Holiday Bites: A Collection of Vampire Paranormal Romances (4 page)

BOOK: Holiday Bites: A Collection of Vampire Paranormal Romances
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“Whoa.” Dominic clutched her arms and righted her. “Maybe I should walk you to the elevators.”

“Okay dokay.” Val saluted him with her purse and made him laugh. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and guided her out of the bar. As they crossed the lobby to the bank of elevators, Dominic’s woodsy cologne wafted over her. God, he looked yummy, he smelled yummy ... he probably tasted yummy, too. She wanted to lick him.

“What floor?” he asked.


He pushed the button and the doors dinged open. Val wobbled into the car an
fell against its side. Dominic stepped through and once again, righted her. “How about I walk you to your room?”

“Okay dokay,” she said again.

When they reached the fourth floor, Dominic held onto Val until they reached Room 432. She couldn’t find the card key so she handed Dominic her purse. He plucked it from a zippered pocket, opened the door, and helped Val to the bed. The floor lamp in the corner offered the only light in the room.

“Thanks,” she said. God, she felt damned strange. She’d been drunk before, but this feeling was different. Dominic knelt down and took off her high heels.

“There,” he said, looking up at her. “That should do it.”

A lust bomb exploded inside her. Dominic was gorgeous, he was in her room, and she hadn’t had sex with a man since her dumb-ass husband. Suddenly, she wanted to have sex more than she wanted anything
. “I need help with my clothes,” she said coyly.

He obliged, removing her dress, half-slip, and pantyhose. He looked at her black lace bra and matching panties. “Those are very pretty, Valentine. You look spectacular in them.”

“Thanks.” Her thumbs hooked into her underwear, but Dominic stilled her hands.

“Wait. I like to look, y’know? Especially when a woman is as beautiful as you are.” He caressed her cheek and she sighed with delight at the tender gesture. “Y’know what else I like?” His hand dipped into his jacket pocket and pulled out a pair of handcuffs.

“Never done anything like that before.” She giggled and put out her arms. “Cuff me, officer.”

“I’ll be the bad cop.” He grinned. “Put your hands behind your back.”

She did as he asked and he snapped the cuffs around her wrists. Then he helped her scoot onto the bed. She was feeling dizzy. Was it the alcohol or the horniness?

“One more thing, Valentine.”

Out of his other jacket pocket, he produced a red ball that had two black strap
hanging from it. “It’s a ball gag. You’ll be my little slave, won’t you?”

“Sure.” Vaguely, she felt as though what was unfolding between her and Dominic wasn’t quite right. He hadn’t harmed her, but he hadn’t touched her like
lover, either. Something about the scenario was weird.

He placed the ball gag in her mouth and connected it behind her head. She didn’
particularly like the way the sphere felt, but if it meant Dominic would make love to her, she’d do anything he asked. Her body was revved and they hadn’t even done minimum foreplay.

“Now, sit up and lean to the right. Look at me, darling.”

Unable to resist his sultry instructions, she did as he asked. Light flashed numerous times, blinding her. She blinked away the dancing dots in front of her eyes.

Dominic sat on the bed and patted her thigh. “You’re just perfect, Valentine Carter, as you are now. Know why?”

She shook her head.

“Because you can’t talk and you can’t type.” He leaned forward, his gaze as hard as sapphires. “You’re petty and cruel and you don’t care who you hurt. When you wake up, you’ll be bound and gagged. Right now, you’re squirming because the same drug that will wipe your memory makes you horny as hell.”

Val heard the words, but couldn’t quite comprehend them. What was with all the talk, anyway? She wanted to have hot sex with Remington Steele.

“I’m glad we had this little chat,” said Dominic as he stood up. “Have a good night.”

Stunned, Val watched her would-be lover walk away. She yelled, but the ball gag trapped the sounds. Dizzy, horny, and really confused, she scooted off the bed. Her legs caught in the covers and she fell.

Momentarily stunned, Val laid on the floor.
What the hell had just happened?
On shaky legs, she got up and sat down on the bed. Dominic was teasing her.

Yeah. He’d be back soon. And she’d be waiting.


MICHAEL SANDERSON ALMOST clipped the man sauntering down the hallway. He looked up from the paper he was reading. His single suitcase dangled from the other hand. “Hey, man. Sorry.”

“No problem.” The blue-eyed dude gave Michael the hubba-hubba once-over. Oh, please. This player wasn’t even his type. First, he was male and second, he was human. “You here for the Romance at Heart conference?”

Michael didn’t feel like telling the flirt that he was a publicist scheduled to take a few evening appointments. “I have a friend who’s up for an award.”

“Friend?” The guy actually pouted. Michael controlled the urge to roll his eyes. What was it about him that always attracted gay men?

“Yeah, he and his wife have the room next to mine.”

This news brought the sparkle back to the blue eyes. “My name’s Dominic.” He handed Michael a white business card. “I’ll be here all weekend.”

“Good to know.” Michael tucked the card into his jeans pocket. “See you later.”

“I hope so.” Dominic winked.

Michael smiled then resumed walking down the hall. With his vampire ears, he heard the man’s footfalls on the carpet. The elevators dinged open almost immediately. Thank goodness. He was feeling tired and on edge. Dominic was lucky—he could’ve easily been dinner.

According to the paper in his hand, Michael had been booked into Room 432. Steven and Eve had made all the arrangements and Eve had promised him an “awesome surprise.”

The stupid key card didn’t work. Wasn’t that typical? He used some vamp mojo on the door and it clicked open. As he entered the room, he immediately smelled a human female. Her sexual scent was strong and invoked an immediate reaction. Dropping everything, he hurried into the main part of the room.

The gorgeous brunette sat on the bed, dressed in nothing but bra, panties, cuffs, and gag. Woo-hoo! He was mightily impressed by this

“You are way more than awesome,” he said.

Her brown eyes looked glazed and wild. Oh, baby. She was different from his usual donors. Maybe Steven and Eve had realized he needed to change it up. He was a rarity in a world filled with rarities—a vampire who could only feed when engaged in a sexual act. The act of sex and feeding bolstered his powers. As young as he was in the vampire world (only forty years undead), he had more power than vampires who’d been around for a thousand years. He’d stopped having relationships more than twenty years ago; no woman he’d met had been able to keep up with his need for blood and for sex. These days, he hired call girls who could give him what he needed. He never used the same woman twice, he paid her well, and he wiped her memory.

“God, you’re beautiful,” he said as he kicked off his Vans and shucked his jeans and boxers. He took off his T-shirt and stood before her naked, his cock already primed. “Let’s make the first time last a little while.”

She shook her head. She looked desperate. Frowning, he leaned forward to cup her mound and found her panties soaked. “Playing ahead of time?” His frown flipped to a smile. “Okay.” He could hold off on feeding for now. “If you want me to take you, lay face down on the bed, and show me your ass.”

The woman lay facedown on the bed. Her handcuffed hands pressed against her back. Her luscious ass, barely covered by the black lace panties, wiggled at him.

He gripped her hips and pulled her backwards until she was on the edge of the bed and her feet were braced on the floor. He pushed aside the panties and slid his cock into the slick, tight heat. Condoms were unnecessary. He could neither give nor get STDs and he was incapable of getting a female pregnant.

She clenched his cock as if to say, “C’mon, already!”

He thrust deeply, increasing his strokes to meet the frenzied reception of his new lover. She came hard, her sweet flesh sucking at his cock; his orgasm burst instantly. Whoa.
This is definitely different

The woman flipped to her back. Her body was flushed and pearled with sweat; her brunette locks were a sexy mess. The color of her eyes reminded him of a good cognac. Helping her sit up, he reached around and released the ball gag from her mouth.

“I’m Michael.”

“I’m...” She paused, concentrating. “Valentine.”

“As in my valentine? It’s a little early, but I appreciate the gift all the same.”

Her lips curled into a half-smile. Then she grimaced. “My arms hurt.”

“Where’s the key?”
She looked at him blankly. Unease skittered through him, but he chased it away.

Apparently, she’d lost the key to the cuffs. How had she managed to get them on? Hmm. Maybe someone had helped her get ready and Valentine had misplaced the key. Comforted by that thought, he bent around her and pinched each cuff. The metal snapped easily and the handcuffs fell off.

“Neat trick,” she said. Then she leaned forward and sucked his cock.

The suddenness of her sexual act had his groin tightening in instant pleasure. He spread his legs to offer better access; she released his cock, bent lower and kissed his balls. She pulled each one into the warm cave of her mouth, flicking and sucking lightly.

His fingers wound into her hair, tugging as she flattened her tongue against his hard length and sought his crown. Her moan vibrated all the way to his balls. Oh, God. He pulled her hair again; another moan ricocheted down his cock. Then she went down on him again and again, until he was thrusting into the warm cave of her mouth.

The orgasm rushed through him, hot and relentless.

She wrapped her hand around his cock and squeezed. His cock spasmed as his come shot down her throat. She drank him dry, licking him clean.

His cock was readying for round three. He had a strong libido, part curse, part blessing, but his reaction to this woman bordered on ridiculous. He could make love to her all night. Could she handle it?

“That was fantastic,” he murmured. He knelt on the floor and cradled her face.

She smiled. “You taste good.”

“I bet you do, too.” Scooting backward, she wiggled off her panties and gave hi
the first view of her glistening pink pussy. Her gorgeous pussy was devoid of hair, and looked so smooth and luscious.

He watched as she spread apart her juicy lips. Oh, yeah. His valentine was very luscious.

Michael scooted against the bed, pulling her forward until her legs draped his shoulders. He leaned in and kissed her outer lips. She shuddered at the slight touches, and he felt a thrill of satisfaction. He knew the value of seeing to his partner’s pleasure, but he wanted more than to just give her an orgasm.

He wanted to worship her.

He slid his tongue over her clit, flicking it until she moaned. Then he licked her tender flesh until his tongue dipped into her wet heat. He drove it into her relentlessly. Her hands dove into his hair and she bucked, her wet heat sucking at his tongue.

Michael withdrew from her and she cried out in protest. Smiling, he placed tiny kisses all around her clit, until, finally his lips closed around the tender nub and sucked hard.

Her scent was so strong he couldn’t stop his fangs from descending. He pierced her labia and blood flowed into his mouth.

Oh, God.

Pleasure intensified. He flicked and sucked on her clit, no longer coaxing her bliss, but demanding it.

His aching cock begged for attention. He wrapped his hand around it and stroked off.

As she pulsated with pre-orgasmic quivers, he freed his fangs from her soft flesh. Her blood trickled down her pussy to blend with her juices. He licked it all, in a frenzy now. The lovely taste of her blood mixed with her pure feminine taste.

He bit her again and she shattered, her hips lifting as she screamed. Her come rushed into his mouth along with the tang of her blood.

Hot pleasure exploded. His semen splashed against the bedding as he finished himself off.

Long moments passed before he could once again free himself from the delectable woman.

She spread out on the bed, looking sated, but not, thank God, exhausted. Grabbing the end of the bedding, he wiped off his cock then crawled next to the woman. She rolled toward him, her hands dancing along his pectorals.

He nuzzled her neck, sampling her flesh with soft lips and warm tongue. His hands cupped her breasts, fingers teasing the nipples into taut peaks. She squirmed against him, her hands busy with his cock.

His mouth closed over one nipple. She moaned and gripped his shaft, stroking it. One of his hands coasted down her thighs and parted her sex. His finger rubbed the slippery folds, teasing her clit before dipping inside.

His mouth once again descended on her nipples, licking and sucking one and then the other, while his finger slid in and out of her.

BOOK: Holiday Bites: A Collection of Vampire Paranormal Romances
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