Read In Too Deep Online

Authors: Roxane Beaufort

Tags: #damsel in distress story, #roxane beaufort

In Too Deep (3 page)

BOOK: In Too Deep
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'I've just
ruined my new dress,' she grumbled, feeling the ripped fabric fall
away from her right thigh and trying to hold it together with one

'Shut up,' he
growled. 'We've been lucky so far. Keep your eyes skinned for the

All was quiet
and they tiptoed from their hiding place. Will skirted the
overgrown kitchen garden, getting ever nearer to the house. It was
illumined by a great sweep of arc lights. They could hear noises
now from the terrace at the rear, laughter, splashing, and the
heady beat of the salsa.

Will was like
a bloodhound on the scent. Julia could feel the tension in him and
her own excitement escalated. She could do it, after all. She had
the instincts of a sleuth that would make her into a top-grade
journalist. She saw that Will had his camera at the ready, holding
it like a weapon. She got hers out, priming it. It was smaller than
Will's, but powerful. If he didn't get pictures, then she certainly

They crept
past a large greenhouse, and reached a hedge which separated them
from the main terrace. A kidney-shaped swimming pool lit up from
inside, lay there like a blue lagoon. There was a paved area with
tubs of flowers, sun-loungers, ironwork chairs and round tables.
Julia could see figures by the pool - a naked woman sprawled on her
back on the tiles, and a muscular black man with a shaven head,
also naked.

Fascinated by
what they were doing, Julia edged closer, forgetting Will and their
mission. Now a rhododendron in full bloom concealed her. 'It's
her,' Will's voice grated in her ear. 'That's Theona, and he's her

He had his
camera aimed in their direction. Julia heard the whirr as he took
picture after picture. She could hardly think, every nerve and
sense concentrated on Theona and her lover. His cock was huge,
rising from a tangle of black hair, long, thick and skyward
pointing. She envied Theona, who fastened her hand around this
monumental object, her fingers unable to circle the girth. It
looked deep purple in colour from that distance, and the
mushroom-like dome shone.

Julia slipped
a hand down to her quim, unable to resist pressing her gusset
against her wet and aching clit. It throbbed through the delicate
material and she passed her finger over it. She couldn't stop
looking at the man's weapon, wondering how a thing that size could
possibly be inserted in a woman's tender channel. Theona chuckled,
pulled back his foreskin even further and slowly moved her head
towards his crotch. Julia saw her tongue gliding round it, her lips
kissing, and then she gradually took it into her mouth, sinking
down till her nose was pressed against his wiry pubes.

She'd surely
choke, Julia thought. But no, Theona's capacity seemed to be
endless, her throat accustomed to such an activity. And Julia
passed her tongue over her own lips, imagining what it would feel
like to have her mouth plugged by such a big cock.

The man
laughed, deep in his chest, and raising one broad hand, slapped
Theona on her bare buttocks. His baritone voice boomed across the
terrace, 'You dirty bitch. You need to be punished. What are

'I'm a dirty
bitch, Gus - a bad girl,' Theona retorted gleefully, and leapt up.
With a hand pressed into the small of her back he propelled her
across the terrace and they disappeared inside the house.

Beside herself
with frustrated lust and curiosity, Julia broke cover, dodging from
one patch of shadow to the next, eager to press her nose against
the window that now sprang into light. She had the impression that
Will was somewhere behind her, but couldn't be sure. At that moment
it didn't seem to matter. All she wanted to do was watch the
couple, see what they would do next, satisfy the burning desire to
learn all she could about sex. Her nipples felt sore, chafed by her
dress, and her panties were damp between her legs.

The window was
slightly above eye-level, but she climbed onto a stone
flower-filled urn, laddering her stockings in the process. This
didn't matter. Nothing did, save the astonishing spectacle
presenting itself to her.

She was
staring into what she at first took to be a gymnasium. This must be
where Theona did her training, keeping that marvellous body in
perfect shape. But now the singer was bent over a vaulting horse,
her tawny ringlets streaming down on one side of it, breasts
pressed against the padding, her nubile body arched, her generous
buttocks bare. The man she'd called Gus, a veritable giant in
height and strength, was drawing her arms down and fastening cuffs
on her wrists, attached to the contraption by chains. He did the
same to her legs, forcing them apart, each ankle strapped to

From her
vantage point, Julia looked straight into the dark crease that
divided Theona's bottom cheeks. She could see the tight rosebud of
her anus, the hairy outer labia, the wet pink inner pair and the
engorged clitoris poking out between. A quick glance around showed
Julia that the padded horse was not the only piece of furniture in
the room. There was a wooden crosspiece, a table with holes at
strategic points in its length, also fitted with rings and chains.
A rack ran along one wall from which hung whips and canes, flails
and rods, bundles of leather harnesses, and articles that looked
like gags and blindfolds.

Julia grasped
the windowsill, camera forgotten in her excitement. What on earth
was this place and why did it contain such weird and alarming
objects? Yet the frightening aspect of it was making her adrenaline
flow, and she was aware that her panties were damper than ever.
Then her eyes nearly popped out of her head as Gus paced over to
the rack and carefully selected a long-handled, flexible paddle
covered in white leather. He swished it, then pressed his thumb
against it and let go. The paddle twanged.

He took up a
stance at Theona's hindquarters, his muscles rippling under that
shiny dark skin, his haunches tight, his spread thighs supporting
his trunk, his erection huge, though only partly roused. Julia held
her breath. Gus raised one mighty, muscle-knotted arm and the
paddle thwacked down on Theona's right buttock. She yelped, jerked,
strained at her bonds. Gus threw back his arm again and the paddle
walloped across her left cheek. The right one was already
reddening. Julia's heart thundered, her clit demanding that she rub
it. She saw Theona writhing, heard her cries, but now they held a
new note, a keening wail like a cat on heat. With a jarring shock,
Julia realised the singer was actually enjoying it!

Now Gus stood
between her legs, smoothed his hands over the flaming red blotches
embroidered on her rump, then took his massive prick and introduced
the helm to her wet cunt. Theona moaned and lifted her hips as far
as her restraints would allow. He reached underneath her, massaging
her clit, and she shrieked her pleasure. Gus's powerful hips
propelled his cock at a rapid rate. He thrust in and out of her,
every inch of rippling back, neat waist and taunt bum proclaiming
his athleticism. Poetry in motion, Julia thought, while thought was
still possible. He tensed, flung back his head and cried out, then
slumped over Theona, emptied of spunk.

At that
moment, when Julia was just about to join them in their coming, she
was toppled from her perch. She struggled against the hands that
held her, shouting up at her assailant, a bald-headed, broken-nosed
bruiser. 'What the hell are you doing? Let me go at once!'

'You ain't
going nowhere, deary,' the man proclaimed. 'We have ways of dealing
with nasty little trespassers like you.'

galvanised her into action. She clawed, spat and kicked at him,
trying to bring her knee up and jab him in the balls, but he simply
laughed and squeezed her tightly in his iron-hard arms. She could
hear another commotion, and a glance told her that Will, too, had
been apprehended. One thickset man was grappling with him, while
another had snatched his camera.

'Come on,
you!' he shouted. 'And Roy, bring that nosy tart. We'll see what
Miss Blue has to say about you. She don't take kindly to intruders.
You'll most likely spend the night in the nick!'





Whatever Julia
expected when frogmarched into the house, it certainly wasn't the
magnificent library in which she now found herself.

The light from
crystal chandeliers played on jewel-hued Persian rugs and parquet
flooring. The walls were lined with glass-fronted shelves
containing leather-bound books. Large landscapes hung in gilded
frames. There were heavily carved oak chairs and tables, a
fireplace with a ceiling-high hood upheld by stone Titans, and a
deeply cushioned chesterfield upon which reclined the woman she had
last seen tied over a vaulting-horse - Theona Blue.

She was
swathed in an exotic silk djellaba and Gus, standing beside her,
arms folded over his chest, wore a towel knotted round his hips.
Julia was dragged forward and Roy kneed the backs of her legs. She
fell, facedown, at Theona's feet. She had never felt more
humiliated. She struggled to rise, but he kept a hand on her neck,
forcing her into a submissive position.

'What's all
this?' Theona said, and Julia lifted her head high enough to meet
the interest in the singer's amber eyes.

'Found her
looking in the window of the gym,' Roy grunted, and then jerked his
thumb to where Will stood, fuming, between the two other guards.
'Ken and Joe got him as he was taking photographs. I reckon they're
reporters, madam.'

'There was no
need to throw my camera in the pool,' Will raged. 'It's worth a
lot. Who is going to pay for it?'

'No doubt
you're insured,' Theona replied coolly, eyeing him from head to
foot, 'I take no responsibility. You have no business being here. I
could have you arrested. Who are you, and what's your little
friend's name?'

Will threw off
his captors and stepped forward. Anger blazed in his eyes as he
glared at her. 'I'm Will Denton, and the young lady is Julia

paparazzi,' she sneered, her robe parting over the deep V between
her breasts. 'A disgusting breed.' As she crossed one golden-tanned
leg over the other the garment slithered open, revealing a
breathtaking glimpse of thigh and a delicate bare foot with an
arched instep.

'Not so,' Will protested, apparently unmoved by this display,
facing her and her heavies. 'I work for a reputable magazine
Hi Life
. You may
have heard of it.'

'I have
indeed, and what do you want with me?' Theona rose with all the
agility of a pampered cat. She prowled round the kneeling Julia and
sashayed up to Will, subjecting him to a heavy-lidded stare,
standing so close that the tips of her breasts brushed the front of
his sweater.

'I'd like to
interview you and take photographs,' he answered and Julia,
watching, admired his cool.

'Is that so?'
Theona purred, lifted a hand and ran it casually through his hair.
'What are you prepared to pay?'

'I wasn't
instructed to negotiate a fee,' he returned, and his face was
expressionless, his lack of reaction to her closeness provoking her
to persist in her attentions.

Her fingers
wandered across his chest, finding the hidden nubs of his male
nipples and tweaking them. 'But if I give you what you ask, then
I'm entitled to something in return,' she stated flatly, and passed
the tip of her tongue over her red lips.

'That very
much depends on your price.'

'I'm sure we
can come to some arrangement that's beneficial to all of us,' she
said and, reaching down, held his erection, rubbing it through his

'It's a deal,'
Will growled, his voice no longer steady.

'But you'll
take shots of me clothed and write a sensible, career-oriented,
non-salacious piece about me,' she went on. 'I may permit you to
include Gus, or I may not.'

'You call the

'I always do.
And now we'll play before we get down to business.' She left him
abruptly and turned to Julia. 'Get up,' she ordered.

staggered to her feet. She was mortally ashamed of her appearance,
convinced that she looked a mess. Her stockings were wrinkled, her
torn skirt barely covered her thighs and, during the tussle with
Roy, the ribbons tying her panties had snapped and she had been
forced to step out of them. To her eternal shame, she had seen him
pick them up and take a long sniff at the tiny bundle before
thrusting it into his pocket.

Theona had the
advantage of height, even though shoeless, and Julia was forced to
look up at her. 'We meant no harm―'

'Of course you
did!' Theona snapped. 'Invading my privacy! How dare you? What did
you see, and how much?' She flung round to Roy, shouting, 'Destroy
her camera, too. I won't be made the butt of the gutter-press.'

Hi Life
like that!' Julia exclaimed, remembering Denise and the pride they
all took in the magazine.

'I'll bet,'
Theona scoffed, and narrowed her eyes, examining Julia with as much
attention to detail as she had Will.

Her stare was
unnerving, embarrassing and exciting. Julia couldn't rid herself of
the pictures of the singer being paddled by Gus. Her own buttocks
stung as she remembered the red blotches spreading over the rounded
hillocks, and she wondered if Theona felt pain every time she sat
down. How long before such marks faded? These thoughts obsessed her
and, with Theona so close and Gus not far away, she experienced an
ache within her impossible to assuage by anything except

suddenly, Theona hissed, 'Take your clothes off.'

'Me?' Julia's
eyes widened and her hands flew instinctively to her breasts.

BOOK: In Too Deep
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