushed his cock against her upper thigh, the movement applying pressure to the already inserted dildo. “We could use both.”

“No,” she said in a harsh voice. “You haven't proven yourself yet.”

What would it take?

First he'd half frozen to death for Elisa, now his dick was so hard, so ready for her, he was in pain. And she said
? He still had to

Damn! He was a man, not a superhero!

His jaw shook with frustration and he fought to steady himself, to calm his nerves.
If this was what she wanted, this was what she would get. He needed to show her he was serious more than he needed to get off.

It didn't matter anyway. Soon she'd be begging for him. Pleading to have his cock. Maybe then he'd turn Elisa's little game around on her and she'd see how being left in such agony felt.

For now, he'd oblige her. What choice did he have? He wanted, no needed, to be successful in proving himself to her, for his own sake as much as hers. He couldn't stand to see her tears. Whatever it took to make them disappear, he'd do. He kissed her salty cheeks, licking away the trails of moisture and tangling his hands in her lengthy tresses. How long he'd waited to feel the silky strands wrapped around his fingers. At one point, he wondered if even touching Elisa was possible. Fucking her with a dildo wasn't quite what he'd had in mind, but nonetheless, Elisa was naked and underneath him. Getting inside her was only a matter of time…and effort.

He brought her hair to his nose, inhaling her scent, a spicy, woodsy perfume he'd never smelled before. Everything about Elisa was so different, so foreign from the spoiled females he knew. “God, you smell wonderful,” he told her. “You are, by far, the most incredible woman I know.”

She smiled sweetly at him, cuddling in his arms. “The answer is still no.”

“When will it be yes?”

“When I'm ready.”

He stroked her cheek and kissed her dewy lashes. “Then I guess I'll just have to make you ready.”

She laughed, as if he'd just said something ridiculous. “Do your best.”


think I'd ski down Mount Everest for you.” His hand gripping her lush ass, Maxim held Elisa flush against his torso. The dildo was still inserted deep in her pussy and the scent of her arousal floated through the air, mingling with her exotic scent.

Nuzzling her neck, he inhaled deeply, feeling like the luckiest man on earth, even if he did currently sport a raging erection which—if she was to be believed—wouldn't be satisfied anytime soon.

For now. She was a woman after all. She couldn't resist him forever. He could wait a little bit—he was quite confident he'd be well rewarded for his patience in more ways than one.

Leaning in, he planted his lips to hers, but she did not respond. Her mouth remained pressed shut. Despite how close to an embarrassing, premature explosion it brought him, he rotated his hips, rubbing his cock against her mons. “Come on, angel. I'm hurting. What's a man got to do to please you?”

“Nothing you can manage.” Elisa turned her head, sighing. “Ski down Mount Everest? You'd break your neck. You barely made it here and we both know you couldn't make it home.” The lack of emotion in her voice surprised him. He heard no humor, no teasing, just a blank statement.

Maxim hid his smile. Apparently it wasn't a good time to inform her he'd faked his helplessness. He'd just have to keep that little secret to himself. The last thing he wanted was to be booted back into the snow…the weather here in Colorado was god-awful miserable.

Ah, but thoughts of getting inside Elisa made it all seem so much warmer.

He'd just have to up his seduction efforts—before he exploded.

Maxim nuzzled against her, soaking up her body heat. His fingers found her nipples, tracing the outer rims of the tight circles. “You are truly the most beautiful female I've ever laid eyes on. Do you know that?”

“Until your next conquest.” Smirking, she rolled her eyes. “I wonder what the hundred women before me would think about being booted from their status as ‘the most beautiful female.'”

Ignoring her sarcasm, he stroked her soft bottom. “No, Elisa. Do you have any idea how long I've fantasized about this? How much I've dreamt about you?” He was determined to get through to her. To get
her. Whatever it took. “When I look into your eyes, your soul sparkles like diamonds. I feel richer than—”

Elisa sighed and rolled over, shaking her head. “Don't try to sweet-talk me, Maxim. It won't work.”

Okay, maybe he'd gone a bit far…even he had trouble believing that.

Except oddly, the statement hadn't been total bullshit.

She shook her head. “You know, I don't know what I was thinking. That may be you could be sincere?”

“You—” The protest on the tip of his tongue fell away. Damn it, he must be fooling himself to believe Elisa would ever been anything but a frigid—

He stopped himself, knowing damn good and well Elisa might be too smart for her own good, but she was far too sweet to be called a bitch, even if it was only in his mind.

“I don't know why you keep trying to pull that crap on me, but like I said, I'm not stupid enough to fall for your lines.” Elisa removed herself from his arms, reaching down to pull the cum-coated dildo from her feminine depths. She tossed it on the blanket and rolled away from him. “You know, Maxim, you can't prove yourself in the time span of a half hour. It's going to take more than pleasuring me with a dildo once to make me trust you.”

In one swift movement, she grabbed her nightgown, leapt to her feet, and quickly brought the flannel down, hiding her curves.

He gulped, realizing she was right.
he manage?

He had to. For once, pleasing a woman meant something to him.

“I'm sure you must need a cold shower.” Her tone was firm, her shoulders squared, and her back turned to him as she pointed down the long dark hall behind them, and then quickly folded her hands. “If you'd like, the bathroom is the last room on the left.”

Though she was clearly trying to hide how she felt with a strong voice and tall stance, when she'd gestured, he'd noticed her fingers shaking slightly. He didn't know why she had to make such a big deal of this. So they desired each other, so she'd acted upon her needs…so a dildo had been involved. What was so wrong with that? She wasn't married, wasn't obligated in any way. They were two consenting adults.

Over-thinking seemed to be a real issue for Elisa.

But not him.

He was still horny as hell.

Maxim stepped forward, cradling her hips in his palms and pressing his rigid cock against the crack of her ass. “Come shower with me.”

“Whatever.” Her feet sped into motion and she stalked toward the kitchen. “I'm going to go fix you something to eat, then find out when this blizzard is going to end.”

“So I can go?” he ground out, every fiber of his being yearning to catch her, throw her over his knee, and spank her until she wanted to be bad; Elisa was too damn good to be mentally healthy. He was going to lose his mind trying to woo her.

“Yes,” she hissed, her words barely audible. “So you can go.”

His cock melted, his massive erection turning into shriveled disappointment. Really? That was
? Elisa was done with him? Back to being—yeah, he was going to say it—bitchy? To rejecting him?

After what had just happened between them, he wasn't in the mood to be pushed away. Cast off. Discarded like some dildo worker without a union during layoff time. He didn't understand how she could change so swiftly, but he sure wasn't going to simply accept her mood swing.

Suddenly, he lost it. Going after her, he caught her by the shoulders, spun her around and pulled her flush against him. “Elisa,
.” He gave her no time to protest, tangling his fingers in her hair and swept her mouth up with his. The kiss was hard and fast, needy and unrelenting.

He wanted her. She wanted him. No was not an option. Not anymore. Damn it, he was going to
to her just how much she wanted him.

Elisa squeaked in his mouth, passionately returning his affections as he explored her moist depths with his tongue.

Together, they stumbled forward, until he had her backed against a wall. He pulled her head back, devouring her. She was so delicious.

He couldn't wait anymore. He needed her. He needed her to need him.

Cupping her breasts, he massaged them deeply. His thumbs flicked her nipples and felt the buds harden under the attention. Damn, he couldn't wait to suckle them, to—

Suddenly, she shoved him with all her might, wrenching her mouth free. “Stop!” She pushed him again, putting distance between them as she wiped her mouth free. Breathing heavily, she shook her head. “Go take a shower, Maxim.”

Not again. “I must be in hell.”

She slinked past him and headed toward the kitchen. He reached for her, but she jerked from his touch and stood with her back to him. “Hell is where the devil belongs.”

“Ouch.” He pulled back, clenching his jaw as he stepped away. “Okay, I'll give you some space and go take a shower.”


Much as Maxim wanted to be sweet and subservient and continue wooing her, her attitude plain ticked him off. Irritation squeezed at his heart, prickled at his nerves, and he couldn't bite back the words on the tip of his tongue. “Do me a favor,” he called.

“Aren't I doing enough for you? I do believe I've saved you from freezing to death.”

Maxim's lips pressed flat as he growled through them. “Well, I believe I did just ‘pay' for my room and board, at least for tonight.”

His pride roared at the truth and he fought to contain the thousand curses dancing on the tip of his tongue.

“Fine,” Elisa huffed. “What do you want?”

Maxim ground his teeth and shoved down the urge to storm from the cabin. Jesus, did she have any idea how she was pushing him? With any other female, he'd be gone by now. He didn't even really know
he was going through all this trouble for her, except he'd wanted her, so badly, for so long.

After his brother, Keaton, had died in the car accident—murdered by his cheating wife, as far as Maxim was concerned—he'd sworn never to love. But from the day he'd met Elisa, he'd been tempted.

Elisa accused him of being a player, but here he was, being sincere, and she was driving him away. That hurt. He ought to take a hint.

“Pour some wine.” Maxim headed down the hallway, toward the bathroom. “You need to loosen up.”

Why hadn't he seen this coming? He wasn't playing with fire, he was holding a match to explosives just like he had back in college. Elisa had always had a talent for pushing his buttons. If he didn't get cooled down soon, he'd detonate. He definitely needed that cold shower.

had she been thinking? She should've let him freeze. Hell, she should've shot him.

Elisa retrieved salad makings from the fridge and practically threw everything on the counter.

The bastard. If she had a bottle of wine, she'd shove it up his ass.

The last thing she intended to do was loosen up. Maxim wanted her
, and easy was a surefire path straight to heartbreak, do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars.

Maybe she wasn't being nice, or easy, but she was handling him and all considering, she was doing it well. After foreplay like that, saying no hadn't been easy. The urge to let Maxim do anything and everything he wanted to her had been powerful, so maybe she'd been bitchy, but at least she'd been strong.

Strong. Right. So why did it feel like she was about to puke? Why was her heart beating a mile a minute? Why couldn't she breathe?

Damn him. Tacky and sluttish as he was, Maxim was too sexy, too damn conniving…too much for her to handle.

Elisa's hands shook violently as she tore the lettuce, letting the pieces fall into the salad bowl. She'd gone grocery shopping in town a few days ago, and she had plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables on hand. Good thing she had no appetite, because she was feeding him the healthiest, most anti-man meal she could pull off. One even she wouldn't care to stomach. Then he was going to pleasure her again. She wanted another orgasm and she deserved what she craved. Damn right.

Her hands shook so hard, she knocked the bowl on its side.

Oh God. She couldn't do this. She couldn't just use him and lose him.

She was crazy to think she could.

No! She
to and she would! If she could handle him, she could handle any man.

Yeah right.

She might as well chain herself to this cabin and throw in the towel. Seclude herself for the rest of her life and become a miserable, crazed hermit.

“You already vowed never to leave this cabin,” she reminded herself out loud. “Several times in fact.”

But after a few weeks here, she was lonely, bored, and wishing she were somewhere else,
, making some sort of difference. She had too much to offer to just wallow in solitude for eternity. Surely, she could find a place in this world…it would just have to be one where no one knew about tabloids. Like a tribal village in South America. Or Antarctica.

“Oh, why does humid weather and bugs or miles of snow and ice sound so good right now?”

Because she'd already gone insane, hence her decision to allow Maxim in her house, and possibly even her body. Hence her new habit of talking to herself.

“You've really done yourself a favor this time, genius.” Shaking, Elisa sliced the tofu she'd marinated earlier and slid it into a pan coated with olive oil. While the large white chunks cooked, she chopped some carrots and tomatoes.

She had to stop worrying. Guarding her heart from him would be easy. She just needed to distance herself from anything emotional. To stay aloof.

“Use him and lose him,” she reminded herself, pouring cold, canned lentils over the salad. Several vibrated right out of the can and onto the floor. “Damn it!” She gathered the spilled beans, shaking her head. “I have to pull it together. Handling Maxim is not that hard. Not hard at all.”

A deep chuckle sounded behind her. “But I am, Elisa.”

Elisa practically jumped out of her skin, whirling around, beans flying in Maxim's direction. “What?”

Maxim leaned in the doorway, looking right at home, relaxed, except for his cock, which stood proud and tall, forming a tent in the painted-on grey jogging pants he'd apparently stolen from her dresser. Her body practically floated inside the leisure wear, but the sweats clung to his sturdy hips and thick thighs like a second skin. He wore no shirt, and little droplets of water still glistened on his tanned flesh, which was mottled with goose bumps. She could never have imagined such a hilarious sight would look so incredibly sexy, but it did. All. Too. Much.

BOOK: Hide and Seek
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