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Authors: Emily Tilton

His Little Runaway (15 page)

BOOK: His Little Runaway
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She opened the door, entered the cabin. She walked slowly to the bedroom, and heard Wes go to the living room and start to move the chair. Over the chair with her bottom nice and high. She blushed and trembled.

Somehow, though her hands shook, Ashley managed to pull off her t-shirt and unhook her bra. Somehow she even managed to take down her jeans and panties. Not consciously buying time, but unable to hurry toward the terrible moment of laying herself down for her whipping, she folded her clothes.

“Ashley, get your backside in here,” she heard Wes call. “No dawdling. We need to get this over with.”

“Okay, daddy,” she called back, dropping the clothes on the bed and seeing how violently her hands trembled. Could she really go into the living room, naked, and take her switching like a good girl?

But her feet carried her. She had to get this over with, like her daddy said.

He stood next to the chair, on which he had put one of the couch cushions.
To raise my bottom.
Also, though, Ashley supposed, to make her more comfortable.

And though he held the switch in his right hand, he had something else in his left. As if seeing her notice what he had, he said, “You may hold this while I whip you, honey, and while I put the black plug in your bottom afterward. I got him when I bought you your new clothes, but I didn’t find the right time to give him to you until now.”

It was a teddy bear. Ashley felt her face crumple as she quickened her step and took the dark brown furry, sweet thing, and looked into its kind eyes. She clutched it to her chest and looked up at Wes.

“Thank you, daddy,” she whispered.

“Over the cushion now,” he said. “It’s time to learn your lesson.”

Ashley bit her lip, turned, and bent over the chair. With his hand on her naked back and then on her bare bottom, Wes positioned her for punishment, making sure her the little globes rose higher than the rest of her.

“I’m going to switch you soundly, now, Ashley,” he said, “and then I’m going to put the punishment plug in your bottom. I need to make sure you understand how important it is to respect your daddy.”

Ashley heard the switch, and the sound frightened her so much that she cried out even before she felt the burning line across the center of her backside. But the sound immediately came again, and another burning line, and then she was screaming and thank goodness the fear had gone because she knew now just how awful a switching felt, and while it was a lot more painful even than one of Wes’ spankings it wouldn’t kill her, and neither would the big black plug.

Ashley’s daddy switched her bottom the same way he spanked it: hard and fast and clearly intending that his little girl would feel thoroughly punished. The switching seemed to go on and on, while Ashley screamed and cried for it to be over, but teddy, held against her face with her left hand while she held onto the chair with her right, did make it better, wet as his fur became with her tears. She kicked at first, but it seemed her daddy felt no compunction about switching her legs, too, when she did that, which was even more painful than the thin branch felt on her bottom.

She heaved great sobs into teddy’s fur, but she finally lay still for the switch, until her whole rear end, both her bottom and her upper thighs, felt like she had been stung by a nest of hornets. Then at last it had stopped, and her daddy was lubing her anus to prepare her for the punishment plug. That hurt, too, and it made her punished bottom feel so full that she wailed as her daddy put it inside her, but she still had teddy, and she kissed him, and she wondered whether her daddy intended to make use of the incredible ache he seemed to have created between her legs in the aftermath of the switching.

There must be a wet spot on the cushion, now, she thought. And surely he could tell that the way she cried out into teddy’s fur had become very ambiguous. Ashley couldn’t say that she really enjoyed anal sex, but she loved the way it made her feel so submissive to her daddy’s pleasure, and the way he seemed to love to do it to her. Where had he gone? Was he still standing behind her? Didn’t he want to put his hard penis in her bottom now? Wouldn’t that be the best way to finish her lesson, and to teach her to respect him? She never felt as thoroughly mastered as she did when he rode her bottom to his cock’s content.

She shifted on the cushion a bit, to try to soothe the pain of her bottom-cheeks, and she couldn’t help moaning at that pain and the fullness of her bottom with the plug. She kissed teddy, wishing she could kiss her daddy. Wishing she could kiss her daddy’s cock, to show she had learned her lesson.

How could she feel so unbelievably sexy after that terrible punishment? Was it all part of the mystery of how Wes had changed her so thoroughly in so little time? Just two weeks to an utterly new Ashley? She squirmed, and moaned again.

“Young lady,” came Wes’ voice from behind her, “you’re making some rather wicked sounds.”

Ashley felt her mouth twitch into a smile, and though she knew Wes couldn’t see her face she tried to suppress it so that she could play her part better. “I’m sorry, daddy.”

“How can you be so immodest after a switching, and when the punishment plug is still in your bottom?”

“I don’t know, daddy.” Then she cried out, because her daddy had put his hand on her bottom, over the base of the plug and on the burning cheeks he had whipped so severely.

“What should we do about the naughty state you’re in, honey? You took your switching very well. I don’t think I can let you come, but would you like to have daddy’s cock in your bottom instead of the plug?”

Now Ashley couldn’t suppress the smile. “Yes, daddy.”

“Alright, honey,” her daddy said. “Hold your teddy tight, because daddy is very hard, and he’s going to come very deep inside his little girl’s bottom.”

He helped her push out the plug, and then he dropped his jeans and entered her immediately. She cried out into her new bear’s fur as he took firm hold of her hips and rode her hard and deep. It felt like punishment and reward in one, and when Wes shouted and she felt his seed pulse inside her, Ashley knew she had indeed learned her lesson, as strange as the lesson might have seemed to the girl who had run through the woods to come crashing down in front of a speeding truck.




Ashley’s parents wouldn’t have anything to do with her, of course, when they found that their daughter was happily married and happily pregnant in a cabin in the woods. That probably made it easier for the lawyer to negotiate the probation deal with the attorney general, since upstate resentment against Westchester County aided the affair, and word of the noble circumstances of Wes’ court-martial filtered out to the media.

She did have to attend a lot of depositions in Albany, to which Wes drove her and through which he sat patiently as she answered question after question. The whole experience was so stressful that cuddling and very straightforward sex—made even more straightforward by Ashley’s sweetly growing tummy—made the fabric of their lives together. Wes spanked her when she sassed him, because he knew she did it to get the spanking, but he didn’t do it very hard at all because of the baby.

Because she was pregnant, too, he did all the chores with his military efficiency, which gave Ashley no chance at all to misbehave, much as the tension cried out for some release in punishment.

After they found out, though, that Ashley wouldn’t actually have to testify at a trial, because the corporation that had run Tall Oaks had pled out and paid a huge fine, the messy mixture of emotions got the better of her.

“Goddammit, Wes,” she said at the dinner table, “get the pepper grinder yourself.”

Wes hadn’t asked for the pepper. He looked at her with widened eyes and furrowed brow, as if wondering if the pregnancy, now in its eighth month, had driven her crazy at last. Then he seemed to remember about the pepper.

“Does someone need a spanking?” he asked. “Does little Ashley need to have her panties taken down over her daddy’s knee?”

Ashley felt her mouth twist to the side. “I wish, daddy,” she said, and then to her surprise she started to cry. “Promise me you’ll put me over your knee and spank me hard after the baby comes?”

Wes grinned and got up from the table to take Ashley’s hand and lead her to bedroom. “I promise, honey.”

Ashley sniffled as she went. “Will you make me suck your cock, now, daddy?”

That made Wes snort. “Yes, honey. I think I’ll do that. And then I’ll make you come, much more than you want to.”

“Good,” Ashley said. “Little girls need to remember their daddies are in charge, don’t they?”



The End

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BOOK: His Little Runaway
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