Hunter Forsaken (Wild Hunt #2) (5 page)

BOOK: Hunter Forsaken (Wild Hunt #2)
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Chapter Five

Anger coursed through Ian’s veins. He refused to give in to it. His freedom depended on his ability to maintain control. He wouldn’t take the chance of losing his opportunity to get his hands on Tegan. She knew why they’d been able to visit each other’s dreams. He needed the answer too so he could finally put his past in perspective.

From the moment she’d first appeared to him, she’d captivated him. He hadn’t been able to fuck another woman. God, he’d tried. When the time came for sex, however, his flaccid cock never got into the game. Hell, he’d even tried fucking a man. Nada. His dick and his mind wanted no part of it. Dating Cynthia, who’d insisted on celibacy, became the perfect way to hide his little problem. Nothing else had worked, not drugs, hypnotism or any of the other lame things he’d tried.

After a couple of years of dating, however, she’d insisted on marriage. He hadn’t known how to get out of it without losing her. She’d become important to him. The months leading up to the ceremony had tried his sanity, however. She’d wanted sex, but every damn time he got close to fucking her, he felt the tug on his chest that preceded a visit from his dream lover. Any lust he’d felt for his fiancée faded instantly. He’d convinced himself his fantasy girl knew when another woman tempted him and made a point of stopping him.

If he and Tegan were destined mates or something, he could understand the reaction and could finally let go of his frustration. In a crazy way, the idea of being Tegan’s chosen partner excited him, but his connection to her didn’t change the way he’d slighted Cynthia. He’d only given her half of him. The rest, Tegan had owned. He’d loved them both, only in different ways. The time had come to move on. He only wished he could’ve said good-bye to Cynthia first.

And why can’t I now?

He supposed there was nothing stopping him. He could pray to her. By killing the sluagh she’d become, he’d ensured her soul found peace. She’d hear him. At least he’d always believed spirits could. He’d talked to his parents and little brothers enough times. It had always made the loss of them bearable.

Of course, Cynthia wouldn’t have died if it hadn’t been for me.

Dammit, he couldn’t allow the guilt to choke him. He’d made choices. Some good, some bad. Nothing he did would bring her back, but he could save her little sister, Allie. Raul, the redcap who’d turned Cynthia into a walking corpse, had kidnapped Allie. Ian would find her. Unless he wanted to wallow in guilt for eternity, it was the best he could do.

He blew out a breath. Determination eased the tightness of his muscles. He closed his eyes and made his vow. “I’ll rescue Allie. Do you hear me, Cynthia? I won’t rest until I bring her home.”

“Well, that’s a foolish thing to promise.” The door to his cell opened and closed with a clank. “Hasn’t anyone explained to you that words have power?”

He craned his head but couldn’t see the man who’d spoken. “Who are you?”

His visitor stepped closer to the bed. “Don’t you recognize me, Hunter Ian?”

Ian took in the tall man’s white-blond hair, odd silver eyes and tan skin and tried to place his face. Another Huntsman, possibly, but he couldn’t be sure. He shook his head. “No.”

Between one heartbeat and the next, the stranger morphed into the black-skinned, winged monstrosity Ian had met when he’d joined the Hunt. He swallowed hard and would’ve put distance between them if he hadn’t been bound to the bed. Then again, doing so would make him appear weak. He couldn’t have that.

He took a deep breath and willed his heart to stop racing. “Arawn.”

The god nodded. “Well, Hunter? Did my son fail to warn you of what would happen if you break your vows?”

“Calan told me you’d punish me.”

“True, but all spoken vows have power. To break one is to damn yourself.”

“I’ll keep it. I owe it to Cynthia.”

“The sluagh you killed?”

“Yes.” Ian didn’t like the term applied to her, but it beat the alternative—admitting he’d killed his fiancée.

Arawn grunted, the sound neither approving of his goal nor condemning it. “I suppose you need to be released to carry it out.”

“Tegan promised to unlock me tomorrow if I remained in control.”

“And are you?”

“Yes.” He had a reason to not give in to his anger. Tegan.

Arawn narrowed his eyes. “I must say I’m surprised. My daughter insisted you were sane, that all it took was talking to you. It’s the reason I came to see you. I didn’t believe her.”

Ian shrugged, or tried to. His position prevented it. “We have a connection.”

“So I’ve heard. What I want to know is why.”

Was the god playing with him? Even Ian had figured it out. “Well, I’m assuming I’m Tegan’s destined mate.”

Arawn chuckled. “Gods and humans have free will. We fall in love.” His amused expression faded. “Or out of it.”

Ian stared at him for a long moment. He snapped his mouth closed. “Then how were Tegan and I able to connect within our dreams?”

Arawn rubbed his chin with the back of his knuckles. “I don’t know. You’re a human. My tie to you gives you immortality and strength. Nothing more.”

“Tegan always came to me.”
Then promptly left before I could find release or give it to her.
“Is it possible she initiated it?”

“No. Demons and angels have such abilities. She is only one of my beloved children, born of a human.” Arawn tilted his head and leveled a piercing stare at him. “I’d suggest my tie to you opened some pathway, but the timing is wrong.”

Arawn’s confusion stirred Ian’s. Shouldn’t Arawn know? He was a god. Ian pushed the frustration back before it angered him.

“Well, whatever the reason, Tegan became the center of my world over those years. Now that I’ve found her, we’re going to explore our connection.”

“And if she doesn’t want to”—Arawn leaned over him—“

The sharp teeth in Arawn’s mouth and his accompanying growl sped Ian’s heart. He couldn’t help the reaction. Pissing off the Lord of the Underworld wasn’t the smartest thing he’d ever done.

“Then I’ll back off, but I don’t think that’ll be an issue. She wants me. More than that, she cares.” She wouldn’t have washed his body if she hadn’t, or been annoyed by the demoness who’d tried to get his dick to rise. He’d heard the anger in Tegan’s voice when she’d spoken to the woman.

The god walked toward where Tegan had left the bowl and rag. He ran his finger along the rim and sighed. “Think carefully about what your plans are for my daughter, human. Hurt her, and the pain you cause her will return to you tenfold. That is my vow to you.”

Arawn waved his arm. The manacles locking Ian to the bed opened. He breathed a sigh with the release of tension in his muscles and sat on the edge of the bed.

After the god’s explanation about the power behind spoken words, Ian couldn’t help swallowing against the tightness in his throat. He’d always seemed to upset Cynthia, even when he’d bought her everything she’d asked for. Nothing had been good enough. He only hoped he didn’t piss Tegan off the same way.

Then again, Cynthia had only wanted his money, not his love. She’d admitted that to him the last time they’d spoken.
Right before she became a sluagh.
He pushed the thought away. Her motives for being with him no longer mattered. He wouldn’t hold it against her when he’d had his own selfish ones for holding on to a sham of a relationship.

“I don’t know what I plan now. I honestly thought we were mates.”

Arawn made his way to the door. With his hand on the doorknob, he glanced over his shoulder. “Only those with the blood of a god can initiate a mate bond, and I doubt my stubborn daughter will ever start it with anyone. She’d have to welcome you into her heart and soul during sex, and her heart has been broken.” He opened the door. “But if you can heal her, I will be eternally grateful.”

The door closed with a click. Ian rushed to it and twisted the handle. Locked. He leaned against wall and stared into the empty hallway through the bars. His thoughts drifted to Tegan.

“Heal her, huh?” He grinned. “I can do that.”

* * * * *

Tegan stood in front of the Haven, the demon’s lair. The main room offered dancing, booze and sex to anyone who entered. Beyond that, hallways led to private booths for indulging in the same. The lower level held more decadent chambers, where the offerings appealed to those who harbored more taboo cravings. Ages ago, she’d made her way through all the floors. She had no desire to revisit any. None tempted her. She’d left the only partner she desired chained to a bed.

And it’s for Ian that I’m here facing my fears.
The thought strengthened her. She stepped forward. The heavy wooden door opened before she reached it. The scent of sex drifted out along with the tempting beat of music. A demon filled the entrance. Black hair, gray eyes and a body that could’ve been carved out of marble. He swept his heated gaze over her in a sex-starved perusal. She hadn’t changed out of the slutty outfit she’d worn for Ian. After a long moment of gawking, he grinned.

Recognition dawned. She inwardly groaned at the sight of Zachariah, Lucas’s only son. Unlike the gods, the sex demons didn’t need to mate to reproduce. All it took was engaging one during its fertile cycle. Luckily that only happened once or twice a millennium, and Zachariah was beyond old. Nobody knew who his mother was, only that he belonged to Lucas.

“Tegan. Funny meeting you here. Father was just talking about Arawn’s daughters.”

She sighed. “Sara already told me of Lucas’s demands. He can forget it. I’m not sending Rowan to him, nor will I go.”

“That’s fine with me.” Zachariah shrugged. “It gives me a better chance of claiming one of you as my own.”

She laughed. “Sorry, I don’t have time to discuss your foolish dreams, because that’s all they’ll ever be. Dreams. You have no hope of capturing our attention.”

He closed the distance between them and stroked a finger down her cheek. “I did once.”

She remembered. Their games had been fun. Like every other memory of her lovers, she acknowledged him and promptly dismissed any notion of a repeat. She let a growl escape her lips. He dropped his hand. “Touch me again, and you’ll regret it.”

“So be it. You know where to find me.”

Yes, and she had no plans on going to Lucas’s home either. She motioned toward the door. “Is Minerva in there?”

He frowned. “She hasn’t been to the Haven in decades.”

She sighed. “Let me guess. Three.”

“Maybe.” He gave a half shrug. “I don’t keep track of the activities of mated women.”

Minerva was behind Tegan and Ian’s connection. She knew it. But why? It didn’t make sense. Oh yes, she needed to find out what it entailed and what Minerva’s motives were for bringing them together. Tegan couldn’t shake the feeling that time was running out. Soon it’d be too late. For what, she didn’t know, but she couldn’t shake the feeling that Minerva’s interest in Ian was personal. Only, Tegan didn’t understand how or why. Minerva only cared about one person—herself.

Tegan turned her back on the demon. “Spread the word that I’m looking for her.”

And when she got her hands on the goddess, Tegan was going to wring her neck.

Ian’s my gift, huh?
At the moment, he felt more like a damn Trojan horse.

Chapter Six

Tegan stood at the same bend in the hallway leading to Ian’s cell that she’d stopped at yesterday. Several minutes passed. Her feet remained frozen in place while her body came alive. Every inch of her skin craved his familiar touch.

She blew out a breath and tried to regain control. It did little good. Her mouth tingled, and her clit thumped. All she’d done to reach the heightened state of arousal was picture him chained to his bed.

Aroused and at her mercy. She groaned. The male tempted her.

“How am I supposed to do this?”
And not make a fool of myself.
The pheromones she gave off told anyone with an enhanced sense of smell how much Ian affected her.

She contemplated turning around and leaving him. Her promise to return nixed the idea. She put one foot in front of the other and approached his cell. The first hint of cinnamon drifted on the air.


Dizziness gripped her. She braced a hand against the wall and drugged herself on his scent. Strength returned to her limbs with each deep breath, along with determination.

Her visit had one goal: unlock Ian. She planned to carry out her task and hightail it out of there. Otherwise, she’d take him up on his earlier offer and ride him. She couldn’t. Their fantasy encounters had ended. Only lust had mattered in those rendezvous.

And now? Is that all he cares about?

She didn’t have an answer. After they got to know each other, she’d reevaluate. She deserved more than a physical relationship. She wanted to be accepted by someone who’d love both sides of her—beast and woman. Until she discovered what drove Ian, she’d guard her heart.

The thought settled her. She straightened and closed the distance.

At his door, she stopped and listened. The steady beat of his heart reached her ears. It didn’t race as it had yesterday, nor did she hear the rattling of metal cuffs or squeaks from the bed frame. He’d remained lucid. She closed her eyes on a sigh of relief.

“Are you going to stand there all night, angel?”

Her belly did a little flip. The nickname he’d given her made her feel feminine. She shook off the soft emotion. For the time being, she had to focus on duty, not love or sex. She’d made a promise, and she’d fulfill it.

“Well, Tegan?”

“Of course not.” She turned the lock and slipped inside his cell. Complete darkness met her. Why, she didn’t know, nor did she care if the lights had gone out. She didn’t need the visual of him bound to the bed again. Once had been enough. She closed the door behind her and leaned against the cool metal, giving her eyes a chance to adjust to the dimness. “Just judging your mood, Hunter.”

“Hunter? Have you forgotten my name already?”

She peered at the bed but couldn’t see his hazel eyes she felt boring into her. Shadows encased the mattress. “There’s no reason to use it.”

Silence answered her.

She shrugged off the disappointment over not hearing his voice, tightened her grip on the silver key and strode toward him. Halfway across the room, she stopped dead in her tracks. Her gaze darted to the bed. She sucked in a breath at the sight that met her. Wrinkled sheets, no Ian.


An arm hooked around her waist, and she was yanked against a hard body. Her air rushed out. The scent of cinnamon filled her lungs with her next breath.


“Oh, but there is.” He pressed his lips to her ear. “I want to hear it.”

“It’s not going to happen.” She pushed at the arm locked around her. He tightened his grip, and she growled. “Let me go.”

An answering rumbly sound shook his chest. It whipped through her. She closed her eyes and fought her instant lust.

“Say my name first, Tegan.”

She shook her head. “You don’t get to order me around,

He clamped his mouth over the wildly beating vein in her neck. Flat teeth pressed against her skin. She froze. The lick of his tongue tore a moan from her. Nibbles along the column of her throat weakened her knees. She leaned into him, the reaction one she couldn’t stop. He eased back, and his heated breath sent tingles skipping across her wet skin.

“I told you that between us, the only power you have over me is what I give you, and”—he trailed his lips to her ear—“I’m not giving you any until you say my name.”

She dug her nails into his arms but didn’t push him away. She clung to him. Ian had always commanded her body and directed her pleasure. All it had taken was his touch. The addition of his confident voice whispered in her ear heightened his appeal.

He caught her earlobe between his teeth and gave it a tug. “Say it.”

“How did you get free?” she asked to change the subject.

He shoved her shirt out of the way and stroked his fingers over her stomach. She focused on her breathing, anything to avoid giving in to his seductive charms.

“Don’t ignore me, Hunter.” She swallowed hard. “How did you get free?”

He used his other hand to turn her head. Hazel eyes captured hers. “Say. My. Name.”

“Ian.” She heard the word come out of her mouth. She hadn’t meant to let it escape. His focused stare demanded her obedience. She had no choice but to give it.

The skin at the corners of his eyes crinkled. She couldn’t tear her gaze away to see the smile she knew caused the reaction.

“Thank you, Tegan. Now kiss me. I’ve missed you.”

He pressed his mouth to hers and gently licked the seam. Unable to resist, she parted her lips. He slipped inside and slowly twined his tongue with hers.

He always greeted her the same way, kissing her as if they had all the time in the world to love each other. It made her feel special. Treasured. Loved.

It was a lie.

He’d always walked out of their dream and welcomed another lover into his arms. A real one, not the figment of his imagination he’d thought her.

She turned her head, breaking the kiss, and his parted lips skimmed over her cheek, leaving heat and shattered promises behind. “Release me.”

“You don’t really want that.” He trailed his fingers lower, not quite covering her jeans-covered mound, but close. So close her clit thumped, eager for his touch. “You want me to lay you down and finally make love to you, don’t you?”

She thought about denying him, but with his cock pressed against her spine, she couldn’t force the lie out. “Yes.”

“Thank goodness, baby. I ache. I need to feel your greedy body gripping my dick.” He kissed the spot right below her ear. “Might die if I don’t.”

He popped the button on her jeans. The zipper got tugged, and the satin barrier of her panties got shoved to the side. He plunged two fingers into her core and pumped them before she could react.

“So wet. So hot for me. Fucking love it.”

She whimpered. She’d craved his voice whispering in her ear. Every time he came to her, she hoped it’d be different, that they could talk and give each other relief from the raging desire. She’d yearned to finally feel him loving her from the inside out. Just the thought of coming around his thick cock flooded her core with welcoming arousal.

But they hadn’t been allowed to share that intimacy. Minerva had ensured their visits remained a tease only. Why? The bitch had a reason, and Tegan would bet it wasn’t for Tegan’s benefit.

This has to stop. He doesn’t know everything.

She opened her mouth to tell him about Minerva. He spread the two fingers lodged deep inside, stretching her. Her words got lost on a low moan, and her thoughts scattered. All she could focus on was how he caressed her. A delicious burn spread along her inner muscles. It’d been so long since she’d taken a man into her body.

He ground his cock a little harder into her back.

“Tight. You’re going to squeeze me. Strangle me.” He worked her neglected sex, rolling his fingers and stroking her sensitive flesh. “You’ll make me explode, won’t you?”

Another wanton sound, something between a groan and sigh, crawled up her throat in answer. She dropped her head against his chest, too lost to the sensations he created to do more.

He grasped her chin and turned her head. His eyes ensnared her. The brown and green streaks glowed. A trick. The dimness of the room messed with her perception of reality. She blinked, and his beloved eyes filled her vision, normal and full of longing.

“I’ve waited so long for this. For you.” He brushed his lips over hers. “I need to fill you up, Tegan. Leave my mark on you. Be with you in every damn possible way.”

He couldn’t fuck her, not until she found out why Minerva had stopped them in their dreams. She grasped his wrist. He bent closer and took her mouth on another slow exploration. Her thoughts scattered once more.

With one hand covering her sex and the other over her throat, he held her immobile for his seduction. Over and over, he stroked her tongue with his. His pace quickened. He moaned his pleasure into her mouth. She savored each decadent sound and gave him hers.

He nipped at her lips, sucked on her tongue and took her to the brink. Each pull created an equal tug on her womb. He released her tender flesh and kissed her harder, faster until their teeth banged. She followed his lead without thought. They’d shared too many kisses not to.

The wicked melding of their mouths became her world. The sounds he made and the way he worked her body with thrusts and curls of his fingers added to it. Nothing had ever felt so good. So right. So important.

She needed to come for him.


She tightened her grip on his wrist and tugged. She had to tell him about Minerva. He didn’t obey her unspoken demand. He rubbed circles over her clit with his thumb. Heaviness settled low in her belly. Quivers danced along her inner muscles. He added a third finger, shoving them deep inside her. She groaned with the added fullness. Each thrust sent another delicious pulse through her body. All the while, he kissed her as if she were the only woman in the world.

It was too much. She’d wanted him too long. Her orgasm built under his skilled touch. He pushed her higher. Every muscle tightened. She sucked in a breath of…


His scent filled her lungs, seeped into her body and became the essence she suddenly needed to breathe in.

The first wave of her release swept along her core. Her fingers fell from his arm. Her eyes rolled back in her head, and the world fell away. Blackness engulfed her. She floated on the intense pleasure whipping through her body, head to toe. On and on the waves of release swept over her. Each ripple grew more powerful. Her breath caught and her body tensed impossibly more. It felt as if she were breaking apart.

She thrashed in his arms. Something wasn’t right. No orgasm had ever shattered her. That was what she felt. Her soul had been scattered, lost in the endless waves of ecstasy.

She whispered his name in her head, the best she could do while he still loved her mouth.

He banded his strong arms around her and pressed her tighter against his body. His touch centered her, seemed to pull all the little pieces back…

And built them up around him.

The sensation passed. Reality returned, but she felt him there, hovering in her soul.

He’d left a piece of himself inside her.

Like a god could.

She tore her mouth from his and stumbled out of his grip. He focused hazel eyes on her.

Glowing hazel eyes.

Curses whipped through her head. Disbelief followed. He took a step toward her. She scrambled back, but he advanced on her in a predatory swagger that warned she would soon become his.


“Stop.” She held up a hand. He froze and glanced from her palm to her face. His brows pinched. “What are you?”

BOOK: Hunter Forsaken (Wild Hunt #2)
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