Read Highway to Heaven Online

Authors: Harley McRide

Tags: #romance, #womens fiction, #new adult, #menage romance, #menage mfm, #mc romance, #biker mc romance, #biker mc, #biker mc menage

Highway to Heaven (11 page)

BOOK: Highway to Heaven
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Chapter Ten



Raven pulled into the parking lot, his
adrenaline amped and pumping. He didn’t wait to come to a complete
stop before he had his feet down and was kicking the stand down and
killing the engine. He took off in a run toward Tonto’s room,
yanking his helmet off as he went. He busted open the door and ran
in, his eyes roaming the room. The girls were all sitting at the
computers with Tonto and the others standing on the far end,
working the cameras. The remote cameras could be turned and zoomed
in or out, giving them a wide berth of surveillance.

They all turned to look at his abrupt entry.
His eyes fell immediately to Heaven and he froze. The urgency that
had him running, which, Raven did not run, had evaded him. Her big
beautiful fuck-me eyes met his and widened, her cheeks flushing a
rosy pink before her brows drew together and a scowl folded into
her beautiful features. Those plump lips that he was imagining
wrapped around his cock thinned in a tight line, her arms crossing
her chest. As much as he would love to spank her little ass until
she smiled and begged for more, he remembered what the urgency was
and turned back to Tonto.

“Prez, got news.” Tonto’s eyes widened, his
stance going rigid.

“What’d you find?”

“Drove down to where Reyes’ known compound
was. Everyone was wrong. He has been there. He just has another way
in and out. There’s a tunnel, coming in on the backside of his
property. Cars come in and out, right into the parking garage that
leads to his house. He’s been fucking right under our nose!”

“These fuckin’ rats and their tunnels. It’s a
pretty fair bet that tunnel leads to the house the girls are at.
Which also means there is more to that shitty house than what we
see. Okay, tonight we move. We need to see if that’s the only entry
point on his property, and follow it through. It’s gonna get hot. I
want everyone loaded down fully armed.”

Shady, Heaven, Abi, and Sahara all stood from
their stations, their spines rigid and ready. “What time we rolling
out?” Shady asked, her shoulders squaring in an offensive posture,
ready to argue if he so much as thought about telling her the girls
weren’t going. They hadn’t rode all the way down here just to sit
and watch monitors.

“Shady—” Sandman started but stopped when
Tonto held up a hand.

“I need one person on the monitors. The rest
of us will ride out late. I figure if we can wait them out, find an
opportunity and stay together. If we run into trouble that we can’t
handle, we can scatter and meet back here when it’s safe.
Otherwise, we take out as many of those sonofabitches as we

“Who do you want to stay back?” Heaven asked,
holding her breath.

“Sahara, you and Colt are staying back.”
Tonto’s tone left little room for argument.

It wasn’t Sahara who got her argument out
first, but Colt. “Prez, you can’t be serious! I need to be out
there, not stuck back sitting on my ass like a worthless piece of
shit,” he bitched.

“My sister is in there!” Sahara added.

“Which is why you’re staying. I can’t risk
you losing your head and blowing the whole operation. Colt, she
needs protection. If shit goes down, they may be ambushing back
here. Be ready, and don’t let your guard down. When we get the
girls I’m gonna need a safe place to bring ‘em.” Tonto’s voice
vibrated through the room.

“That’s bullshit! You can’t make me fuckin’
stay here, Tonto!” Sahara yelled, her body almost shaking from
rage. Shady grabbed her arm and pulled her back, talking calmly to

“You don’t need to see her like that, girl.
Let us get her. I promise we’ll bring her back, okay?” Shady tried
to get her to sit, but it took a good shove from Abi to get her ass
planted in a seat. She pushed against her, trying to fight when Abi
smiled down at her.

“Seriously?” she said, arching an eyebrow.
When it finally registered with Sahara that she was attempting to
fight against Abi, she sunk back against the chair and let out a
deep breath.

“We good?” Tonto said sarcastically, his
patience wearing thin. Sahara nodded belligerently, crossing her
arms over her chest. So, she may look childish, but she really
didn’t give a flying fuck. Deep down, she knew they were right. If
she saw her sister, she’d rush in and get her instead of sticking
to the plan. But at least Sadie would be safe. Guilt edged in her
brain for the other girls that might be with her. No, there was no
way she could save Sadie and leave the others. No way in hell.
Accepting her mission, she straightened and nodded an apology.
Tonto stared at her a moment and nodded back in acceptance and
turned to the rest of the group.

“We get in, we don’t leave until we get all
the girls. I want one group handing them off, another getting them
the hell out of there. I don’t know what we are walking into, or
how many girls are shoved in that damn grave, but we gotta be ready
for anything. I’m thinking it’s probably at least two, maybe more.”
He looked at the room, waiting for questions.

“And Reyes?” Raven asked, a twitch flexing in
his jaw.

“We worry about Reyes after we do the rescue
mission. If he happens to be there, great. If not, we can hunt his
ass after. Either way, we will get the girls and get him. His
little operation ends before we leave Mexico,” Sandman answered,
his anxiousness to get Reyes the same or worse as Raven’s.

“Any questions?” Tonto asked then nodded when
no one spoke up. “Good. Everyone go get some rest. Colt and Shark,
I want you two rotating. One on guard with Sahara, one on the
monitors. Sahara, go get sleep. I have no idea how long we are
gonna be, and you may be watching those cameras for days upon end.”
He turned and walked out, with Yo Neg and Tonka leading Abi to
their room. As the room cleared, Raven stayed to the back going
unnoticed, watching Heaven until everyone but Maxi and Kink were
filing out, grumbling something about needing pussy. He folded his
arms over his chest and stared, waiting until they looked up. Both
of them shot glances between him and Heaven, a smile playing on
their lips. Raven’s nostrils flared and they both walked out, still

Heaven hadn’t noticed she wasn’t alone while
she flipped through the cameras one last time, hoping she’d find
something…whether a secondary entrance to the tunnel or emergency
exit they’d need to know about to cover when they went in. Her eyes
watered and a shrilling, stabbing pain shot through her temples.
She reached up and rubbed them, wishing she’d have brought her
glasses instead of committing solely on her contacts in the dry,
dirty climate. She rubbed them, moving the little dry disks until
her vision went blurry. “Ugh,” she muttered. She needed eye drops.
And sleep. Which, she could take the contacts out and sleep and
sidestep the drops. If they were going to be riding out soon,
sleeping in them and risking her vision to falter wasn’t a good
idea. As she continued to mess with them, two strong hands landed
on her shoulders and began to rub.

Her first instinct was to slap the shit out
of someone, but it felt amazing. She closed her eyes and gave over
to it, remembering a similar rub in the parking lot of the club the
night she’d brought Rose’s little hellion sisters back and her mind
went rabid. Gage had surprised her with caring compassion—a trait
she didn’t know existed in the biker world. They fucked. They
protected. They drank. But showing softness? Never. She wanted to
tell him to stop, but waited, getting the most out of it while she
could. Yeah, she was upset Gage and Colt had tossed her to the side
and moved on, but ‘twas life in the MC world. She had to remember
to keep her feelings out of it. “Mmm,” she purred.

“You’re tense,” a voice that was definitely
not Twelve Gage’s said softly. Her head snapped around, stopped by
his tightening grip. “Hold still and relax,” he said, his voice

“What are you doing?” her voice clipped.

“Giving you a massage. Then, I’m going to
take you back to the room and put you to bed,” Raven’s velvet voice
said matter-of-factly. He sounded so sure and casual that Heaven
almost second-guessed her reaction. What rabbit hole had she fallen

“I know that, but why?” Yeah, she was a
little bitchy. He dug his thumb in a knot that had been in her
shoulder and pressed down hard, making her wince. “Ouch!” she
yelped. His grip tightened and held her against the back of the
chair when she tried to pull away.

“Hold still,” he scolded. He squeezed enough
she finally complied and allowed herself to relax, his fingers
molding through each tense spot. She tried to keep from making any
noise, but couldn’t help it. He had the magic touch.

“Mmm,” she purred. She rolled her head
around, stretching her neck until his hand slid from the back to
her throat, tracing up and down it. He ran his thumb along her
jawline, slowly dragging it up to her lips. On contact her lips
parted, his thumb gliding in just enough to draw moisture before
outlining them thoroughly. She slid the tip of her tongue out and
licked him, this time giving him a reason to hum.

Heaven had momentarily forgotten being pissed
off at him and once again fell prey to a damn biker. Well, good
back rub and sexy caress or not, he was an ass. She abruptly pushed
his hand away and stood, walking around her chair toward the door
without explanation. “Where do you think you’re going?”

“To bed,” she said, not looking back. Her
hand made it to the doorknob when she was scooped up and heaved
over his shoulder, her hands flying to his shirt to hang on. He
opened the door and hauled her out, shutting it with his boot.
“What the hell are you doing! Where are you taking me?”

“To bed,” he mocked, walking her straight to
his room. Even upside down with the blood rushing to her head,
Heaven still felt the flush of anger sweep over her.

“I’m going to my room, dammit,” she ground
out through clenched teeth. Her legs kicked and body wiggled, but
her little squirming frame was no match for his huge bicep. He kept
her in place with no effort, which pissed her off. “Let me go!” she
yelled. His hand came down on her ass, stinging through her jeans
with enough heat her back arched. “What the fuck!”

“Hold still.” He still sounded calm, although
now there seemed to be a hint of a smile in there somehow. The
bastard seemed to be enjoying her discomfort. It didn’t matter how
hard she tried, he remained holding her with one arm that didn’t
budge. Well fuck-tastic.

Raven had managed to get the door open and
stepped inside, finally sitting her down while he flipped on the
light. Her hands planted on her hips, her eyes searing holes
through him. He couldn’t help but grin. He loved that feistiness
she carried and thought the madder she got, the cuter she was—all
one hundred pounds of her. “Get ready for bed. You need as much
sleep as you can get before we head out.” He sounded almost like he
cared for her, besides using her body for a live pocket pussy.
Almost. Which, she knew was only a lure to get what he wanted, and
tonight she wasn’t up for the most amazing sex of her life, and
left to walk funny tomorrow. Hell no. She wanted her pillow and
bed, and to be as far away from him, and any man for that

“Fuck off,” she grumbled and side-stepped
him. She stomped out the door and slammed it behind her, just for
good measure, and walked straight to her room down the hall. What
sucked the most was now she was pissed and wouldn’t be able to
all of the muscles he’d just deliciously rubbed
out were back. Fuck-tastic. Halfway there, a door opened and Gage
and Shark emerged, their eyes going straight to her. Both stopped
and were about to say something when the air took on a thickness
they seemed to choke on and left her alone.

Of course she had to see them of all people.
Not Shady, or Sandman, or Yo Neg, or Kink…hell, even seeing Sahara
would have been better. Nope. Had to be the other two men who were
fucking with her head. She half wanted to stop and just wait for
Colt to come out too just for good measure. “Fuckity-fuck!” she
exclaimed, slinging her hair over her shoulder as she stormed
faster to her room. She got the door open and slammed it so hard it
rattled the windows. Gage and Shark exchanged a glance, both of
them oblivious to the other’s interest in the little blonde bomb.
With a shrug, they walked away.


Raven’s first instinct was to march down
there and haul her hateful little ass back, pepper it good enough
she’d feel it every time she went to sit, and fuck her into
submission. But that was too easy. He let out a throaty laugh. This
one was definitely a wild one, which was good. Normally he got
bored easy and had to move on to something else. There was never a
chase. With Heaven, she kept him on his toes and waiting to see
what she’d do next. It’d take awhile to fuck her out of his system,
which was good. He loved the way her tight little body squeezed his
cock like a glove. Oh, this was going to be one game he looked
forward to playing. “Game on, sweetheart,” he laughed with a shake
of his head. He’d wondered how the hell he was going to get any
sleep with her beside him, and despite his throbbing dick, at least
it wouldn’t be an all night misery he had to deal with. His initial
plans were to fuck her good and hard, then make her sleep. He
missed getting his rocks off, but it wasn’t anything a hot shower
couldn’t fix. She’d given him enough with that attitude he’d shoot
off in a few strokes. “That little ass is gonna pay for making me
rub it out myself,” he said to himself. All the possibilities he
could do for punishment made those few strokes even less.

Chapter Eleven



Rose headed for the door with Chevy, both
lugging baby gear in both hands. She reached to open it and got
knocked backwards but turned just in time that Harley’s head went
one more day without a dent, which was a miracle around this place.
“Watch it!” she yelled. It’d been days upon end since she’d last
slept and it was finally coming to a fester in her.

BOOK: Highway to Heaven
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