Immersion (Magnetic Desires) (7 page)

BOOK: Immersion (Magnetic Desires)
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It takes a lot to unscramble my brain and write a story readers want to read. I don't do this alone. Thank you to my children who put up with my incessant whining for writing time and actually giving me the space to do it. To my husband for letting me run ideas and scenes with him and never getting jealous of my characters.

Thank you to Sheri William's, Jennifer Ray, and Jennifer Stewart for always having time to beta read, run ideas and sort out the kinks and kinkiness.

Thank you to my editor who pushed me to take these characters and make them all that they could be. And finally you, yes you, the one reading this book. Thank you for picking up one of my books. I do hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. You are the best!

About the Author

Misti Murphy writes about smart, sexy women and the dirty talking alphas that love them.  She also enjoys emotionally torturing them. Damaged alphas with a twist are her favorite.

When she's not writing, she's enjoying her own happily ever after with her teacher hubby, four hellions, and two fur babies. She has a weakness for chocolate, procaffinating, and stalking Facebook.

BOOK: Immersion (Magnetic Desires)
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