Read Ineffable Online

Authors: Sherrod Story

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #United States, #African American, #Women's Fiction, #Romance, #Multicultural, #Multicultural & Interracial

Ineffable (13 page)

BOOK: Ineffable
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Margot burst out laughing. “You shithead.”

“Hey, hey. That’s handsome shithead to you. Beautiful, great in bed, with a gorgeous body shit head.” He nuzzled her, his heart easing when he felt her soften, felt her surrender to this wonderful scary thing between them.

“I want you, Margot. You’re mine. Furthermore,” he continued in the formal tone she’d teased him was his business voice, “I have you, and I’m going to keep you. It’s me and you now.” He kissed her gently, eyes firm on hers. “Me and you,” he whispered. “We are a team. One entity with two of everything so we can see, hear and be better than all those who might cross us. Including my too clever for his own good father. Understand?”

She nodded, her soft, relieved sigh settling like a blanket over his heart. But thoughts of hearts and flowers faded. Her sweet pink lips turned up to his was an invitation he could not, did not, want to resist. “Are you done working for the night?”

“What if I said no?” she teased as he pulled her to her feet and began to drag her to the bedroom.

“I’d say, you’re done working for the night.”

He stood back, clenching fisted hands as he watched her step out of the jeans and slowly remove her shirt, bra, and even more slowly, her panties. But instead of enflaming him, her gentle titillation made him smile. He laughed as her smooth brown skin was revealed, continued to laugh as he tugged off his own clothes.

When he was naked, his cock standing straight out like an arrow, he was still smiling, blue eyes sparkling as he opened his arms and watched, intensely satisfied when she walked into them. He sighed as he closed his arms around her warmth.

She squeaked in surprise when he swung her into his arms and laid her on the bed. Once over her he sat back on his heels for a long, thorough look.

“You are the beautiful one,” he whispered. “I feel blessed every time I get to hold you.”

Her eyes grew soft with tears at his heartfelt words, but they didn’t fall. Instead she laughed and pulled him down, her lips against his.

“Me too baby; now get to work.”

Nori grinned, ever ready to meet any challenge. “Yes, ma’am.” And he began to talk.

Margot probably thought he was seducing her. But this game wasn’t only for her. It drove up his pleasure by degrees to engage all of his senses as well as his brain while they made love.

As his hands ran willy nilly over her, squeezing and stroking and pinching where and what he could, he whispered that she was his playground. That he adored her, was frequently jealous of her work because it stole her attention away. He told her that he ached to be with her when they were apart, that he wanted to root deep inside her body like a seed. Then he’d be a part of her forever.

Margot’s head tossed on the pillow, her breath coming hard and fast as Nori whispered more of the most beautiful things. Her body had long since heated, grown wet, as it prepared her for him. The slide of his big, clever hands only made her desire fall faster, and he groaned when he found the insides of her thighs damp with need for him.

“My darling,” he whispered in French, lips trailing kisses over her trembling breasts, the rippling flesh of her flat belly. “You make me hurt.”

She cried out when he took her with his mouth, his tongue a beautiful instrument of torture as he licked a slow and thorough pattern of pleasure over her hot pink and brown flesh.

He whispered that he’d live inside her if he could, else carry her around in his pocket like a toy. Then he could pull her out and play with her whenever he liked. He groaned as he sucked her clit into his mouth, slowly licking as though savoring the most delicious morsel, and his heart thumped in triumph when she cried out, shuddering as a hard climax shook her unmercifully.

That first pleasure done, he backed off and began to finesse her. He kissed his way around slender hips, grazing the dip of her navel with the tip of his tongue before he dragged a wet trail to her breast. There he overfilled his mouth with the soft curves that tortured his thoughts when they weren’t together.

As he made himself comfortable between her legs, he told her that waiting for these moments made him impatient with his staff because he wanted work done so he could come here to be with her.

“Kiss me,” she pleaded, when he teased her mouth but placed his lips against her cheek, her nose, her neck instead.

“No,” he laughed, surging inside her with one decisive stroke that had her gasping beneath him. “I want to hear you. I’ll fill that lovely mouth later,” he promised, hips already churning. “Look at me,” he whispered, reveling in their passion when he saw her struggling to obey. “Look at me.”

She offered a lazy sliver of compelling brown eyes, a tease given between slow, sultry blinks. To compensate she offered long lip licks and a firmly arched back as she moved in tandem with his hard driving strokes.

“Margot,” he groaned, his eyes closing as the slap of their skins, the sound of his hips battering hers grew loud.

He wanted to keep talking, to keep whispering the sweet, filthy little nothings that would elevate her pleasure and create the responses that sent his own through the stratosphere. But it felt too good. He was already there.

He groaned, squeezing her close, unknowingly nipping her hard with his teeth as the pleasure sharpened. It was like the point of a beautiful and deadly blade, piercing his self-control and sending rapture exploding through every cell of his body.

Margot held him close as he shook in her arms. Gentle hands rubbed and stroked, stretching the pleasure out until his entire body tingled with her goodness. When he caught his breath he raised his head and kissed her, a clever, gentle caress that wordlessly offered every sweet thing he felt in his heart. He wondered if she had any real idea how he felt to be with her, inside her, surrounded by her warmth and scent and softness.

His arms tightened briefly then released when she slipped from the bed. He watched, admiring her statuesque form as she shot him a sexy grin over her shoulder before she left. He used the bathroom, quickly tidying himself and slipping back between their tumbled sheets.

He was tired. He had a brace of meetings to look forward to that he knew would do their best to take up most of the day. But tomorrow night he would take her somewhere special for dinner.

She reappeared with two glasses. He took his, thirsty, but didn’t drink immediately so he could watch the gentle rise and fall of those luscious breasts as she drank.

“Sleepy?” she asked, setting the glass aside and padding into the bath to begin her nightly toilette.

“Yes, Lord.”

She laughed, hearing him repeat one of her and Tommy’s common phrases. She turned on the shower. “Coming in with me?”

He nodded, keeping quiet that he’d just washed up, and stood shivering with pleasure as she ran soapy hands all over his body. He shuddered when she wrapped her soapy hand around his cock, cleaning him quickly and efficiently, and making him groan with disappointment when she moved on.

At the sink he held out his brush, and she put paste on it for him. They brushed side by side. Then he watched as she toned her face and neck and applied a few of her potions.

“I’m sorry.” He ran a gentle hand over a slightly red abrasion along her jaw from his beard.

She shrugged and rubbed in a little Neosporin.

He sighed when she took his hand and led him to bed, watched as she shook the wrinkles from sheets and pulled them neatly back for him to get in. He did, blinking up at her as she turned out the lights and slid in beside him.

Almost as soon as she moved into his arms, he slept.



She left for California the next day. As soon as she said goodbye his mood sank like a boat with a hole in it. He called Lado to vent over a drink. His old friend just laughed when he bitched about overly ambitious women who didn’t know their place.

“I can’t believe you of all people are complaining because she’s out of town working. It’s not like she’s gallivanting in a mini skirt showing people her crotch, or following the Grateful Dead hopped up on ecstasy. She’s helping to advertise the Ineffable brand, and put money in your pocket, I might add.”

“She should be here with me,” Nori said stubbornly.

“You want her to only travel with you, then?”

Put like that it did sound fucking ridiculous, and Nori still didn’t give a shit and said so. “Laugh it up. Your day is coming.”

Now Lado did laugh. “Please. I’m a confirmed bachelor, and you know it. I love women, always have, always will, but only in plural. They’re all special, which is why I wouldn’t dream of stopping my fun at just one. And don’t change the subject. Margot’s a hot commodity. She’s going to have to travel sometime.”

“All she had to do was wait one day, and I could have gone with her.”

“You’re being ridiculous. You’re headed out there tomorrow, for God’s sake. Grow back your balls, man!”

“Just wait,” Nori promised. “Soon enough, I’ll be sitting where you are, listening to you bitch about some woman who’s leading you around by the nose. I’m going to remind you how cruel and uncaring you were.”

“You are so French right now.”

Nori swore at his best friend in his native tongue, and Lado just laughed and ordered them another round.

The next day Nori worked the entire flight. His father called several times before he boarded the redeye. He refused to pick up. He was looking forward to seeing his woman, and he would not allow his old man to ruin their reunion with whatever machinations he’d dreamed up. Time enough to deal with it when he was back in town.

Satisfied with the work he’d accomplished, he collected his bag from the overhead bin and waited impatiently for the old couple ahead of him in first class to deplane. He was in the taxi on the way to Margot’s hotel before he remembered to turn on his cell phone. He’d call her. They could get a reservation somewhere. They’d have to bring Tommy, but no matter. He could be friendly for the few hours needed to get rid of her friends for the night.

A series of text messages popped up before he could dial her.

Don’t be mad.

What the hell?

It wasn’t my fault.

His phone rang. His father.

“What do you want?” he snapped in French.

“Are you in town?”

“No, I’m in LA on my way to meet Margot.”

“At the jail?”


“You don’t know? She’s locked up! There was some kind of fight last night, and she’s behind bars. If you’d answered your fucking phone you’d know this! I’ve already arranged for our attorney to go to the jail to see about her release, but it was too late to stop it from getting out. There are pictures all over the fucking Internet. Ineffable is all over the news!”

“I have to call you back.”

He immediately tried Margot’s number. It went to straight to voicemail.

Are you there?

Answer the phone!

I can’t. I’m not allowed to use my cell. I had to sweet talk the guard into letting me keep it so I can text you. He has to take it back soon.

Sweet talk the guard! Jesus.

Where are you?

She told him.

I’m on my way.


The lawyer was already there when he arrived, and an hour later she was released.

His worried eyes ran over her, but other than appearing uncharacteristically disheveled and still wearing clothes from the night before she – and Tommy – looked fine.

She hesitated when she saw him. He opened his arms, and she rushed into them.

“Hey, man,” said Tommy, yawning and casual despite catching and holding all eyes in her strapless, gold lame gown. “Thanks for springing us. I’ll pay you back.”

He scowled at her. “Never mind that,” he ordered, hustling them out and into a waiting car.

“Tell me what happened.”

Face tucked firmly into his neck, at first he didn’t think Margot was going to respond. He had no plans to press her; he was enjoying the familiar feel of her in his arms. She was safe. He sighed and pulled her closer.

Tommy waved a careless hand. “A slight contretemps with a restaurant patron. Asshole,” she muttered. “Do you suppose we’ll have to come back out here for court?” she asked Margot.

“I fucking hope not. I hate LA.”

Nori wasn’t too fond of the place right now either.

“Where is Dom?” he asked Tommy.

“In Ireland, thank God. If he was in the country I’d really be in for it. I don’t even wanna know what he’ll have to say when he finds out. Good night.” She yawned. “I’m so tired. And we have a meeting in three hours.”

Nori stared at her like she’d grown an extra head. “You just got out of jail, and you’re talking about a meeting?”

She looked at him like, yeah, and laughed softly. “I’m not lettin’ some fucking prick stand in the way of us and this money. By the time this bullshit is over, that prick will already have cost me, us, a grip! Don’t trip,” she dismissed. “It won’t take long. Then we can rest, and we’re out of here the day after tomorrow.”

Manfully resisting the urge to blister her with his tongue, Nori managed to hold his ire until he and Margot were alone in her suite. He ordered breakfast for them and unpacked while she showered. She was in there a long time. By the time she emerged, swathed in a voluminous pink robe decorated with purple orchids, he was about to explode.

BOOK: Ineffable
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