Irresistible (Delroi Prophecy) (5 page)

BOOK: Irresistible (Delroi Prophecy)
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Chapter Six


Parker was high on endorphins when she
left the temple to go and meet Vidar. He was waiting for her when she rushed
up, gaze immediately going from irritated to concerned. “How are you?” he asked

“I’m fine. I was at the temple and it’s
a lot of new culture to take in, ya know? Plus I really hate being late.”

“Of course. And you aren’t late.”

He nodded at her arm and the bandage
covering her newest tattoo. “Is that what I think it is?”

“If you think it’s a crescent moon with
a sword through it, then yes.”

“Did Kaje know you were doing this?”

She felt a twinge of guilt for not
telling him ahead of time and wanted to slap herself. She didn’t owe Kaje
anything. Besides, he’d said his mother was a priestess. Why would he protest?

“Not unless he has spies in the temple.”

Vidar sighed, though he kept his opinion
to himself. He took her elbow and steered her back to the main entrance of the
Keep. She’d finally seen a good map of it and knew it was basically in three
sections. The chief was on one side, the warrior compound on the other, and
public rooms in the middle. Vidar led her through that public section and into
another one of those impossibly big areas.

“This is the main warrior courtyard,” he
said, motioning to various areas as they stood on the threshold.

“Right.” She nodded. “We came through
here last night.”

“The armory is down that way, the local
comm center is over there,” he said, indicating both with a tilt of his chin.
Then he tossed a teasing infectious grin her way. “We are going to the canteen,

Amused, she joked. “What if I don’t want

“We both have to eat, sister.” His smile
was devious and his voice carried. Was he daring her to deny that claim? So
publically? Was this a local custom she hadn’t learned yet?

“You have me at a disadvantage,” she
said softly.

“I know. Not fair of me, is it?” He
didn’t sound the least bit repentant.

They crossed the courtyard to the
cafeteria area she’d noticed the previous night. There were several women, most
wearing the typical style of Delroi women. Some were dressed as priestesses
however, in beige combat pants and boots coupled with a typical style top in blood
red color. She hadn’t paid attention the previous night but realized she’d seen
them then, too. All of them were with a warrior, sometimes two. Vidar led her
to a table on the edge of the crowd.

“I’ll grab us something,” he said before
walking away.

Great. She tried to ignore it, but she
could feel people watching her. Feel their curiosity. Why would he choose such
a public place for this session? No one approached, though, and thankfully
Vidar was back in moments. He had sandwiches and bottles of water.

“Are we meeting so openly so you don’t
have to talk?” she asked shrewdly.

He took a big bite of his sandwich,
making it impossible to answer for a couple of minutes. Then he shrugged. “It’s
not in my nature, this thing Kaje wants me to do, especially with a woman.”

“Perhaps it will be easier with me
because I’m woman,” she replied. “Also you know what I’ve been through.”

“It’s horrible what was done to you, but
it isn’t the same,” he said softly.

“No, but I understand what it is to feel
helpless,” she answered in the same low tone.

He gave her a sharp look. “It is
something a warrior is unaccustomed to feeling.”

She gave him a slight smile. “Neither
are telepaths with my level of power.”

“I suppose not.” He paused. “How do you
make it stop, Parker?”

She wished she had a good answer for
that. “Time. You talk about it. You don’t bottle it up or pretend it didn’t
happen. There is no magic solution.”

He changed the subject, asking her about
Earth, mundane things about the land, people, food, whatever. She didn’t try to
steer him back to the reason for their meeting. She answered and picked at her
sandwich, eating about half of it. He scowled when she pushed it away.

“You need to finish that.”

“I’m not very hungry. I had a late
breakfast with Kareena and Zola before we went to the temple.”

you know last night you were going to join?”
, he wanted to
ask, but didn’t voice it. It didn’t matter, though because he’d accidently sent
the question mentally.

a telepath. Why didn’t you say anything?”

one knows. Before the attack I was just a sensitive. I don’t know what changed.”

responded, finally understanding the depth of the loss he felt.
“You have excellent control.”

“So the temple?” he asked. It was clear
he’d stonewall her about anything else. He was good at deflecting and she
didn’t have a right to push, did she? Besides he didn’t trust her enough yet
for him to allow her that close.

“I decided this morning. The temple is
incredible,” she answered. “I can’t get over the size and age of this place.”

“Are your friends joining?” he asked
much too casually, a hint of trepidation under it. What was his objection?
Would Kaje share it? And why the hell did she care?

“Maybe. Why?”

He shrugged. “The prophecy. We should
discuss this later with Kaje.”

She knew about it and had no interest in
kick starting an old religion. But she understood there would be security
issues, especially during the upcoming celebration, and she needed the access
joining the temple would give her. She looked around the busy courtyard.

“Are there are always this many warriors
in the Keep?”


“So security has already been increased,”
she said softly.

He nodded. “And will more before the
Rebirth Celebration.”

She wondered how difficult it would be
for her, Kareena, and Zola to see those plans. The Delroi didn’t consult women
on military or safety issues, but they didn’t understand Tel the way their
guests did. Before she could ask, he gathered up his trash.

“I’ll walk you back to your quarters
then I have to get to training.”

“I can find my own way.”

“I’ll walk you,” he said firmly.

She figured it wasn’t worth arguing and
allowed him to lead her back to her room, but he said a curt goodbye and
stalked off before she could thank him for lunch. Shrugging it off, she stepped
across the hall to Zola’s room. She had acquired two comm units and detailed
maps of the Keep and the city, and the women made a plan to start exploring.


Chapter Seven


She was cleaning up the remains of her
dinner when Kaje entered. He didn’t bother knocking, just sauntered in like he
belonged there. Hell, if the way her body reacted meant anything maybe he did.
He gave her a hot, dominant look that had her clenching her thighs together as
arousal surged through her. He should have to work at it a little, shouldn’t
he? It didn’t seem fair she responded with just a look. She let her gaze trail
down his body and sucked in a deep breath when she saw the hard ridge of
erection beneath his pants. He groaned.

“Baby, if you don’t stop looking at me
like that I’m going to be buried balls deep in you before I even get your top
off. And I want to taste you coming on my tongue tonight.”

Shock coursed through her. Not at the
crudity but at how much she wanted it. She could indulge her growing
fascination with this alien. She wanted to. Throwing caution to the wind, she
reached for the hem of her shirt and yanked it off before that annoying,
reasonable voice returned to her head. She didn’t want reason tonight. Hell no.

“The pants too, darlin’,” he ordered in
a gruff voice that made her shiver.

Later, she’d worry about how quick she
complied. Much, much later. She looped her fingers in the waistband and dragged
them down along with her panties. He finally moved, prowling towards her like
she was some kind of skittish prey. Slow. Primal.
. If he didn’t touch her soon she would start without him. She
set her palms on her stomach, itching to move them up, to cup her breasts and
squeeze her aching nipples until pleasure rushed through her. When had she
become so wanton? So greedy? She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been so
reckless and it felt damned good.

“Kaje,” she whispered, when he stopped
in front of her and took her wrists in his hands. He turned one over.

“I wish you had talked to me about this


“Because it’s dangerous. And you’re new

It was none of his business, but she
didn’t want to talk about that right now. She wanted him to fuck her until the
ache between her legs stopped. He moved her hands to the counter.

“Don’t let go.”

Trembling, she did as he asked and
clutched the edge. Then he cupped the back of her head and his lips covered
hers. They were firm, his tongue demanding and she responded eagerly, rubbing
her body against his. He nipped her bottom lip and gripped her hip, holding her
still until she opened her eyes to meet his gaze.

“Why are you stopping?”

“Not stopping. Slowing down.”

He swung her up into his arms and
carried her to the bedroom. He laid her down gently, pulled his shirt over his
head, then went to work on his boots, but when he stretched out next to her he
was still wearing his pants. That would not do at all. She wanted him naked,
moving inside her. She reached for him but he grabbed her hands and stretched
them over her head.

“Oh no, baby. I’m taking my time

Putting words to action, he leaned down
to lick one nipple, then sucked the other into his mouth. Slow. Gentle. A

“Harder,” she begged. “Please, Kaje.”

Teeth scraped the inside swell of her breast
and she groaned.

“You like pain, baby?”

She didn’t know how to answer. She’d
always been too afraid of rejection to ask before.

“I haven’t tried it,” she whispered,
feeling the blush crawl up her face.

though? Hell yes. In theory, she craved it.
She wasn’t sure about reality. His hand slid up, rested on her collarbone a
second before moving to cup her nape. His thumb brushed lazily over her racing
pulse as he stared at her.

“If it gets to be too much tell me stop.”

She nodded.

“Say it, Parker. I need to hear it.”

“Okay. I’ll stop you if it doesn’t feel

He didn’t question her further and this
time when his mouth closed over her nipple he sucked her hard. Then he used his
teeth. It stung, but oh she liked it. She wanted more, bowed her back in an
effort to get closer. He used his fingers on her other breast. Gently at first.
Pinching when she pleaded for more. She cried out, pleasure and pain mingling
in a way she’d only imagined before except it was so much better. It was
instinct to open her mind to him, to share the feeling. He groaned, giving her smile
full of wicked intent, before rolling over. He sat back on his heels, lifted
her knees high, and spread her thighs wide.

“I want you like this. Open for me. Under
my control.”

He slid down between her legs and blew a
hot breath over her pussy. She jerked and he gripped her hip with one hand. He
used the other to spread her even more, exposing her clit to his gaze. Then he
licked her and it took self control she didn’t know she had to not arch closer.
Demand more. When she didn’t, he did it again and again. Pleasure hummed
through her. She fisted her hands in the blankets to keep from reaching for
him, giving him the control he wanted. Submission felt illicit, added to the thrill.
Each stroke of his tongue, each scrape of his teeth wound her tighter and
tighter until she knew another couple of seconds and she would come.

He stopped abruptly. Thrust two fingers
into her pussy. She cried out at the sudden shift and the orgasm slipped out of
reach. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to scream or punch him.

“Look at me, baby.”

She met dark, hooded eyes. “I was so
close,” she whined.

“I’m not ready for you to come yet.”

Okay, maybe this submission thing was
overrated. He chuckled and she realized she’d shared the thought. Damn. He
moved his hand, fingers sliding in and out of her easily. It wasn’t enough.

“Slow and gentle?” he asked. She shook
her head, desperate for a firmer touch. Hard. Maybe even rough. “What, baby?
You have to talk to me.”

Was he planning on breaking down every
inhibition she’d ever had in one night?


The next few strokes were harder but
still slow. It wasn’t enough.

“Faster,” she begged. He wanted
specifics? Fine, he’d get them. “I want you inside me. I want you to fuck me
until neither of us can walk.”

“Gods, baby, you are so damned hot. I am
going to fuck you. Later.”

He licked her clit again then sucked it
between his teeth. The sting quickly morphed into bliss. She wanted so much
more but she didn’t have the voice to ask for it. She didn’t have too. His
fingers continued their steady withdraw and retreat, faster and harder, and this
time when her body drew taut with her impending orgasm he didn’t stop her. He
petted her through it and once her shudders subsided, he loomed over her, his
cock pressing against her pussy. He waited until she met his gaze then thrust
home. It felt so good, beyond pleasure and pain, she cried out. He froze.

“Don’t you dare stop,” she managed to
croak out.

But he didn’t follow her order.

“Is that what you want?” he asked
seriously. “To be in charge in our bed?”

She caught her bottom lip between her
teeth and thought it over. She hadn’t ever really wanted to be the dominant
partner in bed, but neither had she wanted to go fully submissive. It was a
surprise to find she liked it, didn’t want him to stop what he was doing. She
shook her head.

“I don’t want to be in control.”

“Good,” he growled, rolling his hips.
Teasing her. “I can’t help being dominant, baby, but I’ll make you feel good. I
don’t get off on pain.”

This time she froze. Great. So now she
was a perv. Why the hell had he asked in the first place? She turned her head
to her side but he gripped her chin and made her meet his gaze.

“It isn’t pain when it gives you
pleasure, baby. If it didn’t do that for you, it wouldn’t do anything for me.
I’m explaining badly.”

“No. I get it,” she said. “Because I
like it, you like doing it.”





This time she didn’t complain when he
moved, even though his strokes were gentle and lazy. Kaje took her hands, laced
their fingers together, the need to touch every inch of her primal and inborn.
Pressed together, legs entangled, his cock harder than he’d ever been in his
gods damned life. He didn’t know how much more he could take of this but he
needed her with him every step of the way. So he watched her as he rocked in
and out. Waited until her eyes began to haze before quickening his strokes. She
clenched around him and he damn near came right then.

“Don’t do that. Unless you want me to
come without you.”

“It’s not my fault you feel so good.”

He stared at her, resisting the urge to

“I was wrong. You’re a vixen not a sea

laugh, squeezed the hands that held hers above her head. “Apparently, I’m not
very good at it, because you are not doing anything with your cock. Or anything

“What else should I do?” he asked, not
that he would.

He was the one in charge in this bed and
they both knew it. He wanted to know everything that turned her on, though. She
bit her bottom lip and blushed.

“You could suck on my nipples again,”
she said, voice hesitant. He leaned down and took one hard tip between his
lips, sucked hard. She bowed her back and her cunt grew slicker around him,
convulsing again. He released her with a gasp.

“Are you going to talk dirty to me every
night?” he asked only half teasing, before returning to taste the other nipple.

“If this is what it gets me? Hell yeah.”

She wiggled her hips, and figuring he’d
pushed her as far as dared for one night, he gave her what she wanted. Hard,
fast, definitely rough. But he was still in control. With a final lick, he
lifted his head to meet her gaze. So much need and pleasure in her eyes, and
he’d put that look there. He released her hands, moved one of his to stroke the
side of her throat while the other slid between their bodies to find her clit. Her
eyes grew cloudier, her body tenser, and when he squeezed her clit she exploded
in his arms. Her cunt contracted around him and he fucked her through it,
trying to hold back his orgasm, but it was a lost cause.

“Mine,” he growled.

It was panic not acceptance he saw in
her eyes. If he wasn’t in the grip of the best orgasm in fucking life, he would
have protested. He settled for the next best thing, found that sensitive hollow
between her shoulder and neck that tempted him so damned much and bit her. He
sucked her skin hard, catapulting her into another orgasm. It felt like a long
time later before he had the strength to roll to the side and pull her into his
arms. She was still and quiet and it worried him. He didn’t want her
manufacturing reasons she shouldn’t be with him.

“Well, think you can walk?” he teased.

She laughed, relaxing against him, and
he exhaled a long sigh of relief. “Not a chance in hell.”

He ran his hand down her spine and when
she moaned and relaxed even more, he did it again. Her breathing evened, the
heart pounding against his slowed, and he brushed the hair off her face. She
murmured a sleepy protest when he maneuvered them into a more comfortable

“Don’t worry, baby,” he whispered.
Promised. “I’m not going anywhere.”




He woke alone, though he didn’t panic.
The bond was far from complete but he still felt Parker.
Quiet. Subdued. He was half surprised she
hadn’t fled as soon as she woke up. He would have chased her, of course. Scowling,
he rose and walked naked into the main room. Her eyes widened when she caught
sight of him, her gasp audible. He sauntered closer, not at all opposed to
using sex to break down the barrier around her heart.

“Like what you see, baby?”

Donning a look of complete indifference,
she turned back to the cook top and he finally registered her attire. Lady Rona
had been busy. Parker was wearing tan, deep red, and the dun colored boots many
priestesses adopted. A blade and a sleek, though lethal, laser pistol sat on
the end of the center island. A comm unit rested nearby and he picked it up, called
up the number, and entered it into his. The silence stretched, only broken by
the sounds of meat sizzling as it cooked.


She glanced at him before turning back
to lift food onto a platter and pour the contents of a bowl into a skillet.

“It looks like bacon and eggs. Hope it
tastes the same,” she said with her back still to him. “Aren’t you getting

Not when she was acting so damned
strange. Instead of demanding answers, he waited her out. When she scooped the skillet’s
contents into a dish and turned to set it on the center counter, he intercepted
her, moved the food to a safe place, and pulled her into his arms.

BOOK: Irresistible (Delroi Prophecy)
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