Read Intrigue Online

Authors: Stacey Rychener

Tags: #Young Adult, #Fantasy, #Vampires

Intrigue (24 page)

BOOK: Intrigue
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By the time Friday rolled around, our field trip to Erebus was set. In Greek mythology, Erebus was the son of Chaos and married his sister Nyx (Night). He also had a twin brother Thanatos (Death). In reality, Erebus was a four-story haunted house in what looked like an abandoned factory. I just wanted to scream with my friends to get some tension out while avoiding flying monkeys and crossing a bottomless pit. Team Thrace decided to pass and leave the “immature crap” to us. We arranged two cars full of immature DAI students who enjoy getting the flock scared out of them. Of course with all the immortals in the abandoned realty in my city, much of Detroit could be considered one giant Haunted House.

Jazz had already dumped the soccer cutie and was now scoping alternatives while we were standing in line to get in. She was offering a running commentary on all her potential candidates as we waited. I was mostly listening to her until I heard that Team Thrace was going to another rave. Flock….Flock….Flock….Rafe overheard the comment as well because our eyes met, and I saw a brief flash of concern cross his face. Once my mind started down that worry track, I was unable to concentrate on much else until we actually entered Erebus. There was literally no way you can concentrate on anything else but surviving the many, many rooms. Rafe stayed close to me the whole way through and laughed every time I screamed.

There might have been some hand holding, despite the strict no PDA rule that I had in place with Rafe. Of course, it didn’t go unnoticed, and I was sure it would feed the gossip mill around the school. After we all made it through alive, we headed for the Hard Rock Café to debrief on how we rated this year’s haunted attractions. Apparently, the group liked it so much that we decided to make a whole theme weekend of it. We were going to go to The Haunted Farm of Terror on Saturday night and try some haunted barns, corn mazes, and hay rides. I wanted to pass on two nights of hauntings, but without Thrace to hang out with, I needed to keep busy to fill my empty time. We dropped off Jazz, Key, and Tre and set up a time to head to the farm tomorrow. Rafe made sure that I got dropped off last. “Fright night was definitely a rousing success. Who would have thought it would spawn a Fright Night 2,” Rafe laughed.

“Same cheesy entertainment, different day. I am sure you had to be vastly amused by the scary creatures. Little did our fellow students know that you were by far the scariest creature in the room. But then again, being a immortals are pretty hot nowadays.”

“So when do you think you will feel comfortable enough for an actual first date? I am just checking, so no pressure. Group dates are fine, but I am itching to cash in on my rain check,” he teased as he flashed me my favorite wicked smile.

I laughed and summarized, “First, this was not a group date for us. We were just hanging out with a group of friends. Second, I think you already cashed in on your rain check!”

“Maybe, I just want to try out my superb first date skills on you,” Rafe taunted.

“I do not doubt your centuries of experience in dating, but I distinctly remember mentioning a proper mourning period. Besides, my dad requires a background check and a blood test.”

“What exactly would he be testing for?”
“I’m sure anything hinky in your systems. He likes to be thorough,” I replied.
“So, the fact that I’m not human probably won’t faze him?”

“If he knew that his daughter was about to date a Greek god, he would be overjoyed. However, he would probably be cleaning an Uzi instead of his traditional hunting rifle the first time he met you. After he threatened you, he might have you sit down and read the
The Iliad
The Odyssey
with him.”

“Your father sounds like a rather protective man. He must have a big job. You Edonides women must keep him on his toes.”

We had just pulled into my drive so I announced, “He feels blessed every single day. Now, I am off to bless him with my presence some more. I will see you in karate tomorrow.”

“Can I pick you up for class, or is that being too forward?” Rafe asked with an impish grin.
“Much too forward and would alert my parents to your existence as a potential suitor, which I would like to delay,” I warned.
“Your parents awareness or my pursuit?” Rafe asked as he gave me his best devilish wink.
“Both. I need you to go find Thrace and check on him. I need you to keep him out of trouble!”

Rafe grabbed my hand before I bolted out the door and kissed the inside of my wrist at my pulse point, “I was heading to find him as soon as I dropped you off. If I need to, I will put a guard on him. Good night, Siren.”

It was late enough that dad was sleeping in his lazy boy while mom was sleeping on the couch, so I tiptoed upstairs, got ready for bed, and added to my journal.

The next day I heard, by way of Jazz, that Thrace was too busy being hung over to attend karate class. I suppose hung over was better than the high with memory loss. Rafe specifically said that Thrace would not have a hangover if the harpy bit him. Without the added tension, class flew by, and I gave my mind over to the oblivion of the routine exertion. I told the girls I was heading to DUA after class, so there was a minimum of gossiping. I quickly took my shower and was heading out the door as I saw Rafe leaning against my car.

“Do all girls take forever to get ready or is it just you?” Rafe demanded.

“I’m sorry, did I miss the part where I asked you to wait for me? You realize your behavior screams stalker, right?” I remarked.

“I just wanted to check if you needed a ride. And I prefer to call it persistence. You know until you agree to a first date that I will continue to show persistence, but no pressure,” he assured me.

“Or the more you stalk me the further our first date becomes, but no pressure. What happened with Thrace last night?”

Rafe sighed and stated, “By the time I got to the rave, they had gone home.”

I was relieved and let out a sigh before I answered, “Thanks, but a girl still reserves the right for a little alone time even if she can only get it during her car rides, so I will see you there.”

As I continued my research on the Grande Ballroom, Rafe did some data entry for one of the DUA’s latest projects. He hands flew all over the keyboard in a blur. We bantered back and forth as usual while we worked until Dr. A walked in with Delian. I immediately froze in place. It was like I was hoping if I didn’t move, Delian wouldn’t see me. My fleeting hope was dashed after they both greeted Rafe and then turned to me.

Dr. A asked me politely, “Calli, could you please help Delian with the lesson planning for next semester? He really needs student input.”

I panicked and looked at Rafe rather than Delian, “I’m kinda in the middle of something Dr. A. Do you mind if Rafe helps Delian?”

Dr. A looked amused as he replied, “Calli, you are much more familiar with the classes at your school. So, I would prefer it be you. It won’t take more than an hour, I promise.”

I was trying desperately to come up with an excuse to say no, but sensing his victory, Delian took my hand and stood me up as he said, “We can go to one of the turret rooms to discuss the lesson plans that go with the class syllabus. I don’t need a computer.”

I tried to take my hand back, but his grip was firm as he led me out the door. Dr. A stuck around and started a conversation with Rafe.

“You don’t think that was a tad high-handed, Delian?” I demanded.

“Desperate times call for desperate measures. You have been avoiding me. Is there a reason, or can I let my imagination draw its own conclusions?”

“I think I have an odd allergic reaction to you. I seem to have verbal diarrhea when you are near. It is like my mouth just gushes out all these bizarre things, so I choose to avoid you rather than embarrass myself.”

“Well, you are very amusing, and I truly have never met anyone quite as candid as you. But, I really just want to finish this course syllabus and lesson plans, so they can get approved by your school board. I promise I won’t use my Jedi mind tricks on you for the next hour,” he commented dryly with a twitch of his lips that
have been his version of a smile. He guided me toward the window seat of one of the turret rooms. He handed me the syllabus, the outline of the lesson plans, and a pen to make corrections with.

“I never took you for a comedian, Delian. I would cease trying from this point on
give me a little space, dude.” I had sat down on the window seat and sprawled out a little with my legs. While he sat close by, he made sure that his legs touched mine.

After my command, he scouched back just a little in the seat, so we were still almost touching. Apparently, that was the best I was going to get in the personal space department from him. I read over the material, carefully looking at the format and content of the class they wanted to provide us. It covered a lot of different aspects of architecture, math, finance, science, restoration, urban planning, art, music, dance, and design. I had never seen any class like it before because it incorporated lecture, research, and manual labor. I could not wait to get started. I made some minor suggestions for Delian on sequencing of the class, but was just a little blown away that this was actually happening. Now, my committee and the PTA just had to come up with the rest of the funds to pay for the project.

Of course, as I was trying to concentrate, Delian was staring at me with his intense gaze, so it took me twice as long as it should have to go over the material. I finally looked up and said, “Staring is rude.”

“Does it bother you, Calliope? The expressions that run across your face are captivating.”

I returned the materials and unsuccessfully tried to avoid his fervent gaze. “I love how the class is set up. It should get a lot of students interested in the project. And I know if my friends find out you are teaching, you are gonna have to turn girls away for this class. I get dibs though,” I gasped then realizing what that just sounded like.

I was stuttering again as I continued, “I…I…I didnnnt mean it like it sounded.”

The indulgent smile was back as he replied, “I don’t mind being claimed by you, Calliope. My guess is that you could defend your property rather well.”

claim you, and you are
not my property!
” I gasped out all flustered again.

I shot up from my seat and started to retreat, but once again in a flash he was blocking my access to the hall with his hands crossed over his chest and his possessive gaze in full effect. “I think your true instinct is to stand and fight but with me you run.”

I met his stormy gaze and said the first thing that popped in my head, “My first instinct is always to defend an attack. I don’t pursue. I feel like you want something from me that I might never be able to give you. Something I don’t even understand right now, but a big part of my head is warning me to shut the flock up and get the flock out of here. I know what I just said sounds way freaky, but my filter is gone, and I can’t seem to stop myself from saying flocked up things to you.”

Delian didn’t act like what I said freaked him out. He just nodded and held my confused gaze in his penetrating stare. He finally murmured, “I’m sorry, Calliope. It is probably too soon for me to want to be part of your life. I will try to keep my distance, although it will take every ounce of control I have.”

I tried to process his words and make them fit into my normal world as I asked him, “Because you are going to be my teacher or because of the age thing?”

“It’s definitely an age thing, just not in the way you are asking. However, I believe you already realize that.”

As he stepped aside he whispered, “Run back to his protection for now,
my Muse

I gasped as I heard him call me his Muse, but I did exactly what he said. I headed straight for Rafe. I searched the building until I found him in the empty Assembly Room practicing his kihon. I watched as I pondered the things Delian said to me. There was something familiar about Delian—in the way he moved, in his speech. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but Rafe and Dr. A were definitely hiding something from me. And it was important.

Rafe finished his graceful and precise movements and turned to me. “Are you all done with Delian?”

I walked toward him with a determined stride and as I stood in front of him, I inquired in a forceful voice, “I don’t know. You tell me Rafe. Tell me again, how do you know Delian?”

He didn’t meet my gaze as he sullenly replied, “He’s my brother. He’s Apollo. He’s going to be the savior for the humans in this city some day after you become his Muse.”

“Flock…..Flock….Flock…. You are sooooooo on probation with me right now. And don’t bother coming to pick us up tonight. I will drive
friends. You have to give me cool down time. Got it?” I was actually raising my voice, and my Irish temper was definitely all up in his face.

“I’m sorry, Calliope. I didn’t mean for you to find out this way.”

“Whatever!” I yelled as I stomped out the door.

Luckily, I did not see Delian/Apollo on my way out. I did almost run over Dr. A on the stairs as I was trying to exit the building. He steadied me, but when he looked down at me, I saw concern on his face, “Are you alright Calli?”

“No. I am definitely not alright. Why is my life so flockin complicated?” I asked in a desperate manner.

He gave me a knowing look as he let go of my arms, “Seldom does the appearance of something match the reality of it. And life in this city is more dangerous than it would appear. Arm yourself well, Calliope, whether it is with knowledge, power, or strength.”

I studied him then. This was not typical stuff you heard from your parents or teachers. Dr. A was warning me about that other world in a subtle way.

I finally nodded at him and countered, “I am top of my class at evasion and defense, doc. I will try not to let those skills go to waste.”

BOOK: Intrigue
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