Read Highland Dragon Online

Authors: Kimberly Killion

Highland Dragon (11 page)

BOOK: Highland Dragon
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Chapter Ten

Clear, cool water spilled over her feet along with a school of minnows. Akira hugged her knees and buried her bare toes into the pebbled rock. The sun’s early rays peeked over the top of the ridge while she slipped into a bout of self-pity. She would never let Calin know how badly his words hurt her. She refused to let him see the foolish girl inside her. The innocent who dreamed of love and commitment.

Calin’s interest resided in his desire to acquire an heir—one of both MacLeod and Kinnon blood. He’d provided for her all these years simply to breed with her and align with Clan Kinnon. Although she hadn’t quite wrapped her mind around how that was possible. She was a peasant living on Laird Kinnon’s land. She held no ties to any of the Kinnon ground. Neither Calin, nor Kendrick, appeared bothered by that detail. Truths were being hidden from her, and her brother’s involvement in that deception made her heart ache further. With Kendrick as her guardian, she couldn’t refute the life he’d chosen for her. If she didn’t comply with this arrangement, Calin could force her, as was his right.

Mayhap then she could hate him. A tear left a cool trail down her cheek and plopped into the trickling stream.

Immersed in her thoughts, she flinched when Calin’s fingers webbed through her hair. She jerked away, bolted upright, and splashed through the brook in her haste. A flock of black birds took flight overhead, startled by her abrupt action. Humiliation kept her eyes downcast as she moved past him. “I am ready. I’m sure ye are anxious to get moving, m’laird.”

“There is nay rush. I’ve sent the others ahead.” Calin reached for her.

“Why?” She sidestepped just out of his grasp.

“Because I wanted to speak to ye alone…to apologize.”

She laughed to keep from sobbing. “Why would ye apologize? We will be married today. Our clans will unite, and the MacLeods will hold the utmost devotion for their new laird—a laird who selflessly took a homely bride to improve the livelihood of his people. I see nay need for explanations nor apologies for becoming their hero. Ye’ve made your reasons for wanting this union abundantly clear, m’laird.” Even as she said the words, she couldn’t believe she’d fallen victim to his seductions.

Calin lunged for her. She spun away, but not swiftly enough. He caught her skirt causing her to slip on the slick grasses, then held her tight around the waist. He pressed her to his chest and looked down at her. “There are many reasons I wish to marry ye.”

“Then having me in your bed will be a reward. Or will that be your duty to the clan as weel?” Clenched fists pumped against his chest, sending the blood in her veins racing.

He released her. “Akira, please.”

She glared at him through narrowed eyes. Her fate might be to bear him an heir, but she would never submit to him willingly. Their union would be nothing more than a contract between them. Never would he take her pride or her heart.

“I’ll not marry ye,” she declared and guarded her expression, knowing it was futile to refuse him.

His nostrils flared, and she saw a glimpse of the temper he’d been hiding. “Ye
marry me, and ye will wear a smile when ye speak your vows. Ye belong to me. I paid five hundred groats for ye, and ye will submit and become my wife.” Calin advanced toward her.

With both hands planted firmly against his chest, she pushed him away. He faltered back, and she gained some satisfaction knowing she possessed the strength to fight him physically. Carrying Isobel all these years had made her as strong as an ox.

He closed the small gap between them, and again she pushed him back. His brow curled in confusion, and she cast him an all-knowing smile.

“I’ll not argue with ye, nor will I fight ye like a damned brigand.” He moved to circle her like prey. Arms bent slightly in front of him and poised to attack. She grabbed his wrist with both hands and twisted it until he twirled away from her. He nearly fell to one knee.

She’d fought with Kendrick on several occasions. She only bested him once, granted he was soused, but that one time gave her hope she could fend for herself.

“Damn the saints, woman! Ye are a hoyden. And how did ye get so strong?”

She didn’t answer his question, but prepared herself for further battle.

Her attempts were in vain.

He caught both her hands, knocked her feet out from under her, and then lowered her to the ground. The fresh dew slicked the backs of her calves as he captured her wrists above her head. “I’ll not brawl with my betrothed on the day we are to wed. Ye will cease this behavior and cool your wicked temper. A bride should be happy on her wedding day.”

“Happy?” Akira reared back to slam her head into his like she had at
Tigh Diabhail,
but he was wise to her tactics. The way he restrained her, prevented her from hurting herself. Damn the man. He even imprisoned her gently.

“Can ye not see that I can provide ye with a better life? From the moment ye enter the gates o’ Cànwyck Castle, ye will be treated with reverence.”

“Ye want me to ride up on your beast and greet my new clan with a smile? Weel I will not. Nor will I leave my family behind to starve to death while ye seize their lands. Ye are a fool if ye think I’ll happily speak my vows knowing ye intend to coerce another member of my family to die battling against your sovereign king.”

“What? Is this what ye think?” His brows stitched together. “Allow me leave to explain.”

Akira squirmed beneath him. The skin around her wrists wrinkled when she tried to pull free of his grasp. “Ye may own me, m’laird, but ye cannae control my emotions,” she hissed, her tongue her only weapon.

“Nay, but I can prove ye have emotions—emotions ye are denying even now.” He released his grip, clutched the back of her head, and then ravaged her mouth with a soul-searching kiss. Their tongues entwined, and their teeth clicked by the sheer power of it.

Her mind screamed at her to refuse him, but her mouth acted on its own behalf. She wanted to despise him even as the pulse in her neck paced itself to the rhythm of his kiss. Fast and fervent at first then slower, until he pulled away, leaving her gasping for air.

Calin could ravish her here and now and no one would think less of him, but his hands never dropped below her chin.

He pressed his roughened cheek into the crook of her neck. “This is not about the Lordship of the Isles. I have wanted this alliance my entire life, as my father did before me. I can give ye anything ye ask. Anything your heart desires. I can protect ye for the rest of your life, and someday, mayhap ye will respect me.”

She eased him off her and pulled herself into a sitting position. She hugged her knees and stared at her bare toes. “I dinnae want your wealth or your protection. I want my family safe. I want the truth.”

Settling in beside her, he took her small hand in his. He held it in silence for a long time, stroking the heel of her palm with his thumb. Finally, his thoughts formed into words. “When ye brought the flock of sheep into your village, why did your kinsmen protect ye from their laird?”

She thought his question odd, but she answered him without pause. “Because of loyalty. Ye may not believe it, but we are a loyal clan.”

“Ye are loyal to each other, not to your chieftain. Laird Kinnon is supposed to offer protection to his people. Instead, he is what they need protection from.”

“This is about our chieftain?” she asked, trying to understand his words.

“Laird Kinnon must be denounced for his crimes, and his son must be banished before he holds the power of chieftain. Havenae your people suffered enough?”

Akira knew he spoke the truth about Laird Kinnon, but Kendrick had protected her family from The Beast’s treachery. She’d never heard her brother speak about an alliance. However, he’d been collaborating with scores of Kinnon warriors. Maggie’s husband, Logan, had been at the cot-house more frequently, as well, with the Donalds’ warriors in tow. Had Kendrick been preparing for this alliance all along? Is that why he married Maggie to a Donald? Did he want to unite the clans of the Isles? She wished he had confided in her and expressed his desires for their clan’s well-being. Then she would know whether or not to trust Calin.

“Laird Kinnon is a lying, thieving murderer, and God knows what kind of influence he has had on Darach. How will ye protect your clan from his spawn? How will ye protect the twins or Isobel if Kendrick is away at battle? Or worse, dies at battle, fighting to protect the borders Laird Kinnon dinnae defend.”

“And this is why ye, a MacLeod, want the alliance? To protect the Kinnons from their evil laird?” She was far from stupid. She didn’t believe for a moment that Calin MacLeod wanted to protect the people of her clan, but she intended to hear him out.

“There are many reasons, but this is one. The alliance will protect both our clans along with the Isles. The English are pressing their way up the Lowlands. We would be fools to believe they’ll not send soldiers up the coast and into the Isles. It is imperative that we unite to protect our borders from an invasion. I can promise ye, I’ll not evict your kinfolk, but nothing will stop the bluidy English from seizing property for their king. Laird Kinnon cannae be trusted. I believe the man would sell his kin for a silver coin before agreeing to fight alongside the MacLeod warriors.

“We have agreed to unite with the Donalds and fight for Scotland’s freedom. Our King James already grows verra weary of the battles betwixt our clans. He has a greater purpose for our country, and we may all suffer if he is not placated.”

“Then ye have the king’s approval?”

“I’ll seek my liege lord’s approval after we’re wed.”

“King James will see this alliance as an uprising against the crown. He will see our union as an attempt to regain possession of the Earldom of Ross and reclaim the title of Lord of the Isles. Is that what ye seek?”

“Nay!” He shouted the word with such vehemence she almost believed him. “I have nay desire to abolish Clan Kinnon for such a cause, nor do the Donalds. I have pledged allegiance to my king and to Scotland. I would fight to the death to protect this country and my kin, as would Kendrick. Clan Kinnon will not suffer from our union, but thrive beneath the leadership of a new laird. One who will protect his borders as Laird Kinnon has not.”

Akira pondered his words, struggling to suppress her personal emotions with what was truly best for her kin. The English were the vilest of God’s creatures. She’d oftentimes wondered if the scores of English soldiers weren’t part of Satan’s army. Their men of war raped and pillaged the Scottish villages without remorse. If he spoke the truth, an alliance could protect them. “And who will be the chieftain, if not Laird Kinnon’s son?” When Calin didn’t answer, she tilted his chin, forcing him to look at her. His rich brown eyes hid so much anger. She’d been so consumed protecting her pride, she hadn’t considered how much responsibility weighed on his shoulders. She stroked his bristled cheek. “Who, Calin? Who will protect my clan?”


Her eyes widened with this announcement. “Though I agree Kendrick would make an honorable laird, he is the son of a peasant. ’Tis blessed blood of the chieftain that holds the line of the Kinnon laird, not honor. Some clans are not like this, but our elders wouldnae ordain a mon as chieftain unless he is blood of a blessed marriage.”

“There is much ye dinnae know, but believe me when I tell ye Kendrick will be the Kinnon’s chieftain. And because ye are his sister, our marriage will bind our clans together.”

“’Tis not possible. Ye cannae just break centuries of law because he’s honorable. He must be of blessed blood. If ye want me to trust ye, then ye must trust me as weel. Tell me how ye intend to bestow the power chieftainship unto the son of a peasant.”

Calin released her hand and stared vacantly at the traveling waters of the brook. “Laird Kinnon abuses his power as chieftain. He buys his warriors’ loyalty with the villages’ taxes and treats his kinswomen like dogs. How many bastards do ye think the man has running amuck in Dalkirth?”

“I dinnae know. He has never laid claim to any of them.” She concentrated on his question. A long pause filled the air with silence. While awaiting further explanation, realization set in. Her jaw dropped. “Are ye implying Kendrick is one of Laird Kinnon’s bastards? ’Tis nay true. Mam was never unfaithful to Papa!”

Slowly, he turned to her, his expression guarded. “Vanora was never unfaithful. Laird Kinnon raped her two months before she wed Murrdock Neish.”

Akira felt sick. Her hand covered her mouth. The muscles in her throat contracted. “The Beast raped Mam?”

Calin nodded. “Kendrick is Laird Kinnon’s son. Murrdock never knew, and Vanora never intended to tell Kendrick either. Ten years ago, Laird Kinnon suspected Murrdock of treason and sent for Neala to draw him out. Your sister was fourteen—the same age as Vanora when The Beast planted his seed inside her.”

Akira struggled to comprehend his words while choking on hatred. “Had Papa returned from fighting with the royalists, he would have killed him.”

“Murrdock dinnae die in Ross as ye were told. He died in Brycen Castle trying to protect Neala from Laird Kinnon.”

How could she have not known this? Hands shaking, pulse pounding, she forced the question from her throat. “Did Papa get to Neala in time?”

Calin closed his eyes and shook his head.

Her heart clenched. Her abdomen convulsed. A painful sorrow escaped from her in a flood of tears over her cheeks. She didn’t want to believe Neala had been raped by The Beast or that Papa didn’t die in honor. Anger replaced her sorrow. “Ye lie. Kendrick would have killed him.”

Calin’s strong hand circled around her clenched fist. Gently, he swiped the tears from her cheeks and bore his amber stare into her eyes. “He tried. When Kendrick gathered warriors to kill The Beast, Vanora told him he was Laird Kinnon’s son and could one day hold the power of chieftainship. She charged him with a greater purpose—to free Clan Kinnon from The Beast. She dinnae want Kendrick to suffer the same fate as Murrdock. She begged him to be patient and wait for aid from my clan and the Donalds.”

BOOK: Highland Dragon
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