Read Insatiable Online

Authors: Opal Carew

Tags: #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica, #Contemporary

Insatiable (3 page)

BOOK: Insatiable
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Evan put a comforting arm around Crystal’s shoulder. “Crystal, we won’t be very far. We can get back in no time. I promise.”

She gazed up at him, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. Finally, she nodded.

“Evan, I’ll give you my cell phone and I’ll take Crystal’s. The last thing she needs is to get a bunch of phone calls from well-meaning friends. I have the ring tone set to the ‘Wedding March’ if it’s Crystal’s number, so you’ll know it’s me calling.”

Evan nodded as he took the tiny pink phone.

“Give me your phone, honey,” Renee said to Crystal.

Crystal opened the small white satin bag hanging from her wrist and handed her red phone to her sister.

Renee took her shoulders. “I’m going to wait a half hour. If Brent doesn’t show up by then, I’m going to tell the guests that the two of you talked it over and decided to call off the wedding.”

Crystal stared at her with wide eyes.

“Good plan, Renee,” Evan said.

“I’m not going to have my little sister embarrassed like that,” she said through gritted teeth. “All I can say is, when I see that son of a bitch, I’m going to—” She bit back whatever she was going to say and glanced at Crystal. She turned to Evan. “You two should just go.”

Ten minutes later, Evan helped fold the rest of Crystal’s full skirt into the compact car and closed the door. He hopped in and drove down the dirt driveway that meandered through the woods to the main road. Another ten minutes later, they sped along the highway.

He glanced at Crystal, who simply stared out the side window.

“How are you doing?” he asked.

She simply shook her head and remained silent. He took the ramp to Braker Road, then after a few turns pulled into the parking lot of the sumptuous Windsor Hotel. He drove to the front entrance and a doorman opened Crystal’s door and offered his hand. Evan jumped out and hurried to Crystal’s side. She looked so lost.

He gave the keys to the doorman. “Can you arrange to have the car parked?”

“Of course, sir.” He smiled. “And congratulations.”

Crystal wore a wedding dress. Evan was in a tuxedo. Of course the man assumed Evan was the groom. Everyone would assume that.

He took Crystal’s elbow and led her into the hotel, then to the reception desk. There was a short lineup, but another staff member, a young woman in a navy suit, approached them.

“Come over here and I’ll help you,” she said with a smile. “We can’t have a new bride and groom standing in line.”

She checked her computer and handed them a small folder with a key card, then Evan led Crystal to the elevator. Within moments, they were walking down the eighteenth-floor hallway toward the suite Renee had arranged for Crystal … and Brent.

He opened the door and waited while Crystal entered the suite.

“Oh, it’s beautiful,” she said.

*   *   *

Crystal glanced around as she stepped inside. The place was huge and the furnishings elegant. A large sitting area with a couch and two chairs faced the large window overlooking the river beyond. There were several large fresh flower arrangements around the room that filled the air with a lovely scent. She noticed a door across the room and realized that would be the bedroom. That’s where she and Brent would have consummated their marriage tonight if … if … Her throat constricted.

Like a woman in a trance, she continued across the room, heading for the door. She turned the crystal knob and pushed open the door. Inside, a huge canopied bed dominated the room. And there were more flowers. The bed was turned down, revealing pristine white sheets strewn with red rose petals. She stepped into the room, staring at the bed, her heart twisting. She glanced around and saw her suitcase on a stand against the wall and Brent’s on another stand beside hers.

Then she noticed a framed picture on the dresser. An eight-by-ten of the engagement picture taken of her and Brent. It had been used for their wedding announcement. In it, Brent looked so handsome in his gray suit. It made his already broad shoulders look even broader, and his wide smile softened the square line of his jaw. His dark brown hair was so wavy and appealing, and warmth emanated from his brown eyes. Beside him, she looked so happy, beaming at the camera like a new bride.

Like a happy bride.

She gazed at her reflection in the mirror. Not like the morose face she saw staring back at her now. And Brent … Oh, God, he was so handsome … and the look on his face. So loving. But … he didn’t really love her. He couldn’t. Not after what he had done to her today.

Her heart thundered in her chest, and her dress felt too tight around her. She could barely breathe. She reached behind her and clawed at the zipper until she found the tag, then she ripped it down.


She ignored Evan as she raked at the sleeves until she managed to pull them off, then she shoved the dress down past her hips and climbed out of the voluminous skirt. As she skittered away from it, her headpiece tugged on her head since the veil was caught under the skirt of the dress, so she pulled it off, scattering hairpins everywhere.

She scurried to the love seat by the fireplace and perched on the edge. The beautiful marquise-cut diamond on her ring finger caught the sunlight from the window. She held up her hand and stared at the engagement ring she and Brent had picked out together. The symbol of their undying love for each other.

She slid it off her finger and let it drop to the floor.

Then she hugged herself and began to shiver.

*   *   *

Evan watched Crystal, his chest constricting at her obvious distress. Still, the sight of her in the skintight white satin basque, which held her breasts up and forward as if offering them, made his body tighten in need. And her long, slender legs in stockings held up by garters, the tops of her creamy white thighs left bare …

His heart pounded.

He wanted to hold her and comfort her, but if he got close to her … touched her … he didn’t know how he’d hold himself in check.

Then her tears started to flow, and he sucked in a breath. He sat beside her and tucked his arm around her, his hand curling around her silky smooth arm. He drew her close and she rested her face against his chest. For a long time, he held her gently as she sobbed softly. After a while, when her sobs turned to slow breathing, he scooped her up and carried her to the bed, then laid her down. He pulled off her shoes, then drew the covers over her.

“Don’t go.” She gazed up at him with puffy eyes.

“I’ll stay as long as you like.”

“Hold me?”

He nodded and kicked off his shoes, then tossed aside his tuxedo jacket. His white shirt was stained with black mascara, but that didn’t matter. He climbed in the bed beside her and wrapped his arms around her. She snuggled against him.

He held her close, reveling in the softness of her body pressed to his. After a while, he could tell by her even breathing that she’d fallen asleep. He hated to see her so unhappy, but he couldn’t help thinking that this meant maybe he had a chance with her. And he hated himself for thinking about that right now.

After about a half hour, she murmured softly in her sleep, then shifted restlessly. Her hand bumped against his chest, then she murmured again and her fingers moved along her side.


She didn’t answer. Since she still seemed to be asleep, he lifted the covers to see what was going on. Her fingers worked at the hooks on the basque as she tried—unsuccessfully—to unfasten them.

Without thinking, he unfastened the long row of hooks. As the white fabric parted, exposing more of her silky flesh, the cadence of his heartbeat increased.

Oh, this was really not a good idea.

Still, he couldn’t stop himself. Finally, he unfastened the last hook. She pulled the basque from her body and sighed. At the first glimpse of her naked breasts—round and perfect—he pulled the sheet up again. Along her side, however, he felt the indentation on her skin where the basque had been digging into her. He stroked the skin and she sighed, then leaned back against him.

He couldn’t stop thinking about those lovely breasts as he stroked her skin, wishing she would turn around and snuggle against him, yet at the same time praying she wouldn’t. Because if she did, it would be sweet torture.

Her breathing settled again, and she seemed to be deep in sleep. He dozed off, then awoke to a movement against him. He wasn’t sure how much time had passed, but his grogginess told him he had been fast asleep.

Crystal had turned toward him and settled her head against his chest. He could feel her soft breasts pressed against him through the fabric of his shirt. She nuzzled his chest, then he felt the movement of her fingers. He almost jumped when he realized she was unfastening his shirt buttons.

Oh, God, she probably thought he was Brent.

With great strength of will, he stilled her hands.

“Crystal…” He didn’t really know what to say, especially since he didn’t want to remind her of Brent’s abandonment, so he simply trailed off.

He felt her soft cheek brush against his partially bared chest.

“Yes, Evan?” She continued to unfasten his shirt.

“I, uh … what are you doing?” Man, that was lame.



“I’ve gotten makeup all over your white shirt.” Crystal gazed at the sculpted muscles of Evan’s chest as she pushed his shirt over his shoulders.

She couldn’t help but grin at his reaction. He was trying so hard to be the gentleman and not take advantage of the situation. Maybe
wouldn’t, but she certainly intended to.

Her heart still ached at the fact that Brent had walked out on her, but right here, right now, she was with a man who wanted her. He had told her so. And then he’d taken care of her in her hour of need.

She tugged his shirt off his arms, then pushed it away. He was a great guy, and he wanted to be with her. And right now, she needed to feel wanted.

She glided her hands down his solid chest, then along the waistband of his pants. When she unfastened the button, he grabbed her hands.

“Crystal, that’s probably not a good idea. You—”

She drew her hands free and pushed against his chest until he rolled onto his back, then she prowled over him.

“That’s funny. I think it’s a great idea.”

She rose onto her knees and his eyes widened as his gaze fastened on her naked breasts. His look of avid admiration boosted her confidence. She slid backward and rested on his thighs as she drew down his zipper. The impressive bulge filling his black boxers encouraged her even more. She shifted to the side and pulled his tuxedo pants down to his knees, then stroked over his hard, long erection, anticipating drawing it out and seeing it for the first time. Her nipples swelled and her insides ached with desire.

He kicked away the pants, then arched up against her hand.

“Crystal, we really shouldn’t be doing this.”

She squeezed the bulge, then reached inside and wrapped her hand around his engorged cock.

“Who says?”

“I—” He groaned as she stroked his length.

She reached for his hands and pressed them to her breasts. He held them reverently as he stared at her in awe. She arched against him, pressing his palms tight to her. Finally, he closed his fingers around her soft mounds. She released his hands and wrapped her fingers around his cock again. He caressed her, sending tingles dancing through her body.

“Oh, Evan, that feels wonderful.”

She drew out his cock, so long and hard, and stared at it. The bulbous head looked as though it would fill her mouth nicely, and the thick ridge around the head would drag against her inner walls as he drew back after he thrust deep inside her. The thought sent her head spinning. She leaned forward and licked his tip. He groaned. One of his hands glided through her hair as the other continued to stroke her breast.

Until she swallowed his cockhead whole. He groaned, and his hand slipped from her breast. She licked in a spiral over him, then sucked. His fingers forked through her hair. She took him deep in her mouth, his cock pressing into her throat. She glided away, a restless need rising in her.

She grasped his cock tightly and sat up.

“I want you, Evan.” She pushed herself onto her knees and pressed his cock to her opening. The silk of her panties acted as a barrier between them. She stared deep into his eyes. “I want you.”

He nodded, as if hypnotized.

“Do we need a condom?” she asked.

“I’ve … uh … been tested recently,” he said hesitantly, clearly still uncertain about going ahead with this.

She nodded. “I was tested when I started dating Brent.” She ignored the pain lancing through her at the thought of her absent fiancé. “I haven’t been with anyone since. And I’m on the pill.”

He nodded, so she hooked the fingers of her free hand around the crotch of her panties and pulled it aside, then pressed his cockhead to her opening, already slick from her desire to feel him inside her. As soon as she felt his hot, hard flesh against her naked folds, she sank down on him. She sucked in a deep breath, then groaned—an echo to his guttural murmur—as his hard, thick cock pushed into her, filling her deeply. Finally, she sat flush against his hips, his erection fully immersed in her.

Oh, God, he felt so good inside her.

Then she simply stared at him. And he stared at her. Yearning filled his eyes. She felt wanted. Needed. Desired.

“Oh, God, Evan. I want you so much.”

His eyes glittered, and just like that, the uncertainty left his face. A low growl rumbled from him and he rolled her over in one swift motion. His groin pinned her to the bed, his cock still filling her. With his hands planted on either side of her head, he smiled down at her.

“Well, now…” He grinned as he drew back, his cock dragging against her inner passage and sending excruciatingly delightful pleasure dancing through her. “As it turns out, I want you, too.”

At his sharp forward thrust, she gasped. She wrapped her hands around his broad, muscular shoulders. Damn, but she’d never realized how extremely well sculpted his body was.

He drew back and thrust into her again. She tightened around him, pleasure building inside her.

BOOK: Insatiable
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