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Authors: Aria Grace

His Undoing (5 page)

BOOK: His Undoing
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Maggie and I went out to dinner that night and had a great time. It was like a date with my best friend. We laughed and talked shop. She had some experience with user interface design so she offered to work on the app with us.

But by the time I walked her back to her house, I was feeling anxious about what was coming. I had a feeling she would want me to stay but I didn’t know if I wanted to.

“Do you want to come in for a while?” she asked while wrapping her arms around my neck. I was tempted to say yes but I was also afraid of what she had planned. She was much more experienced than me and had several boyfriends over the years. I was not only intimidated by her but I also felt a discomfort that I couldn’t quite describe. I really liked her but wasn’t sure if I liked her as a friend or as a girlfriend.

“Thanks, but I better get back. I’ve got some studying to do and I really need to do laundry,” I said.

She pulled back with a pout and I leaned down to kiss her. Once we connected, she pulled me harder onto her mouth. She was definitely eager when it came to making out. She stood on her tiptoes and kissed her way from my mouth, up my jaw.

“Are you sure you can’t stay,” she whispered into my ear. Her breat
h tickled me but I stayed focused.

“I wish I could. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I gave her a final peck and pulled from her embrace.

“Oh, speaking of, we’re having a party here tomorrow night. You can stay over if you want since Amy won’t be here.”

“O-o-okay, great.”
I shuffled down the walkway and didn’t look back.

When I got to the room, Brett was putting on deodorant and arranging each messy spike on his head in the perfectly aloof style that he reserved for going out.

“Hey lover boy, how was your date?” He smacked my shoulder playfully as I walked in.

We just had dinner. She’s really nice but, I can’t believe I’m actually saying this, I’m not sure I’m as into her as she is into me.” It was true. I wasn’t sure if she just considered me a project or if she really liked me but I kept thinking of her as my girl friend rather than my girlfriend. But, I was a 19-year-old virgin and if she wanted to rid me of that honor, I would probably go for it. I’m only human.

“What’s not to be into? She’s pretty and smart and has tits. I thought that’s all you breeders thought
about,” he joked. I knew he wasn’t serious but I hoped he didn’t actually think I was that shallow.

“Yeah, her tits are nice but I’m not totally attracted to her in that way. But, honestly, if she wants to take it to the next level, it’ll probably happen tomorrow. She asked me to stay over after a party at her house.”

“Nice work, man,” he said enthusiastically and reached up for a high five. He was more excited about it than I was.

“Finally gettin’ some action. I’m happy for you.” His words were exactly what I expected to hear. He had encouraged me to hook up with Maggie since I met her but when he turned back to the mirror to finish primping, he seemed to have a somber look on his face. It was as if the excitement he felt was either fake or brought some other issue to the surface.

“So, you’re going out tonight?” It was a dumb question but I wanted to change the subject. I wanted to see that twinkle in his eyes again. I didn’t want to be a downer before he left for the night.

“Yeah, I figured if you’re okay for a while, I’ll go meet up with some friends for a bit. I probably won’t be out late and I’ll have my phone on vibrate in case you need anything.”

He was staring at me through the mirror and I got chills. There were some times when just a look from him could get my heart racing. I used to think it was fear but now I wondered if it was more. More of
, I had no clue.

“I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about me.
Just be careful,” I said, holding his gaze.

“Speaking of, are you prepared for your big night?”
Definitely not. I couldn’t be less prepared but I wasn’t gonna back out. But that wasn’t what he was asking me.

“You mean condoms? Um, I guess I’ll have to pick some up,” I said shyly. Most guys probably kept a box on hand just in case. I’d never come close to needing one so I’d never actually purchased any. I had a few samples that the health teacher passed out
a few times a year in high school but those were long tossed out.

Brett reached over to his top drawer and opened it up. His hand felt around into a corner and pulled out a handful. He threw them at me and said, “Help yourself anytime you need them. My dad gives me a huge box for every occa
sion. He tends to be paranoid.”

“Thanks. I don’t think I’ll need this many but I appreciate not having to go buy a box. That’s got to be embarrassing.” I had flashbacks of when my mom asked me to buy her tampons after I got my license. I had to drive 15 miles out of town to find a store where I wouldn’t know anyone. Without a car, that would be difficult around campus.

Brett laughed and shoved a couple of the condoms into his pocket. I watched his hand slide in and tuck away his own protectors but I didn’t realize that my smile had faded. When I looked up, he was watching my face intently, looking just as confused as I felt.

There wasn’t any logical reason for me be upset that he was planning his own hook up, and really I should have been relieved that he was smart enough to be safe about it. But logic doesn’t always rule how we feel. And I suddenly felt sick.

“You okay?” Brett asked, watching my change in demeanor.  He turned his body to look at me directly.

From where I sat on his bed, we were just a few feet apart. Taking two short steps, he was at my side, sitting with his thigh against mine on the bed.

I couldn’t explain what had come over me. It was probably a combination of nerves about Maggie and some weird jealousy thing about Brett but I didn’t want to verbalize either of those. So I lied.

“I think something I ate didn’t agree with me. I’m
gonna go to bed. Have fun tonight.” I patted his knee as I stood and climbed up the ladder to my bed. I lay with my back toward Brett as he finished up and walked to the door. I asked him to turn off the light and I quickly passed out. Emotions are exhausting and mine were all over the place.






Chapter 6


Sometime in the middle of the night, I heard a noise outside the door and my eyes popped open. My heart was pounding in my ear as I fumbled for my phone, ready to dial 911. I hadn’t received any more emails but that didn’t mean I wasn’t still being targeted. The curtain was open and the full moon provided enough light for me to easily see in the room. I pressed as far back on my bed as I could, hoping that if someone walked in, they wouldn’t see me on the top bunk.

Shh, my roommate is sleeping so be quiet,” Brett said as he opened the door. He walked in and pulled someone in behind him.

When the door closed, Brett’s body pressed the other guy into the doo
r and he kissed him hard. I could hear the wet sounds of their lips and tongues connecting. There were moans from both bodies. I wanted to say something to let them know I was awake, but I couldn’t move. The only movement was from my beating heart and my growing erection.

I was harder than I’d ever been while actually making out with Maggie. Just as I reached into my pants to try to soothe the ache, Brett shifted so his back was against the door
and I was looking at the back of his friend.

In the light of the moon, I could clearly see that the guy was about 5’9” and slim. He had brown hair that was a little shaggy. From behind, he looked just Maybe I was just projecting some indescribable obsession that I had with Brett but my hand wrapped around my shaft a little bit tighter when I let myself believe that maybe he chose this guy based on his similarity to me.

While I was trying to keep my breathing steady and quiet, Mini-me squatted down to his heels and unzipped Brett’s pants.

Before I could look away, he popped out of his boxer briefs and was attacked by his friend. Brett fisted his palm in the guy’s hair and guided his mouth up and down his cock. It was so hot. I’d never seen anything like that and I couldn’t look away.

I was working myself in the same rhythm, imagining what it would feel like to have someone wrap their lips around me and slide up and down, leaving a glistening trail of heat behind. When the guy had his face pressed all the way into Brett’s crotch, apparently deep throating him, I chanced a glance up at Brett’s face. He was staring right at me.

Our eyes locked and I could see the passion in his gaze as he pushed even further into the guy’s throat. Neither of us looked away as he pulled out and pushed back in one final time, while a full body shudder overtook him.

“Uhh, Mike,” he groaned. I knew that he was coming and it pushed me over the edge. I squeezed my legs together and pulled down hard onto my balls as I let myself go.

Based on the waves of ecstasy that washed over me, you’d think I had
years worth of pent up pressure in me.

It had only been a day since I’d released but it was more intense than all of my previous orgasms put together. I couldn't even imagine what sex with another person was going to be like.

“You should probably get going.” Getting back into the moment, I watched Brett zip up and give the guy a half hug. “I’ll see you around,” he said as he basically pushed him out the door.

I knew he’d seen me but I was too embarrassed to speak up so I laid silently as he stripped out of all of
his clothes and climbed into bed.

I didn’t move a muscle. I tried to breathe without making a sound, hoping he’d fall asleep quickly so I
could relax and get to sleep as well. After a few moments of silence in the room, he spoke up.

“I know you’re awake.”

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have...”

Shouldn’t have what? Watched? Jacked off? Liked it? The list of things that I shouldn’t have done was endless. But, being in the dark and not speaking directly to him gave me courage.

“If you knew, why didn’t you stop? Or say something?”

“I don’t know. I guess I wanted you to watch.” What? I didn’t know how to react to that.

“I tried to look away but I...couldn’t.” I thought about what it might be like with Maggie. Would she do that to me? I really hoped so!

“Did you like it? Watching, I mean. Watching me come?” He must have been drunk because he was never that bold. He was always on his best behavior around me, especially since the attack.

“Yes,” I whispered.

“Do you want to do it again?”

“Yes.” Did I say that out loud?


And that was it. I heard him roll over and within moments he was snoring lightly below me. I was finally able to breathe and get into a comfortable position. I spent most of the night thinking about what I’d witnessed. It was sexy in the way that porn was. I wanted to watch but I also wanted to participate. With Brett.

Every time
I thought about him whispering my name as he shot his load into the mouth of a guy, I got hard. Not only was I sexually aroused by it but I also felt happy. I wanted to talk to him more about what he meant when he asked if I wanted to do it again.

Did that mean he was going to bring home another
guy for me to watch him with? I was okay with that but I needed to know if he meant something else.

The next morning, we were back to our normal routine and we didn’t discuss anything from the night before. I almost wondered if it was all a dream
but I knew in my heart it wasn’t. It was the most real moment I’d ever felt. But, if he wasn’t ready to talk about it then I sure wasn’t going to bring it up.

I still had to decide what I was going to do about Maggie and her party that night. During breakfast, my phone rang. I never get calls that early so I picked up it quickly.

“This is Officer Ramsey calling for Mike Higgens.” Oh shit. I’d almost forgotten that I was desperately awaiting a call from them. Brett must have noticed the color drain from my face because he looked at me with a raised eyebrow, questioning who was calling.

“This is Mike
Higgens.” My stomach was in knots but I needed to hear what he had to say so I could move on. I was appalled with myself for almost forgetting that I could have any number of diseases and I was about to have sex with Maggie. I wasn’t usually so irresponsible.

“We have the preliminary results back and although not all of the testing has been completed yet, we’ve
found no evidence of any sexual trauma. If the assailant had planned to do something sexual, he was either interrupted or changed his mind and left before it happened. You should consider yourself lucky.”

“Oh, thank God! I appreciate your call. Thank you!” I looked up at Brett and saw a wide grin spread across his face.

“Good news?”

“That was the police. Their initial reports show,” I looked around at the tables closest to make sure no one was overly interested in our conversation, “nothing sexual happened. They didn’t do...what I thought they did. Can you believe that? I thought I had some horrible disease and apparently they chickened out. Thank God.”

BOOK: His Undoing
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