Read In Love With My Best Friend Online

Authors: Sheena Binkley

In Love With My Best Friend (6 page)

BOOK: In Love With My Best Friend
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Chapter 10

fter getting through work the next day without any mishaps, I
was glad to know the weekend had arrived. I was driving to my
parents’ home, looking forward to seeing them and having a homecooked meal.

As I was entering the driveway, I noticed Camille’s car was parked in
her parents’ driveway, which only made my heart thump in my chest.
We hadn’t really spoken to each other since what happened the other
night. After holding her in my arms for the rest of the night, I left her
house the next morning feeling very guilty. If Camille hadn’t stopped
us, we would have slept together, and I would have broken my vows to
Chelsea before we even made them.

While at work yesterday, my mind kept going back to the time I first
met Chelsea. It was during our junior year of college and I was going
to a movie with Camille. When I went by Camille’s dorm room to pick
her up, Chelsea opened the door, giving me a smile that could have lit
up the entire city of Houston.

I couldn’t take my eyes off of her as I automatically looked into her
hazel eyes. Her long, reddish-brown hair was pulled into a ponytail,
making her look much younger than she was. She was a vision of beauty to me, and I automatically knew I wanted to know more about her….

“Hi, you must be Trevor. Camille has told me so much about you,”
Chelsea said as she extended her hand out to me.
“You must be Chelsea. How are things going with Cam? I know she
can be pretty bossy sometimes,” I jokingly said.
“I heard that!” Camille yelled from the bathroom.
Chelsea laughed at the two of us as she went toward her desk. I walked
into the room and stood by Camille’s bed.
“I’m only telling the truth. Sometimes you can be pretty intimidating.”

“Oh please! Don’t pay any attention to Trevor. He thinks every woman is intimidating when they don’t notice him. But not to worry, you
pretty much have every girl on campus eating out of the palm of your
hand,” Camille said as she entered the room.

I watched as Camille walked to her dresser to pull out a sweater. At that
time, I had to step back and notice the girl that I had considered my
best friend since our preteens. I didn’t know if it was the way she styled
her hair that day or the outfit she was wearing, but I was definitely
looking at her differently.

Chelsea noticed how I was looking at Camille. “I guess that’s why you
two never dated?”
I looked at Camille as she glanced at me. We started to laugh at Chelsea’s
“Trevor and I dating? That will never happen. We’re just friends,”
Camille said while searching through her jewelry box.

I gave a nervous chuckle as I looked from Camille to Chelsea. “Yeah,
we’re just friends.”
“Wow, I find that hard to believe that two attractive people like you
never dated.”

“I guess we never looked at each other like that. We’re like brother and
sister,” Camille said.
“Yeah, we are,” I said as I gave Camille a strange look.

Although I didn’t know it at the time, I think that was when my feelings
for Camille were slowly starting, but when she announced we were just
friends, I realized that maybe I needed to see what else was out there.

Wow, I had feelings for Camille all along,
I thought as I lay my head on the

Once Chelsea knew it was clear to flirt with me, she did it every chance
she got. It eventually worked because we quickly started dating. After
I told Camille about Chelsea and me, the only words she uttered were
“It’s cool.”

If she would have told me she had feelings for me, we could have been together.

I closed my eyes to relieve some of the pressure I was starting to have
in my temples when someone started tapping on my window. I looked
up, startled to see my father standing by the car door. My father motioned me to get out the car, which I did.

“I was wondering when you were going to stop by the house,” he said
as he gave me a hug.
“I’m sorry I haven’t been by sooner,” I said while hugging my dad.
“You’re here now. Guess who else is here?”
“Dad, don’t tell me it’s the Andersons.”
“Why do you sound like that? I thought you would be glad to see
“I am, but I thought it would just be us today.”
“Something else is going on. What is it, son?”

Before I could say anything, we walked into the door, and my heart
started thumping again. Camille was in the living room with her parents, looking even more beautiful than the last time I saw her.

She gave me a small smile as she started to nervously put her hands in
her lap.
“Trevor, it’s great to see you,” Camille’s mom, Claire Anderson, said as
she came up to me for a hug.

As I returned the hug, I noticed that Claire and Camille could definitely pass as sisters rather than mother and daughter. The two had
the same golden-caramel-colored skin and dark-brown hair, of which
Claire had in a medium-length bob.

“Likewise, Mrs. Anderson.”
“How long have we known each other? You know you can call me
“OK, Claire.” I said, giving her a wide smile, which showed off my

“Did I hear my son in here?” my mom asked as she walked into the
living room. Her black hair was bouncing back and forth as she rushed
over to me and gave me a hug.

“Hi, Mom.”
“I’m so glad you’re home,” she said as she gave me a squeeze.
“I’m glad to be home, Mom,” I said while staring at Camille.

She continued to fidget with her hands, indicating how nervous she
was around me. Camille had always been a shy girl, but she could definitely hold her own when she needed to, which made me intrigued to
be around her.

I could tell her mom was picking up some vibes between us as she
looked at her daughter and then at me.

“Dinner is almost served. Everyone wash up and go into the dining
room,” my mom said as she headed toward the breakfast nook near
the dining room.

“Do you need any help with anything, Mom?” I asked.
“No, everything is taken care of. Now relax.”

As I went into the kitchen to wash my hands, Camille was already
there. I was reaching for the soap when she was reaching for a paper
towel, which was in the same area. Our hands slightly brushed against
each other, causing a spark to go through me.

“Sorry,” Camille said softly as she hurriedly pushed her hand away and
waited for me to grab the soap.
“We can’t keep avoiding each other,” I said softly as I washed my hands.

“I know we can’t, but what happened the other night was a mistake.
Even though I would love for us to be together, you and I know we
can’t be.”

“I know, but I just keep going back to when you told me how you felt.
Why didn’t you ever tell me? If you would have been honest with me,
we could have given a relationship a chance.”

“So this is my fault? Don’t put this on me, Trevor. You were the one
who said we would only be friends and nothing more.”
“When did I say that?”
“Back in high school when Charles asked the question.”
“You’re basing this on what I said in high school about us not having
a relationship? Why didn’t you just talk to me?”
“Because I thought your feelings were pretty clear.”

“If I remember correctly, you said the exact same thing to me in your
dorm room when I first met Chelsea. Remember, ‘we’re like brother
and sister?’” I said while making air quotes.

“Oh please, that was only because of your statement in high school.”
I started to roll my eyes at Camille.
“Are we really going to blame each other over why we never dated?”

“I think we just did,” Camille said.
I went up to her and put her in my arms. She tried to resist, but I wouldn’t
let her. I needed to hold her, feel her close to me, just like the other night.

I took my finger and wiped away a tear that was falling down her cheek.
She looked at me, trying hard not to kiss me. Even though both of our
parents were in the dining room, I didn’t care. I picked up her chin and
looked directly at her. She stared into my brown eyes as I brought her
lips toward mine. The events from Thursday started to flow through
my mind as my lips longingly touched hers, reliving the desire we felt
for each other that night.

As we deepened our kiss, Camille drew me closer to her, causing her
back to go up against the counter. I moved my hand underneath her
shirt, sliding her bra up to feel her breast. She ran her fingers through
my hair, which completely put me over the edge. I pulled her up so
she could sit on the counter while I moved my hand up her thigh and
under her skirt. I slithered my hand between the fabric of her lace
panties, causing her to tremble.

“We can’t do this here,” she lustfully whispered in my ear.
“We can if we’re quiet,” I said as I kissed her neck.
“This is your parents’ home. I won’t disrespect them like this,” she
struggled to say while giving a tiny moan.
The kitchen door swung open, causing me to turn around and Camille
to jump off the counter.
“Am I interrupting something?” Camille’s dad, Keith Anderson, asked.
Camille gave an embarrassed stare at her father while trying to pull
down her skirt. I turned my head, not sure what to say or do.
“No, Dad. We’ll be out in a second,” she said softly.
Mr. Anderson looked at the both of us with a disenchanted gaze before turning around and going back into the dining room.
Camille went to the sink and washed her hands. She looked at me as
she walked toward the door.
“We can’t keep doing this.”
“Camille, wait.”
She walked out of the kitchen, leaving me unsure of how to explain
what just happened to anyone, let alone to myself.
When I finally regained my composure, among other things, I went out
into the dining room for dinner.
“Nice of you to finally come out of the kitchen. What were you doing
in there?” my dad asked.
“I have an idea,” Camille’s dad softly answered as he spooned some
peas onto his plate.
Camille looked at me while she sipped her iced tea.
“Sorry I took so long,” I said while taking a bowl of mashed potatoes.

“How’s the new job going, Trevor?” Claire asked while taking a bite
of chicken.
“It’s going good so far. I actually have a campaign to work on tomorrow, so that should keep me busy.

“Too bad you and Chelsea can’t have a honeymoon since you started
your new job. I know she’s probably upset about that,” my mom said.
“No, she’s actually pretty cool about it. Besides, we’ll take one as soon
I accrue vacation time.”
“How is your fiancée doing, Trevor?” Keith asked in an irritable tone
while giving me a hostile look.

I looked at Camille’s dad, not sure whether I should answer his question or run and hide. Camille’s dad was a nice man, if you didn’t get
on his bad side.

I’m definitely on it now since I was feeling up his daughter in my parents’ kitchen.
Everyone at the table, except Camille, noticed Keith’s tone. Claire gave
him an odd glance, wondering what was going on.
“Chelsea is fine. She’ll be here Wednesday.”
“Good. Now you won’t be touching my daughter any longer.”
“Keith!” Claire exclaimed.
Camille put a hand to her face and sighed.
“What are you talking about, Keith?” my dad asked.
“I saw these two in the kitchen feeling each other up like no one would
walk in on them. How long have you two been together?”
“It’s not what you think, Dad,” Camille said.
“I think I know what I saw. I may be old, but I’m not blind.”
“OK, everyone, let’s just calm down and let the kids talk. Camille,
Trevor, what’s going on?” my mom asked.

Camille looked at me and took a deep breath. Before she could say
anything, I jumped in, figuring this was mainly my fault. “Camille and
I sort of discovered we have feelings for each other.”

“When did this happen?” Claire asked while looking at Camille.

“It’s been for a while; we just never admitted them to each other,” I
said. I looked over at Camille, who looked completely embarrassed
about the entire situation.

“Wait, you two have feelings for each other? What about Chelsea?” my
mom asked.
“It’s complicated,” Camille said softly.
“Peter, Amanda, I think we should take a rain check on dinner. We need
to talk to our daughter,” Claire said as she gave Camille a stony glance.

When Claire gave that stare to anyone, especially Camille, we knew she
meant business. Camille quickly got up from the dinner table and said
good-bye to my parents. She looked at me one last time before heading
to the door with her parents.

Once the door was closed, I turned to look at my parents. Although I
was a grown man and could make decisions on my own, just the look
on my parents’ faces made me feel like a little child.
“Start talking,” my dad said.

I sighed as I ran my hand through my hair. I didn’t know what to possibly say to my parents that I couldn’t figure out for myself.

“When I came back from Dallas, I started to realize that maybe my
relationship with Camille should have been more than us being friends.
I began to notice a change between us after the engagement party, especially when we started hanging out again. I think I had feelings for
her way before the party; I just never wanted to admit them. We went
out the other night and we sort of gave into our feelings.”

“You two slept together?” my mom asked in a surprised tone.
“We stopped before anything happened.”

“Trevor, you’re getting married next weekend. Don’t you think you
need to figure out where your feelings are before you walk down the
aisle?” my dad asked.

“I know that, but right now I don’t know what to think. I love Chelsea;
I automatically knew she would become my wife someday. But with
Camille, I feel so comfortable around her. She knows me inside and
out. Not only is she extremely beautiful, but she is also smart and has a
good heart. Being around her makes me a better person, someone that
I want to continue being.”

“Shouldn’t you be saying these things about Chelsea instead of
Camille?” my dad implied

“Honey, you know how much I like Chelsea; she’s a lovely girl. But
I’ve noticed a different side of you when you’re with Camille. It seems
as though you’re more alive and free around her. That’s a side I would
love for you to continue having,” my mom said.
“You’re not helping the situation, Amanda,” my dad replied as he gave
her a stern look.

BOOK: In Love With My Best Friend
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