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Authors: Alycia Linwood

Human (13 page)

BOOK: Human
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"What for?" Leonard's beautiful face darkens.

"You know how human girls are."

"Ask Maliadades." Leonard says calmly.

"I can't. He thinks I have enough, but I don't. Please." Devin gives him probably the best puppy-eye look he can manage. Leonard glares at him for a moment, but then he sighs.

"Fine. But if you're lying to me..."

"I'm not," Devin says, relief flooding his features. "Thank you."

"Be careful. Don't anger Maliadades. He is going to kill you if you don't do what he says." Leonard suddenly looks tired. "I know you like to be in the human world and that you like that girl, but get it out of your head. You can't have any of it."

Devin looks away, his black eyes focused on something on the floor. In one smooth movement, Leonard grips Devin's chin and forces him to look up at him.

"I mean it, Devin."

"I know," Devin says and steps away from him.

I found myself staring at my reflection in the mirror as someone loudly banged on the door of the restroom. Had I locked myself inside not even knowing it? The lock must have been broken or something. I was feeling like myself again, so I figured I could as well leave this disgusting place. A few girls nearly ran me over when I opened the door, shouting insults at me. Oh, well. Should I tell them they were pissing off a demon or whatever I was? Nope, not when I couldn't prove it. Besides, telling humans about supernatural creatures was probably forbidden.

The music had stopped, and I fought my way through the mass of people who were trying to get to the bar or outside. Italia was waiting for me near the stage, waving at me to hurry.

"What took you so long?" Italia took my hand and led me behind the stage, flashing a pass to the guard, who moved out of our way and let us slip behind the black curtain.

"You were awesome!" Italia threw herself around Amadeo's neck.

"Thanks, sis." He smiled, then his brown eyes met mine and widened. "Ariel. You look... breathtaking."

"Yes, she does," Italia said. "And I'll leave her alone with you if you introduce me to the pretty boy over there."

"Are you blackmailing me?" He laughed and looked at me. "I'll be right back."

I could only nod and watch the two of them go over to the small table where the rest of the band was. My cheeks were burning red, and I wondered would I wake up and realize this was all just a dream. I couldn't believe Amadeo had not only noticed me, but actually said I looked breathtaking.

"Are you sure you dressed like this for me?" Amadeo came back in a second, his black shirt now buttoned, but still revealing a bit of his muscular chest. He must have been working out.

"Actually, I thought angels didn't notice such things." I licked my lips nervously.

"Come." He took my hand and led me back to the dance floor. A few girls gave me nasty glares, but I didn't care. I knew there was something I had to remember, but my mind was in a meltdown when Amadeo put his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him. I couldn't even tell to which song we were dancing.

"Your hair smells wonderful," Amadeo breathed into my ear, making me shiver. He lowered his hand down my back, and I suddenly felt uncomfortable. His dark eyes regarded me curiously as I took a step away from him.

"Is everything all right?" he asked, looking around for someone or something that might have upset me.

"Yeah, I just..." I froze as my eyes fell on my sister. She was wearing her favorite denim miniskirt and a tight red top. There was someone with her, but I couldn't see who it was. I started walking towards her, leaving Amadeo completely puzzled. My breath got stuck in my chest as Devin smiled at my sister and put his arm around her. I stood there in the middle of the dance floor, unable to move. No. This wasn't happening. He couldn't have found her.

"What's wrong?" Amadeo came to stand next to me.

"Can't you tell?" I said, not moving my eyes from Devin and Christina.

"No? Did I say something wrong?" He seemed to be completely oblivious that there was a demon only a few feet away from him. So much about the angels' super detection skills. Was Devin using magic to hide himself? Did he even know Christina was an angel?

"Dance with me," I said, taking Amadeo's hands. He gave me a questioning look, but didn't complain. I kept watching my sister over Amadeo's shoulder, hoping Amadeo wasn't going to notice I was acting weird. Ok, he probably already thought I was acting weird, but it was fine as long as he didn't ask anything. He couldn't help me anyway.

Devin and Christina started dancing, and then Devin lifted his dark eyes and looked straight at me. He let go of Christina for a moment, still dancing, and pointed at me. Then he shook his finger behind her back like he was threatening me or telling me not to do something; I wasn't sure. But his next movement was as clear as day; he made a line in the air right behind my sister's neck. He was going to kill her if I tried something. Or he was going to kill
because he probably needed my sister alive. It didn't really matter.

Amadeo's hands ended up on my hips, and he was nuzzling my neck. I pushed him away, my mind in overdrive.
"The demon," I said into his ear, hoping Devin couldn't hear us.
"Here?" Amadeo frowned. I nodded.
"Where?" he asked, but I just shook my head.

"He's masking his energy. It's not stronger than usual. Point at him," Amadeo said, scanning the crowd, but I knew he couldn't tell where Devin was. He didn't even suspect Devin was with my sister.

"What can you do?" I risked a moment to glance into his dark brown eyes.

"I can get him outside. Maybe I can't kill him, but no one said anything about punching him." Amadeo shrugged. I considered that for a moment. It was possible Devin wouldn't notice Amadeo going for him, but he had most likely seen Amadeo with me, so he'd be extra careful. He could take my sister out of sight before Amadeo even reached him. No, I had to do this alone. Getting my cell phone out of the well-hidden pocket of my dress, I typed a message and prayed Devin would see it.

"What are you doing?" Amadeo tried to see the screen of my cell phone, but I wouldn't let him. His beautiful face turned into a sneer. "Are you conspiring with that demon?"

"No," I said. "Can you keep an eye on my sister? I need to do something."

"Fine." He crossed his arms, his lips set in a tight line. "But be quick. I don't feel like standing here forever and staring at your sis like some creeper."

"Thanks." I gave him a smile to get him out of his bad mood. The corners of his lips twitched, but he didn't smile back. Oh, well. I quickened my pace to get to my coat. It took me a few minutes to find mine under other people's coats. Who'd say I'd be identifying my coat by a knife hidden in its interior? My cell phone vibrated and startled me so much that I nearly dropped my coat. Devin refused to meet me outside. Great. Now what? Christina! She probably had no idea what was going on. If I texted her and asked her to come outside, maybe she'd do it. Well, it was worth a try.

I put on my coat and went outside into the freezing night. After what seemed like an eternity, Christina came out with Devin, who was looking grim. When my sister decided to do something, not even a demon could stop her.

"What's so urgent, Ariel?" Christina asked, pulling her gray coat tighter to herself. She didn't look panicked or worried, which meant Devin hadn't told her who he was. I glanced at him, and his eyes flashed black for a second. A warning.

"You aren't drinking, are you?" I took her by the arm and pulled her closer to look into her green eyes.

"Hey, what is wrong with you?" she yelled. "You're not my mom!"

"But I'm your sister and I love you," I said, all the time looking at Devin. "I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

"God, Ariel! I think
've been drinking!" Christina rolled her eyes and grabbed Devin's arm. "Let's go back inside."

She turned her back on me and started walking. Devin still stared at me as I mouthed
to him. My sister glanced back at us and tugged at Devin's sleeve, but he didn't move.

"You coming?" She raised her eyebrow at him.

"Yeah, you go inside. I'll be right there."

She looked a bit surprised by that, but went for the door anyway. That was exactly what I'd been hoping for; some time alone with the demon. I took a step towards him, gripping the knife tightly behind my back.

"Stay away from my sister," I said angrily, waiting for a perfect opportunity to strike. There was a couple standing not far from us, but they were way too drunk to concentrate on anything except on each other's mouths.

"She's not your sister," Devin said like that made it all fine. "She's an angel."

my sister. I don't care that you can't understand it, but I meant what I said. I won't let anything happen to her."

"You'd risk your life for her?" He cocked his head, his blue eyes surprised.

"Yes." I said and lunged for him, trying to put the knife through his heart. He painfully caught my wrist and twisted, making me drop the knife. I gasped, my wrist throbbing, and tried to retrieve my weapon. But he was faster than me and had the knife pointed at my throat before I could even reach for it. Tears started to form in the corners of my eyes, but I blinked them away.

"Please. Leave my sister alone. Take me instead." I looked deep into his eyes, searching for something, anything. "I'll do whatever you want."

He put the knife into his belt, turned around and simply walked away. I was glued to the spot, my feet suddenly too heavy to move. His face and eyes had been empty of all emotion, and I wasn't sure what to think. I shouldn't have tried to take on a demon without help. What had I been thinking? That I was a superhero? Stupid, stupid, stupid! Now my sister wouldn't believe me even if I told her her date was a demon who wanted to take her to Hell. Actually, she wouldn't have believed it at all. She'd just think I was jealous or overprotective.

When I was sure I could walk again and not fall, I went back inside. Amadeo was on my side in a second, taking my hand. I winced, my wrist still hurting.

"What happened?" he asked, running his fingers over my injured hand.

"I slipped and fell," I said, but my voice sounded distant.

"Let me help." His eyes went violet, and I felt the energy flowing into me. The sensation reminded me of the soft touch of a feather. The pain was gone from my wrist, and Amadeo's eyes were brown again.

"Thanks." I looked at him in amazement.

"What happened?" He led me away from the dancing floor, all over to the windows. We sat down on the windowsill, and he kept gently caressing my hand. I calmed a bit, trying to think what to do. If Devin didn't intend to tell Christina the truth until the last moment, then I still had some time left. Surely Christina wouldn't leave a party earlier for anything in the world, and Devin definitely wouldn't want her to make a scene. I could still make sure he didn't walk out of this place with her.

"Thought my sister was drunk," I lied. "I worry too much. Now she's pissed at me."

"Oh, let her be. She can take care of herself," he said. "I know you think you have to protect her all the time, but she's not stupid."

"True." Maybe Christina really was able to defend herself from the demon. She was a full-blooded angel, not some abomination like I was. If her life was in danger, maybe she'd develop her powers and use them.

"What about the demon? Have you seen him again?"

"He left. I guess he couldn't pinpoint the angel, or he sensed you here too." When had I become such a liar? Was that why I didn't really believe anyone these days?

"He shouldn't be able to sense your sister or me," he said. "I used some magic to hide her. You know how dangerous it would be for your sister if he found her."

But how had Devin managed to do it then? I frowned, running my hand through my hair. Wait, the visions. Devin had said he knew someone who had them too. That person must have seen my sister and described her to him. I always knew those stupid visions were a bad thing.

"Thanks," I said, playing absently with a lock of my hair.

"You really are gorgeous tonight." Amadeo bent down like he was going to kiss me. His lips were only an inch away from mine, and my pulse quickened. But then he pulled away and gave me a playful smile. Ugh, he was such a tease. We sat there for a moment, then went to the dance floor. Yeah, I had a plan, or two.

Chapter 09

I had just made a deal with Italia to drag my sister away from Devin with some silly excuse, when Christina came to us, her make-up smeared and tears coming down her cheeks.

"He's a jerk," she said, wiping away the tears. I was so happy that I wanted to hug her. She was not only fine, but Devin also wasn't in sight. I really should have had more faith in my little sister.

"What happened?" Italia asked as we walked to the restroom.

"My date got drunk. Like totally, out of control drunk." She hiccuped. "He basically yelled at me to get lost!"

"Who is that idiot? I'm going to talk to him!" Italia said.

"No, you're not," I said. "There's no point in talking to drunk people. It's not like they're going to remember anything the next day."

"Who knows? I could try," Italia said, closing the door. The restroom was now in even worse condition than before. There was toilet paper, spilt drinks and God knows what all over the floor. Someone had smeared red lipstick on the mirror in an attempt to draw a heart or a flower; it was impossible to tell.

"We'll get you cleaned up, ok?" I couldn't help it, so I hugged my sister tightly.

"I'm fine, really." She managed a small smile. "I can't believe I actually cried because of him. It must be the wrong time of the month."

"Oh, there are so many jerks on this planet. It's hard to find a prince on a white horse when all you can see around you are... well, horses." Italia sighed.

BOOK: Human
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