Hot Corner (Baseball Romance) (11 page)

BOOK: Hot Corner (Baseball Romance)
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Back in the bedroom, Audrey gave Peter a soft kiss on the lips. 

"I love you," Audrey said.  "Nothing is going to change that."


Chapter Four


Audrey moaned in her sleep, obviously having a torrid dream.  That was just the antidote Peter needed to a sleepless night.  But he couldn't help but wonder if that dream was about him or Trevor.  Peter wasn't usually an insecure man, but this was different.  Trevor played pro ball.  He had a huge contract.  And he'd once had Audrey's heart. 

Peter meanwhile was stuck in the minors, made league minimum, and started to worry if Audrey was slipping away.  Peter then started to wonder if maybe it would have been better for Audrey not to come back for the reunion.  But they were here now, so Peter just needed to make it through the weekend. 


In the morning, Audrey awoke to see Peter shirtless in the bathroom.  She couldn't help but stare at his chiseled abs and ripped chest. 

"Good dream last night?" Peter asked. 

Audrey rubbed her eyes, then sat up in bed, and pulled the covers close to her.  "What do you mean?"

"You were moaning pretty loud there for a while," Peter said. 

"Oh, sorry," Audrey replied. 

"No, that's ok.  It sounded like you were having a pretty hot sex dream.  I wish I could have been there," Peter said. 

"You were there," Audrey replied. 

Peter then looked deep into Audrey's eyes. 

"Was I?" Peter asked. 

Audrey didn't flinch at all though.  She looked back at Peter with clear eyes.  "You sure were.  And you were wonderful."

Peter smiled, realizing that Audrey was telling the truth.  "Well, now I wish I was there more than ever."

"Hey, who needs sex in a dream when you can have it in person?" Audrey asked. 

"I love you," Peter said, giving Audrey a kiss. 

"You don't ever have to question my love for you," Audrey replied. 

Peter stared into Audrey's eyes again and saw that she was still telling the truth.  "I know."

Peter then gave Audrey a deep kiss. 


"I'm sure it's all just a big misunderstanding," Alice remarked. 

"Spoken like someone who's never slept on the floor in her life," Trevor spouted, recalling sins of the past.

The gossip was brewing hotter than the morning coffee in Steven's kitchen.  Alice and Trevor were joined by Jasmine, Damon, Stacey, Tim, Frank, and Steven.  The topic at hand was the tense conversation between Audrey and Peter that Steven had peeked in on the night before. 

Damon jumped in.  "It could be any number of things.  She caught him looking at another chick.  He could have told her to go light on the pints of rocky road ice cream.  He might have asked for some backdoor loving."

Stacey looked horrified.  "No wonder you're single."

"Hey, those weren't from personal experience," Damon defended.  "Least not all of them.  The point is, no matter the reason Peter's on the floor, it's not a good one."

"Maybe they were fighting over me," Trevor ruminated. 

"Why am I catching a whiff of enjoyment from that statement?" Alice snapped. 

"Well look, if their relationship is on the way out anyway--" Trevor speculated. 

"Trevor.  They're a sweet couple," Stacey added. 

"Yeah.  Why would you even think that?" Jasmine asked.

"Besides, you had your chance," Steven added. 

"Hey.  Maybe they're not so great together after all," Trevor argued. 

"Hey, couples have disagreements sometimes.  That's normal.  It doesn't mean that they're about to break up," Alice argued. 

"Or maybe it does," Trevor said, getting ideas in his head. 

Audrey and Peter then entered the kitchen. 

"Good morning," Audrey said. 

The room got deathly quiet.  "Is my fly unzipped or something?" Peter asked, self-conscious. 

Frank broke the silence.  "Well now that we're all here, why don't we hit the road?"


"We were supposed to be in the Hall of Fame by now," Audrey lamented. 

Nostalgia was a dangerous thing.  You started remembering things as you wished they’d happened instead of how they actually did.  Which made facing reality even harder to bare.  And before you knew it, you regretted ever taking a trip down memory lane in the first place.  Audrey was having just that regret. 

Gatorz Grill was the favorite haunt of everyone who’d gone to college in the Swamp.  But more famous than the dollar pints was Gatorz Hall Of Fame--a whole wall saluting nothing but local legends.  Back in their campus days, Audrey and her friends were convinced they'd have their pictures up on the wall in no time.  But instead they sat in a corner booth and wondered what went wrong. 

"We were supposed to do a lot of things," Alice said.  "I was going to open up a chain of Children's Wonderland Play Centers."

"I was going to launch my own make up line," Stacey reminisced. 

"I thought I'd be an Olympic Archer," Steven speculated. 

"I don't have to have my picture up there to know I'm a legend," Damon remarked. 

"Of course not.  They already have your picture up in the STD clinic with a 'Chlamydia's Most Wanted' poster next to it," Frank cracked. 

"I'm going to let you get away with that one because it's your lucky day Frankie," Damon replied.  "But for you ladies out there, I'm completely clean.  Though I don't mind getting down and dirty in the sack."

"Really Damon?  We're trying to eat here," Stacey contended. 

"I don't know what you guys are complaining about," Trevor said, dismissively.  "You have nothing on me.  I thought for sure that Audrey and I were going to married.  But now look at us."

Audrey and Peter both tensed up. 

"Really Trevor?" Steven asked. 

"Yeah.  How about a little tact?" Alice added. 

"What?  I'm just saying Audrey and I were a Hall of Fame couple.  That's nothing against Peter," Trevor remarked, not even believing it himself. 

"Hey, the past doesn't bother me," Peter admitted, before putting his arm over Audrey's shoulder.  "All I care about is the future.  And it's looking pretty bright."

"I think I lost my appetite," Trevor mumbled. 

"You should be losing your lunch after what you just said," Frank admitted.  "Sure you and Audrey aren't dating anymore, but at least Audrey's still alive.  God what I'd give to have Elizabeth back for just one more Consumer Robotics Conference."

"Or to make a batch of her famous chocolate chip cookies," Steven suggested. 

"Or to watch trashy soap operas with me," Audrey said. 

"Or to give me some of her great advice," Alice admitted.  "God can I use some."

"It really is amazing how much things have changed," Audrey ruminated. 

"And not for the better," Alice added.  "I mean, our biggest concerns used to be eight o'clock classes and how much we were going to drink on the weekend.  Now I have to calculate how many drinks I'll need just to get through the week."

"Hey, it's not all bad.  If we were still in college, I'd have never met Jasmine," Steven pointed out. 

"I wouldn't have Tim," Stacey said, mooning. 

"And I wouldn't have Audrey," Peter admitted. 

"Besides, just because things haven't turned out how we expected doesn't mean we won't make the Hall of Fame eventually," Frank added. 

"Easy for you to say.  The only reason we're here today is to watch you get your medal," Trevor remarked. 

"Easy?  Do you have any idea how hard it was for me even to get out of bed in the morning?" Frank snapped back.  "But the fact is, it's never too late to turn things around.  You never know, the next time we're all together, this wall could look at lot different."

"Yeah, because Damon will have slept with all the chicks on it," Steven cracked. 


"Why didn't you tell me you and Peter are close to breaking up?" Alice asked. 

Sometimes it seemed like the ladies restroom should be renamed gossip central.  All the problems of the world could be solved while touching up your make up.  And you could learn a lot about yourself that you never knew.  Like how your relationship was completely on the rocks. 

"Because we're not.  Where did you even hear that from?" Audrey asked, befuddled. 

"Oh come on, Audrey.  This is Ali-gator you're talking to.  I've seen you in unicorn pajamas for God's sake.  You don't have to be embarrassed around me."

"Ali, I seriously don't know what you're talking about," Audrey said. 

"Steven ended up peeking in on you and Peter looking really tense last night.  So dish, what was the big fight about?" Alice asked. 

Audrey looked Alice over and considered whether she was willing to admit something so embarrassing even to one of her oldest friends.  "Look, I really don't want to talk it."

"Are you kidding?  I tell you about all the grease fires in my relationship.  Now come on, tell me," Alice insisted. 

Audrey took a deep breath, then spilled the beans.  "Alright.  We were arguing about Trevor."

Alice stared Audrey square in the eye and saw that Audrey wasn't lying, although Alice wished she were. 

"Oh God, here we go," Alice said. 

"What do you mean, here we go?" Audrey asked, slightly offended. 

"Audrey, please tell me you're not going to waste your time even thinking about Trevor," Alice said. 

"I'm not," Audrey replied, quickly. 

But as Alice knew Audrey too well to let that quick dismissal go. 

"Oh God, you've already started thinking about him, haven't you?" Alice asked. 

"Briefly.  Look, it was just a passing thought," Audrey admitted. 

"Audrey, what are you doing?  Trevor is bad news.  The guy torpedoed your heart.  He completely wrecked you.  He absolutely torched you--" Alice replied. 

"Ali, I got it.  I know what he did," Audrey said. 

"Then what are you doing even wasting a thought on him?" Alice asked. 

"I know that," Audrey said.  "But he said all these things last night and--"

"What about Peter?" Alice asked.  "He's a good guy.  He's nice, and good looking, and--"

"Trust me Ali, I know," Audrey said.  "Look, I love Peter.  He's my boyfriend--"

"Good.  Then keep it that way," Alice insisted.  "Because Trevor is nothing but trouble."


Chapter Five


"Audrey, can I talk to you?" Trevor asked. 

That was the last thing the group wanted to hear on their trek up University Hill on their way to a prime homecoming parade seating.  So standing in the middle of the quad with their shortcut detoured made for one hell of a cranky crew. 

"Save it for later.  We have a parade to get to," Alice said. 

"We'll catch up with you," Trevor insisted. 

"Don't do it," Peter whispered in Audrey's ear.  "He's just going to try to steal your heart."

"Look, I can handle myself," Audrey insisted. 

"Yeah, well the best way to handle this situation is to just avoid him," Peter said. 

"Peter, just let me handle this, alright?" Audrey replied. 

"No, I can handle this," Peter said, with fire in his eyes. 

"Trust me, just leave it to me," Audrey replied. 

Peter gazed into Audrey's eyes, then gave in. 

"Alright.  I'll be right over there if you need me," Peter said. 

Peter then reluctantly moved off, leaving Audrey and Trevor alone in the quad.

"You seriously need to back off," Audrey insisted. 

"Look, I know you're in a relationship.  But it doesn't mean it's the right relationship," Trevor remarked. 

"This is exactly what I'm talking about.  You can't just storm on back into my life and toss it around like a tornado."

"Audrey, don't you realize where we are?" Trevor asked. 

"Yes.  We're running late for Frank's float in the parade," Audrey said.

"No.  We're at the spot of our first kiss," Trevor explained. 

Audrey looked around the quad. 

"And what a great kiss that was," Trevor added. 

"There was a lot of great parts to our relationship.  Almost everything really, except the way it ended.  That's the thing though, it's over," Audrey insisted.

"It doesn't have to be.  Look.  I made a mistake and I'm sorry.  But I think it would be an even bigger mistake to let this opportunity pass us by," Trevor said. 

"What does it matter to you?  You thought I wasn't going to amount to anything," Audrey said, throwing Trevor's words back in his face. 

"I couldn't have been more wrong.  The fact is, there's no one in the world more right for me," Trevor said. 

BOOK: Hot Corner (Baseball Romance)
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