Read How to Seduce a Billionaire Online

Authors: Portia Da Costa

How to Seduce a Billionaire (35 page)

BOOK: How to Seduce a Billionaire
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Her eyes watered behind her blindfold. It wasn’t tears, just an overflowing of sensation. An echo of her arousal welling again in her pussy, the fluid flowing down her bare thigh like a river of sex.

The whole of her loins seemed to be on fire as Ellis repeated the procedure with the other nipple.

God damn it, he was infernal. He’d noted her susceptibilities, right from the beginning, what seemed like a lifetime ago. Now he was using it to lay down another sweet layer of erotic torment, alternating pressure with exquisitely delicate flicking and feather-light stroking.

You devil!

One of the drawings she’d seen in the
Salon Privé
came to her mind. A submissive posed very much as she was, but with heavy clamps hanging from her nipples. Jess imagined that weight, wondering if she could have taken it, and still been able to stand proud, with a defiant smile, like that model.

As if he’d read her mind, Ellis tweaked her nipple again. It hurt. She was dying to come again … yet loving the denial. How kinky was that?

Like the girl in the drawing, she lifted her head, echoing that bold expression beneath the silky blindfold.

Bring it on, Mr Sex! Bring it on!

‘If only you could see yourself … you look divine,’ said Ellis, swapping pressure for pleasure again, and making her dance in her high heels.

Well, I could see myself if you’d take the blindfold off.

She didn’t say it. She wasn’t supposed to speak without permission, and seeing herself in the window glass might shatter the magic.

In her darkened world, Ellis’s hands settled on her bottom and, as he reached around to cup the cheeks of her arse, the wall of his body pressed against her beleaguered breasts. His cock was hard against her belly, pushing at her through the denim of his jeans, as he squeezed and fondled her, testing the resilience of her flesh and the tone of her muscles.

‘You have a gorgeous arse, slave,’ he purred, giving her bottom a little pinch, ‘sweet and curvy, yet perfectly firm. Ideally designed for a bit of a spanking. I can’t wait …’

Me neither. Get on with it!

Why so keen to be punished? Something else that didn’t make sense … even though it did!

Time seemed to warp and waver as he handled her body. Breasts, buttocks, thighs … sex. His touch was vigorous, moving abruptly from zone to zone, surprising her, exciting her more and more. She adored it, yet wanted to cry out to him to move on to the next phase. Fear and apprehension were doing a tango in her belly. The urge to fight her bonds, to touch and caress Ellis just as he touched and caressed her, was bordering the unbearable.

But just when she was about to shout out to him, he took her by the elbow and guided her across the room to one of the deep leather sofas. His hold on her was solicitous, as if she were infinitely precious to him. Fugitive thoughts flitted across her mind, and she nearly stumbled. But Ellis caught her in a flash, supporting her with both hands, holding her safe.

‘Are you all right?’ His voice was soft and caring, completely out of his role. The real Ellis concerned for her, and her well-being.

‘Fine. Thanks.’

‘Good girl.’

Something in the quality of his hold on her changed again, and they were back in the drama.

Game on …


If only he could express how gorgeously desirable she looked. How supreme. How goddess-like despite her exposed and vulnerable state. Her hands might be tied, but she had him in the palm of one of them. Trying to play the ‘master’ was like climbing a mountain in the face of her magnificence.

‘Very well then, how shall we do this?’ he posed the question, laughing inside at his attempts to be magisterial.

Jess didn’t speak, but stood before him proud and perfect, her exposed body and her elegant demeanour turning him into her slave far more than she was his. When she lifted her chin, and breathed in, making her breasts rise too, his poor aching cock almost erupted in his jeans.

‘Do you wish to kneel on the settee to be spanked, or will you take your punishment across my lap?’

Lap! Lap! Lap!
his erection howled, longing for the contact. It’d put him in even greater danger of embarrassing himself, but he didn’t care.

‘Across your lap, if you wish it, master,’ she answered. She was so composed, and yet as excited as he was, he could tell.

‘Excellent choice.’

Happy, he leant close and kissed her on the lips. His face brushed against the silk scarf, and he recalled purchasing it, on impulse, when it’d caught his eye in the window of one of the boutiques in the building’s atrium. The motif of the water lilies had made him smile, refreshing the thoughts of Jess that had been floating in his consciousness, like the aquatic blooms. It hadn’t occurred to him until afterwards that the scarf might be used in a sex game. He’d just wanted it because it was pretty … and so was Jess.

Taking his seat on the tawny leather sofa, he breathed in deep, loving the fresh scent of her light, flowery toilette water, and the deeper, more visceral tang of her aroused sex, so close to his face as she stood before him. The glint of her silky moisture gleamed on her pubic hair and on the inside of her thighs. Damn, he wanted to be there now, and to hell with spanking. But he’d promised her a game, an experiment, a bit of erotic fun … and he was committed to deliver. Reaching up, he took her by the waist and guided her across his knee. Despite her bonds, she descended with grace, and seemed to settle in exactly the right spot.

Parting his thighs, he made a steadier platform for her body, almost gasping aloud as she jostled his hard and throbbing cock.

‘Sorry,’ she said quickly, then wriggled again, the minx, giving him another rub with her flank.

He wanted to say ‘no worries’ as his Australian friends and family might have done but instead he replied with a mock-stern, ‘I should think so too.’

But it wasn’t just the feel of her that had him on a hair trigger. The sight of her crumpled his self-control. Her bottom was the loveliest, the lushest shape. Just the right degree of roundness, yet neat and tight and toned. Even the most diffident of spankers would be tempted to lay a hearty slap across it, and then want to do it again and again as the firm flesh bounced and the skin went rosy.

Despite the impish sense of disobedience he sensed in her, Jess lay still, steadying the target for him. Still as a living statue, she made it impossible for him to miss or fluff the blow.

Settling his left hand at the small of her back, by her bound hands, he was astonished that the sight of his wedding ring didn’t stab him with guilt. In this cool, clear moment he felt detached from the life it represented, although he knew that was only a temporary phenomenon, only a fleeting escape.

With his other hand spread, he lay it across her beautiful curves, the rounds of her bottom. Her skin was velvety and warm. Not hot yet, but delightful to the touch. He rubbed her and stroked her for a few moments, exploring the inner slopes, and her thighs, and even dipping round into her sticky cleft. She maintained her poise, but he could feel it was a strain; her body was electric.

‘Are you ready?’ he asked, fingertips just resting against her sex lips, where the honey was pooled. ‘You don’t want to go “Renoir” on me, do you? It’s all right, if you do … I understand.’

Again, he knew he wasn’t acting the classic master, but it didn’t seem to matter. This was their own game, not governed by rules and conventions and ‘scenes’.

‘I’m ready,’ she replied.

There was nervousness in her voice, but a smile there too.

Ready as I’ll ever be.

Jess tried not to tense. Even within the limits of her knowledge, she knew that it would hurt less if she let herself go loose and not tense up.

‘Okay then …’

But almost before he’d spoken, the first slap landed, square on the crown of her left buttock.

‘Jesus Christ!’

hurt. It hurt like crazy, even though she’d relaxed, or so she’d thought … Her bottom blazed at the point of impact, as if he’d struck her with a piece of well-seasoned hardwood rather than his hand.

‘No … just me,’ he said, spanking her again on the other cheek, balancing the fire.

‘Ow! Ow! Ow!’ Her body was in shock, everything disconnected, not reacting right.

Or maybe it was? Her desire surged, burning like her bottom, making her crazy. Wriggling like the proverbial eel, she almost fell off Ellis’s knee, not able to tell where pain ended and raging lust began.

Another spank fell, and she squealed, really squealed, her voice high and squeaky.

‘It hurts! It hurts!’

‘Of course it does.’ Ellis fell still. ‘It’s a spanking. That’s the whole point.’ His hand settled more gently across her rear, even the feather-light contact stirring things up and increasing her squiggling and squirming. ‘Do you want me to stop? If you don’t like it …’

‘No! Don’t stop. I don’t know if I like it or not, but it’s turning me on. Give me more!’

It was the truth. The actual truth. The heat in her bottom pulsed out into her pussy too, transubstantiated into gorgeous, gouging need. The spanking pain was insubstantial beside it.

‘Are you sure?’ For a moment he sounded doubtful.

‘Of course I’m sure … why are you even asking me?’ Half laughing, she ground herself against him. ‘You’re the master. Just do what masters do!’

Ellis broke out into laughter too, wickedly squeezing her punished bottom cheek, and making her yelp again. ‘Yes, indeed, I am the master, aren’t I?’ He squeezed the other cheek. ‘From the way you’ve started ordering me around, I was beginning to wonder there …’

‘I’m sorry.’

‘I should think so. I’m going to spank you even harder for that, you minx.’

Thank God for that!
She didn’t say it. She was too busy grunting and gritting her teeth, as new spanks landed.

The pain was fierce. Red. Fast-spreading, even though Ellis stayed on target like a marksman. Lust bloomed in Jess’s belly, and she flung herself about, working her crotch against him. Yet still he managed to find her bottom every time, stoking the fire with a sweet, unerring accuracy.

Panting, fighting for control, Jess saw a picture of the two of them, on the dark canvas of her mind. Ellis stern yet smiling, his hand descending again and again. Herself bound and blindfolded, clothes half on, half off, her buttocks naked and raggedly crimson.

Hissing at a particularly crafty blow, she was able to smile too.

Against her hip a mighty erection swelled, rock, rock hard.

Sod this!

‘Enough already! Let me up! Let me loose!’


‘Whatever! Renoir! Manet! Monet! Toulouse-Lautrec! I want to see you … You’re beautiful! I want you to fuck me!’

Ellis laughed out loud, but he was already working the knot that bound her hands. The instant Jess was free, she shuffled off his lap and onto her knees beside him on the sofa, cursing through her teeth as she wrenched off the silky scarf too. Awkwardly, she twisted round to look at her bottom. ‘Golly! Talk about flaming crimson …’ She poked her buttock gingerly, and swore again.

‘I thought you wanted to look at me, not your arse,’ pointed out Ellis. When she turned back towards him, he was grinning delightedly.

‘Just checking.’ She lunged at him, almost forgetting her tender bottom, throwing her arms around him and then kissing him hard and messily. She’d never felt more voracious, more filled with lust …

Ellis responded in kind, fighting her in the kiss, tongue pushing back. ‘You devil!’ she growled against his mouth when he cupped the flaming cheeks of her bottom, holding tight.

‘And you, madam, are the bossiest submissive in the world. I don’t think I was ever really in charge there, Ms Lockhart. Not for an instant.’

Perhaps he was … perhaps he wasn’t. Did it matter? He’d spanked her. It’d hurt. But she’d loved it!

And now she wanted him to fuck her. Fuck her hard.

She drew back a little, eating him up with her eyes. He
beautiful. His dark hair was wild, and his expression was too. His face was flushed, the pink across his cheekbones an echo of the cherry glow across her bottom.

beautiful, Ellis …’ She touched his face, her twinges forgotten.

‘I’m not,’ he said, still smirking.

‘Liar! You know you are!’

‘Okay then, I am, but nowhere near as beautiful as you are …’ He settled his hands on her shoulders. ‘Just look at you. Face of an angel. Breasts of a goddess. Rosy pink bottom of a courageous, stoic heroine. Perfection …’

She knew she wasn’t. Not for him. But now was not the time to visit those issues. Now was the time to snatch pleasure with this wonderful man while she still had access to him.

‘Fuck me, Ellis. You’ve stirred up fires … now do something put them out. Use that great big hose of yours!’

‘So domineering …’ Laughing, Ellis moved in close again, his breath riffling her hair. ‘We shall have to play this game the other way sometime soon …’ He pressed his lips to the side of her face. ‘Like I said before, I’m not much of a submissive … but for you, I’d certainly be prepared to try it.’

Ah, the future again. The land that could not be visited.

‘I’ll look forward to that,’ she said lightly, ‘now, can we please make love?’

Taking the initiative, she slithered off the sofa and onto the rug. It was soft, with a deep, lush pile, but even so, the floor beneath was hard on her tender bottom. She didn’t care though. The aching glow, the twinges as she moved, they only seemed to pour fuel on the conflagration of her need.

‘Isn’t this a bit painful for your bum?’ Ellis slid down beside her; much more gracefully, she noted with wry chagrin. He spread his fingers and slid them down the side of her thigh, skirting the red zone. ‘Would you like to be on top?’

Jess reached for him, pulling him down for another kiss. ‘No, not really … and I don’t care about the pain. What pain? I just want you in me, Mr Sex. Now jump to it!’

Looming over her, Ellis’s face was full of wonder, illuminated, and the expression a thrill in itself. Yes, she had power. Sexual power. A strength that astonished her. How far she’d come in this game, in such short a time. Whatever happened with Ellis, in their very brief future together, she would adore him forever for showing her how to be herself …

BOOK: How to Seduce a Billionaire
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