Inked Stepbrother: New Adult Stepbrother Romance (2 page)

BOOK: Inked Stepbrother: New Adult Stepbrother Romance
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Chapter 4

I split before things get even more awkward. I don't need to be a part of this family when I can see I'm not wanted. I don't even let myself feel guilty for making fun of Candy.

Though my mind keeps telling me she doesn't deserve what I did to her ... But I can't get her image out of my head, it's like she's on replay in my mind - never stopping. I feel like I have to punish her, even though she did nothing wrong.

But what I feel for her ... that's definitely
right for a big brother.

For fuck's sake though, who doesn't wear a bra to breakfast?

My mind still hasn't recovered from that fact, her nipples hard and pebbled against that almost transparent top, which should be illegal, by the way. I can just imagine some teenager getting nasty ideas when she strolls in dressed like that.

I know I got them.

I spend the whole day outside and come back in the late afternoon. Hearing my Mom and Mark in the living room downstairs, I avoid that area like the plague, instead heading upstairs.

I spent all day making plans and looking up some old connections for my new business venture, and I'm dead beat. I head straight into the bathroom, stripping my clothes and running myself an ice cold shower.

I let the water beat down on me, my eyes enjoying the coolness. My muscles are sore from the workout I did after I left, and I can't wait to get to bed. I've just turned the water off and started drying myself in the shower when I hear the door opening.

Well, this is about to get awkward.

I can hear someone murmuring and humming a song under their breath, and it's pretty obvious it's my little stepsister. She's singing Like A Virgin, for fuck's sake.

I fight the smile making its way on my lips, covering my mouth with my hand. That's when her hand sneaks behind the shower curtain and reaches for the handle. I move out of the way quickly as she turns the shower on and scalding water hits my shoulders.

Stifling back a curse, I stand in the water, waiting for a moment.

She sings softly as she gets ready for the shower, and I can just picture her perky tits as she lifts up her top.
Fuck me.

Hearing her coming closer, I make sure to move my hands from my front until I'm completely exposed. And that's when she moves the shower curtain aside, standing before me in all her glory.

But for fuck's sake, little Candace Winters is not a little girl any more.

My little sis has tits that should be forbidden for anyone who's not a freaking porn star. They're huge but perky, her nipples pebbled but softening with the steam coming from the shower.

And that's when my eyes travel down her body.

Perfect, toned belly ... Legs for days. And in between, her pussy.

She's shaved bare, and it makes me clench my fists thinking she did that for some asshole she's dating. But the rest of my body doesn't react the same way, because my cock twitches at the sight of her, growing immediately like I'm getting ready for Candy.

And that's when she realizes what's going on. Her eyes widen and immediately lower as I run a hand through my dripping wet hair, and she's fixated on my hard cock.

I don't think.

I should tease her and walk away.

But fuck, that seems impossible at this very moment.

Instead, I reach for her lithe body and I lift her like she weighs nothing, placing her next to me in the shower. She's frozen to the spot, water running down her face and body, her glorious tits glistening with the moisture. I don't even dare look down ...

I can't resist. I pull her closer.

Her body crashes against mine, cold but warming up with my touch. My hand finds the small of her back and I crush her against me. Her eyes fly up and I move away her wet hair, looking into her eyes.

She looks like some deer in headlights, so scared ... Vulnerable.

So fucking innocent.

And I have to ruin her.

I press my lips against hers and she doesn't fight me. She just stands next to me, shivering lightly in my arms as I claim her mouth, my cock stirring between us.

She squirms when she feels my hardness against her body, but then melts in my arms, pressing herself closer, her tits pushing up against my chest until I think I'm going to drag her into my bedroom right away.

I move away for a second, the kiss still innocent and without tongue. She desperately reaches for me, trying to pull me back in, her eyes glued to my lips.

"Fuck, baby," I groan against her mouth. "How am I supposed to resist this?"

She whimpers, desperate for me to kiss her again, but that's when reality hits me. I gently take my hands off her and she just stares at me, hard.

And I see the recognition settling in her eyes before she realizes what we've done.

With a soft cry, she grabs a towel from the rack and steps out of the shower, covering her body with the fabric. She doesn't look at me again, rushing out of our shared bathroom immediately.

And I'm left under the hot shower with a raging erection.

This won't end well.

Chapter 5

I can't believe that happened.

Maybe if I shut my eyes tight enough, it will all disappear.

But I can't forget a single moment of it, and what scares me more ...
I don't want to.

His body is insane. You can tell he has muscles when he's wearing clothes, but without them ... He's all hard muscle, toned and lean. His abdomen is the only part of him that doesn't have some kind of ink on it, and there's another thing ...

His nipple is pierced.

Just thinking about it sends shivers down my spine and I'm going insane thinking about it.

Tossing and turning in my bed, I'm well aware I won't be getting much sleep tonight. The thought of his hands on my naked body is too fresh in my mind to let go ...
And I want more.


It must be hours later and I've dozed off into a fitful sleep. I'm woken up by some noise in the hallway and my blood freezes in my veins. We had a burglary about a year ago and installed alarms, but right now I'm so freaked out I can barely breathe.

So I don't know what I'm thinking when I crawl out of bed quietly and open my door, peeking outside.

What I see shouldn't surprise me, but what happens next does.

It's Hunter, and he appears to be going out. He's old enough to do what he wants, I'm well aware of that. I guess he just didn't want to wake up our parents and answer any unnecessary questions.

"Hunter!" I call out, my instincts getting the better of me. Immediately, my hand flies up to cover my mouth and I blush furiously. Thankfully it's already pitch black, so he won't be able to see.

He turns around slowly, spotting me standing behind him, my door ajar and separating us. Before I have time to react, he slips into my room and closes the door quietly behind us.

My heart begins to pound steadily, but quickly, and I swear I feel the temperature rising in my room. That is until I see Hunter's face.

"Don't you go prattling to your Daddy," he says with a frown on his face. "I'm allowed to go whenever, wherever."

I don't know what hurts more - the fact that he's got that expression on his face when he's speaking to me or not acknowledging what happened in the bathroom only hours before this.

I guess it makes sense though. He probably has a slew of girls tailing him. He doesn't need me ... What on Earth could I offer Hunter Parker?

I cross my hands in front of my body and give him a defiant look. "I don't care what you do or don't do," I snap at him. "But I'd appreciate if you didn't wake me up, being noisy in the middle of the night."

"Oh yeah?" Hunter steps closer to me and I nearly topple over, I get that excited by his closeness. "So Daddy dearest won't have a clue about this tomorrow?"

I smirk weakly. "I hope you're not doing drugs," I say, not knowing what on earth to add. He looks confused for a moment, but soon amusement crosses his face.

"I'm going to a party, Candy," he explains. "I'll do what I fucking what."

I look at him, my chin raised defiantly. "Whatever!"

He leans against my closet casually, his arms crossed in front of him nonchalantly, the tattoos taunting me to touch his flexed muscles. "You wanna come?" he asks, that ever present smirk still on his face.

My eyes widen. "To ... a party?" I ask cautiously.

Hunter just stares at me incredulously. "Yes, Ma'am," he says formally. "We'll be gallivanting and playing chess into the early hours of the morning."

I flush deeply and then, before I can stop it, I'm already nodding, my smile braver than my true feelings at the moment. "Yeah, I wanna come."

Hunter actually has the decency to look surprised, but his eyes shoot up questioningly. Finally, he just shrugs and puts his hands in the pockets of his jeans. "Whatever, princess. Hurry up though, I ain't waiting up."

I don't need to be told twice, and I have no idea, but I'm getting more and more excited about the whole thing. I'm not going to admit it to Hunter of all people, but I've always been kind of a recluse and not social at all. I could count all the parties I've gone to on one hand.

I rummage through my closet as he watches me with amusement, yawning every so often. My hands settle on a bandage dress I bought on a whim, but I tell myself I can't possibly wear that, it's way too tight.

But maybe ...

Hunter can mess with me all he wants, but now it's time to bring out the big guns.

I pull out the clothes I've picked out and he looks at me expectantly.

"Well?" I ask impatiently and he gives me a confused look. "Can you leave so I can change?"

This seems to amuse him, because he steps closer and grins in my face. "Nothing I haven't seen before, little sis," he says sweetly into my face and I'm pretty sure I discover a new shade of red with the intensity of my blushing.

I punch him in the shoulder but he just keep laughing, unaffected by my outburst. Finally, he raises his hands in defeat and turns towards the closet so he's not facing me.

Hesitantly, I move towards the bed and strip out of my PJs, sliding the dress over my head. I don't wear a bra, and I decide to be daring and go for a red lacy thong. Then, I put on some strappy black heels and some perfume.

"Don't drown," Hunter remarks behind me and I stick my tongue out at his back, which is followed by his chuckle. Confused, I run a hairbrush through my tangled waves and finally announce I'm ready, my heart still beating like crazy at the thought of changing clothes in the same room as my stepbrother.

It isn't until we're halfway down the stairs that I remember there's a mirror in the door of my closet ...

Meaning I just gave Hunter the show of his life.

Chapter 6

As soon as I see Candy all ready in the mirror she apparently forgot about, I'm reminded just how bad of a idea this is. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I try not to show it, though pretending the kiss in the bathroom didn't happen is hard enough.

We go downstairs quietly, tiptoeing on the staircase, and head into the garage. Candy stops expectantly in front of one of our cars, but I walk straight to my motorcycle.

"Hunter?" she asks hesitantly, coming over, wobbly in her too-high heels.

Don't look. Never look.

I'll have to keep telling myself that, because her tits are spilling out of her dress and I'm going to lose my mind if I so much as take a peek.

"Here you go," I groan, pushing a helmet in her hands, which she just stares at with disgust, like I just handed her a live cockroach.

"Problem?" I add impatiently, glaring at her as I put on my own helmet and straddle the bike.

She raises her eyes at me, looking completely horrified. "I can't ride that!" she exclaims, her shock so genuine it makes me want to laugh my ass off. "I'm wearing a dress ... and heels!"

"Oh, okay," I say with mock surprise. "I had no idea!"

I roll my eyes and take my helmet away, putting it in the storage area of the bike in the back. "Shouldn't have expected a good girl like you to do something adventurous in her life, for once."

She looks embarrassed and it feels a little bad to mock her, but I know it has to be done. I never should have invited her, anyway.

I start the bike as she stares at me sadly. "Have fun home alone," I throw a remark her way. "I'm sure you're an expert on ... handling yourself by now."

Her cheeks flush in horror, as I get ready to leave, probably waking up the whole neighborhood in the process. But before I can start driving, a weight appears on the back of the bike and I turn my head to the side just as Candy wraps her hands around my waist defiantly.

Not saying another word, I drive off, trying to ignore my raging hard on just from having her arms around me, her perky tits pressed against me in that too tight dress ...


The party we're going to is about a ten minutes' drive away. One of my old friends from home invited me, and I thought it beat sitting in a room by myself. I know they used to do pot, and some cocaine, too, but I have no intent on picking up that habit.

The drives goes by quickly and we stop in front of a frat house soon, Candy's hands unfortunately leaving my body. We climb off the bike and head for the house without saying a word.

Walking in, I'm immediately slapped on the back by several friends and acquaintances, but I notice Candy looking pretty lost in the corner, her arms wrapped protectively around her own body.

Seems strange - this is her hometown now, and she's just at the age where people start going out. Not legal at 19, but probably wild enough to have some fun.

A voice in my head insists I just leave her there.

I took her with me and that's enough, she's good on her own.

I go with my friends, laughing loudly, leaving Candy alone in the corner. I don't even introduce her to anyone, which makes me feel a bit like a shit, but the feeling is gone with the first beer I down.

In a few minutes, a gorgeous brunette is wrapped around me, intent on dragging me upstairs. She's definitely pretty, button nose, green eyes and a tight ass. I wouldn't mind having her take care of me ...

Downing beer after beer, a pleasant buzz builds up in my body. The brunette, Amber, hangs on to my every word and it feels damn good to finally have someone listening to me again.

She's all over me, her hands trailing the tattoos on my arms, her lips whispering things no good girl would ever say. She's promising a night I'll never forget ... And I might just take her up on that offer.

It's been a long time since I've had some pussy.

I grab Amber's ass as she shrieks in delight, pushing her against the wall, my mouth hot on her neck as I bite into her tender skin. She moans and groans as I twist her hands behind her back, my cock getting ready to give her what she wants so badly.

"Hey, bro," a voice calls out from behind me. "Hate to interrupt, but isn't that yours?"

My hands form fists at my side and Amber protests as I turn around. My friend is pointing at the coffee table in the living room, where several people are doing lines of coke.

And wouldn't you know it, one of them is my stepsister.

With a guy's tongue down her throat, and her hand on the table, a line waiting for her.

I feel the rage building up into my body, finally reaching its boiling point.

I forget about Amber, whose taste is still on my lips. I head right into the living room, grab the guy who's kissing Candace by the throat and lift him off the ground.

Several cheers explode around us and Candy looks around, looking more than a little confused. But I'm too focused on the prick in my grip.

I'll be damned, if it isn't the same guy whom I caught her with the day I came back home.

"You her boyfriend or something?" I ask him calmly, gripping his throat just a little bit tighter. The guy chokes pathetically, but I don't loosen my grip.

He doesn't answer, which is a good idea, because either Yes or No might send me into a rage. Instead, I let him go and he crashes on the floor, trying to catch his breath. He gives me a death glare before running off like the dog he is.

I turn towards Candy, my gaze cold and unrelenting.

"Would appreciate it if you whored around on your own time," I tell her before turning around abruptly and heading back to gorgeous Amber, who's motioning for me to come with her finger, all games and seduction.

Just how I like it.

Before I can make it to her, though, a scuffle erupts behind me and I quickly look over my shoulder to see what's going on.

It's Candy, because apparently, I won't be able to catch a minute of peace now that she's here. A bunch of girls are standing around her, and though I'm not an expert, I don't think the way they're standing around her means anything good.

And then a sexy redhead steps forward, a girl I vaguely remember from school around here. She hisses something at Candy before smiling sweetly and spilling her glass all over Candy's dress.

The rest of the girls giggle right along with her and then walk away, leaving Candy in the middle of the living room, drenched in liquor.

BOOK: Inked Stepbrother: New Adult Stepbrother Romance
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