Impacted (Conflicted Encounters #2) (10 page)

BOOK: Impacted (Conflicted Encounters #2)
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"Wow," Scarlett said in awe. "This is too much. Let's talk about something else, anything else, or I will try to convince you I don't need the help."

"So, when do we leave for this bonfire?" Chloe asked, closing the computer.

"Around eight probably. You guys want Joe's for dinner?" Scarlett asked, looking over at me. "I'll go pick it up?"

I shrugged. I liked Joe's, they had great burgers, but the half an hour drive into town was inconvenient.

"That's by the hotel, right?" Chloe asked, and I nodded. "Scarlett, can I tag along? I want to grab my car and phone charger. Then I will take us back in the morning so one of you doesn’t have to."

"Great idea," Scarlett almost shouted as she jumped out of her seat. They scrambled for their purses and to the door in a hurry, leaving Kallie looking stunned.

"Wait," she called out, being cut off by the door slamming closed behind them. "Smooth," she mumbled to herself.

"Well, that was discrete," I joked as I sat in the recliner.

"Bitches," she said under her breath. I laughed.

I flipped through some channels on the TV to keep myself distracted. My body still wanted to be with her even though my head saw the painful future it would bring. I had no idea how I would withstand the next few weeks, being tempted with her everyday.

"So, who are you rooming with?" I asked her.

"I don't know yet," she shrugged.

"Are you sure you can afford all this?"

"Yes," she sighed. "I got a group discount for the all-inclusive trip. So really, I paid less than I would have if it was a honeymoon," she laughed.

"You can't pay for everyone to go," I said, getting angry. None of us deserved her good heart.

"Not everyone," she fired back with a glare. "Just those who matter most to her. Us, Logan and Caleb, Adam and," she paused, "your mom."

I sat up straighter. I knew my mom would be invited, but I kind of hoped I could avoid her. Now, realizing we were all stuck together for the trip, it was clear that would be impossible. I would be forced to talk to her, and she would meet Kallie.

"She's never even met him," I said to myself.

"Another sign this isn't right."

"Then why are you doing this again?" I had to know.

"Because I hope I'm wrong," she said simply. "I want her to find happiness and not heartbreak. I want to believe that people are good and worth loving, despite what others may think of them. I want to believe that people really can have their happily-ever-afters."

She was talking about more than just Adam. "This isn't a fairy tale, Princess. I'm not Prince Charming."

She just smiled at me, like she had a secret that she wasn't telling me. It was condescending and infuriating. I figured we had an hour of alone time left. How was I going to make it without strangling this girl?

I ran my hand through my hair in an attempt to calm myself. I just had to tell myself that I was lucky that only one woman had the power to get to me like this. Only she could drive me up a fucking wall and then bring me back down. It was only her that could give me the highest of highs, and yet kill my buzz at the same time.

"Anyway, Adam and I were invited to your mother’s next weekend for lunch," she blurted. "So, I guess she'll meet him then."

I stiffened. "You're going?" I asked, shocked and a little more than pissed.

"You don't want me to?"

"No, I don't."

"Well, Ryder," she cooed, leaning closer to me. "You don't get to tell me what to do anymore."

I glared at her. She was playing dirty. I knew she was right, technically, but part of me hoped I still had just enough power over her to get her to back out of it. Her returning glare and easy smile told me I was either wrong… or she wanted me to beg.

"Is that so?" I growled and moved to the couch next to her. My temper was clouding my judgment, and my anger was calling all the shots. "No power?"

I saw her visibly swallow and I stared at her little neck, knowing how she reacts when the spot right under her ear is licked. Her face was stone, looking like she was holding her ground, but I could feel her body weakening. To prove my point, I inched closer and leaned over her. I heard her sharp intake of breath as I inched my mouth closer to the skin on her neck.

I held myself just a hair away, never touching her skin, but close enough that she could feel me. I felt the warmth of her on my lips and I could see her pulse thumping in her neck. I gently exhaled, sending warm air down her collarbone. Her body shivered in response, and I continued my assault.

Moving back up to her ear, I whispered, "You sure?"

She gulped and nodded as I touched the tip of my tongue to her earlobe. Her whole body jolted and I chuckled lightly, blowing in her ear. I grazed down her jaw line, licking and blowing. She was trembling and I watched her chest begin the quick up and down rhythm. I nipped down her jaw line to her chin, brushing up against her chest, getting closer so I could reach. My arm brushed her breast and I felt her nipple harden against me.

"Prove it," I dared her.

Her lips crashed to mine, and she moaned instantly. I devoured her with equal intensity. My anger was at the surface, bringing out harsh and rough kisses. I clenched her thigh and she groaned in response. I slid off the couch, kneeling on the floor in front of her. I forced my body in between her legs as she leaned forward to keep our lips from separating.

I pressed into her as she ran her fingers through my hair and pulled me closer. Our tongues battled for power in our mouths and our hands raced all over each other. We broke away only when we heard the sound of voices and stomping up the stairs. I leaned back on my heels before pushing myself up to stand. Kallie's lips were plump and red, her cheeks pink, and her hair out of place.

"You have all the power in the world," she whispered before the door swung open.

"Look who we found," my sister announced. Behind her trailed Caleb.

"Hey, baby doll," he said as he wrapped Kallie up in a hug. He lifted her off her feet and she squeaked. He briefly looked at me, and I clenched my jaw.

"Hey, you met Chloe, I see," she said when he set her back down.

"I did," he smiled. He set down a bottle of blackberry brandy on the counter while Scarlett unpacked the boxes of food.

"We're gonna pre-party here," Scarlett told us. There was no room to argue since she had already passed out our orders and drinks at the breakfast bar.

Caleb asked Chloe a few questions about her job and same with Kallie. Chloe talked freely and easily, talking about the people she worked with and how unbearable tax season was for her. Kallie, on the other hand, would give short and vague answers. She answered directly, never really embellishing and looking uncomfortable.

After our styrofoam boxes were cleared, we gravitated into the living room. It was almost like old times in a way, even with Chloe around and with mine and Kallie's limbo relationship. Chloe was easygoing and our conversations stayed light and full of jokes. I almost forgot the intense moment Kallie and I had before we were interrupted. Almost.

Soon, the girls disappeared into the bedroom to get ready. Music played from the bedroom, and eventually they all emerged, ready to go. My eyes were glued to Kallie. She wore a pair of jeans with a red hoodie. It was casual and perfect for a night in a friend's backyard, but she looked incredibly sexy to me. Her blonde hair was straight and was brushed over one shoulder. Her blue eyes were accented with dark shadow and thick lashes.

We all paraded down the stairs and into my truck. Caleb drove his truck, but it still left me crammed with three girls in the cab of mine. Of course, they put Kallie next to me. I could smell her faint lotion and the hair spray she uses when she straightens it. I couldn't arrive at Logan's soon enough. I was in need of lots of beer and space. I backed into his yard as I usually did, leaving the bed of my truck as a place to sit.

The pile of logs and wood were already stacked up in the center of the ring. I walked toward it with the ladies in tow behind me. Logan stood by, beer in hand, talking to Caleb already. He took one look at the tail I had behind me and laughed. Giving me a pat on my back when I reached him, he was introduced to Chloe. He barely said anything to Scarlett, which would usually be odd, but they had both been quiet around each other lately.

Kallie approached him and put her arms around his neck. He instantly hugged her back and held on. I knew their hug was more than a greeting. It spoke more to him than her forgiving words ever would. Even though I hated seeing Caleb touch her, I knew Logan needed her touch and affection. He needed to know she still cared for him despite our fucked up past.

"Tough night, dude?" he asked me, amusement dancing in his eyes. "Surrounded by gorgeous girls?"

"You have no idea," I muttered and grabbed a beer from the nearby cooler. I should be gloating, but it was torture. The old Ryder would have been in heaven.

Soon the crowd chanted for the fire. Logan and I had a tradition here. We lit every fire. We would both pour the gasoline, and then I tossed the match. Without us both, there wouldn't be any type of party scene in this small town. Our parties had been legendary around here since we were in high school. Anyone that mattered would show, and you never left without stories to tell. My sister dragged Kallie and Chloe off for drinks, so Logan and I started the ritual.

After throwing the flaming stick and watching the pile roar up in flames, we took our usual chairs near the fire. Different songs blasted from various parts of the yard. People we knew all our lives wandered around, along with some new faces. The sparks danced up into the sky and the atmosphere was fun and energized.

This was home to me. A familiar and regular place where the same antics happened over and over. In the past, I would be picking up girls, drinking until I got sick, and playing pranks on my friends. Eyeing the other girls at the party, I had no desire to hook up. I was ruined when Kallie showed up. I knew it then, and unfortunately I hadn't changed.

I kept one eye on the girls. I was used to worrying about Scarlett at these. She would always be disappearing with someone, and I would be left wondering where she was and if she was safe. She didn't have anyone else in the world trying to keep her safe except me. Now that she was Adam, she behaved and was perched on my truck with Chloe and Kallie. He really should be here to keep an eye on her, but maybe I was just being possessive.

"Let's play a game," Scarlett called out, skipping over to us. "I Never."

Caleb and Chloe cheered as Kallie looked at her with a lost expression. "What's that?"

"Bad idea," I warned my sister. We weren't in high school anymore. We were all grown ups, even if only by age and not by actions. We were entitled to secrets, and I knew this group was full of them.

Scarlett smirked at me. "Someone starts by saying something they have never done. If you have done it, you drink. Easy."

"Oh, Kallie's gonna be wasted," Chloe sang out.

"Shut up," she threw back at her friend. "I'm not that bad."

Chloe gave her a disbelieving look. The girls found logs and we all sat in a circle near the fire. The fire was too big to sit around and actually have a conversation with someone on the other side.

"We'll see," Chloe winked. "I'll start. I’ve never run away from home."

Kallie stuck her tongue out and drank. Only Caleb and Chloe sat the round out. Scarlett and I both had our rebellious stages where we ran away. We stayed at Logan's house and came back the next morning. Typical kid thing to do, I suppose. We all knew when Kallie ran away, seeing as she came here. I was starting to realize that even though Kallie and Chloe hadn’t lived together since last year, she was clearly up to date on what had unfolded since then.

"My turn," Scarlett announced after her sip. I’ve never kissed a girl,"

Caleb, Logan, and I scoffed, and then took our drinks. She was playing dirty.

"Okay," Caleb said, clearly having an evil idea. "I’ve never given head."

Point for the boys. Chloe took a large drink along with Scarlett. Kallie looked down in her plastic cup.

"Seriously?" Scarlett asked her in a high-pitched voice.

"You don't see me drinking, do you?" Kallie bit out. She was next. "I’ve never had a one night stand." Her eyes were murderous.

We all drank, except her. I had my fair share, as did the rest of us. My mind was still on the last question. We may have done a lot of stuff together, but never that. Not that I didn't want to; it's just that we were never patient enough for the foreplay and always went straight for the home run. I couldn't wrap my head around how she was with her last boyfriend for so long without ever going down on him.

BOOK: Impacted (Conflicted Encounters #2)
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