Hunting for Curves (BBW Erotic Romance) (2 page)

BOOK: Hunting for Curves (BBW Erotic Romance)
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Evan kept his eyes on Luke as his grin deepened, teetering on smug. "I haven't been down to the hotel in a while. It might be a nice middle ground, don't you think?"

After a half-nod from Luke, they quickly packed their day luggage and made their way through the late afternoon traffic.

Of course, Evan had an open reservation at the hotel as well as reserved parking. But Luke stopped by the lobby to make sure the room was recently cleaned.

"It is nice of you to check, Luke." The head manager smiled. "But your room is always ready."

With that, he joined Evan, who was patiently standing at the entrance to the bar.

In the past, Luke would have taken that moment to grab a smoke before going in. But it had been over a year since he'd given up the bad habit. Although there was still a pack sitting in his glove box, he hadn't had the urge to open it. So their routine had changed a bit.

And yet after a year, Evan still waited for him. Luke embraced him with a smile, just to let him know how sweet the gesture was.

That was among his best quirks, along with his stunning good looks and impeccable manners. Evan never lost his head or rushed anything. It was always calm patience, and cool, albeit firm, confidence.

Luke broke from Evan's warm hug and waved to the bartender.

"Hey, Blake," he called out as he made his way to the bar.

The man set down the glass he'd been cleaning and quickly wiped the counter. "Don't see you two down here often. What brings you in?"

A smile broke across Luke's lips as he braced on the smooth wood. "We're on the hunt for a woman. You have any leads?"

"Lucas," Evan said with a low, admonishing tone.

Luke raised his hand. "C'mon, we've known him a long time. If anyone can help us, it would be him."

Evan lowered his chin and raised an eyebrow as he glanced up.

"That's a joke, right?" Blake eyed the two with an amused grin.

Luke shook his head. "Dead serious."

"Wow." Blake ran a hand through his sandy blond hair. "Are you sure you want to do this? Sounds like something that could get complicated. I mean, you know the saying. 'Two's company, t—'"

"Blake," Luke stated in a firm voice. "Have you seen anyone who would be interested in going home with two hot guys?" The last thing he wanted was for Evan to find a reason to change his mind.

Evan shot him a sidelong glance but thankfully remained quiet.

"Well—" Blake cleared his throat. "If you guys are serious…"

He lifted his chin and looked around the room.

"There's a single woman at the end of the bar but she's here for a business meeting. Plus she's a heavy drinker. That woman over there is recently divorced. That is, if you don't mind a cougar."

Luke arched his eyebrow.

"And her—" Blake pointed at a crowded table near the center of the room. "She's out celebrating with her co-workers. Just turned twenty-one."

Evan choked and then lifted a napkin to his mouth as he quietly coughed.

Blake scrunched his lips as Luke gaped back at him with a pained look.

"Yeah, might be a little young for you two." Blake chuckled. "You'd probably blow her mind."

With a deep sigh, Evan crumpled the cloth in his hand before dropping it on the counter.

"As much as we appreciate the help, we really don't need any assistance." He turned, leaning his back against the bar.

Luke cocked his head. "I've been out of the loop since we've been together and you haven't been with a woman for quite a bit longer than that." He crossed his arms. "Who, exactly, do
propose we take home?"

"Her." His eyes flicked up and he gave a brief nod toward the back of the room.

Luke stretched up on his toes to get a better look but all he saw was a group of lawyers and an older couple. Then his eyes locked on the woman sitting nestled in the shadowed corner.

Even in the dim light, he could see the red in her long hair. And her fair skin complimented her striking green eyes.

He especially appreciated that she didn't look like an anorexic wannabe supermodel. She was a real woman, with an abundant yet proportionate breast size and lush curves that dipped in at her waist, and swelled at her hips. Luke likened her to a famous Greek sculpture, only she had smooth, graceful arms as well.

"Oh my," Luke breathed. "She's lovely."


It belatedly dawned on Jasmine that her spot might have been too perfect to hide out. The waitress had passed by several times but always out of reach. She supposed she could have called to her but she didn't want to make a scene.

Then a man shouldered his way through the crowd, making his way to her table. He was the one she had seen earlier, with auburn hair. And his dark brown eyes bored into hers as he braced on an adjacent chair.

"Excuse m—" he started.

"Oh." Jasmine picked up her purse. "Do you need the table? I haven't ordered so it's not a problem." She pushed her chair back and started to rise.

"No, no." The man waved for her to sit again. "You're welcome to stay here as long as you like." Then he extended his hand. "My name is Luke."

She stared at him for a moment before tentatively accepting his shake. "Jasmine."

"That's a beautiful name. Like the flower." He smiled then took a brief glance over his shoulder. "I was hoping… Would you do me the honor of a favor?"

Her lips scrunched as she eyed him carefully. "What?"
Was he going to make some kind of practical joke? Or prank?

"My partner and I have a little wager as to which one of us you will allow to buy you a drink."

"Oh." She stared at her hands, gripping the purse in her lap. "I don't know…" They had to be making fun of her, yet his demeanor seemed earnest.

He leaned down to make eye contact. "May I join you for a drink?"

Heat rose in her cheeks. "I was going to order a rum and coke but—" She faltered. Even if he was serious, she didn't need to tell him it was all she could afford.

A smile curved on his lips. "Rum and coke it is."


Luke rolled his eyes and straightened as the blond-haired man approached the table.

"You don't buy a lady a rum and coke like a college-aged frat boy." He lifted his hand. "My name is Evan. May I offer you a peach martini on the house?"

"Jasmine." She flicked her eyes between the men as she shook Evan's hand. "You said earlier you were partners? Like business partners? Or…"

"Lovers, actually." Luke grinned. "But we might as well be business partners."

Evan chuckled. "Luke could never stomach the cruel world I work in. He would rather save lives for a living." He closed his eyes with a warm smile.

"That's an exaggeration." But red bloomed in Luke's cheeks. "I'm a registered nurse." He placed his hands on the back of the chair. "Would it be all right if we sit with you?"

Jasmine scooted back and set her purse down. "Yes, of course." She tapped her lips as the men took their seats. How fitting that they were gay, as she'd guessed. The hottest ones always turned out to be inaccessible. Even if they skewered you with a smoldering look from across the room. That must have been a mistake. But they seemed nice enough.

"What was that peach thing?"

Luke's eyes widened as Evan's pearly teeth appeared behind his grin.

"A peach martini." Evan interlaced his fingers on the table. "It's a specialty at this bar."

"I'll take one of those," she said with a grin of her own.

"Damn." Luke snapped his fingers. "I guess I shouldn't be too surprised. He wooed me too, after all."

Jasmine eyed Luke with confusion. But before she could say anything further, Evan turned and raised his hand.

The waitress rushed over, wide eyed. "What can I get for you, sir?"

"The lady will have a peach martini. Luke and I will have bourbon." He cleared his throat. "Premium all around, of course."

"Yes, sir." The woman smiled but her hand shook as she wrote on her notepad. "Of course."

Then he turned back to Jasmine. "Do you live around here or are you just visiting?"

"Oh." She glanced down at her hands. "I'm not actually staying at the hotel." An anxious giggle escaped her lips. "I live on the east side at the Meadow apartments."

"I know where that is." Luke straightened in his seat. "I jog through the park nearby. How is it living there?"

"It's nice. A little cozy." Truthfully, she hated her apartment but she didn't want to discuss her fridge breaking down or the lack of water pressure. "How about you two?"

"We live nearby." Evan's eyes focused on her with intensity. "But we have a room here for the night."

She wondered why they were staying in a hotel if they lived in the city but before she could formulate a way to ask, the waitress rushed over with a platter full of drinks.

"Here you go, sir." She set down a pair of crystal tumblers in front of the men, followed by the martini glass for Jasmine. "Just let me know if you need anything else. Enjoy." Then she retreated back into the crowd like a frightened mouse.

Jasmine watched the woman's hasty departure as she took a sip of her drink. Then she jerked as the mixture of sweet liquid danced over her taste buds.

"This is really good." She glanced up at Evan. "I wasn't sure if I'd like it."

Luke took a sip from his glass. "I'm surprised you're here all by yourself. Are you meeting someone?"

Her back tensed but she kept her smile. "No."

"That is a travesty." Evan swirled his drink. "Did you want to be alone? We can leave if we're imposing on you."

"No, I'm—" She glanced away briefly before returning her gaze. "I'm thankful for the company. It's been a rough day."

Concern spread over Luke's face. "Please. Tell us what happened."

"Lucas," Evan intoned. "That is her business. Don't pry."

But she shook her head. "That's all right. It's not really that interesting anyway. Problems at work, mostly."
And my crumbling relationship… or whatever it is.
She swallowed. "How did you two meet?"

Luke leaned on the table, cupping his cheek. "It's boring really." His eyes flicked up to Evan. "I wish I could say I was at a trendy club and he swept me off my feet. But the truth is that an artist friend of mine had an open house, and I was helping out with the food and drinks. Evan was there to take home a painting, and he wound up with me instead. I just couldn't resist him." He smiled warmly as he took a sip from his glass.

Evan lowered his gaze to his drink. "I knew from the moment I saw him that he was special." His eyes traced up to Jasmine's face. "I'm a very good judge of character." There was something veiled in his intense gaze. Something fierce. Hungry.

Her pulse quickened.
Why did he look at me? He couldn't possibly mean—

"I was already his and he knew it." Luke set his drink down and traced his finger over the smooth wood surface. "But he continued to court me. Some time passed before I discovered—"

Evan cleared his throat. "We are looking for company tonight. I think it would be best to ask you before you finish that drink." His face took on an enigmatic look as he stared at her. "Would you join us for the evening?"

The martini glass hovered a hair's breadth from her parted lips as she froze. Her wide eyes searched him but he gave no indication that he was joking.

"Me?" Slowly, she lowered the drink. "In your hotel room?"

She glanced at Luke. His face flushed as he bit his lip. But he nodded subtly.
Did they plan this all along?

Her eyes flicked back to Evan. "For the whole night?"

Evan folded his hands. "Only as long as you wish to stay."

She felt dizzy as the two men patiently waited for her response. It wasn't the alcohol either; she'd barely taken two sips. So they weren't gay, as she'd assumed. Or maybe they were, and this was some kind of novelty for them. They had to know they were smoking hot. One of them would be a temptation, let alone both.

Her chest tightened with anxiety and she shook her head. It was as if her wildest fantasies had come to life. Yet it left her feeling naked and vulnerable. But what woman in her right mind would turn down a chance like this?

Jasmine closed her eyes.
This has to be a mistake.
Maybe the light was too dim and they thought she was someone else. They couldn't possibly mean
. Or they would hastily reconsider once out of the dark bar. Once they saw who she really was. And they would tell her to leave.

Even worse was the possibility that they would be disappointed, but hide it. They might pretend to like her, but then come up with a cordial and reasonable-sounding excuse to cut the night short. She wasn't going to chance it.

With a tentative look, she started to shake her head. They were both in prime shape, with well-toned bodies and striking good looks. She had no place being with them.

Luke gave her a sad smile. "I know, I know. It's a crazy idea. I'm sorry we brought it up."

She took a deep breath. "I'm deeply flattered. I'm sorry for making this awkward. It's just… not me."

Evan chuckled. "Don't apologize. I am the one who broached the subject. And before you ask, regardless of what happens, we would still like to know more about you." He leaned on the table and braced his chin on his hand. "If you will forgive me for being so forward."

A smile tickled her lips despite her embarrassment. She could see how Luke had fallen for him, with his direct attention and twinkling gaze. He was the epitome of the confident gentleman.

"Of course," she said as she cupped her cheek.
But why did they pick me out of all the people in the bar?
It had been a long time since a stranger had flirted with her. And she'd never had two men flirt with her at once.

If nothing else, she wanted to live in this moment, to bask in their gazes and lose herself in conversation. That couldn't hurt, could it? And later, she would always have the fantasy to fall back on… of what might have happened.

Her phone interrupted her thoughts with a digital chirp. She quickly pulled it out of her purse and groaned inwardly.

It was a text from Rodney.

BOOK: Hunting for Curves (BBW Erotic Romance)
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