Read Inspire Online

Authors: Heather Buchine

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

Inspire (16 page)

BOOK: Inspire
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“Hey, Ash. Why don’t you go find Scott and tell him that you absolutely want to be his girlfriend? Then we’ll figure out what the plan is for today,” Travis told her.

“I think I’ll play hard to get a little first just to tease him. After all, it is a little juvenile that he told you to ask me out for him. Come on Trav, we aren’t in high school any more.”

“Don’t make him beg Ash, you know he’s never had an easy time talking to girls,” Travis responded.

“You’re right, maybe I’ll just run up to him and kiss him,” she said, excited by the idea.

My mind was trying to play catch up as the conversation was unfolding. It seemed as though Scott wanted to date Ashley, and Travis was just relaying the message. Ashley must have been excited to find out, which was why she was hugging him. She also seemed to be in a really good mood because she could care less about my presence. My heart started to slow and my mind settled. Ashley made her way out of the office, and I literally slumped into Travis’s arms.

“Hey babe! What’s wrong?” he said, rubbing my back gently. “What’s going on?”

I was nervous to tell him what was bothering me. I didn’t want to seem like the paranoid insecure girlfriend who just had a panic attack thinking that her boyfriend was running around with another girl. But I didn’t want there to be any lies between us or withhold the truth, so I told him.

“When I walked in and saw you and Ashley hugging, I freaked. I’m sorry for not giving you the benefit of the doubt and for automatically assuming that you were keeping our relationship hidden because you were dating her as well. I plead a momentary case of insanity. Sorry,” I apologized, reluctantly meeting his eyes to see his reaction. His eyes wavered with pain, and I was nervous that I had completely offended him with my lack of trust.

“Paige, you don’t need to be sorry. I…” He hesitated for a minute before continuing. “Listen, you never have to apologize for things like that. It just shows me that you care. Which I really hope you do?”

Although, he didn’t say ‘I love you,’ his words were still a soothing balm and I felt completely revived from the entire situation. “I do care Travis. More than you know. It’s scary how fast I’ve fallen.” I wasn’t saying the L word, but I was letting him know just how deep my emotions ran.

“Ditto!” he said, grabbing my cheeks and kissing me soundly.

I was left breathless from the intensity of the kiss and saw stars as he let me go. “I’m supposed to spend the day with the gang since I bailed on them yesterday, but if you want I can get out of it so the two of us can spend the day together.”

“Actually, I was just coming in to tell you that my parents and I are going sightseeing for the day, so I won’t be back till tonight. So, go have fun with your friends,” I said.

“Yeah, I’m sure it will be a blast watching Scott and Ashley make-out all day,” he complained, rolling his eyes at the thought.

“Well, soon enough, we will be giving them the same show, I’m sure, so don’t be too hard on them,” I advised, waggling my eyebrows.

“This is true,” he said, kissing me again. I had to get going because my parents were waiting for me, so we said our goodbyes and I got in the car to go pick them up.

My dad was fully engrossed in his walking audio tour of the Ethan Allen homestead, so my mom and I took the opportunity to grab a cup of coffee. Although we liked visiting historical sites, she and I are similar in that we would rather be shopping. It must be a girl thing.

“So, what’s going on with you and Travis? He came by the RV yesterday looking for you and I gave him your number,” my mom admitted.

“I know you did and thank you for that. He ended up coming into Burlington and we spent the day together.”

“Really? See, I knew he would come around. Moms always know best,” she teased.

“So true!” I agreed.

“Well? What did you do?” she asked, prying for the details.

“Oh, it was so much fun, mom!” I gushed, unable to hide the joyous feelings I was having.

“That good huh!” she said, raising an eyebrow at me.

“Mom, NO!” I shrieked. “We just spent the day touring around the city. He took me to all of his favorite spots, and I got to meet his friends. Then, he took me to a pottery place where we actually made ceramic bowls to be donated to a soup kitchen.”

“What?” my mom interrupted.

“Travis found this place online and learned that they are working on this project called ‘The Gift of Soup.’ So, he called up the owner and got us a private session.”

“Oh, My Gosh!” my mom practically shrieked in excitement. “Paige, he is a keeper. As much as I love your father, and I truly do, when he was your age he was not that romantic. Neither were any of the other boys for that matter. Travis is amazingly mature for his age, and very sweet. I can tell from talking to his mother that they have brought him up well. Wow, now I’m going to tell you that he is exactly the type of guy I always hoped you would find,” my mom said, repeating the words that Lucille had told Travis, which made me laugh.

“Calm down mom, I don’t need you picking out your mother of the bride dress yet. But I will say, I’ve fallen, really fallen for him.”

My mom reached out squeezing my hand, and spoke with tears in her eyes. “I’m happy for you sweetie! Remember always to give him the benefit of the doubt because boys can, excuse my French, fuck up royally. But they are guys, and it takes them a while to learn our ways,” she remarked giggling. Her advice could not be more accurate because I had already discovered from the morning’s debacle just how important it was to do that.

“Thanks mom! Words from the wise are always appreciated,” I responded, squeezing her hand back.

My mom and I finished our coffee giggling away at all of the stories I shared with her about Travis as a kid, and then made our way back to find my dad. “All right, I suppose you ladies are ready for some shopping now, huh?” my dad asked, wrapping his arm around my mom’s waist.

“We are fine, today is about you and seeing the sites. We can shop any ole time,” my mom replied.

It was sweet to see my parents being so considerate and loving towards one another. It had definitely been a while since they had canoodled in front of me, and I was happy that things were working out so well for them. “Well, my darling, I know this might sound a bit surprising, but I have had my fill of history for the day and would rather take my girls into the city, buy you two something beautiful and shiny, then take you out for dinner. How does that sound?” My dad’s offer was so sweet and there was no denying just how much he loved us.

My mom responded by giving my dad a kiss that made me have to look away, but I was very enthused about the new plan. “See Paige, I chose right!” my mom said, smiling sweetly and hooking my arm with hers. The three of us made our way back to the car and drove into Burlington to start our shopping spree. It felt like we were finally becoming a family again and I was perfectly content.

After a full and very long day of shopping and food, we finally made our way back to the campground. I was excited to be back, and wanted to find Travis. I couldn’t wait to share how much fun we had had and the news about how well my parents were getting along. Plus, I wanted to show off the new charm bracelet that my dad had bought me. He and my mom both picked out a charm to put on it. My dad picked out a little fairy and said, “You will always be my magical pixie.” And my mom picked out a little number three and told me that, “We are and always will be the perfect three.” I felt that her message went deeper and that she was trying to tell me that she was never going to divide our family. Although we had never talked about divorce in the past, I had always questioned if that would happen when I left home. Now, I was certain it wouldn’t.

Chapter 15

It was already after nine when we returned. My parents immediately left to go up and play cards with the Medlers, so I took the opportunity to find Travis. I walked up toward the main building to use the bathroom, and saw Travis and the guys playing basketball on the court. Maggie and Amber were off to the side chatting, but Britney and Ashley were nowhere around.

“Hey Paige!” Travis called as I walked by. His greeting in front of everyone caught me by surprise, but showed that his guard was already coming down. Ashley now being with Scott was probably making it seem more probable that we could come forward and be open about our feelings for one another. I could tell that the guys were fully engrossed in the game though, so I used the restroom and headed back to my campsite.

As I was coming down the road, I heard some rustling in the woods near the path to the lake. It made me nervous at first that there might be a large bear or some kind of animal, so I picked up my pace. When I was just about to go into the RV, I heard a yelp followed by what sounded like a girl yelling “No.” I quickly rushed back to the spot where I heard the noise, and found Ashley struggling with someone. It was dark so I was having a hard time making out the guy, but when I got closer I saw that it was Corey. I knew that they were friends, so I wasn’t sure whether they were just having an argument or whether something else was going on. So in order to spare myself the embarrassment of sticking my nose in someone else’s business, I stayed hidden behind a tree to survey the scene and make sure Ashley was okay.

Corey reached out grabbing Ashley’s arm. “You’ll do. I don’t mind doing Brit’s best friend,” he said.

“Corey stop. You’re drunk. Get your hands off of me!” she protested. It seemed as though Corey must have mistaken Ashley for Britney, but was now pressing his suit and making unwelcome advances. So far Ashley was holding her own, but there was no way I was going to leave her alone. I would wait to see if I needed to intervene and make sure Ashley made her way back out of the woods safely.

“Why put up the fight Ash, you know you’ve been eyeing me for the last two summers.”

“Get off Corey. I am not doing anything with you,” Ashley firmly stated, pulling away and stepping back away from him.

“Yes, you will. Now, are you going to come willingly, or am I going to have to force you? Because believe me, I am going to make…you… come…” The words oozed out of his mouth in such a revolting way, that I couldn’t hold back any longer. I decided on a plan and quickly typed Travis a text before I implemented it.


911 my place.


“Ashley, hey Ash!” I called, coming out from behind the trees and making my way in her direction. “Hey Ash! I thought I heard your voice out here. Are we still going to my place to watch the movie?” I asked, reaching out to squeeze her hand so that she would understand I had a plan and was there to help.

“Hey! Sexy Paige, even better,” Corey slurred, stumbling in my direction. Ashley hesitated still in shock from the entire situation.

“Yeah, I…Uh, I was just on my way to your place. Corey stopped me on the path, but I think he mistook me for someone else,” she said, confused by the situation.

“Corey, alcohol goggles are blinding you, this is not Britney,” I reasoned, trying to keep Corey calm. He was such a big guy, that he could knock one of us unconscious and have his way with the other if he wanted. So I didn’t want to push any buttons.

“I don’t want Britney. Been there, done that,” he said harshly. Regardless of the alcohol, the guy was a pure asshole. Ashley looked at me uncertain of what we should do. “I want you Paige, or you Ash, or how about the both of you,” he said, moving closer to the two of us. I shook my head at Ashley so she would let me do the talking.

“I think you need to sober up Corey. Come on Ash, let’s go watch the movie.” I took her hand and briskly pulled her backward so that we could start making our way out of the woods.

“I think mommy and daddy liked me Paige,” Corey said stepping forward. “I don’t think they’ll mind if I join you two.”

We stepped back a few more paces, and I whispered, “Now.”

The two of us turned and took off running towards my campsite. I could hear Corey’s footsteps behind us but then heard him stumble. “Ouch, shit. Damn trees.” His misstep gave us just enough time to get away. We rounded the bend and I saw Travis and Scott standing outside of my RV.

“Ash, Paige what’s wrong? Did you see a bear or something?” Travis asked.

“You didn’t go pick a fight with Paige, did you Ashley?” Scott asked.

“No, Corey…,” she gasped, trying to catch her breath. She collapsed on the ground, clearly dealing with the shock of what had just happened and I had to fill in the blank.

“Corey is drunk,” I said, trying to catch my breath too. “He was forcefully trying to convince Ashley to sleep with him when I showed up.”

“That bastard!” Scott yelled.

Scott knelt down to Ashley to comfort her. “Are you okay baby?” he asked, holding her tightly.

“I’m fine. At first,” she paused, still trying to find her breath. “At first, he thought I was Paige, but then when he realized it was me, said that he had rights to sleep with Britney’s best friend and I needed to give it up. Paige came over just at the right time; he was starting to get out of control and was grabbing my arm. But we got away. He was following us up the path, but tripped.” Ashley spoke with tears now flowing down her cheeks. She was finally releasing her emotions and I could see how vulnerable she was. I was just thankful that I found her in time.

“He thought you were Paige?” Travis asked with anger seeping through his voice. I was surprised by the fact, although remembering the way the jerk eye fucked me on the river, I really shouldn’t have been.

“Yes,” Ashley affirmed.

“I’m so sorry Ashley.” I turned to her to apologize.

“Why are you sorry Paige? You didn’t do anything wrong,” Travis reminded me.

“I know, but he made the attack thinking it was me. So, I feel bad that Ashley found herself caught in a near awful situation.”

“Paige, it wasn’t your fault. It’s actually good that it wasn’t you, because realizing it was me made him question his moves for a moment. At first, when he thought I was you, he grabbed me pinning me to a tree. I yelled ‘No’ which made him release me. It took him by surprise, allowing me the opportunity to step away while he thought it over a second before he continued. That must have been when you showed up.”

BOOK: Inspire
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