Illicit Desire: Outlawed Realm, Book 2 (7 page)

BOOK: Illicit Desire: Outlawed Realm, Book 2
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She sighed.

Nikoli couldn’t read the sound as being good or bad. At least the window showed him she looked more concerned than angry or indifferent. Telling her not to worry would do no good, so he didn’t bother, deciding on another tack. “I know how you feel,” he said, his mouth on her ear. “I don’t blame you. On this side, any woman would have reacted the same.”

She stiffened within his embrace. “Because we’re a pathetically simple race?”

Nikoli fought a smile at her mimicking Lukan’s words. “Emotional. You can’t help it. I understand. And I’m not hurt by your behavior with him.”

Regina turned slightly, her cheek touching his, their mouths a breath away. “Him who? What are you talking about?”

Nikoli ran his hand over her arm to her breast, reaching her nipple. The tip peaked instantly against his palm. She inhaled deeply. He murmured, “I saw how you stared at Lukan.”

She spoke on a sigh, “What was I supposed to do? You wouldn’t let me slug him. He insulted me. Hell, he insulted everyone in this dimension.”

“But you still think he’s a hunk, or is it a hottie?” Nikoli had yet to figure out which was the most popular term on this plane. “I saw it on your face. I accept the fact that you can’t help yourself.”

She squirmed in his arms, trying to face him. Nikoli held tight, not allowing it. Regina elbowed his gut. “You’re nuts, you know that?”

He whispered, “I don’t think I do. I haven’t been in this realm all that long. Is nuts a term of praise in your language, or is it an endearment?”

Laughter erupted from her. It didn’t last. “Are you actually jealous of him?”

Again, Nikoli fought a smile and continued to tease. “What good would it do if I was? I know I’ll never measure up to his perfection. By his standards, I’m ugly. I’m surprised you’ve been able to look at me this long.”

“You are nuts.” She managed to turn in his arms and cupped his face. Tenderness transformed her lovely features, giving her a look of wonder and hope. The same he’d seen the first time they’d made love, the night they’d fled the vampires.

She murmured, “You’re the most beautiful man on this realm and any of the others.”

Gratitude flooded Nikoli so quickly his throat and face warmed.

Regina drew her thumb over his bristly cheek. “Are you blushing?”

What man wouldn’t with such undeserved praise? “I know how I look. You’re just being kind.”

“Fuck that. I’m not that nice.” She trailed her fingers over his mouth. “How could you think I’d want any man but you?”

It was a moment before Nikoli could concentrate on her question rather than on how his lips tingled with her gentle stroking. “You want me?”

Her brow wrinkled. “Of course.”

Were there any two words more beautiful than those? Nikoli didn’t think so. “Good.” He swept Regina in his arms and carried her to their bed.

Surprise erased her frown…for a moment. “Whoa. Hold it. We need to talk.”

No, they didn’t. Right now, that was the last thing Nikoli wanted to do, despite what he’d said a few moments ago. “Later.” He kissed her hard and deep.

It took her a second to catch up. The moment she did, Regina suckled his tongue as though she’d never tasted anything better. On her first whimper, Nikoli pulled his mouth free and lowered her to the mattress, draping his body over hers, his hands imprisoning her wrists. “More,” he demanded.

Her cheeks were nicely pink, her eyes unfocused. Pride welled in Nikoli. He knew no other man, not even one as perfect as Lukan, could produce such a response in her. Regina belonged to him. She always would. For Nikoli, there was no turning back, no matter how crazy or selfish his decision.

Somehow, they’d work through the coming days.

Now he released her wrists and pulled at her blouse, wanting it gone. Two buttons popped off, landing on the mattress. She concentrated on unbuckling his belt, lowering his fly, freeing his thick cock.

Her panting was no match for his as she cradled his shaft in her palm. She curled her fingers around the hard column, claiming it, branding him with her heat.

Nikoli huffed out a sigh, incapable of any other response.

“Beautiful,” she whispered, her thumb gliding over his pre-come, using it to lubricate the cap.

He swallowed and fought a shiver. “Fucking A.”

Her brows arched at him using slang from her side, learned from an HBO program, not the Rosetta Stone. “Wow, you’re pretty sure of yourself now, aren’t you?”

Her acceptance of everything he was, all that he lacked, gave him the courage to be himself. A gift he hadn’t known on E2, one he needed to continue over here regardless of the consequences. “Damn right.”

“Prove it.”

Nikoli liked the way she thought. “Off,” he said, tugging at her blouse and bra. “I want you naked. You’re always wearing too many clothes. Tomorrow, I’m going to burn them all.”

Propped on her elbow, she regarded him from beneath her lashes. “What will I wear to my practice?”

“I’m not letting you go in. I’m keeping you here. Tied to this bed if need be.”


He pretended confusion. “More words of love?”

She grinned.

How he loved seeing her happy, especially when he’d caused it. Getting serious, he stripped her of the ruined blouse, dainty bra, dark blue skirt, thong, stockings and heels. Deliciously bare, she watched him tear off his tee, mocs, jeans and underwear. He crawled across the mattress to her. Regina met him halfway, pushing him down, keeping him there with her weight.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“Taking charge.”

His smile wobbled, feeling weird. Was she going to demand that they talk now when they were so close to having fun and forgetting about the bad that could happen? He reasoned. “Not for long. I do outweigh you by eighty pounds.”

Her fingers trickled down his torso, causing his muscles to jump. “Yeah, I know. You have the strength of a hundred men, or is it a thousand?”

Was she joking? With her, he had no strength at all. Sprawled over the mattress, Nikoli was helpless against her hands and mouth exploring his body. He groaned at her licking his nipples, her tongue rasping against the tiny tips while she ran her fingers through the dark curls on his groin.

“Lower,” he blurted, wanting her hand on his cock.

She scooted down him, licking the line of silky hair beneath his navel.

Nikoli ground the heels of his hands into his eyes and growled, “That’s not what I meant.”

“No? Must be our language barrier.” She pressed her face to his dark bush, inhaling deeply of his musk, her whimpers saying she liked it. So much so, she might stay there all night, neglecting the most important part of him.

She was being deliberately perverse for his earlier teasing. Time to show her who was really in charge of this act.

Grabbing her arms, Nikoli pulled her up until they were nose to nose. “Fuck me,” he ordered.

Her mouth widened in a sly grin. “I thought I was.”

So that’s the way she wanted it. Playfully, he smacked her ass.

Regina didn’t even blink. Rubbing her moist cunt against his cock, she purred, “Gonna spank me now?”

In answer, he rolled them over until she was beneath him. Regina’s hair fanned over the comforter, her lips parting on a startled gasp. Using her surprise to dominate, Nikoli captured her mouth, thrusting his tongue inside even as he lifted his cock to her opening and penetrated.

The pleasure was instantaneous and indescribable in her language or his. Nikoli’s head buzzed and his body trembled. How had he survived so long without her? What would he do if she ever left him?

No. He wasn’t going to consider such a thing. Not now. Not ever. Deeper and deeper he sank into her tight heat until he couldn’t go any farther, and it still wasn’t enough. He feared it would never be with her. More things separated them than had brought them together—their differing backgrounds, cultures, beliefs. Was love enough to overcome that and the danger those from E2 would always pose for her?

Greedily, Nikoli kissed Regina as though it would be the last they’d ever share.

She responded in kind, pressing closer, her nipples poking his chest, her hands digging into his back. Not good enough. He wanted her to know she’d never get away from him. Wrapping his fingers around her wrists, he pushed them to the bed, imprisoning them with one hand while he pushed the other between their bodies, rubbing her clit.

She panted around his tongue, the sound muffled and wanting. Nikoli thanked the gods of the universe for that. He was too far gone to stop. With a lack of control he’d rarely shown, he pumped into Regina, telling her without words that she would always be his.

Their bodies jostled the bed, causing the springs to squeak and the legs to scrape the wooden floor. Beneath him, she moaned and writhed, her pussy clenching his cock, her kiss as frenzied as his.

They came together, not a second apart, both of them damp with sweat. Regina gulped air, swallowed and made deliciously sated noises like a woman in love. Nikoli pulled in as much air as he could, then licked the beads of perspiration between her breasts, savoring the salty flavor.

She quieted finally, her breasts barely moving with her calmed breathing. Meeting his eyes, she ran her fingers through his mussed hair, easing it from his forehead. “You need another haircut.”

One she would give him. Because of his different physiology, Regina feared anyone on this side touching him even for something as minor as trimming his hair. “It can wait. I don’t mind looking like a bun.”

She worked her mouth, trying not to laugh. “That’s bum.”

Yeah, he knew that and how much he treasured each of her smiles. This one disappeared faster than Nikoli would have liked.

“You’re going to help them, aren’t you?” she asked.

Her resignation and worry cut through him, leaving a thread of panic in its wake, erasing his contentment. Propped on his elbows, he pushed his groin against hers, making certain they remained joined, that she couldn’t pull free. “Not because of Lukan’s threats. He’s desperate. I understand exactly how he feels. His world is Arez. He loves her.”

Regina studied a strand of his hair, easing it behind his ear. “And do you love me?”

“What? How can you even ask?”

If his frown bothered her, she didn’t show it. “You know what creating the device would mean, don’t you?”

He feigned ignorance. “Lukan would be able to rescue—”

“Don’t play dumb with me, Nikoli.” She brought her hands back, tightening them into fists. “The scientists who worked with you, the ones who now work with your father might discover what you’re doing. They’re not the rulers. They still believe the crap that’s spouted in your dimension. They may fight you to stop what you intend. They may come over here to do so.”

“They may. Anything’s possible.”

She made a face that said she didn’t appreciate his appraisal of the situation. “And that doesn’t worry you?”

“Does being hit by a car, dying in a plane crash or having someone break in here and murder us during a home invasion bother you?”

Her expression darkened. “It’s not the same. You know it’s not. We’re not inviting trouble by simply going about the day.”

“You haven’t watched much news on this side, have you?” he countered. “I have. Nothing but unexpected turmoil. Children snatched on their way to school, never to be seen again. Men murdered in convenience stores when all they wanted to do was buy a pack of cigarettes. Women being—”

“All right, all right. I get it.” She sounded like she wanted to punch him. “Besides, I know why you’re really doing this.”

As though Lukan’s love for Arez and her eventual extermination wasn’t enough? “Which is?”

“Your freaking code of honor and…” She didn’t continue, swearing beneath her breath instead.

“What? Finish what you meant to say.”

Her lower lip jutted out. She ran her thumbnail over his nipple, then sighed. “You think I haven’t noticed your discontent these last months?”

Mystified, Nikoli shook his head. “What are you talking about? I’ve never been happier.” He regarded their still-joined bodies. “Doesn’t this prove it?”

“We’re not in bed all day and night.”

He licked the seam of her mouth, then murmured, his lips brushing hers, “Only because you insist on going to work.”

“Because you can’t.” With her palms on his chest, she pushed against him so he’d have to back off and look at her. “You’re bored with what you do. Who could blame you? On E2, you were a quantum physicist, seeing to your dimension’s safety. Here, you invent stuff to use in the kitchen or around the house. Junk you see on infomercials.”

Nikoli wasn’t certain whether to be insulted by her appraisal of what he did or touched by her concern for him. “You said you liked my stuff.” He pointed his finger at her. “You told me it was brilliant. You were the one who suggested I do it.”

Shame registered on her face, along with worry. “Oh baby, please don’t misunderstand. I wasn’t insulting you. Your inventions are brilliant, like nothing I’ve ever seen. They’ll revolutionize the industry. No one over here has ever been smart enough to think of them.”

BOOK: Illicit Desire: Outlawed Realm, Book 2
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