Holiday Escort: A Christmas Novella (8 page)

BOOK: Holiday Escort: A Christmas Novella
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I can’t believe this.

No more games.

Christmas needs to get here quick.

I’ve got to get the hell out of this cabin.

Chapter 10


through the front door with a few plastic bags of groceries in hand.

Spotting Matthew, Stanley, and Dad in the living room as I pass, I smile at my pretend boyfriend, glad he’s doing some sort of bonding with them.

Matthew doesn’t return the smile. Instead he hops off the couch, marches my way and takes the bags from me.

“I got it,” he grunts.

His eyes dart over to Stanley. “Are you okay?” I ask as his jaw ticks.

“I need to talk to you,” is all he says.

I frown, confused, as I let go of the bags. “What is it?” I ask, peering over at Stanley before looking at Matthew again. Something obviously happened between the two of them.

I follow him into the kitchen, watching as he drops the bags on the counter and then grabs my elbow, hurrying for the bedroom before anyone can notice.

“Matthew,” I whisper-hiss. He doesn’t turn to look at me.

We enter the bedroom and when he shuts the door behind me, that’s when he gives me his attention.

I move to the middle of the room, holding my hands out with a slight frown. “What the hell is going on with you? Why are you acting so weird?”

“Stanley knows.” His words come out quick, his voice deep.

I watch his face for a sign of humor. “What the hell are you talking about? He knows

“He knows you hired me,” he says very clearly, so I don’t misunderstand.

“What?” My heart sinks and I reach up to tug my beanie off. “How would he know that?”

“He said he did some digging… had someone look into me, and I guess he saw my website.” He drops his head, his throat working up and down. “Piper, I can’t have my cover blown. If he knows and he tells, it could destroy my business and I don’t need that right now. I know there is always a risk of someone finding out the truth when it comes to working for my clients but you—well, shit. My situation with you is obviously different and… I don’t know.” He roughly rakes his fingers through his hair.

I mimic his reaction, eyes wide and drifting to the floor. “I… I don’t get why he would do that,” I whisper.

“He said he knew as soon as he saw me—and he said you would have told him if you had a boyfriend. He was onto it.”

“Shit,” I whisper. “I—Matthew. I’m sorry—I thought… shit. I don’t know what I thought.” I focus on the hardwood floor.

He steps forward, gripping my shoulders. “Inhale. Exhale.”

I do as told, meeting his soft eyes. “How can you be so calm?” I ask.

“Because you know your brother would never tell a soul. You trust him.”

“Yeah,” I reply enthusiastically. I point a finger towards the door. “Stanley wouldn’t tell anyone. Just like I’m the only one he can share a secret with, he’s the only one I can share a secret with too.”

“He told me for sure in the basement that he won’t say anything.”

“Well, that’s good, right?” I’m so hopeful, but so confused by his sudden blue mood. When he doesn’t respond, I speak up again. “Matthew… that’s good, right?”

His head lifts, eyes locking with mine. “He told me you get too attached—that you latch on to people once you actually get to know them.”

I lean back, watching his face turn serious. “That’s—that’s not true. Why would he tell you that?”

“Because he doesn’t want you to get hurt. I told you, Piper, that once this is done, that’s it. Okay? I’ll finish what I have to do—my job. I’ll do what you need me to do, but when it’s over, it’s over.”

I drop my gaze, focusing on his navy blue sweater. I try and blink, form words to let him know that I don’t care—that he means nothing to me—but I can’t push those words out of my mouth.

So, maybe I am a little fond of Matthew. I think he’s a nice guy with a great personality. I think he could do better than escorting, and I do wonder about the personal aspects of his life, things he’d only share with someone he cares about.

“I understand,” I whisper.

He steps back, his eyes running across my face. “Okay. Good. Now, let’s go back out there. Don’t want to make it seem like anything’s wrong.”

“Yeah,” I breathe as he turns and grips the doorknob. “Right.” I force a smile as he does, and when the door opens and he steps out, offering a hand, I force a smile and nod.

I walk out the door and grab his hand, and when we go our separate ways—him to the living room again and me in the kitchen with the women—I realize this was stupid.

So fucking stupid.

I shouldn’t have hired him.

I shouldn’t have had sex with him.

I knew I would feel something, but I wanted to pretend no feelings would arise. He just made me feel so comfortable and at ease. He put my heart in the right place for the holidays and had my back during it all… but I realize now what I should have known before.

This is his job. This is what he does and he will not let anyone jeopardize that.

He makes you feel comfortable and bold and confident. He makes a woman think she can conquer the world—do whatever she wants to do with him by her side, but it’s all a façade.

The most important thing to him is the end result. Getting the money.

And he shouldn’t worry because he’ll get it.

I wouldn’t hold my problems against him.

I take out the rectangular gift-wrapped package at the bottom of one of the bags. It’s the comic collection I bought him, all wrapped up in pretty blue wrapping paper, topped nicely with a white bow.

I was happy to buy this, but I’m not giving it to him now.

It’s too personal, too deep, and it shows that I am getting involved way too much with a man I don’t even know. A man who doesn’t have the slightest clue about who I really am.

A man that I damn well can’t share any sort of future with.

What Stanley told him isn’t a lie. I could bash Stanley’s head in right now, but that would involve feelings and I want to prove him and Matthew wrong. I want to prove to them that I don’t care, and that it is just business.

It’s whatever.

I don’t care…

Oh, God.

What was I thinking?

I do care.

I had hope.

I kind of wanted to see what more we could do with this.


I am such an idiot.

Chapter 11


sugar cookie decorating time.

I’m sitting in between the twins at the dinner table. Matthew is sitting across from me and not once have I made eye contact with him since leaving the bedroom.

My eyes constantly move over to Stanley, who is dropping dabs of white frosting on his Santa-shaped cookie.

“I want you all to know that I have been having such a great time so far this weekend!” Mom chimes, clasping her sugarcoated hands together.

I roll my eyes, making a thin line of pink frosting on the outside of my ornament cookie.

“It’s always fun to be here, Mom,” Stanley says, smiling at her.

Oh, shut up, Stanley.

“Auntie Piper, can you help me with my sprinkles?” Jana looks up at me with a container of red sprinkles in hand. “I want to make my Santa really yummy and really pretty.”

“Sure, sweetie.” I open the lid of the sprinkles and then hand it back to her, shaking the sprinkles on top of the cookie along with her.

“Mr. Matthew?” Joey speaks up.

Matthew’s head whips up, eyes inquisitive. “Yeah, Joey?”

“Are you and Auntie Piper going to get married and do a honeymoon like the movies?”

The question clearly takes Matthew off guard. His eyes shift up to mine, and for a split second we hold gazes, but I purposely snatch mine away, taking the container of sprinkles from Jana and putting a little on mine when she insists.

“Joey, that’s none of your business,” Lena says, looking at him from her seat. She glances at Matthew who simply shrugs, remaining calm.

“No, it’s okay.” Matthew laughs it off. “I do hope to accomplish that one day, Joey.”

Mom gasps. “Really?”

Dad gives him a nod of respect. “Sounds like something a real man would do.”

“That would be something beautiful,” Mom sings. “And we could help with planning and organizing! Oh, it would be amazing!”

“Mom,” I groan loudly.

She looks at me. “Oh, stop it, Pipey. That is very exciting to think about. Isn’t it for you?”

“Yeah. Sure,” I mutter. I look up at Matthew. He watches my face for several seconds before picking up his bottle of water and taking a sip.

“Are we almost done with our cookies?” Mom asks, looking around the table. She flips her wrist. “It’s around seven now and we still have to watch the Grinch and then get the kids to bed before eggnog.”

I sigh.

“I’m all done,” Bailey says, dusting her hands off.

“Me too.” Stanley pushes from the table, going for the fridge and taking out a beer.

“Get me one too,” Dad calls after Stanley.

Mom shakes her head and rolls her eyes. “You two are going to drink yourselves to death.”

“That would be a dream come true,” Stanley snickers, handing Dad the beer. “At least we wouldn’t be alive for that damn movie again.”

Dad laughs with him, accepting the cold drink. “We just might need them tomorrow too, right, son?”

“Yep.” Stanley sits back down at the table. Lena and Bailey stand and start to clean it off, and I decide to help.

Matthew does as I do, glancing up at me occasionally. I can feel him looking, but I don’t bother meeting his eyes.

I walk towards the sink, dropping some of the plates in.

A hand touches my shoulder and when I turn, I look up at into Matthew’s honey irises. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” I respond quickly. “Why?”

“You aren’t acting okay.”

“I’m fine, Matthew. Don’t worry about me.” I pat his chest, turning to rinse the plates off.

“Uh-oh!” Lena’s voice fills the kitchen, and when I look back, she’s standing behind us with a batch of undecorated cookies in a container.

“What?” I ask, one brow shooting up defensively.

“Mistletoeeee,” she sings, and then she points up to the mistletoe hanging above the sink.

Matthew and I look up quickly and then down at each other. His mouth twitches, forming a nervous smile.

“Oh, no,” I shake my head, meeting Lena’s eyes. “I’m not in the mood.”

“Come on now! You know the rules. You have to!” Mom encourages, stepping to Lena’s side.

I groan. “Seriously?” I mutter beneath my breath.

Matthew chuckles, and to shut my mother and sister up, he grabs my upper arms, pulls my chest to his, and plants his lips on top of mine.

The gesture is quick and takes me by surprise, but I can’t help but mold with him. Warmth courses through me, and I moan a little because this kiss is necessary. I sort of need it.

After our intense conversation in the bedroom, I’ve felt like shit, but this kiss is whole and sweet and… comforting.

“Aww, look at that,” Stanley says from the table, and I jerk away from Matthew. The sound of his voice grates my nerves. I almost want to cry because this whole situation is stupid.

Kissing the escort and feeling good about it?

Pretending we are something we both know we aren’t.

Stanley ruined everything. Again. It was fun playing make-believe while it lasted.

I step back, and I’m glad everyone decides to carry on with their business—Dad and Stanley heading out of the kitchen and Mom, Lena, Bailey, and the twins at the table chatting over uneaten cookies and milk.

“Piper,” Matthew murmurs, and I whip my head up. “Are you upset about what I said in the room?”

“No. Of course not! Why would I be?” I force a smile.

“Because… it seems like it’s getting to you. You walked through the door earlier so happy and relaxed, but now… well… I can feel how tense you are. You aren’t having fun.” He pauses, those brown eyes running over my face. “Did I say something wrong?”

“No,” I whisper. “No. You said something right. Things are fine. We never should have put our hands on each other.”

“I don’t regret it,” he says, leaning closer, eyes locking on my mouth.

“Well, if you want me to forget about it, you have to stop doing stuff like what we just did.” I press a hand to his chest so he can’t come any closer. “Kissing me like you actually

“You needed a pick-me-up. I thought it would lift your spirits.” He strokes my cheek, watching my eyes very briefly. And then he steps back. “Playing the part, remember?”

“Yeah… right.” I don’t know why those words make my heart thunder in my chest, and not in a good way. “Let’s just keep on playing the part.”

Chapter 12


fter watching
the Grinch with the Madisons, I’m certain their family needs to find a new Christmas movie tradition.

They know every word of it. Even Piper was mumbling a few of the Grinch’s lines without even realizing it.

After watching the flick, Lena got her twins tucked in bed and the family drank eggnog. I’m not a fan of it, but I drank it anyway, hoping to remain on Mrs. Madison’s good side.

Piper hasn’t been acting like she was before. She seems a little more down. A lot more upset.

I feel bad but what I said to her had to be communicated. I can’t have her thinking any more will come out of this. Hell, after hearing what Stanley said about her latching on, I have to admit it freaked me out.

I can’t afford a clinger. Not right now.

I don’t regret sleeping with her, I honestly don’t, but had I known she was a
, I would have stuck with my code and wouldn’t have gone through with it.

Well, that’s what I tell myself. But after having a spiked eggnog and a beer, a glass of scotch and then another beer, I’m starting to realize this job of mine is only holding me back.

We’re in the basement playing pool, and every time she bends over, sliding her fingers over and around the glossy wooden stick, I twitch in my pants.

Her ass is perfectly shaped—round and plump.

I want to bend her over the pool table and spank her, take her from behind, fuck her and then cum into that pretty little mouth of hers. Again.

Shit. What the hell is wrong with me? She’s a client—a client! And not only that, I’m certain now that she feels something here. Something she shouldn’t.

Around midnight, everyone starts to burn out.

Mr. and Mrs. Madison went to bed over an hour ago, as well as Bailey.

Lena yawns and then drops her pool stick. “I think I’m going to call it a night. The twins will be up early and I need to be prepared.” She grins at Piper and then at me. “This was fun! See you guys in the morning!”

“Goodnight,” Piper and I call after her, watching her walk up the stairs.

Stanley stands across from us, looking between us. I avoid his stare, but Piper looks him dead in the eyes.

“What?” she snaps.

“You seem a little moody, sis,” he says, head tilting. “You okay?”

“I’m fine.” She drops her stick, snatching her gaze away and walking around me. She heads for the stairs, glancing back. “I’m going to bed too. Goodnight.”

We watch her practically escape, and when she’s long gone, Stanley huffs a laugh and shakes his head. “You must have told her I know.”

“I… had to.” I meet his eyes.

“I get it.” He scratches his head, and then gathers all of the pool sticks, placing them in the holder on the wall. “Well, you won this game, bud. I think I’m going to hit the shower and call it a night, too.”

“I’ll follow you out.” I put my stick away and follow him upstairs.

Before we can go separate ways, he calls after me and I stop in the middle of the hallway, looking back.

“You think she’s pissed at me?” he asks.

“I don’t know, but I’ll talk to her and find out.”

“Does she actually tell you stuff… about the family?”

“She’s told me more than you think,” I admit.


“I know you are her favorite sibling, and even though she’s upset, she’ll get over it… hopefully.”

“There can only be one reason she’s upset, you know.” He steps forward, frowning a bit. I turn fully to face him, nearly holding my breath. “When you go, let go gently. I know Piper. I feel bad now, because I shouldn’t have gotten involved… but she’s my baby sister and I have to watch out for her. My family is all I’ve got.”

“I understand, and I will.”

His lips smash together and then he nods, turning hesitantly and walking into the kitchen. I hear the fridge open and know he’s most likely grabbing another beer.

Twisting the doorknob and entering the bedroom, I shut and lock it behind me. I hear the shower running, and know Piper must be there.

I sit on the edge of the bed, waiting for her to come out so we can talk things through, and that’s when I notice something beside the desk. It looks like it’s supposed to be hidden, but someone did a horrible job at it.

I stand, eyes narrowed, and as I get closer, I see that it’s wrapped in gift-wrapping paper.

I pause, debating whether I should even look at the tag. It may not even be for me. It might not even be hers. But who else’s could it be?

I go for the package, picking it up and checking the tag.

To: Matthew

From: Piper

hese are
words I shouldn’t see.

Without thinking, I open the gift, and when I come across the collection of the first issues of
The Walking Dead
comic books I remember telling her about at the airport, my face goes blank and my chest tightens.

“You weren’t supposed to find that.” Piper’s voice fills the room and I turn, spotting her wrapped in a towel, her burgundy hair dripping.

She’s almost soaking wet, droplets of water spilling down her chest, her face clear of makeup. She’s fresh, and clean, and I’ve just discovered a gift no one has ever considered giving to me.

“Why did you buy this?” I ask, stepping towards her.

“Because I’m trying to play my part. We have to, remember? It would be odd of me not to give my boyfriend a gift for Christmas.”

“This is something I actually like, though. Something I can keep.”

“So?” She shrugs, picking up her suitcase and sifting through it. She takes out a silky, cream-colored gown, dropping her towel without a care in the world.

Her perfect ass is right in my face, the water from her hair dripping right through the crack.

My nostrils flare when I realize what she’s doing.

She’s pretending she doesn’t care—but trying to get me to care too much.

Tempting me.

Teasing me.

Playing the part
, as she keeps repeating.

Well, maybe she’s playing it too damn well.

“Piper?” I call as she unfolds the gown.


“Look at me.”


“Look. At. Me.”

She stops, gown in hand, lowering her arms as she looks over her shoulder. Then, gradually, she turns, meeting my eyes.

My eyes travel over the length of her, those perfect pink nipples, pebbled and ready to be sucked. Her bald pussy, those full thighs.

Her eyes point down to my cock. I look with her. I’m as hard as a fucking rock now.

I walk towards her with the collection in hand, narrowing my eyes. “You didn’t buy this to play the part.”

“Yes, I did,” she retorts.

“No, you didn’t. You bought it to be kind—because I told you I like the show and comics.”

“I just bought something realistic.” She shrugs.

“Don’t shrug your shoulders at me.”

She frowns when she realizes I’m serious.

I drop the collection on the desk and then grip her hips, tugging her close. “I have a personal gift for you.”

“What is it?” she asks.

“I’m going to fuck you one more time,” I whisper, pressing my lips to the shell of her ear. “My present to you, angel.”

A whimper catches in her throat.

“See how hard you’ve made me? How badly I want you now? You keep doing this to me. It must be what you want— what I want. So, yeah, this will be my Christmas gift to you, Piper. Just make sure you do everything I tell you to do.” I step back, pulling my sweater over my head and then unbuttoning my jeans. I then climb on the bed, lying flat on my back. “Turn the lights off and then come here.”

She watches me for several seconds, astonished, confused. But in a matter of seconds, she walks over to flip the switch and then climbs on the bed. “What now?”

“Sit right here. Right on my face.”

“Your face?” she breathes.

“Yes. Ride my face. I need to taste you again.”

I hear her swallow hard, and as I grab her hand, bringing her closer, she comes willingly, swinging a leg over and settling above me.

I spread her thighs apart, grab her ass, and because I know she probably hasn’t done anything like this before with her loser dates, I lift my head and glue my mouth to her pussy.

A sharp gasp fills the room as I groan below her, staring right up into her eyes as she focuses on mine. My tongue runs through her folds, and then I bury it deep into the hole, flicking and sucking.

Sucking and flicking.

“I don’t understand you,” she sighs, working her hips in small circles.

I groan.

“If I’m just a client,” she breathes again, “why do you keep doing this to me?” Her voice is shaky and it makes my cock throb, especially when she grips my hair, grinding her wet pussy on my face. “Oh, just like that,” she gasps, gripping tighter. “Oh, God. Yes.”

It doesn’t take long for her to get there. Her body bucks and pitches in unexplainable ways. She trembles and whispers my name, and then her thighs lock around my face.

Her entire body quakes, and she cums so damn hard, as if she’s been in need of release all day.

Her sweet juices coat my tongue, and I can feel her clenching, her grip loosening in my hair when her body finally settles down.

Clutching her waist, I pull her aside and then climb above her, shoving one leg in the air and gripping onto the back of it. My cock fills her in without any hesitation at all.

It slides right in with no resistance.

She’s wet as hell, drenching my cock as I thrust deep.

“Shit, Piper,” I breathe. “Pussy is so fucking wet, angel.”

She writhes below me, and I stroke faster, deeper, my hand traveling up to her throat and gripping it lightly. She likes it—how I can dominate every part of her. She likes that I’m in control, that we’re doing this after a full day of denial.

She likes feeling my cock deep inside her. I know it. She works her hips with me, needing me to fill her with every inch, her pussy milking the length of me.

“I bet you wish you never hired me, huh?” I ask, dropping my hips and shoving in my entire cock.

She gasps, letting out a hard whimper. “No,” she breathes. “No. I’m glad I did.”

“And why’s that, babe?”

“Because,” she pants, running her hands down my chest, “you are the best I’ve ever had.”

“Glad to hear that.” I smile smugly, fluidly slamming my way in, her fingernails trailing down my chest.

I shut my eyes and the sensations take full control. I feel everything, how tight she is. How wet she becomes, gripping the hell out of my cock. She doesn’t let up, grinding in sync with me, sliding closer and picking her hips up off the bed to feel it all.

When it’s due time, I can’t help but explode, stilling between her thighs and groaning. She looks up at me with those bright green eyes, sighing as she sinks her teeth into her bottom lip.

“You are so sexy, Piper,” I whisper, leaning in, my lips on the lobe of her ear, beard running across her cheek.

“Don’t say stuff like that to me. Not right now.” She slides from beneath me, sitting on the edge of the bed. Gathering her hair on one side of her face, she sighs, and the room grows unbearably quiet.

I don’t know what she’s thinking at all. I grab her shoulder, and she glances back quickly, but doesn’t meet my eyes.

Turning away and staring down at the floor, she finally says, “Matthew… I was thinking…”

“Thinking what?”

“Well, if you want to leave early you can.”

I turn around, staring at her back.

“Why would I do something like that?”

“Don’t worry—you would still get paid. I’ll deliver your money personally. You’ve done a great job. Really.”

Oh, shit.

“But… well, I know how I am. And… the truth is I do like you, Matthew. You are a great guy and you’ve made this Christmas fun for me. But I know these feelings for you probably aren’t real, because you are just doing your job and it can’t be that way.”

I hesitate, and then reply. “No, it can’t.”

She’s quiet for what feels like an eternity. Then she stands from the bed, putting on her gown and sliding into a pair of slippers. She walks towards the door, but before she can go I’m up, grasping her in my arms.

“Where are you going?”

She looks over my shoulder, focusing on the bed. “I can’t share a bed with you anymore.”

“What do you mean? Why not?”

She shakes her head. “I just can’t. Not when I know what’s best for me.” She stands close, but it seems she isn’t close enough. “I’m afraid of one thing, Matthew. One thing I’ve always had a bad habit of doing—something I try so hard to avoid.” She strokes my cheek, her voice softer as she finally says, “And that’s falling for the wrong guy.”

She pulls out of my arms, looking me deep in the eyes, and then turning, opening the door and walking down the hallway.

I stand there, naked, dumbfounded, but I don’t go after her.

I can’t go after her.

I can’t because I’m doing what’s best.

Sparing her feelings.

Sparing her heart.

A girl like that deserves way more than some lame escort with a felony.

It would be pointless of me to lead her on like that.

BOOK: Holiday Escort: A Christmas Novella
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