Impossible Girl (Sexy Nerd Boys #2.5) (12 page)

BOOK: Impossible Girl (Sexy Nerd Boys #2.5)
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I’m elbow deep in paint when my phone buzzes.

Nikki: sorry…

I don’t even get a chance to respond to the ominous text before there’s a pounding at my apartment door like someone’s trying to break it down. My heart sinks because I know it’s Dex on the other side of that door and he knows I’m pregnant. Fucking twintuition.

I open the door cautiously and he shoves past me with a somewhat crazed look in his eye.

“Is there something you’d like to tell me?” He demands without preamble.

I wince at his harsh tone and gesture for him to have a seat on the couch. He remains standing, his gaze fixed on me.

“Dex, I’m pregnant,” I confirm what I’m sure he already knows.

“How long have you known?” He demands.

“Three weeks,” I admit. His eyes bug out of his skull.

“Were you even planning to tell me?”

“Yes,” I lie.

“When? Before the abortion or after?”

I wince again and take a step back. He finally registers the frightened expression on my face and turns around, running his hands through his hair several times while taking deep breaths. When he turns to face me again he looks visibly calmer.

“I’m sorry. It’s a hell of a way to find something like this out. What am I supposed to even say when your sister approaches me and assures me that she’s fairly certain you’re keeping the baby? I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.” There’s heartbreak in his tone.

I reach out for him and place a hand on his.

“I was scared. I
scared. I’m so sorry.” I try to hold the tears back and fail. “Guys leave when they find out women are pregnant. I didn’t want you to walk away, I thought it would hurt too much.”

“I’m not walking away,” He says firmly. “ it mine?”

I open my mouth to answer but he grimaces and waves me off.

“No, don’t tell me. It really doesn’t matter, I already decided that I’m in this with you either way. Knowing one way or the other won’t make a difference.”

My heart swells at his words.

“It’s yours Dex, I haven’t been with anyone but you since we met.”

“What about Trey? I saw the pictures Remy, I know you were with him three weeks ago,” He says with a pained expression. I shake my head violently.

“No. I went to that party, like I told you I was going to, and he hit on me. I told him that it wasn’t going to happen and he seemed kind of pissed. Then the next morning, I found out he was sending around pictures that he took of me last year and saying they were from that night. I didn’t even think he still had those pictures.”

Dex looks at me for a long time before he nods.

“Okay, I believe you,”

That’s all I need to hear. My tears flow more freely as I fling myself into his arms.

“I love you Dex, you’re the only man in the world for me, from now until forever.”

“I love you too darlin’,” He whispers against my hair.

“And don’t you dare even consider asking me to marry you while I’m pregnant. If we get married, I don’t want anyone to think it was a shotgun wedding just because you got me knocked up.”

“You are the most impossible woman I’ve ever met.”

“Please,” I push out my bottom lip.

we get married it’s because I love you so much I can’t stand the thought of living one single day of my life without you.”

I pick her up and carry her to her bedroom, my lips devouring hers, trying to make up for lost time. I place her carefully on her bed, careful not to jostle her. She smiles up at me with love. I kneel at the foot of her bed and move her shirt up so that I can kiss her belly. I pepper kisses all over her stomach and she giggles.

“I love you little jellybean,” I whisper against her lower abdomen, hoping that my little baby can hear me in there. I look up to see silent tears streaming down Remy’s cheeks.

“I hope those are happy tears, darlin’.”

“The happiest,” she assures me.

Chapter 14

“There’s no need to be so nervous, my mom isn’t going to be upset.” I place my hand over Remy’s to try to calm her. She smiles at me and I move my hand to her belly which causes her smile to brighten further.

“But what if Maya is upset? What if she feels jealous that we’ll all be a family now with the new baby coming but you lived away from her for the first four years of her life?”

“Then we’ll deal with that, but I honestly think there’s going to be so much information for her to process, she won’t have time to be upset.”

She nods and relaxes somewhat.

As soon as we walk through the door Maya flies at me and I scoop her up in a bear hug.

“I missed you princess,” I tell her, like I always tell her, because it’s true. Her eyes widen when she spots Remy behind me.

“Hi Wemy!” she shrieks. We both laugh and I set Maya down so she can run to Remy as well. Remy kneels down and gives Maya a hug and a kiss. My mom appears in the hallway and gives the two of us a hug as well.

“It’s so good to see you Remy,” My mom says, looking between us, clearly glad that we worked things out. I hadn’t told her about the pregnancy yet, just that there had been a misunderstanding and we’d worked everything out.

“I brought you a present, Maya,” Remy says holding up a gift bag that’s pink and sparkly. Maya squeals and jumps up and down.

“How about we go into the living room and then you can have your presents.” I steer her towards the living room.

Once we’re settled Remy hands Maya the gift bag and she starts to dig inside with gusto. She comes upon the stuffed pony first and pulls it to her chest vowing to love it forever. Then she pulls out the second present and looks at it, her face scrunched in confusion.

“It’s a shirt,” she announces. “What does it say?” she asks, showing it to mom.

My mother looks at the shirt and gasps before turning a surprised look on us.

“It says ‘big sister’. Princess, Remy and I are going to have a baby and that baby is going to be your little brother or sister,” I explain.

My mom jumps up and wraps Remy in a bone-crushing hug. She whispers something in Remy’s ear and Remy nods and they both start to cry.

“Hey, don’t upset my girl,” I chastise jokingly.

“Oh, hush,” Remy waves me off and they both laugh. Maya is frowning now.

“What’s wrong sweetheart?” I ask.

“So if Wemy has a baby, does that mean she’ll go away and the baby will come live with me and gwanma?” She looks at me with confusion.

“No, Maya, actually you’re going to come live with us and when the baby comes all four of us will live together. You can even have your own room. We can paint it any color you choose,” Remy explains, desperate to assuage Maya’s fears.

“Oh.” Maya smiles and reaches for her pony. “Okay, can I go play with my howsey?”

“Sure princess, and start thinking about what color you want your room.” I give her a kiss on the cheek and she runs off to her bedroom to no doubt gather up multiple other stuffed animals for some sort of epic game.

“This obviously isn’t ideal, but you two have what it takes to make it,” my mom says, giving me a hug.

“Thanks ma, that means a lot to me.”

“I agree, we totally have what it takes to make it,” Remy announces proudly.

“Yes we do, my impossible girl, we absolutely do.”

The End

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Get Hadley and Ravi’s full story in:
Hard to Resist
(Sexy Nerd Boys, 3)!

Coming August 2016

She’s my best friend’s twin sister. She’s the one girl I wasn’t supposed to want. But some things are just too
Hard to Resist


Since I was five years old I’ve had two best friends: Chase and his twin sister Hadley. Unfortunately for me, Hadley isn’t a little kid anymore and I can’t stop seeing her as ‘more than a friend’. Even more unfortunate, Chase says if I lay a finger on her, he’ll never speak to me again. No matter how difficult it is, I have to resist her.


I fell in love with my best friend Ravi when I was sixteen. Now, I’m eighteen and I’ve made a decision: before I go to college I’m giving Ravi my virginity.

After one steamy summer together Ravi and Hadley are at odds. They just can’t seem to agree on the direction to take their relationship. Hadley wants it all, while Ravi just wants to make sure his best friend, Chase, never finds out what happened between the two of them. When they’re forced to live together, will Ravi be able to resist the woman he hasn’t stopped thinking about for over a year? Or will it be too
hard to resist

Preview of

Hard to Resist

(Sexy Nerd Boys, 3)


: the state of infatuation.
: a short-lived, but intense attraction to another person. What constitutes ‘short-lived’? A week? A month? A year? I’m thinking three years is probably past the grace period to describe something as ‘short-lived’. The intense part though? Yeah, I’ve got that covered.

The rhythmic pounding of feet on pavement has always been soothing to me. Finding that perfect pace where you can zone out and just run. I can’t think of anything better than that. I let my mind wander during these bi-weekly cross-country runs with the track team. I think about the future; mostly what I wish it would be, instead of what it will be. I spend a lot of time doing my best
to think about…

“Hadley Parker,” Greg Peterson says reverently to a sophomore whose name I can’t remember, a few paces ahead of me. “I’m telling you man, she is so fucking hot.”

I bite my tongue until I taste blood. Greg Peterson is too big of a tool to even
her name.

“Isn’t her brother, Chase, is crazy overprotective?” The kid asks.

Hell yeah, Chase is overprotective. As far as he’s concerned, no one is good enough for his sister. Not even his best friend in the world...that would be me.

“I guess so, but she’s like a secret agent or some shit. She’s really good at sneaking around so big brother doesn’t kill a guy,” Greg says with a laugh.

Bile rises in my throat. This doesn’t sound like a hypothetical ‘have you seen that chicks rack’ type conversation. Not that it’s any of my business who Hadley is sneaking around with.

Having a ridiculously inappropriate crush on your best friend’s twin sister really sucks.

I don’t have a clue what my trigonometry teacher is going on about at this point. I’ve done nothing but stare daggers at the back of Greg Peterson’s head since class started. I wish I’d been running near someone else this morning.

A light knock at the classroom door gives the teacher pause.

The door opens and, as though summoned by my errant thoughts, Hadley steps in. Her long, chestnut hair is pulled into a messy bun at the base of her neck. Her striking winter green eyes land on me and light mischievously. She schools her features quickly and looks blandly at the teacher.

“I’m sorry to interrupt, Mr. Voss. I was sent to bring Ravi down to the office.” She holds out a pink slip of paper to indicate that she’s here on ‘official office orders’.

I gather up my things and follow her out of the classroom. Once we’re halfway down the hallway we both burst out laughing.

“Thanks for the prison break LP.” I sling an arm over her shoulder and try my hardest not to notice how warm and nice she feels tucked against me. “Where the hell did you get the office note from?”

“I swiped the pad when the secretary wasn’t looking. If they didn’t want people to take them then they shouldn’t leave them just sitting there on the desk,” she defends.

“Are we getting Chase, too?” I ask as we head for one of the side exits.

She scrunches her face up and shakes her head.

“He always lectures me about ditching class.”

“Okay, where to?”

She rolls her eyes at my question. It is a dumb question because there’s only one place in the world Hadley would want to go on a beautiful spring day instead of sitting in class.

“Alright, let’s go to the lake,” I concede with a laugh.

BOOK: Impossible Girl (Sexy Nerd Boys #2.5)
12.85Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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