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Authors: Taige Crenshaw

Hurricane (14 page)

BOOK: Hurricane
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Julianne gulped. She had been avoiding thinking long term with Keenan. The thought of such a thing filled her with dread. Although she’d had many years with her husband before his death, when she lost him it had almost destroyed her. She lived for Rissa and had never even contemplated the idea of letting anyone that close again.

I don’t know if I can open myself up like that again.

Julianne focused on Rissa. She was watching her. Her heart clenched at how much she looked like her father.

“I don’t know, baby. We’re doing well on our own,” she said shakily.

“You said that before, Mom. But three is stronger than two. Maybe you can just ask him. Then I can get to spend time with him, and we can be a family.” Rissa looked earnest.

“We’re already a family, baby. And I love you.” Julianne pulled her daughter close.

Rissa cuddled against her, then replied, “I love you, too.”

Julianne kissed the top of her head. “Are you ready for the movie?”

“Yeah. Let me put it in.” Rissa stood, then paused, looking at her solemnly. “Emily said it should be a rule that you have to like someone in order to want to live with them.”

Julianne narrowed her eyes. “Why are you and Emily talking about liking or living with anyone?”

Rissa shrugged. “She was talking about her new stepbrother.”

Emily, Rissa’s best friend, was having a hard time with her mother remarrying. She’d caught the two of them plotting for Emily to move in with Rissa. Julianne had nixed the idea.

“Maybe once you like Mr Callaghan, you can ask him to live with us,” Rissa said.

She headed to put in the movie. Julianne sat back, stunned. Rissa was not only eager to meet Keenan, but was already thinking of him moving in. It was so easy to like Keenan, and he was so much fun to be around. From the day in the park to now, they had been having a great time. Their comfort level, in her opinion, was as if they had been together for longer than a few months. Yeah, she liked him, and, for now, that was all she was willing to do.

What am I waiting for?

Julianne had no answer as Rissa sat next to her. Leaning beside her daughter, she watched the movie.



The following night, Julianne smoothed down her halter-top sweetheart neckline and princess-cut dress, studying herself in the full-length mirror. It hugged her curves perfectly, and she loved the burnt orange colour. She gave a turn. The handkerchief hem swirled around her legs. Her matching high heel, open toe, high back, criss-cross sandals showcased her toenails, painted a pale orange with a dark brown design on the big toe. Glancing at her fingers, she was pleased at the matching nails with the same design on her second to last finger.

Julianne raised her head. She’d made a day of getting her outfit together and herself pampered for their date. She’d called Montana a few days earlier to let her know she was looking for something special. When she’d got to her shop, Montana had had a few outfits, including shoes and accessories, waiting for her to choose from. When she’d seen this outfit, she’d known it was the one to do what she wanted it to. She fingered her multi-drop pearl earrings, then held out her wrist, viewing the matching four strand pearl bracelet with diamond clasp. With one last look, she went over to the bed and grabbed her clutch bag. Strolling down the hall, then the stairs, she went to the living room where she knew Keenan was waiting for her.

In the doorway, she paused, taking in his fine self. Keenan sat on the window seat in the living room—from where she stood only his partial profile was visible to her. He was dressed in dark charcoal grey. His short-sleeved shirt had a few buttons open at the neck, showing the strong column of his throat. The shirt covered his slacks to mid-thigh. Loafers the same colour as his clothing finished off his look. Keenan pushed back his shaggy blond hair.

“Keenan,” she called.

He faced her fully. His eyes roamed over her, taking in how she looked. He raised his head. Julianne smiled. There it was…what she wanted to accomplish…the look she had been going for.

Temptation achieved.
She sauntered towards him.

Chapter Seven

Keenan stood as Julianne strolled to him. Her movements were graceful, with the innate rhythm that made his pulse pound with lust. From the look on her face, she knew what she was doing to him. She was sensuality personified. Everything he ever wanted.

All through the week, as he’d worked to close the case, his thoughts had been on her. Her words that she cared had affected him immensely. They weren’t exactly the ones he wanted…no, needed, to hear. But for now it was enough. Julianne was a complicated woman, and, although she showed how she cared in many ways, there was something in his gut that told him she was holding back. Until she’d been there for him after the fire and had expressed how she’d been feeling, he hadn’t been so sure he was making any headway. Julianne Locke had had him on edge from their first meeting, and, knowing her, that would never change. He would never want it to.

Julianne’s confidence and her smarts, coupled with strong business acumen, fascinated him. Her devilish humour, openness and the way she cared about those around her made her a wonderful person. With her sensual nature and wicked way of driving him out of his mind—all of it was an aphrodisiac.

Her clothing was a temptation, sending his senses haywire. Keenan shifted, trying to get some pressure off the burgeoning erection in his pants. There was no relief in his slacks. As she closed in on him, the scent of honeysuckle and peaches preceded her. Julianne stopped before him and touched his chest. Even through the fabric, he could feel the heat of her palm. She raised her head, moving the curls that framed her face so enticingly. He met her lips, kissing her urgently. Pulling her tight against him, he cupped her ass. Julianne’s moan reverberated inside his mouth. Her taste filled his senses. He made a sound of protest as she pulled away.

“We don’t want to be late.”

“We don’t have to go.” Keenan went to kiss her again.

Julianne’s hand on his chest stopped him. “Yeah, we do. After all this mysterious planning, dressing up and all that—we’re going.”

“Just yesterday, you were willing to have a quiet night at home.” Keenan pouted.

“All this is not going to waste. Think of it as
.” She smiled impishly, turned, and strutted away.

Keenan watched her ass. Sighing loudly, he called, “You are such a meanie!”

“You haven’t seen mean yet. Come on, honey. Let’s get moving.”

Keenan hurried after her. He caught her at the door and turned her around, kissing her hungrily. Julianne sagged against him. Keenan hitched up the hem of her dress. He lifted her up, pressing her against the door. Julianne wrapped her legs around him. He moved back a little and slid a finger along the inner seam of her panties. He burrowed under them then into her wetness. Julianne whimpered into his mouth as Keenan slid in another finger, then another, scissoring in and out of her willing flesh. He moaned then pulled out his fingers. Keenan kept his lips pressed against hers as he pulled a condom out of his pocket then freed himself from his pants. He slicked the protection on his turgid flesh then pulled her high-cut panties to the side and pushed into her. Keenan shuddered and she trembled as he sank into her. Julianne gripped his shoulders. In quick snaps of his hips, he thrust urgently.

Julianne wrenched her lips away and cried hoarsely. “Right there. God. Keenan. Please.”

Keenan moved faster then rolled his hips. Julianne dug her fingers into the fabric covering his shoulders and tightened her legs around him. Keenan jerked, pushing in and out, then he stiffened as his sac went tight. Julianne gushed wetness, coating his covered erection as she came. Keenan kissed her again, shaking through his orgasm, holding her ass tightly. Finally he slumped against her, pulling from their kiss, licking along her lips, then met her gaze. Keenan withdrew from her still-clutching slit. He clenched his fists, not wanting to be parted from her. He removed his hands from her hips and Julianne lowered her legs until her high-heeled shoes touched the floor. The hem of her dress resettled around her. He held her until she could stand on her own.

Julianne blinked, then said, bemused, “What was that for?”

“Like it when you call me honey.” He grinned sheepishly.

She laughed delightedly. “If this is what happens, I’ll call you that anytime. Maybe I combine the two words that seem to turn you on. How does Honey Boyfriend sound?” she teased.

Keenan winced, frowning at her. “Nope. Either or, but not together.”

“Is that a blush I see?” she teased.

“No mentioning it. See, meanie. That’s you.” Keenan smacked her on the butt.

“Do that again and we can stay in,” she promised.

Keenan groaned and shook his head. “Nope. We had an appetiser, now I want the anticipation.”

“Now who’s being mean?” She pouted.

He kissed her quickly. “Waiting will enhance later.”

“Fine. Let me get cleaned up a little.” Julianne slid her hand over his stomach as she passed him on her way to the stairs.

He watched her ass in her dress as she sauntered away. Keenan breathed out while fixing his own clothing. He ran his hand over his half-hard shaft. He debated if he should follow her upstairs and forget about going out. Before he could, he heard the sound of her returning. He stared as she came back down the stairs. Her dress was fitted around each lush curve of her body while the dainty sandals she wore showcased her long legs. Keenan met her at the base of the stairs and raised his hand. She slid hers into his, and after she did he raised her fingers to his lips and kissed each, then licked them.

“Uh-uh. None of that. Time to go.” Julianne’s voice was husky.

Keenan moved his other hand to her ass then up to where her dress lay at the small of her back. He slid his hand inside the dress. Keenan moaned at the feel of the thin top of her thong.

“Why are you wearing that?” he said against the side of her face, then groaned.

“To torture you. As well as easy access,” she whispered.

Keenan breathed deeply before he turned and escorted her to the door. His hand rested on her bare back and taking advantage he rubbed his thumb over it before opening the door. Keenan guided her out, then locked his door and they went to his truck. They were on their way in moments. In less than a half an hour, they were at Duquesne Place.

“My sister’s bookstore is in this area. Where are we going?” Julianne asked.

“You’ll see in a few minutes,” he assured.

“Humph. You’re being so mysterious. This must be a special place.”

“It is.” He pulled in front of the building.

Getting out quickly, he said to the valet, “I’ll get her door.”

He handed them the keys and opened Julianne’s door. She was silent as he got his ticket from the valet. Keenan glanced at her. There was a small smile on her face.

“Bella’s is fabulous. Tonight is the one night in the month that the owner performs live. Have you ever been to Bella’s?” he asked.

“It’s been a while.” Julianne gave him an enigmatic smile.

Frowning, Keenan wondered if it had been a bad idea to bring her to Bella’s. It was essentially a supper club. It was a classy, yet comfortable-feeling dining establishment. Reservations were in high demand, especially on the nights Bella, the owner, performed. Patrons spent the whole evening, through cocktail hour and dinner, and enjoyed the nightclub-style entertainment after their meal. At least once a week, there was a live performance during the cocktail hour. The food was scrumptious, filling and the menu changed often.

“If you want to, we can go somewhere else.”

“No. This is fine. It’ll be fun.” She smiled, the wicked grin that always signalled she was up to something.

“What is going on?” he asked suspiciously.

“You’ll figure it out. I’m ready to go in.” Julianne shrugged.

Keenan led her inside.

The hostess greeted them. “Hello, welcome to…Jules! Come right this way.”

“I thought you said it’s been a while since you’ve been here?” Keenan said as they followed the hostess across the spacious club.

“It has.” She didn’t say anything else.

The hostess stopped by a booth in the corner close to the raised stage. “Here you go, Jules.”

“Thanks, Kathryn,” Julianne murmured, sliding into the booth.

Kathryn removed a sign on the table that said reserved. “Someone will be right over to take your drinks order. If you’re ready to order food at that time, they’ll take that too and have it to you after the show. It’s nice seeing you again, Jules. Stop being a stranger.”

Kathryn placed the menus on the table, then departed without waiting for a reply. Keenan slid in next to Julianne. She was studying the menu.

“You’ve been here not that long ago.”

“Nope. It’s been a few years,” she said, a slight smile on her face.

“Then explain why she’s so familiar with you,” Keenan said.

“You’ll figure it out soon. Look at your menu and see what you want. Or I can order for you?” Julianne offered.

Keenan was confused. He didn’t ask her again. Instead, he studied the menu. Everything looked delicious.

“Hi, Jules. What are you all having?”

“Hey, Vinnie. I’ll have an apple martini and the special for dinner. Keenan, what are you having?”

Keenan studied the menu, looking for the special. He raised his head. “I don’t see any special listed.”

“It’s only for certain people. You should order it. It’s good.”

Keenan closed the menu. “Special it is. And a Guinness.”

“Got it. Your drinks will be over in a sec.” The man took the menus and left.

“What is the special? What’s going on?”

“Shhh…the show is starting,” Julianne said.

Keenan frowned. He glanced at the stage. The light around the club lowered as the stage was illuminated. A woman dressed in white had her back to them. Her kinky, wild curly hair came to below her ass. She belted out a high note. There was no slow rise…just straight to it. The hair on Keenan’s arms stood up. That was Bella—her smoky voice was unforgettable. She went low, her voice moving the listeners emotionally with its power. Bella turned, her head lowered. The dress was off one shoulder, showcasing the richness of her hazelnut-coloured skin. Bella raised her head slowly, singing as she did.

BOOK: Hurricane
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